Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 22, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    Of a"tVTI"I7TP TTIHri? THIS
White woolen blankets 10-4 & 11-4 wide, S3.50 to $6.50 pair
Fancy woolen blankets-bound with silk, 83.50 to $5.50 pair
Cotton blankets, tan, white and grey with fancy borders, 10-4 to
12-4, 50e to $9m.
Good comforts of while cotton and good quality silkoline, $2.00
Pillows, good quality art ticking, 200, $2.50 and S3. 50 pair.
Call for the stock number and we
will be pleased to show y.ou the new-
The latest in Hair Ornaments, back "l u f """ . f
, G. 204, Gun Metal, good last
combs, barsetts, etc. Jet, dark and blucher $3.50
I G. B. 215, same last, button 4.00 ,
light celluloid and grey celluloid for, , t M,,.i, I 15 lbs Sugar
elderly people. Many styles and Oxblood 4.00 : 20 lbs Rolled Oats 1.00
u x Kiitrnn. n.itenr i.uu
F. 216, Blucher patent 4.00 I 16 lbs. Jap Rice 1.00
G. B. 302, Gun metal, button 4.50 3 ,bs m;te Bcans im
H. U. 3Ub, Gun metal, Diucner. a.uu
O. B. 307, Oxblood 5.00
T. C. 309, Heavy tan - 5.00
T. C. 310, Tan calf skin 6.00
P. 314, Paten blucher - 5.00
P. B. 320, Button patent..- 5.00
prices. j
Also the latest in Hat Pins Jet,
Cameo and fancy set pins 10 to 50
cents each. 1
12 pkgs Raisins - 1.00
10 lbs. dry peaches 1.00
News From
Albany's Six Early
Tom Richardson took a Pullman on
No. 16 and had his breakfast in the
diner after a -sloppy time in the coun
J. Fred Yates, of CorvalliR. was out
to see his wife return from a San Fran
Cisco visit. Her train was delayed and
it was after 9 o'clock before the Cor
vallis lawyer was made happy.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Young went to
Portland for a short trip.
Rev. W. T. Wardle came down from
Levi West, the Taeoma stock buyer,
formerly of this city, went to Corvallis.
Lawyer Gale S Hill returned from a
Lebanon trip.
J. C. Domvan, the commercial man,
whoal-o rides a motorcycle, left by
rail for Salem and other cities north.
Red Wells was over from Corvallis.
A decidedly warm complaint was filed In Its Semi-Annual Convention'..
by Barney S. Martin, ths Browdsville
lawyer.this Maud H. Lamb-1 The senl-annual convention of the
ert agt. Frank Lnmbert. They were Degree of honor, of this district, con
married in Nov. 1898 in Iowa, and ac : i j t- of L, L Marion and Cor
cording to the complaint the husband' . . . '
was a holy terror, the charges being i vnll" nn Dallas, began in the A. O.
cruel and inhuman treatment, vicious U. W. Hall this afternoon with a fair
and malicious conduct, that the defend-' delegation, somewhat curtailed by the
ant struck plaintilf with his first, that , paesent rain storm
once while drunk he pointed a gun at I The convention was called to order at
her and would have shot but for a 2 o'clock by Mrs. J. A. Shaw, the preai.
sister, that he kicked plaintiff, that dent, with Mrs. O. A. C. Archibald,
onca he deserted her in a house during district secretary in charge of the min
a flood, being surrounded by water, ' utes. Another sessionwill be held ihis
just escaping by wading out with the evening and one tomorrow, forenoon,,
two little children, that onee when she when the semi-annual election of ofli
was sick he made her dig a cellar, that ' cers will take place and the next meet
once he took one of the children, bare- ing plaee.selected.
footed and iumped it up and down in a the business of the convention
At the Hotels.
' G. D. Burdick, Salem.
P. C. Herod, Nashville, Tenn.
K W. Monfoe, " "
Mrs J. hurt. Mill City,
Del Bogart, Portland.
J. C. Fithenry, Worcester, Mass,
A. C. FJy. Seattle.
K. T. Kllison, Vancouver, Wn.
J. S. Tasney, Paterson, N. J'
R. W."McLeod. San Francisco.
Death of Wilmon Vincent.
Wilmon Vincent, of this city, died at
St. Mary's Hospital, during last night,
at the age of fourteen year3, of appen
dicitis apd peritonitis. He was born in
Fort Dodge, Iowa, and has resided with
his folks in Albany or eighteen months.
The funeral service will be held at the
undertaking parlors tomorrow after-
cactus plant, eic.
Deeds recorded:
P. D. Gilbert to G. T. Hockon
smith & wf lot bi 91. $
S. G. Simon toG.T. Hockensmirh
& wf 60 by 120 feet bl 55 Albany
J G. Smart to J. O. Hoyt IGOa..
B. Newton to Emil Hugg &wf80
Dr. E. O. Smith to J. Frank Wat
son World's Fair and Free Gold
Claims Santiam district
M. J. Queener to J. G. Hill five
parcels. .
Mary E. McCoy by Sheriff to Z.
T. McHargue 4 lots Brownsville
Patents J. O. Hoyt and J. G.
8 J
almost entirely private, being the lodge
work uf the order.
1500 '
To be warm and comfortable by plac
ing one of our heating stoves in your
bed-room, sitting-room or parlor. We
have a large assortment of Heating
Stoves. Everything from little $2.00
air to the tall round oaks.
Our Fashs and Trilbys are an orna
ment to any parlor.
Call and seethem.
No. 21 350 acres, 300 acres all in
cultivation, 50 acres in good saw
timber and pasture, good hop yard
on place and produces 2400 lbs hops
per acre. Most all A No. 1 bottom
land and will grow anything. This
is one of the most productive farms
in the state. Buildings good, and
running water the year round. I
can at this time give you a bargain
on this place. Terms can be made.
No. 22170 acres closejto Albany and
R. F. D. station, most all in culti
vation, fair buildings, 60 acres in
clover, fine fruit land, and is situat
ed well for dividing into small
I No. 23 50 acres, all beautiful land.
small house, good barn, O acres A
1NO. I apple orcnaru; an in cultiva
tion. School close to place.
I have some small tracts of good land
close to Albanv. with or without
buildings. Call at my office for in
formation. J. V. PiPJi,
203 West 2nd St.
Good for Lane County.
J. C. Holt, secretary of the Lano
County Fruit Growers Association, has
written Fruit inspector Cooper, of the
apple fair committee that Lane county
will be at the fair, with the best display
-of appleb to be Becured there, present
ing both a county exhibit and a number
of individual displays.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 57-48.
The river is 1.1 foot but will nsw rise
with a jump, and there will be a boat
ing stage hereafter,
Rainfall .70 inch.
Prediction: occasional rain tonight
and Thursday.
Circuit Codrt:
Application J. W. Cusiek lo register
title to 108 acres 10-3 W. L. M. Curl.
Articles incorporating the Reeves-1
Clark Department Store of Lebanon. I
Capital stock $25,000. Incorporators ,
A. M. Reeves, F. L, Clark, Mary J. !
, Walter Speed was appointed admin
I istrator of the estate of Geo. A. Flan-
I ders.
1492 hunters licenses.
Fine Wall Paper
One of the largest and best selected
stock of Wall Paper in Oregon can be
found at our store. Bright, clean pat
terns to select from; new shades in
Brown and Olive. Our time is ycur
time. Our prices are correct. We
ask you to call and see the lines
urkhart & Lee.
No. 1 'Good house of 7 rooms, 7th St.
West Albany; large lot; is a bar
gain. Price $1800.00.
No. ?. 2 cottages, East Albany, price
$800.00 each.
No. 3 Good house of 7 rooms and
some furniture with it, 2 lots,' also
barn, East Albany. Price $1400.00.
No. 4 Good 5-room house and 2 nice
lots. Price $1600.00. East Albany.
No. 5 Good 2-story house of 6
rooms, barn and buggy shed, East
Albany. Price S210U.UU. :
No. 6 Good house of 6 rooms, with 3
lots. West Albanv. Price $2300.00.
No. 7 Good 8-room house, bath and
electric lights, lot 50x100 ft, situat
ed on Montgomery St. Price $3000.
I No. 8 Nice house of 8 rooms and 2
I beautiful lots, well located, and a
I lucrative business in connection
I with it. This is a snap if taken
soon. Call and see me for mforma
' tion. J. V. PIPE,
' 203 West 2nd St.
f Las Sana y
The best to be seemed in
Watches and ail kinds of
Jewelry -
Albany Supply
! Company
In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts,
confection- ry, wrapping paper, twine
and paper bags.
We also have the agency for Pyramid
and Golden uate cement, Olympic lim-,
Arden plasier. Get prices befjre buy
Cash paid for eggs.
Foot Ferry Street, Albany.
Phones, Msin 5 Bell, 3 Home.
Have a eood list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure inlshow
in' No trouble to us. No expense to you.
H lefoie ninseeua. S-e it all. Ta'e your choic. Get the best.
Oii.ce 236West First ?t;
& SON,
Sanitary Plumbers and Sheet
Melal WorRers.
Our patron are assured of ntrictl
first-class work, prompt service ar.
reasonable priceB.
Eave-trough, conductors, roofing an.
general lobbii.g. bpecitications lu
Light Lunches.
Have Incorporated,
Articles have been filed incorporating
the Oregon Title and Trust Co. with
Geo. H. Crowell, CbaB. H. Weider,
Harry M. Hawkins and Jos. M. Hawk
ins as incorporators. The capital stock
is $100,000. The new company is com
posed of hustlers from the jump off,
ana proposes to push the business of
abstracting, with a big field among im
pefect titles for work.
Today's Assessment Kick.
There was one big kick before the
board of equalization' todav, J. W.
Morrow for O. & C., bettor
known as the S. Pi, who asked that the
assessment on the railroad be reduced
from $38,000 to $20,000. though last
year's assessment, $30,000 would be acceptable.
MiBS Davis of the Davis-Shedd store,
Shedd, was in the city today.
A. J. Caldwell, the Staytori stocking
and hose maker, was'in town today.
Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Peterson of To
ledo, are in the city on a visit the
guests of Mr. and Mrs E. E. Warford..
Mrs. Jas. tailing of Portland, ar
rived this noon on a visit at H. F, Mer
rill's, while on her way to the Baptist
convention at Roseburg.
Mrs. W. F. Bundy, of Independence,
a former resident of Albany, daughter
of C. E. Ingram, a pioneer citizen, now
dead, was in the city today.
Mrs. Neff, of Medford, arrived this
noon, from Seattle, on her way to
Coburg, for a visit with Mrs, Mida
Jackson, before returning home.
Mr. A. C. Schmitt of the First Nation
al, and brother Gustav, of Portland, are
over on the Pacific hunting and fishing ,
somewhere down around Waldport.
Mrs. Frank Vaugn and Mrs. Will
Craft, of Lyons are visiting at the
home of N. H. Wheeler, while attend
ing the district convention of the De
gree of honor.
Dr. Marks, of Hulsey, was in the city
today. He reports Halsey also a big
sheep shipping center, and doubts if
Albany ships more, Cummings & Tay
lor, of that city doing a large business.
;n buying and selling stock. '
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Brenneinan ar
rived last night from Seward, Neb.,,
and will make tilth home near this city.
Mr. Brenneman was here four years
ago, and took back home with him an
Oregon young lady, a sister of the
Mishler Brothers.
F.G.Wili for watches.
Rooms for Rent.
All finished and ready for use, soma
fine office rooms, in the new Will &
Stark block. See Dr. Stark.
Oysters, Oyster
The season is here. Try H. Hoflich .
lor anytning you want. All styles, re
tail and in bulk.
FOR SALE. Mountain wagon and
lieht wagon, Call at R. A. Murphy's.
1 Feed Store. 20t4
Former Location
Onrjnew stock is full and complete and stricrlyup-to-date.
Immediately after the fire 60 days ago, weJplacJd the
orders for new goods with the best knownmanufacturers.
They have row arrived by fast5freight. and express, and'are
now leinj elected out for display.
Jnltho future our f cliiy will'be the same as heretofore:
To caterto the trade that apprecVes honest values,'ntithe
lowest possible pricey.
The ublic is cordially invited to look the new" styles andjcoloro
'Everything for Men."
The Blain Clothing Ca
Try ti.
imates ihteilaly tiin.
01 E, Fint i 1. Eil T to