Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY OCTOBER. :.' 1909 NO 12 roi. xlv Watch Meiser & Meiser's Windows. EMPIR p THEATRE Pictures. 1. "Her Face la Her Fortune. (Drama.) 2. "The Brothera." (Drama.) 5. 'TheBachelor'a Visit." (Drama.) 4. "False Alarm." (Comedy.) Illustrated Songs 6. "If you'll walk with me." 6. "Games of childhood days." 7. Music Empire Orchestra. HACKLEMAN PROPERTY DIVIDED. PITTSBURG CHAMPION. Admission 10 cts Matinee every afternoon. On New York Huyer Sends the Newest Weave the first to show the original "Co-Ed," "Frat," and "University Dress" for girls, also the Fulton Dress and Coat for women, they're New York's latest craze, the swellest gar ments produced thi" Fall. Don t fail to see them, they can only be found at this store, last week thev were new in New York, this week thev are in Albany, showing the advantage of our New York buyer and lus interest in ALBANYS' LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT (STORE Bargain Friday and Saturday Again we announce two extra good Special Bargains for Friday and Saturday Only. $2.95 69c ! For choice of 50 Black Taffetta and Messaline Waists For Ladies and Misses regular $1.03 Sweaters. They worth up to $5.00, all New Fall Styles. Friday and Sat. heavy cotton sweaters, 27 inches long, two pockets urday Only $2.95. ' Colrr -white only. ; Detroit. Oct. 16.-Pittsburg won the national championship today by de feating Detroit 8 toO. Pittsburz made The report of the referees Surveyor j 8 hits no errors, Detroit 6 hits and 2 Fisher. W. H.Goltraand Worth H.- i erfora- u waa a remarkable contest. ton, in the suit for the partition ot the Urge Hackleman estate, of A. and Elenor Hackleman, was filed today, showing the following division: Nora Williams -2.83 acres H'o 2ns ad, 36 acres, Lebanon road, 160 acres 11-3 W, 12.90 acres and 51 lots Albany. f auline Price -179 acres 11 3 W, 6.31 When Taf t Arrived. HARRISBURG. Bulletin: C. P. Kizer brought home $240 in premiums on sheep at the Seattle fair, a tine record for he had to meet the great showing of a crack Wisconsin flock. The commercial club is working for a creamery, with prospects of securing one. It is reported the Linnhaven Orchard Co. may locate its big 3,000 acre orchard near Harrisburg. Harrisburg now haa the four year hieh school course, and is doing splen did work. S Ernst of Oregon City, who had been here about a week soliciting for the Pacilic Mutual Life Insurance Co. of California, was taken to Portland by the sheriff of that county on a charge Elpaso, Tex. Oct. 16.-Just as Pres- acres, 12.10 acres, 13.97 acres suburbs Ident Taft stepped from tie train today Albany, and lRfi acres in cnuntrv. I a Mexican bov stabbed his American T. r. Hackleman 10.38 acres, olock . ncuooimaie Lawrence yvimoer over mi or oeme snort in his account with the cumpany. K S. jlunger, the dog trainer, left last Saturday for Ohio. He took sever al of his best dogs with him to take part in some of the field trials of the East. He expects to be gone several months. The directors of the H. I. C. at their last Saturday evening meeting checked over tne booKs ot the secretary ana 8 H's 4th ad and 100 aci es 11-4 W. I poasession of an American flag, Denver D. Hackleman 1,54 acres, ', 8.71 acres, 12 acres, 18.41 acres, .1 j w--y y-v lots in and near Albany, 183 acres uatc II II liv 1-4 THE WORLD. Creek, and 2 lots Waterloo. I Frank Hackleman 16.90 acres, 26.89 acres suburbs and city, and 121.09 acres country. The reterees estimated eacn at an. proximately the same value, a total of ! TwtVw v. .uvtv. . irene. it seems mere is aissaiiKiacuon ana M,w,u ud,.j ,;,u u two other committees have put estim-; ,R .. i,i .i ates on the property: one, Mrs. Will-1 f . . , , , . , iams $20,937, D U. Hackleman $25,920. j Two sixteen year old boys yesterday T P. Hackleman $19,528. Mrs. Price ' went to the home of G. h. Waggoner, $10,902, Frank Hackleman $17,412. I a former CorvaHis man, bound the Total $99,697. The other, Mrs Will-! Rld. Put ner a e ,c.ut 'ne tole: iams $26,327. D D. Hackleman $26,863, i P1)0"0 wlref "d fobbed the house at Mrs. Price $21,699, Frank Hackleman - " -f-$11,447. T. P. Hackleman $23,314. Taft'a train sioppad at Junction, the Sotal S119.650. It is said there will be division point, and gave quite a talk Joe Matlock, a young tough of Eu-; tound that the expenge3 up t0 d ta has ;ne, son of the mayor, was arrested been $634 05. Collections. S888.70. Amount due from members, $154.75, ind this with the November collection will total $251.95. Estimated collec tions for the year $1150.05. WANTED, Two lady demonstrators to travel. Good wages. Cull room 20, Revere hotel after 6 p. m. and all day Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Hyers. a contest. Chambers & McCune ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT STOKE . Hi M 1 1 fHihW Mil 1 1 1 1WMIlrl In the New Store Groceries and Produce Prompt delivery WANTED. Ladies Clothes Ironers. I Machine Ironers. I Mangle Operator?. j Shirt Machine Operator. I MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY. BRICK, Plumbing ! A fine lot at our yard at this city, just Home 2?5. ALBANY BRICK CO; CURTIS REAL EST ATE CO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 53. Homo main 231. Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING. TINNNIXG AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS . Sender s& Co, (INCORPORATED ) L eaters In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Sslt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Plaster, Stock Foods, Ponl tr Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. 1 Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. 1 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. ALBANY Doing; 'n and Around It. Ovsters at The Crest, r How about THAT chair. Have you ordered that chair yet. Boost the Albany made chair. ; Hot chicken tamalies at The Crest. Sit down in one of those Albany made chairs. Good weather for jysters. Try Hbflich 8. ; The sauer kraut season is here. Con rad Meyer has it. Some fine home-made sauer kraut at Conrad Meyer's. Try it. What's better than well prepared and served oysters. Go to H. Hoiiich's. Carry a "Hull" umbrella and you have the beat. French Bells them. Ice cream and lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Call and try them. "Keep dry," carry a "Hull" detach able handle UTibrella. French, the Jeweler, sells them. Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at tho Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set ifiesiro- . - Ttie'"HuH" detachable handle u-n-brellas aie perfection of style and qual ity, and cost no more than other ma . es. French, the Jeweler, sells them. M- - Tile school board have rent.d a room I at the college for the 8th grade stu- j ueiu.3, iiriuu necessary uv tilt; large attendance. Carl Langstrum in the third ward at 5 this morning caught a man stealing wood in his shed but the fellow got away in the dark unidentified. The Albany prune packer is packing and shipping a car and a half of prunes a day, nine cars a week. It will take about a hundred days to make the clean up. There is hardly a busier place in the valley. Twenty Convicts Out Look out for fleeing convicts. Twenty escaped last evening from the site of the new feeble minded institution, Salem, where they were helping on work. Sheriff Smith was notified lat t evening to be on the lookout. Fifteen of them afterwards went back, but five are at largn. FOR SALE ' there. The story is that he asked about Eugene, and Junction people remarked: "Oh that is just a suburb up the road aways". An auto ran into a hydrant at Oak land, Calif., yesterday and two were killed and six seriously injured. Thiity ! miles an hour is three times too fast for travel in a city. L. O. Smith's store, Nye Creek, Newport, had a narrow escape from burning this week. A bucket brigade did good work and extinguished the I flames, which had gotaen considerable ! headway. At the Empire. There is a fine f rjgram at the Em pire in dram t and comedy, and the illustrated annua are fine, made popular bv Miss ('rosno's pntendid singing and the addition ot i ul orchestra of ex-1 pert players . Dreamland Tonight. MR. AND MRS. GRAHAIA Albany's Talented Vaudeville Team The Popular Favoriies Entire change Picture Progrvm to night. Admission 10 and 15c. CO cx3 la) .5 ! S 5 Palmer's Dairy THE GuLDtN RULE. Delivers milk and cream to any part of the city. Price3 reasonable. Jersey cows with best of care. Both Phones. I M. B. CRAFT, ' 242 West Second St. , Albany First-class meats of all kinds from elected stock. C. 13. DAVIS. PUN0 TUNER. Yearly contracts $5 for two tunings. Leave orders at Davenport's Music Store. u o s a j i . Just Received Another shipment of New Fall Styles of strictly Man-Tailored r . Suits made of the finest mater- ' ial and of the latest designs at prices from $20 00 to $35 00 at THE PARIS CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE Mrs. vV. F. Heckman, Manager. ALBANY. OkEGON 223 West First Street. . IVI, RALSTON n&cnnM masbt INSURANCE, LOANS AND; whi-mwh mium. COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in small and! . r ri 1 i n n - . large amounts. Notes and mortgoga ; J. !t, LilULAIU, rropriCIOr bought. 1 will bond you. handled for non-re3ident Property First class Groceries, and the best fruits Mid vegetables at reasonable prit-e . A fquart d'al for all. ; OPPOSITE THE P. O. 1 Fonr chairs. Prompt an Efficient Care of the face and hair. 11 r-.' hirst St. ..l..oW::k guaranty 137 rtcrcs unimproved land, near railroad, 100 acres in cultivation, rest pasture. $47.50 an acre. 105 acres near railroad, 85 in culti vation, living water, good house, line soil,, beautiful location. Very reason able, 400 acres hill land 5 miles from Brownsville. Modern 9-rooni house, good barn. Soil tine for fruit, walnuts or grain. A good stock ranch, 20 or 40 acres 3 miles from Albany. All in cultivation. Can be irrigated. 185 acres unimproved land, all in cultivation, on railroad. 822 acres, 6 in cultivation, good buildings, 2 mijes from town. A tine stock ranch. 120 acres 7 miles front . R. R., O) acres in cultivation, GO rolling, could be cn:-ily cleared. Good buildings, ex cellent soil. ?."nX10 cash. 30 j acres 3' in cultivation, 100 cIc:.Tv-d, rest in timber. Best fruit and wain; t, good gr:ii:i :inO y- acres ci'.-e in, good modern house. !;.: ;, windmill, 90 tri'L-N, ber ries, ;r:ipL:, cl.:. A modern home. 22 acre clo-e in suitable lor plat ting. VituId sell in small tracts. 21 acre-; eW-e in. 'i- in cultivation. $100 an acre. ' A Mia;.. We h:n-e -t-'f!-: rni'clu.'-.. farm i. mal tr.'d and city ironert v. Call ;md v.l.:it we have. KTiiKL K. MIKLKK. "WHAT IS A FRIEND GOOD FOR if vou cannot use him?" Is an exprassion ono often hears in a joking whv. and yet there is some merit in it. ' A UANK ACDOUNT is a friend you cull ue wncii you please. It will ask ni (iuesMori and will never reproach you. A LOOL) FRIl NL) when you want to be t!od In yourself or faini'.y hy l I ,.M ,..L...n ih In t,itia Ihit ruil. I UUIillt; HUIIIU luiuiy ' 'I'K uan'1'. ' ""eu JWM nri.T,i vi , ..uv .h..- rond trip lor plenpure and recreation. A BE IT Kit FKIKND when you have a bill to pay, or have a chmco to male seme iroud investment. YOUR UEST f KIEND when the dayi of trou'ile come, when perchance sicknesj breaks t- upon yourhousehol I anil expenses are piling up. Do you want a friend ihat is worth while? One that is a friend all the time wh.'rihi r you are happy or in distress? It in cany to start a bank account , The more you add to it tho bttter it will be your friend. ALBANY STATE BANK VVM. BA!N, President. P. D. G1LBE1 T. V. P. F.;'. BOULEY, Cashier. Home Made Sauer Kraut --at- Ccn-ad MyirV.