Fall Dress Goods. New arrivals in Dress Goods, makes our assortment better than ever. Wool Poplins, in plahn colors, very ser viceable material 35c yd Fancy JMohairs. in green, blue and gmy, a special at 3Fc yd New Satin Soleils, in grey, green and brown, self atiipe goods, the pret tiest gcods of the season at.. l?l.i,r yd at Flood's ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. ReachingtheSpot To Can Be Done, So Scores of Albany Citizens Say. To cure an aching back, 'The pains of rheumatism, The tired-out feelings. You must roach thd spot get at the cause. In most canes 'tis the kidneys, boun's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys. James Grcehalgh, formerly of 707 E. Fifth St. Albany, Ore., says: "Early in the winter I had an attack of sciatic .rheumatism and as I had always been a healthy man it seemed very severe. The often extended into my limbs. I . thought that treating the kidneys would be the best method to get roller anu as Doan's Kidney Pills were highly recom- n enueu, i uuiuuieu tiupiv. inn jmo Degan 10 lessen suuu inter i uuiiiiuciitKu .the use ot tnis remedy and ipiocurca a second box. I had only started its use when the last trace of the trouble -disappeared and 1 gladly say that I have been free from it sinca. " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MilliuiTi Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agonui for th. United SLates. Remember t'.. name Doan's and talto .no other. lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday even ing. Fred Richmond, Commander. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manznnita Circle 1st und 3rd Mondays, Anna Strom, G. N. Modern Woodmen meot every 2nd and 4t,h Wodnosdiv n Hussards' Hall. Chant Fiioman, Clerk. Royal NoigliDoiM men. every ui . 3rd Wednesdays in Uussara s Alice IviitK, Rccordor. Hall. mmm LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, ! wnen cleaned by our methods of dry denning, aro made to look just as good as made to ,ook just as new. Waists and dresses of delicate c dors and ma terial we renovate to tho delight of the owner. We also dyo my garmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SIIELlKY. Prop. W 1st St. nil Phone black 27 Home nhouc 193 E. L. UW1PHREY Cement Contractor. i'huneUed :WS1. Res.l2iMnti;omerySt "strayed: A horse and a yearling colt strayed fr. ni my pasture Tuesday ninht. Sept. List The horse is brown, weighs about 11 fill pounds and has both bind shoes on. The colt is prown. heavy set, has two white feel and white snots on forehead ami nose, with mane ahoiit four inches long. Will pay a reward of $1!.' for the return of the horse. A. I'. Hal-rke. Lebanon. Ind. phone 2 IS. LCVIRGIMA v:U-Wt:AlX Osteopathic PhysLian. Rooms 15 and 17 Brenner Bl . , Albany Phone, Bell Black 21 81 ; i . i V. '' fKWwWrV Agents tor Stanard Patterns. Reduced ates in Effect. Tickets wi'i hp po'rj on the certificate plan at reduc-! rates to meetings noted helow. Full far going, one third fae returning, provide! flfcy or more' have attended tne meeting: Annual conference. Congregational church, Eugene Oct. 19th to 22. State Federation of Womens Clubs. Forest Grove, Oct 14 to lfith. U. S. National Guard Association, Los Angeles Sept. 2?ln to 29th. October 19th to 22nd, 1909, to Rose burg, Oregon Baptist State Convention, Portola Festival, San Francises. Oct. 19th, 23rd, round trip $26.70 on sale Oct 15th 16th and 17th, only limited tro- Oct. gjs). Nt stop overB. Apply Union depot for full rrofbrma ft. K. Montgomery. 4getit. "Had dvspensw or tnrtig-testivm- for and wbivt I did years INo appetite, eat distressed me terriblv. Httrdock Blood Bitters cured me. "J. H. Walker Sunburv, Ohio. If you are going to travel get the American Bankers Assoetatiott Trav ellers checque,int0.00, ?20.00 or $50.80 denominations, payable t ten thoiisail banks, or i.t any hotel orrailroad office. For sale by J. W. Cusick & Co... Bankers, I Holt Again for your meats of all kinds, andlpthe Metropolitan Market 1 next clci i' f'r tho latest and best in fruits n:id .egeiables. CALLS "MORE PEOPLE" l'ass lliu word to your relatives and frieuds to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from the East September 15 to October 15 VIA THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON), From Chicago ,$33.00 St.Louis 32.00 Omaha 55.00 ' St. 1'aul 25 00 " Kansas City 25.00 PARES CAN BE PRPPAO Deposit thenmountof the faro with the nearest U. K. . N. o- s. I . Agent, and ticket will he delivered in ; the East without exrtu cost. Send us tho name and address of any one interested in the Slate for I Oregon literature. Wrn. McMurray General Pnssengcr Agent, I'llllTLANI), OHK. For Summer Girls We handle dainty waists and skirts and lingerie with the care thov tU serve. Let us show you. Magnolia Steam Laundry. Bot! Phones 50 CARPENTER AND PAINTER; If yui want your homo rnintod. Ue-! i;tiieJ or a tn-w in' built K'vo us :i "till. 1 .M. KIUK, Albiny, Ou. ii ouio riu'in'. C H NEWS Deeds recorded: KreU Brummer to M. A. Drinkard 8 lots Tangent $ 1C00 D. J . McLardy to J. B. Cougill 85 by 110 feet bl 38 Albany.... 10 i -a. Wells to G. L. and C. E. Brown 49.94 acres 1 D. M.Jones to Maria A. Smith lot Sodaville 175 Amanda Shelton lo M. P. Lung aero ,,, , 9C Probate: InVentnry filed in estate of Perry Hyde: Linn county property 12, 513.65, Lane $5U05. 1389 hunters licenses. Religious United Presbyterian. W. P. White. Minister. Sermon at 10:M a. m. "The path of the righteous is as the dawning lizht. that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." Evening sermon at 7:30, "The cruse that never fails." Bible School atll:45. Christian Endeav or at 6:30. The Home Telephone Comp- j any win giaoiy transmit inese services to the sick. St. Mary's church. Rey. Arthur Lane, Rector; Rev. A. Servais, Assist ant. Sunday services at 8 and 10 30 The choir will render a program of ii k p ,u i ociuMii win gifcn uuiu iuo K5 of the clay. Evening service at 7:30 at . whifh thp riMQtnr u'ill nfTvj-ir.to nml I preach. The public is catdlall invited. c. R Mnnrn nf F.orpnB w.l) nnnnlv tne milrat at the Christian chu7eh for Rnv A hvn Esson tomorrow hnth morn, inc and evening. Mornrncr Suh '. "How We Walk by Faith" II Cor. 5:7. Illui- trated from science. Evening theme: "The School of Christ". rirst Presbyterian chuich,.Kev. r. n. Gese!r?,,t; Mm'at"- Morning ser- v.uo xv.ou, uiciitc. So ii Prophets: No Compromise on'tfissentialr Specil music. Even in service7:3C. timely '1ooi-k a Message t ionnff Endeavor. 3:00; Chrratian Endeavor So ciety 6:30. A cordial invitation and hearty welcome to every ona: Grace Presbyterian Preachinf? serv ices H.OOa. m. and 7:Kp: m., by the pastor Rev. i: C. Elliott), morning sub ject "Rest", the evening subject "ttlnthusiasm"'; Sunday School 9 a. m. jonior C. E. S p. m., Senior and inter mediate G. B. :4S'p: mi The interane-! diaite' wrll' meet in the moiiBe. I M . E church notice Cor. 3rd and 3Jl- worth. Rev. W. S. Gordon's theme at 10':30 will her In the World but not of It and at 7:30: Lessons from-a Gallilean Storm Sunday sehool Ilil5. Junior League 3' &'ciacte. Epworth League 6:W with an interesting topic. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. A cor i.al welcome to-all these services. Rooms for Rent. Ail! finished' and iiearty for usp,-. some- fine ofiice rooms, in tho new Will &. Stark block. See Dr. Stark. WHEN SOB ARHlSltfc. You nee-d the best drugs money dan buy; you jet just this kind from wt, pure, fresh, clean drugs that give tno- desired Jesuits. Bring us your prescriptions. Oiw-prices are correct. Beikkhart & JLj:e. Constipation rausesnendache, xuusea. dizziness, languor, ketrt palpitation- Drastic Bhvsies erice. sicken, weaken. the bowel aroidon' t cure. Doan's Keg tlot3 act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. The Crest Tjtmalio3, Tamalies. Try ono of our boneless chicken tarn; nlipa Nnnp hpttpr in lhA nit-v. Oysters served any. stvle, also, light i Hundred atuars tor any case :. rails to unches (cur. Setd for circulars andi testiston- Both Phones. 316 West 2nd, j. CBT& CO., Ttoledo, O. " j Soldbv Di-ugRists. 75c. Get Meyer Vacuum,' 3Ia0kn?Ba!,'sf'aK,i,y Pills tor "aBki- QSeaner. j Th OlivType witer. To clean your house this Fall, tho ' machine that gets the dirt. dasohne power. : Have your beds n-d on all kinds of'i Furniture the Onward Siding Furniturt- Shoe und throw away the casters. Leave orders at frntt's furmtuio- stitre. D. B. ADAMS. Home Phone Black 352. A Snap in Land if taken soon. E. A. CHAMBERS, R. F. D. a. WE have r.o State Deposits, nor do we accept any de posit, whore special security has to be pledged. This means that we havn no preferred creditors and that your deposit has the same security that all have. We have invested assets worth mire than $L00.wH).00 and this would have to be dis sipated before depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J. W. CUS1CK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. Dealer in choico meats of all kinds,. MISFITS. Clear to the depot on pavement. Come on Mr. Oregon Electric, you are wanted. Portland papers show bad taste in knocking tho Seattle fair. Bet Dr. Cook climbed ML McKinley, too. just as he has said b.9 did, Ti.e usj.1 hunting signs were up over the country, but that is all it amounted tj. No state is ahead of Oregon in educa tional matters along general lines. Its standard is high. Last day of the great A. Y. P. E., Whlth has been a success and a Bplendid cuing lor tne wnoie nortnweit. Linn coffrfty had some fine public school exhibits at the Seattle fair. which received medals, but the four glasses of jolly were tne only indus i iriai uioyiayu. Marion, Benton, will have displays Polk and Yamhill at the apple fair, 1 warm after the first prize. This fair j9 goin(r to do much t0 brln(, the wila mette Valley to the tirono as an apple Section " . About every paper in She Valley has mentioned the Albany appleiair. Gen- erally they appreciate the- fact that such a fair is a booster for She whole Tallev. Only one paper has asked for pay for the great work, one- at Inde pendence. , ?he O. A. C. foot ball team iff m a ba(1 wav m one re8pect but in a good ,, in another, for Coach MetzgaT is Haonrir, tn hniiri oloo n tpm of men ho wi behve themselves. and that is better than a winning team of chumps. GASOLINE BURNS FATAL. Boatma Tries-to RefiH Tank With Lighted Lantern in Hand. EVerett,. Wash... Oct. 8 While gaso line was being transferred from one fishing launih to another near Mukil- teo last night, the fumes were ignited by a lantern and Eldon Graham was burned to aeauv His companions,. JL Everett Graham and F. Francis Alkys were burned but escaped death by leaping into- the wat er Graham- is in a hospital here All he men are from Seattle. Heetth1 tiornes- on- the Ocean. It ib aow time for you to ecrrtract for your residence on the OCEAN for next year. Sity choice lots, more or less, -in Newport, Ore. tone of the-most pop-: ' ular Summer and Winter resorts.) for sale or will exchange them, for other . good property; will assist buyers with : tunas to nuiia nomes on tnenv. Address M. S. Woodcock. Terrains, Ore. tl J There is- more ualarrh m thw section : o the country than- all other deases ' put together, and- until the- last few years was-supposed to be incurable. V or a great many yearcdoctors pronounced -it a. local disease and- prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to j cure wich local treatment, pronounced : it incurable; Science has- proven ca i tarrh to be a constitutional disease and j therefore uequires- constitutional treat i raent. Ball's Catarrh Cure; manufact ' uued ly F. J . Cheney & Coi Ohio, is the- only constitutional cure on the ! market. It is taken internal in doses ; fram 10 drops to a teaspoofuli It acts j directly on the blood-and mucous sur- saoes- or the- system. 1 Hey olter one Best en'the mrjket. F;rst National BhI,k people have five. AJbanv College fv. Thirt-i-fivn iimd in Ahlsm. Uee thr-new tatulator aad ruling d'e I jce. S15 cash,, then I'c per day. pay- ai,, . nv-.nthly. See one at Steward Sox Hmiw re Co. t'hoaa J1S. Home Pkone. Never can tiel! wliesi you'll mash a tinger er suffr a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas Ecleetric Oil instantlv relieves the pain --uwly cures the vraund, Old and Reliable Thirty-eight years of steady growth are significant endorsement of the careful management and courteous service of the time-tried Bank. Assets over one million dollars FJHST NATIONAL BANK A bavints Account in the name of your boy and girl will teach them a knowledge of business and a habit of saving that they can acquire in no better way. I.Vircsl paid on Savings accounts FiSST SAV5MC3 BAKK Owmd and operated by the stockhold ers of the first National Bank. Imported Brasses ! New Designs and Shapes ! At the Right Prices. Always at Chas. Knecht's At the Hotels. K. W. Bell, Corvallls. D. A. McPherson. Corvallis. J. H. Anthony, Portland. Paul L Gadsen. P.rtUnd. W. B. Pepper, Salem. L. B. Wood and wf, Manistique, Mich. P. C. Barfield, Salem. L. D. Andrews, Corvallis. Miss M Shier, Gates. A. W. Bowersox, North Pule. N. L. Cront and dau. Olney, 111. W. H. King, Woodbarn. Geo. R. Hyslop, Corvallis. I. G. Riches, Hot Springs, S. D. K. A. Manning, Portland. J. A Brown, Eugene. F. H. Dean, Baker City. 3. H. Armstrong and wf, Boston. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE ONE HALF YOUR OIL BILL? Then buy an IXDEX INCANDES CENT KEROSENE BURNER. Fits any lanrp-, simple in (ronstruction, easy to liglit'ftiid no parts to get out of or der. PiKlGHTER THAN INCAN DESCENT GAS L3GHT. Barns mantle ot special durability. No blacking or carbonizing of mantle. jSo odor. Iie noise. Absolutely safe. FOUR TIMES AS BRILLIANT AS AN ORDINARY BURNER. Ask your dealer: If he docs not carry them, write few descriptive circular and prices ttv SIcCully Bsos & Co,. County Agents,. Halsey, Oregon. DESERT LAND. Parties interested: in 320 acre Desert land tracts and 333 acre ."Enlarged Homesteads situated in the beautiful Kammah Valley, Cro k county, please call upon Owen Beam, 432 Weil First strat. We have jiisa returned trom this- valley and have made a complete survey and cruise of the most desir able- claims. Party leaves in a few days. V. r. HA.MiM.xK-. uvviiiS rstAiu. EQUALIZATION NOTICE The- County Board of Equalization will meet at the office of the Co-mty Clcrl:,. Monday, October 18th, l3!i and lrnriain in session six days for the purpose .of publicly examining. sh&- assessnien; roll anu to correct all errors in valuation, description or qualitic of land, lots or other proper j ty, and' ail! persons interested are here by notiiinl to appear at thri appointtd. time ami place, and if it shall appear: to said ioard that any land, lots, or." otiier property be assessed twice or assessedin the name of any person or. persons not the owner thereof, or as sessed under or beyond its value, or' any land, lots or other property not assessed;, they will make the proper correction d. b. Mcknight, County Assessor. Don't buy that property without an abstract? Don't buy something that is similar in some ways to "A cat in a bag"' know just y.,u are investing vour money in by having an abstract made of ihe parcel by us. i rne cost compared with the amount involved but a trifle-and is money well invested. Linn L-UUr I i AdiiKAL.ri.Ui Estimates given on Plastering, Side walK aod Cement Work. J. F.TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia Si. ;cffs Ssnial-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation orl'atAirbof tin Bladder find Iirwastil Kid tii-j-B. HOOBREHOFAY. Cu-KM nicK ly fin a MnuAncncT mv rural rssi'S of Gonorrboci and CJlrrt, no matter til how 'otic Bt;indinR. A teolatel j nr)llPM. 8tiM by druggist. lrin 41 fin Kv m a tl J pHid, Sl.tO, 3 boxes, 9W SASTAL-PEPSIhCt. BcUctonUlu, Obi For ale bv"Barkhrt A Le TTlNESE DOCTOK J. Mon FooTan experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or w:te him at No. 110 West Sscmd it . Albany rv Jim w tSTFALl.. n 10MS & IIGYI.VE R 33l Estate and Insuran It jy and sell realty, insure prop erty ami transact loans, large or small timber tracts. GementWork i-.v a (7 V i v. . 1 he Market. Wheat 85c, Oats 40c. pork dressed 0c; on foot 7c. uuru loc. Eggs 32c. ' hickens on foot 10c. Hurna 1ft- in Oftn Biaa tWa amma shoulders 12 to 15c, nutter 30c to 35c. Hour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes lc oer Bl Hay, from $7 for some clover to $14 for the best timothy. Reopened. The City Fish Market has reoped again at 109 Lyon street Albany, Ore. We will ht.ve on hand all kinds of fresh FISH.CLAMS. OYSTERS and CRABS, also a full lin of Salt and Smoked Fish. Everything new and clean. CASH PAID FOR POULTRY. Yours for Business, CONRAD SCHEUBLL. 30 Days Trial The Willamette Valley Co. has re ceived fifty electric irons, which will be sold on thirty days trial, for only $3.51 A iplendid thing for the ironer. F. .: Will for watches HINGLES. Mads- in Albany my Mo I Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $lv25- upwards. EVery biuieb branded with my name, took for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We us- eai Ary kilm. W'e keep tie beat of all kinds S ur-foe figures CITY LUMBER YARD WILKINS & SON. A. STARK, M. D FW'YSIOJAN AND SURGEON W1LL.& STAJJK IBLOCK, ABANT DR. MARYMARSWIL, Osteopathic Physlciarn 226 BtoadalbinStreet, Albany.. ; Blactc Phone 482. HA. LEININCER DENTIST Crawtord Block, Albary DH. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist WILL & STARK BLOCK,. ALBANY DENTIST . Rowns 6 and 8, Brenner Rlock. Home i'hone 359. Bell Black 2431 J. G. Crawford's Wiotograph Gallery Is m the New Albany State Bank Build ing, second floo, with a complete equipment for picture takimg of all kinds. HURRY UP WAGON, Right on hand any time of the dav or night, transferring baggage a spec- Any kind of wood for sale. Phes-B.e,1' RH 20.1; Home Red 163. Office with Linn and Bentnn Real Estate Co. U. B. MAYBEHRY. TrYoUNC rU ije and Sign Painter, 122 Eerry St. Agent for the C.eveland Go senite roof paint. H mj phane 320. Pacific Red 3092 r i ALSAK IVani's Your ?fro.i3e Telephone Red 671 enacoN