M. : iT J . - - Cotton and Wool Blankets 1 1-4 cotton blankets in white, grey or 'tan at . . . .$1X0 pr. 1 2-4 cotton blankets, exceptionally gcod, in white grey or tan, at $1.75 pr. All wool blankets at .$8.00, $7.00 and $8 60 pair .Home made comforts nude : Society, in Challies, Silkolines and $2.25 each. .Kou.cant afford , prices. at Flood's ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. LUNGSTEN LIMPS aiirt JIOLOPIIONE SHADES "The best Combination for Light. Candle Power. RALSTON ELECTRIC V : SUPPLY CO., . 306 Weat Second St. Walter Parker, Grocer and! Baker '216 WEJ1 FIRST 8TKBET..ALBANV UKEUO.V ' First class goods in their season. Phone Main 60 LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, aro made to lock just as good as made to .ook just as new. Waists and dresses of delicate colors and ma - terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. Wo also dve any garmnnt ile- aired ill beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. . 4-0 W 1st St. Hell Phone black 27:1 .Home phono l'Jii E. L. UMPHREY Cement Contractor.1 i'honc-liod 30S1. Res.ViOMontiromcrySt STRAYED, j A horse nnd a yearling colt strnyed from my pasture Tuesday night, Sept. ' 21st. The horse is brown, weighs about 115V) pounds nnd has both hind shoes on. The colt is prown. heavy set, has two ; white feet and white spots on forehead and nose, with mane about four inches long. Will pav a reward of $J.) for the return of the nor.es. A. r. Hakrke, Lebanon, lnd. phone IS. DR. VIRGINIA V. LFWEaLX Osteopathic Physician. Rooms 15 an I 1" Brenner HI; , Albaay Phone, Hell Hack 21S1; Home by an Albany La lies Aid and Outings at $1.76, $2.00 to make them at these Agents for Stanard Patterns. HOW ABOUT YOUR HEATER? Is il nil right and ready for the Winter? If not this is the best time to have it cleaned and put in repair before you start your winter's lire. Or possibly you need a new one? In nuv ease vou will find our work in . this line of the best. We will put in ' steam heating apparatus, hot air fur nace or hot water heating at a reas onable cost. 1 MEDIN & STUART. For Summer Girls We handle dainty waists and skirts and lingerie with the care thev deserve. Let us show you. Magnolia Steam Laundry. Both Phones 50 carpenter"" and painter If you want your home Tainted. Re p lii ei? or a new one built give us a call l'M. KIRK, Alb-iny, Ore. U i .,o I'ho.-ie. ALBANY Doings 'n and Around II. Ovsters at The Crest. How about THAT chair. Have you ordered that chair yet. Boost the Albany made chair. Hot chicken tamalies at The Crest. oit. Sit down in one of those Albany made :hairs. Good weather for jysters. Try or3. Hofhch s. The Bauer kraut season is here. Con ad Meyer has it. What's better than well prepared and served oysters. Go tc H. Hoflich a. Carry a "Hull" umbrella and you have the best. French sells them. , Ice cream and lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Call and try them. "Keen drv." carry a "Hull" detach able handle umbrella. French, the Jeweler, sells them. Klniui. all nizef, and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set if desire"1 Thn "Hull" detachable handle am brellas are perfection of style and qual ity, and cost no more than other ma ., es, French, the Jeweler, sells them. Some fine home-made sauer kraut at Conrad Meyer's. Try it. U. S. Senator Bob Taylor, of Ky. will speak and fiddle in Albany Oct, at the opera house. The little daughter of William Dun don, of Cascadia, formerly of this city died this week, and Mr. Dundon himself is in a critical condition. I George Brown, a big stock man. of Corvallis, has been in the city shipping 2250 stock sheep from this hub shipping mint to Idaho. I p oil th hoi nH Invintr kindness, given in these days of trial, Mr. and ..... in u f..m;i la . ... r. p Dinner in Albany Town, on Ferry BllCCt, Ui bilO .,- ... will he nlentv to eat the second day of the fair. ' Regular meeting Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Surveyor Fisher has furnished the blue prints for the proposed improve ments at the South pnd of Lyon street, in paving, the estimated cost of paving for the S. P. being $1750, which it is said the Co will probably order. .Tnstieh Swan this afternoon began taking testimony in the case of Oregon age. ueo. mne, wnoin y. j. . asks to have held under Bonds to keep the peace. C. E. Sox appears for the defendant and G. S Hill for the state. Representatives for the student ooara f control of Albany coll-ge were eSsct- ed yesterday atternoon as loiiows-seniors Annetta Burch, juniors Buena Bic-k-nell, sophomores Lucille Hart, fresh men Kenneth McLennan, preparatory Arther Hodge, commercial Frank boiao and Veva Archibald. Mav Sheridan a little girl, who- has been cared for at the sister s school,, was committed to the boys and girls home at Portland last evening and :ak en down Dy miss myrcie reuo ui nome. one nau nu remiic ua. were known about. DO YOU WANT TC SAVE ODtE- HALF YOUH Oit Bll-l-r Then buy an INDEX INCANDES CENT KEROSENE BURNER. Fits any lamp, simple in construction easy to light and no parts to get out of or der. BRIGHTER THAN INCAN DESCENT GAS LIGHT. Barns mantle of special durability. No blacking or carbonizing of mantle. No odor. No noise. Absolutely sate; FOUR TIMES AS BRILLIANT AS AN ORDINARY BURNER. Ask your dealer. If he does not carry them, write -for descriptive circular and prices to McCull'y Bros St Co., County Agents, Halscy, Oregoj. GASOLINE DID IT. . WALLA WALLA, bent. .x- plosion of gasoline in the Washington Wccder w,rks about 7:30. tonight caused a lire, which destroyed tlie lac- torv and al its contents, en.ui.ing a loss ol ahou' SjlllW. llus is-parnauy covered iy i.isurancc. tions. Lil all otnec la it ia no If you are going to travel get the easy matter to, prevtnt viciu-tions. en American Bankers Association Trav- tirely. ellers checque.in $10.00, $20-00 or $50.00 denominations, payable at ten thousand Health Home OJY th Ocean, banks, or v.t any hotel or railroad othce. h'nr sale liv J. W. Cusick & Co.. Bankers. Get Meyer VflCUlifll Gleaner. Tn clean vour house th's Fall, the machine that gets the dirt. C-.mnline nower. Hnvn vnnr beds ad on all kinds of Furniture the Onward Siding Furniture I Shoe ard throw away the casters. 1 Leave orders at fratts furniture store, L. a. Attn mo. Home Fhone Black i'oi. WE have r.o State Deposits, nor do we accept any de posit where special security has to bo pledged. This means that we havn no preferred creditors and that your deposit has the same security that all have. Wo have invested assets worth. mire than $100.000 00 and this would have to be dis sipated before depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Eslabluhcd 1892. 1EN3Y BRODERS, Dealer in choice meats, of all kinds. MISFITS. Training counts even in a fight. Eerybody boost for the apple fair. It is easier to jump into print than Red and green are the apple-fair col It helps when everybody has a flood woid for a city. That' 3 Albany now. Young people need service. Every church and its organizations should be a training school, not a place just to listen to preachers. Practice is tne great need of the church. ' This game law is a mixture. The last legislature first passed a law mak ing Oct. 15 the limit for ducks, and be fore adjournment changed it to the 1st of October which prevails Religious Young People's Service. The young people s service at me Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock the young people will be ad- AacoaA k IA., li IP rtnmlanil nf Salem, Ore. Rev. Rowland is an able speaker and a splendid address is assured. In addition Mise Smith of Avlhnnv CoHpixa will shur. Mr. Parsons and Mr. Irvine will play, and a male quartet has been organized and will sing. Everybody bring a friend and your tabernacle song book, and let us make this a grand service-, Grace Presbvterian church. Preach- ing service 11 a. m., sermon by the Rev. A. J. Irwin of Burns, Ore., also at 7:30 kv the naitor Rev. 3. C. E'Jiott. Sunday School 10 a. m., C. E. Junior 3:00 p. rm.,C. E. Intermediate at 6:45 in ani, ot e;..K. A hearty welcome for all worshipers, United Presbyterian, W P. White, Minister. Morniner sermon at 0:30'. "The Why of Suffering, oir Showers from the Clouds." Bally Day in the- Snndav Snh.nl at 11 :i!S a. m. An inter esting program. The newly organized orchestra will assist in tne music. w are lookintr for an attendance of 300: In the evening,, beginning at 7.1 Mis8 Ehoma Sox will give a wagnerpro- Kram aB follcws: Pilgrim's Chorus, Elsa's Dream, "Oh thois sublime sweet Evening Star," Elsa's Brautzangr zutn Munster, Festspiel, Prayer from'Tann Tanhauaar' Match. Theehorus choir will sing, and the pastor wiu preaeh on, 'A Splendid Isolatiom St. Marv's charch: Rev ..Arthur Lane-i Reetsr, Rev. Servai. Assi&tant. Sunday services at 8 and 1D:30 a. m-, evening service at 7:30. Father Her- htmi at tlie- risk of his ownillfo; aclunl vais will officiate and preaeh at these-1 iy pnssmj? throagli tire to- cany hihv services. Mission-services wll' be held! i oat Tfcs lionse and contents are-a at Lebanon. The public is-aordiaDy-in vitedt Baptist church. RcgvaiBr services 'mornme and evening, with sermons- by the pastor, I Firat Presbyterian chuieiti Rev. V H. Geselbracht, Minister. Morning ing service 10:80, Tlie Graded- Uhnsoian Kewarir. ravening sei-wee an newaro-. raveauiK s t:,.i tP. A MoqRoffe to Iimely tomes. A Messnga to 7$0r Young Men: Sabbath School 13:45:. Junior-Endeavor 3:00;. Christian En- deavoir Society 630j A cordial invita tion and hearty waloome tS'everyoae. M. church, 3rd and- Ellsworth. -Morning service 10:30i This is our communion Sunday and we are anxious to ha.e all the ineinhers of the-rongre-gatioa present. Subject at7:30: "Da vid's Itefuge a development of the Golden Text for the day. Sunday Scheol 11:45, Dr. C. V. Eittler; SUpi. Union young peoples meeting- at 4; o'clock. Epworth League 6:30) topic-. "The Forgiven Khforgivpani"' The Game Waden Deputv Game Warden Giraen,. Pnrtland. who has been, in the city ta- . , , - . day says state "aru, ""J " ' i . "h To Le , .V" i. f the. . 70j t.hui dfinneila- I It is ecw time Jor you io contract for U,..r roilonco n. the OCKAN for next vear. Sixty choice lots, more or less, .In&JiML Ore. (oneef the most pop- Jular Summer and Winter resorts.) for ! sale or will exchange them for other good property; will assist buyers witn lundsto build homes on them. AdJress M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore. tl WANTED. Ladies Clothes Ironers. t achine Ironers. Mangle Operator". Shirt Machine Operator. MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY. -Ar-- The Crest Tamalies, Tamilies. Try one of our boneless chicken tom ..i;.. Mono hetter in the citv. Ovsters served any style, a so lisht unches. IV. th Phones. 316 West rnd. A if Snap in taken . CIA'' BERS, Land soor?. R. F. D 3. Haviland China ! Cut Glass! Handpainted China ! At the Right Prices. Always at Chas. Knecht's C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded:' B H. Briggs to P. H. Stroub, 175.50 acres 14-1 W r.orlin 1 Shall tn .1m W. Shell. 125 acres zow Mpnnnite church to J. P. Bontta ger'2 lots, Menonite addition.. 119 Rnhortl A Ramfnrrt tn ?. T. Rid- derfc. 160 acres 9200X Pmil Khvttrtor tn Susie Iftartin. lot Brownsville. 11-w 2 925 O. C. Amiferson to Susie- -Martin & wf, 21Ma N. BrownsvrtJl .... 1200 Mortgages' 2D0O and $10C. Satisfaction! of mortgage $S00, ' $172.86 wer the receipts ef the re corder tnis weelc. Another Seputy is needed badly and' should bealhwed. Final account ayptroved Geo. Bayne. estate of County court acjautoied to th !9th. KEROSESJET 3DID IT.- ABERDEEN, Waafc, Sept. IS (Special.) In a Sre which rc-ibced: the residence of his brother to a. haap of ashes, Anton Kinezraiski wa res cued; through a veritable- sea of lt'imes at 2 o'clock this morning by a clrance passerby who discavro: the Bi'nze-on-Iy after practicaIIy tho' sntire liause was alire. TTie owners of the Some- were at! the Expositfon and the trjtitB-j, who Had! been left in charge,- retuvned home-rate- and fell asleep wilMi the lamp- Bait turned cfow-n. near a curtuirn To-this- cause is attributed th v oondagratian,. which was- not quelled until! adjoinrag: houses on- rth sides Had: Been soto- The- fact that the eiitire- nEiglibor- nA' .o. ?t.s.U-n cmvp - thn- Barnes au staTt m(i when Tiheod sre Kn- Hd', vnn paisaing, pncticallV--ovenjr mom was abiaze. The ticDupant was snrpufieij By smoke an Hames, ana: Khidred", rusliuig into the-Hous r; savedi toll Has vsvea but 5mJ inMiraane- oni tMCii:. DESERT LArSJ. p!irri- mterested in 320 acre Desert Ijjid! OraKtis. and 320 acra- Eiikirged'. Hahicsfrrods situated in tHe- beautiful, EtunmaA Va-Hey, Crook county, please ; o n.r. iWwicfKrrf raJlHipaa Omn Beam, 4Ji west J!irsc w . returned (rom. sroeot. c ii.c 'L" ' " ' wis va-py nc u... a j-""'!'-- sxi'vp.v aaaoiJ cruise ot t he niosc cesir- able- claiius-.. Party leaves- in a few dtvs. W. F. HS-MMEBi. OWEN BEAM. Don't buy that property without an abstract? Don't buy something that is similar in- some ways to "A eat in a bag" krasw just you aro investing your money in by having an abstract node of the- parcel by us. i The cost compared wMt- the amount involved is but a trifle and is- money well invested. LINN C0UMY ABSTRACT CO GeraentWork Estimates given en Plastering, Side waln and Cement Work . J. F. TRAVERi. 1th & Calapooia Si. r ir-l a r-i . a I ! SRQTVS NaillSL-f BDS n UanSU BS . r r A POSITIVE CURE uvy. NO OCRS RO PAT. CurPS. jaickly nd pormnnPntly thft wurat oaiws of Gonorrho, imd CWft, no muter nf bow pne eianainc aoioibiuij 41 .00. or by niftil. do' pftld, (1.00, 8 boXM, 3.7. THE SANTAL-PEPSIkOI. Bttllefonulne, Objo. Vot sale bv'Barkhirt A Le CHINESE DOCTOR J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese racdicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong. is now prepared to furnish Ounese medicines to all. Thcunder- signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or w:te him at No. 110 West Second St.. Albany Or .Iim Westfall. 5 iOMXS & IIEYI.VE Real Estate and Insuran Buy and sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. V .FIRST ST, ALBANY OR Ihe Market. Wheat 85c, Oats 40c. Beef on foot 2ti to 3c; veal dressed It; pork dressed 9c; on foot 7c. Lard 15c. Eggs 32c. hickens on foot 16c, Hams 16c to 20c,. aides the some,. Bnouiaers izft to loc; Butter 30c to 35c. t lour 11.60 to $1.75o- a jack. Potatoes lc oer U. , Hay, from 87 for some-clover to $14 tr tbe best timothy. Heopenedl Ihe- City Fish Market' itas reoped agatni at 109 Lyon street Albany, Ore. Wc-wi'H tu.ve on hand all kind of fresh FIS5B, CLAMS. OYSTERSancSCRABS, also a futt lin of Salt and? Snoohed Fish1) Everything new and clean. CASS BAEDFOK POULTRY. Yours for Business. CONRAD SCHEUE8A. 30 Days Trial The VKllnmeiSe Valley Co. has re ceived flSty eltedrie irons, which' will1 be sold on tiirty daiys trial, for only $SJ50i A splendithing for the ironer. F. 2 Will for watches SHINGLES. Made in Albany nw ixo- J Ede Grain-' stheblEsT in. the market. Various) grades and pnoes frsrn $15 upwards; Every bunch -brandeii with my name; Look for it. Sxamiae- these' shingles before buyirigrelBewfeere-. . E. A. TB&iVlPSON We us no drjv kilm, ' We keep that-best of all1 kinds. for figures. See CITY E3LMBER YARD W1LSE9S & SON. A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND3LBQE0N WILL & STASffiJBLOCS, ALBANY DR. MABTMiRSBAIL. Osteopathic Pfiys!dan, 226 Broadalbin;Streetr Albany. Black Phone 482. 1 H. A LEINItJGER DENTIST Crawtord Bktak, Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, uenust WILL ftvSIARiK BLOCK, ALBANX DENTIST notmaS. and-S. Brenner Block. Home. Shone- 350. Bell Black. J. 6. Oawfurds Photograph Gallery W e New Albany State Bank Build ing, second floo'. with a comnli.tJ oguipment for picture taking; of all HURRY UP VAG0N Right on hand any time of the day ol .nut". jLiuusierring .oaggsge a snec rally. Any kind of wood for sale. t-nones-Bell Ked 204; Isomo Red 1631 Office with Linn ar.d Benton Reall estate io. tt. h. MAYBERRY, nroCYouNrr ' Hv m and Sign Paiater, 122 Eerry sJ Ao-ent for th. C-..1.J i?. Agent for the OvelanH r.t,o.r,;t root paint. Horns phone 32CK Pacific Red 309 07 Ml Want's Your Patronage Telaphona Red 671 LIMBER ALBANY OREGON J