Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 22, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Spreading the Uospel of Get
The great and only Tom Richardson
and Wallace R. titrable, of this city
went to Brownsville yesterday after
noon and addressed an enthusiastic
meeting of boosters of that city last
night. Brownsville people are tnor
oughly in earnest and propose to keep up
with the pace set through the valley.
Big improvements are being made in
the city ana many more are iu yIUO'
That convict hunt down around Buenn
Vista has been a fierce one. As a re
sult one convict, George Wright, a
former Eugene man, i dead, and two
Duncan and Albert Kerris.are seriously
wounded. Two are still at large, Mike
Nitchatich and Albert Murray. Super
intendent James has charge of the hunt
Wright was killed by Sheriff Grant,
the ball going directly between his eyes.
Corvalus, Oct. 18. Deputy McGin
nis, J. W. Ingle and Chief of Police
Welis, left at noon in a wagon noith to
Luckiamute. The comicts are report
ed in the north of Benton county.
Salem, Oct. 18,-It'a doubtful if
eight convicts wcunded will recover,
their cases Deng aimvsi, uupcicsa.
Late this afternoon word was re
ppiverl from Jefferson that! the two
! remuining escapes had been sighted
mere; dui it is uui
Score IS to 0 Should
Been Double That,
It alwavs enthuses a people to have
Tom Richardson around, and no doubt
Brownsville will feel the impulse A
monev raising meeting will be held
next week, with $1500 as the mark.
Mr. Richardson had also been at Eu-
nana SnrintrRelH. Oeswell and ROS6
Burg! carrying the gospel of boost and
helping to raise money. Whether big j gve mei fr0m
places like Albany ana orvanis ur i authorized.
towns like Creswell and Eugene it is ( . , . , .
all the same to Richardson, he does his
best, in his inimitable way. . I Judge Magers, of Portland, has been
One trouble just now is that there is in the city today,
a feeling that it is coming this way Mr Robert Pomeroy, of Portland, is
anyway, and some think that the other vjsic;ng at his father's,
fellow whose prosperity has been Henry Cleefc is lying critically illwith
great y increased shou d put up more. d"e"7aVhis Thome on First street
t u -o ia Rank Examiner Steele and ir. oen-
XV&&&Sie in his nelt.of Portland, spent Sunday in Al
sffr..Q (ka mhnla nf Orwonn which banV.
means great things for Portland ' Rev. J. L. Acheson, came up from
Portland this noon to see his motner,
Pnruaiiu u tn bo Ipft nflf the main seriously ill.
line of the Oregon Electric, and the Hon. Virgil Uarter 01 Benton coumy
Commercial Club is asked to get busy left this afternoon on a trip to Rose-
and learn why. On the wrong side of burg.
the Willamette. Mrs. Jennie Brown has returned from
Gypsy smith last nignt iook nneen a visit wi'h Miss Sue Howard at tsai-
The Alco foot bull team won its first
jameof foot ball Saturday
f eating the Independence team, with sev
tral college men. including the famous
Floyd Williams, in line. Some of the
Albany men had hardly practiced,
making a somewhat ragged game. It
showed splendid material for a fast and
strong team. The score was 18 to O.all
made in the first half of 25 minutes.
At least that much should have been
made in the second half.
Eugene Dooley playeu a strong full
hack. Paul Uriver, practically with
out practice did great work at half and
kicked all three goals. Clyde Ward at
the other half, without any practice did
well. Nelson Wilbur kept his head at
quaner. Victor Yates was the star
man in the line, though all did good
work. Barnes and Schumate at ends,
Merrill at tackle and South, Meinert
and Ellis at guard, with Flo in center
Patterson was oil tne line.
The trame was a SDlendid experiece,
and will mean a good deal for the next
The penalties were numerous ana
Albany generally suffered. Dunlapand
Van Marter officiated.
The attendance was small.
News from Albany's Six Early
By the Man About Town.
An auto party down at the cast end
of First street hunting for the road to
dalem. They finally had to come back
to Main street and get another start.
The Albany fathers have a big job on
hand laying out streets, building
walks and cross-walks, etc., down
there, and it is time It was Btarted iu
A good manv new houses going up
beyond Main street, and pains taken to
make property look well.
Two wonderful transformations, the
L'n.versalist church into a modern
-tructure. and the old Isom house at
First and Canal into a pretty residence.
A couple walking hand in hand, and
squeezing to beat the band.
thousand people through the ;red cur
tained district of Chicago.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the duly appointed, quali
fied and acting Administratrix of the
..,,. f Ctr..,lop TTrrnnn ,lprPJl erl .
has filed in the County Court of Linn spent Sunday in Albany the guests of
Pmmtv. Orcirnn. her final account in Mr. Chas. Pfeiffer.
lard Wash.
Foster Gibson, of Portland, spent
Sunday at ihe home of his cousin, Mrs.
P. A. Young.
A. M. Cannon and daughter Carolyn,
of Portland, spent Sunday at the home
of D P. Mason.
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley, of Portland,
County Commissioner Russell came
down from Sweet Home this morning,
bringing with him the ballot box for the
nreirfential election last Nov.. it never
having been delivered yet. A little
late, but Mr. Taft is president just the
Miss Vesta Wallace went to Portland
to see Mrs. Eugene Laforest. who has
been ill for some time, going down on
the local, or wiucn Mr. Latoreat '
the conductor.
That Albany has gotton about as much
paving as it can Keep ciean witn iu
present equipment.
The high school building is up a story.
That looks slow, but it is a big struc
ture ana twenty men are nustnng an
tne time.
Not a water main east of Sherman
street, nor a sewer. what a shame,
Two fclectric Lines.
A Salem dispatch states that Mr.
A. Welch, of the Porthnd and Eugene
and Eastern R. R. announces that work
will begin on the building of the road
between Salem and Eugene within
ninety days. The plan is to parallel
the Southern Pacific most of the way.
The franchise has already been let for
the road through Albany covering Dotn
First and Second streets at the east
end, and Main and Eighth, going out
of the city on Ninth street.
There is also assurance of the exten
sion of the Oregon Electric to Albany
next year. Electric prospects just now
are rapid.
W. J. Henderson's Stamp Mill.
The Democrat has received a prcs
pectus of the California Rapid Stamp
Quartz Mill, issued by the Oakland
Stamp Mill Co., which is of particular
interest to Albany people on account of
the principal men in the Company, W.
Lair Hill, the president, being a brother
of Dr. J. L. Hill, and a former Ore
gonian, and W. J. Henderson, ,tho sec
retary, is a former- Albany man. a
brother-in-law of Mrs. W. F. Pteiffer.
It is said to be meeting with great suc
cess, and as well a demand for a mill of
its character. Mr. Henderson is re-
..iu , ported to have been the inventor of con-
Some of Albany's suburbs must come derable of the mill.
in, ana tne sooner me uebiei. iiicjr
are needed.
More Winners.
Mr. Donivan the Motorcyclist.
J. C. Doniyan, who was fined $25 at
Mr. Ed Schoel'a hogs were not the Corvallis for exceeding the speed limits
on ms
the matter of said estate, and said
Court has fixed the 15th day of No
vember, 1909, at the hour of one
o'clock in the afternoon of said day
for hearing objections, if any there
be, to said account and for the final
settlement of said estate.
Dated this 11th day of October,
In the matter of the application of
Clyde Thomas to register the title to
the following described real property,
Beginning at a point which is south
89 degrees west 20.075 chains distant
from the northeast corner of the Do
nation Land Claim of Sarah Turner
and heirs at law of Nathan Turner,
deceased. Not. No. 5892, and Claim
1 east
nr nnvi war called to Toledo this
afterhoon by the dangerous illness of a
woman and her child.
Mrs. Jesse Loveall, of Lebanon, re
turned home this afternoon after a visit
at her father's, W. A. Cox s.
Miss Mamie McKnight
her school ut Jefferson.
returned to
The new train caller is all right. His
voice is about equal to that of the vet
eran of the Portland depot. We have
a union depot for sure, and the service is
Rectory Dedicated,
The new Catholic rectory was dedi-
. , . - ' lowu Tcavciuav onu .ua unci uvea aa-
Mrs. Ames, department president of . , . t.. - . .,
tk. 1 -Ji. of k. 1 A H irr iveil this v vieoouiK v now
noon on a visit with the Albany ramp, mg were performed by Father Lane
A. H. Sandstrum, of the furniture with the chanting of the liturgical
factory, went to Lebanon this after- prayer. A house warming is being
noon. ' The factory is having to hustle planned for the evening of Oct. 26, and
to meet orders I an informal reception will be held on
Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Williams, ?fl '"the StarTs6 Hteral-y
McMinnville, came over this noon in I society and will serve as a guild roim
the interest of Mrs. Williams' interest , !2le? ?" .-W !' A. J5!k ? ":??J .
in the Hackleman estate.
The Next Game.
1111. LU OUllUOI a IWga ncio hiv - -
only Linn county hogs that made a big on his motorcycle, has been in the city
uuiy iiinii mu.. . 6 to:iav Mr. Donivan savs he has been
winning at the beattle lair. Kcuer a tno from Ua Aneeiea
Bros, of Waterloo showed there the tQ Portland on hia wheel and this was
fine herd of Poland Chinas of Chas. the first time k3 ever h!ld any troubei
Pfeiffer of this city raised on the alwav3 trying to be careful of the rights
Waterloo tarm, ana a Dig sweep was 0, other3- He 9ay9 he wa8 not arrest
made, the total premiums it is declared e(J bu( wnen ne ieamod a warrant was
hogs, the exact figures not being known ( !L...
here, but were over $iw ai me tnree
fairs. i . .
Though Linn county may not nave
had vegetables and fruits there it cer-l , ,. h-h
tainlymadea showing on hogs and The Alcos and the Eugene, high
aheep. school team will play at this city next
Another winner is also reported. A Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, which
comforter made bv Mrs D. M. Walters will mpan a p-nma worth seeing. The
r.F ttiij itv wns exhibited bV her i?.urrnf hicrh RPhnnl tnm ia rtnA of the
daughter, who resides in Seattle, and j,esj school teams in the valley, and it
Mn. Walters has receivea a meuni t i will take playing to beat them. This
it. ' week the Alcos are doing better prac-
- ' ;tice work, smoothing off the ragged
Too Much Buisness for One CreW. edges seen in the Independence game.
Benton Too.
The county court of Banton county is
back of a move to have a splendid dis
play of apples at the fuir at this city,
ana tnere win ne a crowo nere. naroia
" In Its Weekly Session.
The regular meeting of the Alhmy
Commercial Club last night was at
tended by Vice President McCune, in
the chair, Secretary Van Winkle. Mnn.
ager Struble, Treasurer Bain and Dir
ectors Miller, French, Fortmiller, Lee,
Veal, Rawlings, Stewart, Burggraf,
Cameron and Nutting.
A communication was read from
President Lowe of the California Light
and Fuel Co. stating he would be up
through the valley in about a month
and stop at Albany. He is being
Ihe dopot park prospects were discussed.
Also the improvements at the south
end o' Lyon street, and Secretary Van
Winkle was appointed a committee of
one 'o urge action by the S. P. people
before the paving equipment is snipped
to The Dalles;
Messrs. Bownrsox, Fortmiller and
Nutting were appointed a committee on
securing extra rooms for the apple fair
Councilman Miller reDorted that the
council will probablv order lights at
alternate corners on Lyon street.
Having broken the contract the
Barnes souvenir was ordered counter
Tne secretary and treasurer were
requested to present a financial report
at the next meeting.
The yalue of electric lines was discussed.
Hon J. K. Weatlierford was request
ed to present at the next meeting def
inite plans for railroad uuilding out of.
The value of Albany as a trade cen
ter was elucidated.
Business men are requested to dec
orate f oi the apple fair. The colors are
green and blue.
In the lists of estimates on the value
of the awards in the Hackleman estate
Saturday me gave the share of Frank
Hackleman at $11,447. It should have
beeri $17,447.
Phil Cate. son of J. J. Cate. of Oak-
:.. . o ti, f p., vi lie. arrived nome tnis noon irom aeac-
UT 111 lUflllJII , 7, V. l 1(JV . Un mill nnMn & Ihnn,, a. nn1 ln
nf the Willamette Meridian. '. wueie no iuii i . " ""i
Fred Fisher Returning.
U. S.'ConBul Fred Fisher 9ailed from
Japan October 3, on the steamer Tango
Maru, due to arrive in Seattle October
with his mother and brothers
i : .i . ... . c ii'irnrores nunnp- tne lair, ne w i eo a vi:i i
degrees' 37 minutes west 60.35 chains, to the law school at Ann Arbor now. I hugh i and Earl, and has many old-time
thence west 20.20 chains thenre north The eight months' old daughter of ! fiends here who will be glad to see
S Wri 45 minutes east 60.30 chains Mr. and Mrs. C. H. '.
to the norm Boundary line oi saia uo- nay ana was uuneu yeswuuy mi.
n.itinn Land Claim, thence north 89 Frazior resides at 9th and Walnut
degrees east 20.075 chains to the place streets, formerly in the Froman block.
of bemnninc. containing 120 acres,
more or less all in Linn County, Ore
gon, against Susan M. Goodman aiid
all whom it may concern, Defendants.
To All It May Concern:
TAKE NOTICE., that on tins Stn
Mrs. Rev. Smick. of Roseburg. form
erly oi this city, passed through the
city this noon on lur way home from
the convention of women's clubs at
Forest Grove.
Mrs. J. S. Rankin last evening re-
day ot September, A. U. tyuy, an an- ceived a dispatch from Tioga. III., that
prcation was niea py saia v-ryuc her father was dangerously ill, and to
Thomas m the Circuit Court of Linn njght with her gister Mra L. a.
County, Oregon, for initial registra- Bruckman, of Portland, will leave for
iion ui ine line ui me mm n , xioga, to be at his bedside.
or before the 8th day of November,
A. D. 1909, and show cause why such
application shall not be granted, the
same will be taken as confessed, and a
decree will be entered according to the
prayer of the application, and you will
be forever barred from disputing the
Witness my hand and the seal of
the said C;rcuit Court this 28th day of
September, A. D. 1909.
(L. S.) J. W. MILLER,
County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Linn County,
Applicant's Attorney.
A prominent Portland party passed
throun the city last evening in an
auto,while on a hunt through the vulley,
consisting of W. Foster and Dr. i'eo.
Kleiser the sign men, Calvin Heileg
of theatrical fame, C. Allison, S.
G. Beitleu and E. McNary.
Mrs. Maggie Stetter yesterday after
noon irom Z to o entertained
success of his consulor work. one of the
Albany boys who has made go.d out in
the world.
Back from hwa.
J. C. Way returned jesterday from a
business trip to his former home at
Dennison, Iowa. He was gone two
weeks and was on the c?rs every any
while gone. He couldn't get back any
too quick, and is more of an Oregon
booster than ever. When he reached
there his father, who had been ill, was
dead. Ihe weather there washorribie,
snow, fierce winds and the themometer
down to 10 degrees atove zero. He is
glad to be home for sure.
It takes 61 teachers at Salem.
The state Baptist convention will be
large ne' bt Roseburg thii week beginning
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of John W.
Hardman, deceased, by the county
court of Linn county, Oregon. All
persons Laving claims against said
estate arc requested to present the
same to J. J. Whitney, at his office
in Albany, Oregon, properly verified
.as by law required, within six months
from the date hereof.
Albanv, Or.. Oct. 1, 1909.
J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney.
To all persons having claims
.against the c-tate of Ellen Cline, de
.ceased: All persons having claims against
the estate of the above named deced
ent arc hereby required to present
the same to me with the proper
vouchers at the law office of XV. R.
Bilyeu in Albany. Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated this first day oi Oct.. 1909.
Administrator of the estate of Ellen
Cline. deceased. p
Notice is hereby given that the final
account has been filed in the estate of
August Holzfuss, deceased, and by or
der' of the County Court of Linn
County. Oregon, Monday, Nov. 1,
19;9. has been set for hearing objec
tions thereto and fur the settlement of
sa;d estate.
FRED HOLZFL'SS. Administrator.
J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney.
5lbany Peaches.
....... rt ,.F mnmUac, Af tkn naMa
Hunor and Ladies of the Maccabees in ' Multnomah defeated Wiilamette only
honor of Mr. W. W. Rowell, a leading to u. t,apc. waiter tummings,
member for manv years, previous to formerly of this' city, was unable to
her leaving f..r Portland to reside. The play on account of an accident in prac
decorai ions wer lovely and a fine spread . tice.
was appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Rowell ; The Reeves-Clark Department Store
left this afternoon for a fish before go- has been incorporated at Lebanon, with
mg. fcZD.UUU capital stock, ti. L,. (Jlark re-
j cently from Nebraska, has bought con
; siderable stock in it.
j. u. uonivan, n motorcyclist, was
arrested at Corvallis charged with vio
lating the spped limit. Eight mil s is
the limit in Corvallis, and likewise A
Prof. Irving, principal ot the North
Albany sc oil, arrived Saturday from
Virginia The addition to the school is
nearly ready, and work will begin vn
u'er the grade system next Monday.
The Salem Statesman says live hun
dred Sulein people will come to the
apple fair on Thursday the 28th. Goin
to more than g?t even with us for that
big crowd that stormed Salem from
here at the cherry fair.
Albany is the railroad center for sure. I
Business has increased so fast at the
union depot it has become necessary to
put on a night crew in the yard, and
one will begin work tomorrow. 7 p. m.
to 6 a. m.. an all-night shift being
found necessary to keep up with the Rumbauen has been a lending promoter
work. This will reouire the services of in securing the ci.unly exhibit, and it
a yard master, Mr. Kindorf being up- promises to u a nunimer.
nnint-fri tft thp n.isit.ion. engineer, fire- -
man and two switchmen. I Henry A I here la1' thin afternoon for
With a train crier honois are coming Roseburg to attend the Baptist con
thick and fast for the Albany union de- .veBtlon.
pot, the busiest on the line. Miss Grace Povne, n student of Pa.
eific University passed through the citv
A DltS HaV DUSineSS. this afternr.on for Eugene, to attend
i the C"nE".'tr':omil convention,
G. W. Rimnaon. of Portland. hiM been 1 A 'o?'1?? 'Pp'8 !!"! week will be
. . ' '. ' a toot nail game uli t inlay, Willi tin
",c ""-y u" uu""sn niiu uu a viaii. Aic0 cUi. uiam tn tMo jmeup and a
with his mother, Mrs. G. F. Simpscn. strong team ngaihst therAY
Mr. Simpson is in the commission busi Miss Blanche Lingley, Of Forest
ness, making a specialty of hay, and Grove, has been admitted to the bar of
principally timothy and alalfa. Last Oregon, and is being congratulated
year he handled 23.0U0 tons, mostly Better wait i-ntil she gets a practice,
bought up in eastern Washington and , In order to secure the Alco gym for
Eastern Oregon. It takes three warn-' the apple fair a special fbor has to be
houses to meet the large business. Hay laid. The Albany Lumber Co. will help
is high this year, the Peruana price lor Boost oy lurnisnmg tne lumoer tree,
News from Albany's Six Early
H. F. Merrill left on the 4:18 train for
Roseburg, to attend the annual conven
tion of the Baptist chuich, joining his
cousin, James Failing, of Portland, a
delegare from Portland.
H. A. Hinshaw, of the freight de
partment of 'the S. P., arrived on 16
from Eugene, going u.p i) a sleeper.
thus getting an hour ang A P9 9 YV
nrann nnma
down from Hatrisburg.
u. c. mason returned from n com
mercial trip to Corvallis and west side
Prof. E. D. Ressler. of the O. A. C.
Mr. and Mrs. f . H. Colpitts returned
to Gates.
Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Pollock went
north. "
An Ohio Letter.
timothy now being
Whirlwina Out.
The firBt copy ef the Whirlwind for
the present school year blew into the
Democrat office. Under the editorship
of Mr. Earl Fortmiller and the manage
ment of Mr. Park Stalnaker it makes a ! many years
A surprise nai'tv was tendered Miss
Ruth Fisher last, evening ut the home
of her father, city surveyor Hugh Fish
er, by a crowd of he' girl friends. A
fine was hH in games, t' lunch
was served.
Mr and Mis C, W Seats hove moved
from their former home at 62b' E 5lh.
where thov have rrsidul for n good
to the H:l'hn:tun residence
fine showing. Several Btories by the cxt the Episcopal church. M. . Sears
high school girls and numerous bright
takeoffs are given, filling the paper
with spice. The Whirlwind is an ex
cellent exponent of the work and doings
of the schools and deserves a liberal
Off a four year old tree at his home
in this city A. R. MoOy this year se
cured five bushels "f peaches, one at
the Democrat office being 10'j inches
in circumference, a out an ave ajo
one. The tree is 64 inches in ditmuter
and Y s a tprrcd of twenty feet.
Will Soon Be Here,
The celebrated MeCalley entertainers
now touring the Northwest after a trip
abroad and Alaska. Endorsements
from the public and the press show this
company equal to any enteitainers on
the road today. Novel program of
readings, impersonations, violin, piano,
vocal, burlesoue political speech.
First Bpptisl church, Wed. Oct.
8 p. m. under auspices Y. M. & Y.
C. A. of College.
Painless Dentistry
Wright's Body.
Ontof town people
.nnrl hriricrrtvnrk fln.
ished In one iaf
it nwBory.
Wo Mill giva you goo4
22k gold or porcelain
crown lor $3.50
iMolar Crowoi 5.00
Jt22iBridB:aTMth 3.50
. 'iGold filling. 1.00
TjEnim.l Filling 1.00
IS htr Fillingi .50
-jl-iliy Flllingi 2.50
(jOOJ KUDOtr - nA
Plalet g.UU
Beit Red Rub- .A
ber Plates 1.0 If
- . . ..... f- n
ti mn inmmiti n fimm fnmleii ttrtlort ,rjj
Pnlnlewi Kxtraclion t'reo whan pltor brUijro worfc
la ordered. Comultatlon Free, Ynn ennnot trot bottt-r
pfilnlffM work do no nnywhero. All work fully irimr
b nt roil, Modurn elirtriu ejui lament. Htrit mi'thodc
Wise Dental Co.
The body of Geo. Wright, a'ias Car
ter, killed at Buena Vista yesterday by
Ua Qnlom rtnaan nflq t:,Ut-n thrntlah
A fit. l,ouis man is saio 10 oe mamng Albany this noon for lone. Lane county,
a big thing locating peop'e on Oregon ; where his folks reside, for burial, the
rmi California la iU at f o per. This is end of a tiud life.
uevoiopirig into one "i Lne oipgesr jaKes
OA. W. i. Will. Pwtltm MB MlUSU
of ihe age and should be exposed gen
erally. The victims c'on't Btand the
ghost; cf a show according to reliable
Nick Nichntich.nne of the convicts at
lartfp vpt. is the mnn i-Fnrtrp Knnncu
had the running fight with in the log-'
ging camp n-jnt Sum-v Home several
months ago. The two men 'are said to
have crossed inio Linn county at the
mouth of the Santiam. )
D. J. DubruP'c, f.irmorly of this city,
timet BttMl I A. H. H I ( a. rauri, M .
The Wealher.
Range of temperature 63 40.
The river is .8 of a foot.
Prediction: showers tonigh andTues
J. T. H is-ell. a farmer residing near
lioHi-t'UrL', unu Mrs. Mar.1' liall, recent
K of Cincinrmti. O.. were married last
has fold his inter .-st in the Cottage v. oi l; at Host burg, the rtsult of matri
drove Leader to hi I partner, W. U. 1 n onial bureau advertising, unlike a
Conner, who will run Ihe paper alone. od many irch wf iirs bolh partie
Mr. Dubruille has not decided what he v. re satif lied when they met upon th
will do, bnt expects to engage in som.' i ai ivul of the I ri e and t.-r two chil i
ot er business in C'ct'.age Grove. 1 ru; from the
has cold his former home properly
A force of carpenlers aro putting the
Lirn county front in place at the com
mercial club rooms, delayed sometime
bv the inability to secure carpenters.
made possible now by the rain preven -ing
outside work for a few days.
Coach Frazior, of the OA C, is u
cousin of J. R. Mctzgar of this city.
He has the kind of metal 'that count.
and people generally appreciate th
stand he has taken fur clean foot ball
and against the bossism of star per
A trio to the Yosemite Virfley waf
immensely appreciated at the Empire
last night by n good manv Albany pen
pie, a fino thing. Another specialK
good thing was the series of glass hluw-
ing scenes, Rnowing tnat industry in an
interesting way.
man at Gresham recently nut aims
bisulphide cf carnon down a chimney it,
order to drive some boys out of tin-
rooms below. 1 here was a fire in the
stove.- and a live exp'nmon followed
throwing the man foriy ffcut from ih
building. The boys got.
The committee on securing rooms for
apole fair visii-org will appreciate the
volunteer report of rooms that can lit
v.sed if desired. Notify A. W. Kower
sox, Wm. Fortmiller or F. I'. Nutiin.;.
The hotels and restaurants can take
care ot the eating part, but will be
short on rooms.
Eugene is raising money for its third
year of boosting, with a big response.
for instance, iuu a montn irom fit he
Hist National, ;u Irom the Booth
Kelly Co., $25 from F. L. Chambers. S
H. Friendly, E. E. Dunn, etc., hut the
total so far is only a third of lest year.
The annual convention ot the Congre
gationul churches of Oregon will be
held in Eugene, beginning tom;rrow.
Mrs. D. bussard and Mrs. J.N. Upham,
oromineut Albany (.'ongregationalistf,
left here this afternoon, promising lo
help keep the Albany church, without a
p stor for some time, on the map.
The following from a latter1 recfeived
by A. J. Citrothers, from W. ti. Snyder,
a forrnel' Albany man, will be of gener
al interest:
Louisville, O., Oct. 19. I am making
my home with one of my sisters and am
working on the farm, The grain crop
was good, but apples arc almost a total
failure, and also peaches. I attend the
fair at Canton. The vegetable and
fruit display was poor but the horses
ind stock were fine, also the machinery.
The land here is quite level, with the
limber nearly all gone. The price is
to high for agriculture, and the win
ters arc too long to make stockraising
pay. The main attraction for me is
the presence of relatives and former
school chums. There are no Advent
peoplo here. People here go right off
to hnaven when they die. We voted on
local option lately. The county went
wet by (,UW. morn is a large toreign
population in Canton. It is city and
judiy now,
Le'tcr List,
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoflice uncalled for
Oct.. la, WO!). Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Mrs. Arch Allen. Mr R. C. Edwards.
Mrs. G. A. Folla.l, Ada Elemming, J. J.
Roy Hercher. S. D. Hvdman. W. D.
Horshnw, D. P. Johnson. Grace B.
Jonkins, John.Koester, W. H. Lang-
torn, WHIam Parker, 1'parl Roberts.
Silverstone. Wesley Wetfall. Mrs.
John Wishapei, A. M. Winkle, Mrs.
Geo.JM. Sam WeinhaniR'.
Another Metropolitan Institution.
Newport & Hornbach have ordered
an up-to-date lunch wagon, a very neat
affair, which Will soon bo around the
streets of the city, with numerous
kinds of eatables, such as sandwiches,
tamaies, conce, namnercer, etc. These
young men have made h success of
their lunch counter at the depot, build
ing up a splendid ri-i utation by giving
the beat to be Hecured. for instance
using 40 cent cnlfrt- und genuine cream,
something appreciated by travelers.
Build L
An Albany man suggests that a good
way to meet the school building prob
lem for a while will be to build an ad-
dition to the Map'e street building,
where there is plen-.y of room, and the
situation is good f.-r an addition. The
suggestion is worth considering.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 5S-43
The river is ,3 of a foot
Theresas a hard night's rain, the
fall boing Lie inches, moro than during
the entire inunth of September.