Beautiful Dresses Our reputation for superior garments in this line is far reaching. Pract ically all of the women of Albany and vicinity have admired the exquisite styles and shades that we have Bhown from season to season and this season, every . thing Is right up to the Hamilton standard of Style, Finish and Quality. Further more you can save money, time and worry en these ready to wear dresses that we show. Designed and made by artists, every gown is a marvel in sheer silk and dainty trimming. The wool dresses possess all of the style and the little touches in the trimmings that make them distinctive, attractive, serviceable. There are all colors and a splendid assortment- . We show them in our show windows, but invite you in to try them on. ' All prices wool and silk including three piece suits: THE L. E. & H. J, Hamilton Free Instruction to Beginners. lie Mcwucat Bntered (t tne noei cffice, AlbaDy, 0 second cuss mail matter. FP NUTTING- The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.0?. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year iS. 60. This Weekly Advance peryear$1.26. At end of year $1.50. After 8 years at 12.; . OUR WANTS FOR SALE. Two mares. Mjiy be Been at Suites Stables Thursday to Monday. Weight 1730 and 1300. lit FOR RENT. Rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Mrs. Upham, 132 Water street. t2i) FOR SALE. Ten head of Jersey cows. Inquire of W. M. Power, Shedd. tl8 FOR SALE OR HIRE.-A team. Phone red 972. WANTED. -Lady roomer. Call at Mrs. Motzgar's, 135 E. First strcot. ' 8t FOR RENT. Somo fine front rooms, also a suite of housekeeping rooms. See W. C. Burkhart. FOR SALE. River bottom farm, in Benton county, 2(i acres, 2 miles from Albnny. Write D. W. McKmney, Saginaw, Or. t 20 NOTICE. Tho public is requested not to transnct business with b. A. Huu clson. of Tangent, incompetent on ac count of his old ugu. John U. Mudel son. FREE. Edging and ba.k at tho A' bany saw mill. Get some. SAUER KRAUT. Cabbage for it. Or der of E. L. McKcever, Bell ZA1. to FOR SALE. Two horses, hand sewed harness and camp wagon. Outfit cost $350.00, will sell for $150.00. Can be seen at The Palace Stables. 2t LOST. A fox terrier, yellow, with wlnto fore feet, tail off. Report to Jas. Blackburn. All personB are horebv warned not to ( DUt anv rubbish on my limd. particular ly that tract just west of Albnny known as Bryant's Park. II. BRYANT. ONIONS FOR SALE.-By E. L. Mc Keever. Phono Bell Farmers 2x1. tD WOOD SAWING: Call Geo. F.Brown Home Phone 802. WANTED. Traveling Salerno? for the METAL ADJUSTABLE HAMELKSS HOUSE COLLARS for tho Pacific States. Apply. NELSON WlLBElt COMPANY, Exclusive Distributors, Brenner Building, Albany, Or. (The humane horso collar) TO LOAN. $50.00(1 on real pVopcrty J. C Christy, over 1st national Bank Albany, Oregon, into ot interest ua sunable. REWARD. Pivo Dollars reward will lie paid in cash to anyone who can tind a sore neck or shoulder on a horse that lias been caused by the JOHNS-TON-SLOCUM COMPANY'S Steid Adjustable Hamc'esi Horse Collar. NELSON, WIL1IKR CO . PA NY, Ex clusive Distributors, Brenner Bldg., Albany, Or. J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemnker and repairer, does tirst class work at reasonablo prices. Next door to Democrat office. See him. Any furniturestore nas mat Alban, clnir. 'lllfi Silk and Wool $12.50 to $85.00 ' HAMILTON STORE KODAKS All the New Styles $1.00 to $35.00 films and Film Packs. CompleteAssortment. , WOOdWOrtll Drilg Company Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postofHce uncalled for Oct 12, 1909. PersonB desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Mrs. Sarah Brica, Miss Anna Faulk ner, A. J. Gibson, Mrs. Eva Jones, Mr. Louis laipton, A MCft-anen, ra. n. . M. filoin Maine Mr. T K. t UlCODOl, ,111. V.B..1 . Morgan, Miss Addie Monroe, Mr. How ard Moras. Mrs. Delila Newcomb, Mrs. i H. J. Pendleton, Mr. J. W. Stevens,. Mrs. Phile Saylor, Mrs. Bud Stover, Mr. W. O. Skeen, Mr. B.. Swallia, U. W. Taylor, Zelpha Taylor, Mrs. George Williams, Mr. M. M. Wilmarth, Miss Adelia Wainscott, Mrs. L. L. White, Mrs. C. A. White.- J. a. Van Winkle, P. M. FOR SALE. A Jersey bull calf eligi ble to registration. Inquire of H. M. Palmer, Albany, both phones. FOR isALE. Two fine lots on South Washington Btreet, at once, at a bar gain. See P. D. Gilbert. WANTED. Young man to wipe ma -chines and do porter work a few hours each week. Magnolia Steam Laundry. FOR RENT. A six room house, par tly furnisded, barn and chicken yard. Inquire at 330 South Main St, t!3 FOR SALE CHEAP. At C. W. Te bault's No. 432 1st street, a lirst class passenger ticket, from Albany to Baltimore via Chicago. FOR SALE. Bv owner, threo lots 70 by 110. Call at 808 South Elm St. Homo Phono Black 312. . 8t FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms , ever Stevens store. Apply to G. . W. Wright. 8t I FOR SALE. Team, aged 5 and 7 weight 22t0, harness, mountain wag j on, lumber wagon, nil for $250. G Mi.'ssman. 1st and Ponuiwinkle.Hom 111 Bt WANTED. Young business man, sin gle, wishes place to board in private family. Information at Democrat ollice. I FOR SALE. -Dry ash wood, by Ola Saltveit Homo phone black 167. 1016 E. Water. It , MONEY TO LOAN on real estatm at seven per cent. On choice farm lands at six per cent. A-ply to Geo. W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore gon. Both phones' Ollico, corner of 1st and Ferry. 1 HAVE a demand ior city properly and for acreage. What have you? Ethel E. Miller. FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinnviiie. uregons greatest mu- Cl, hv thc cxlcnsion- as wc (lo llot (ce tuuleonipany. C.C. ltryant, Albany. tlu. ;Ksd of ilv f.l,vl.riuIK.,u aj tegu. CusicK riank Bldg. Both phones. , ,.lil)n e suggest to thc most hon A LOT. Of oak timber for sale on ri,,c Commercial club that the citv stump. Wm. Ritchie Land Co. j mxye sc. 0j ,K. vacant lots it af , . 1 ready has anil the land th:it is ready ft m nu.ivo. narrca iiy-i.,, motitn kock, mine i.egiirn, macK Minorca. Palouse Geose and White Pekin duck eggs, pure bred, also day old chickens. Mrs. J. C. Porter, R. D. 2, box 15. Ikme phone 3G51. lot FIVE ROOM COTTAGE for sale-At a bargain, nice bath room, one lot. In quire at Democrat ollice. OYSTTERS. All styla, e at 11. Hollich's. KOR SALE. New snd le, ness. One carriiure. all hours and bar-1 practically good as new. line set double work harness. Double seated -hack. J. I). Ellis, 900 E 4th St. Bell phone Red FOR RENT. The store room formerly the Stetter store. See Harry Sehlos ser. WANTED. -Farm land! in large and small tracts. ET1IK1. E. Mll.LKK. FIRE INSURANCE.-Boaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House B dg. ;e t Albany,' Oregon i. .sJ3n-321 First St v ... I A SHRIEK AFTER PAVEMENT. Roseburg has completed its first paving contract of seventeen blocks, the roller engine shrieked, and the paving outfit wasmoved elsewhere in a manner to indicate that this will be the extent of the paving there for .wB;i, awnilC, until the city nets up to a position where it can afford some more. Under the Roseburg system the city pays half the cost, the prop ( erty owner the other half, making it apparently easier on the tax payer. Just how much a city of six or scv I c:i thousand should pave is a problem I that needs to be studied seriously. A city government should be run like a private business from a business I standpoint. That is, it should only do things within its means. Improve ments should ijjit be burdensome; but they should be progressive in keeping with the times. A city, like an indi vidual, might as well be out of the world as out of fashion, but just how extensive it should be is a question for investigation, particularly during the present very high price of pave-, ment. DURING THE WINTER. The indications are that house building will go on this winter just the same as during the summer, which is the spirit of the age. With two good dry kilns in the city this is made possible. It will mean a good deal for Albany if this plan is followed during the entire winter, for the city is certainly in need of many new houses. It is particularly in need of places for rental. People residing here do well to have" their own homes as soon as possible. When this is done it always makes a vacant house for some renter just coming to town, and thus water seeks its level.- I CITY EXTENSION. Noting a piece in your most worthy paper for a bigger Albany, would say Ihat we farmers do not agree with the attorney general in his opinion, sug gesting a vote in the referendum by anv ,illu. U) lu. :li om ( (), or i . sold in small tracts, and it will have ! more than it can do in the next 411! : years. llniKl your town out to us ! and then we will talk about extending further, or when we see that it will l hem-tit us as it does the town to be ; incorporated we are ready to incor- I porate. IWu as it is our taxes, which ( , are high enough, would be increased i ; to pay lor your conveniences, while I w-e would e,o without. And any time the city dads saw tit to deprive us 1 I from keeping any stock and compel 1 us to lav sulewalKs, put in sewerage, or anything that goes to make a city.: we would have to do it. There is no , justice, nothing honorable in that kind ( of extension. It puts a stamp on free-' dom. Whatever the city does, it is a ' one-sided atfair. We ak onlv for ius- ' tu-e and are capable ot knowing when ' I justice is dime, for our brains are not I all hayseed yet. j Don't drive the pay-roll institutions away, but let them in and build up PERSONAL ANDSOCIAL Judge Hewitt returned from McMinn vihe today. J. A. Putnam, of Brownsville, was in the city today. , Miss Maud Blount went to Lebanon tbia afternoon. Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Tracey, on Tuesday evening, Oct 12, a girl. Chas. A. Curran went to Junction this afternoon on a real estate trip. J. A. Howard went to Amity this afternoon, loaded wi,th apple fair post ers. . v W. D Mixter left this noon for Rock Greek, Polk county, on a visit to his 820 acre farm. , Miss Fay Brown, of Newport, arrived this noon from Portland on a visit with Mrs. John M. French. Rev. Geo. T. Pratt and daughter Catheran, of Klamath Falls, are visit ing at N. D. Pratt's. Rockey Willis, Thos.. Blower and Bill Maynard left this noon for the Siletz, near Willis' $16,000 timber claim, where they will hunt deer and bear and fish some, witn prospects oi Dig story. Eugene Register: County Superin- tendent W. B. Dillard, Dr. Sheldon and Prof. Sanders of Albany returned Mon- day evening from Florence, where they $1.50 for students and may be reserved conducted a very profitable teachers' at Woodworth's drug store. Single ad institute for the west end of Lane mission to hear Senator Tavlor will be county on Friday and Saturday. I C H NEWS , S. R. Morris to O. & C. R. R., I strip 100 ft wide, Lebanon .. .I . C. C. Calloway to Geo. Griffis & I wf, 2 lots N. Brownsvile ; F. E. Billington to L. L. Swan, lot bl 50, Albany j Jos. Kiser to Marie Kiser, 40 j acres . ..... i H. E. Brown to Jos. Kiser, 40 ! acres ano l 1630 J. P. Morrow to Benson Harris & wf, 8 acres Agnes Attridee to Santiam Power Co., 4.37 acres, Lebanon 600 G. W. Morgan to H. C. Farmer, 4 lots, Halsey 550 J. V. Pipe to Nellie Baker, lot 3 bl 14, Albany 1 Rights of way M. D. Smith, $1000; A.;Carstens $575,EdKelIenberger$2500, Carl Kowitz $1700, L. A. Crandall $4000, ' Ida C. Chumberlain $1000, C. C. Snyder $150, Ira B. Bassett $1000, Eva R. Beard $625, C. H. Linderman, $1500, 1 A. C. Auderway $1200. to Ihe O: & C. I, D t.. T , L. 1 Registration title Pearl Hunt.' Judge Galloway tomorrow afternoon. ' 'Petition to open decree of final settle ment in estate of A. W. Gordon. Marriage license: Frank Perry 26, Scio, Anna McCrae, near Jefferson, 18. St. Mary's Library. The Library Society of St. Mary's Church met last evening with the pres ident Miss M. 'Lugger and transacted its regular business besides enjoying a pleasant evening in the beautiful new home. The Society has decided to vacate its rented quarters in the Kelly building and make its home hereafter in the old Rectory parlors. The club is entering upon its tourtn year of life and has been a prominent factor in the social lite oi me parisn. It has a number of non-l'athohc mem bers and its obiect was to otter select reading matter to all who might call at a time when Albany was without a pub lic libray. Father Lane announced lact evening that his entire library would hereafter be at the disDOsal of the society, besides a large portion ot t a ther Metayer's books. Team Kan Away. The team of A. R. Luther, of North Albany, ran awy this afternoon, start ing on the pavement and going south, turning at Ninth street. your city honorably. Then the ex tension part will come without any voting. Most of the factories Albany has have had to struggle like a drown ing man to get a start. - r. i.: .,,i !,...., ii bany m an honorable way. MR. and MRS. LOUIS SCHRINER. 1 HOW ABOUT YOUR HEATER? Is it all right and ready for the Winter? If not this is the best time to have, it cleaned and put in repair before you start your winter's fire. Or possibly you need a new one? In any case you will find our work in this line of thc best. We will put in steam heating apparatus, hot air fur nace or hot water heating at a reas onable cost. MED1N & STUAPT. LUMBEK FIGURES. Furnished by E. A. Chambers, R. D. 2. dressed and much. Call him up Home 355:: or tie him at the iimi. " ' VT1 1 1 1 j BOB TAYLOR Most Prominent Orator ot the Year. Albany will have during this season no more universally interesting and en gaging talker than Senator Robert L. Taylor. The Chattanooga Times says that, "Bob Taylor is more than a gen ius in his way.'ard today stands alone as the great portrayor, upon the lec ture platform of the beauties of nature, and delineator of the humble charac ters. His is a heart of melody and a tongue or gold." senator iavlor will anm appear at the Onera house Thursday evenine Oct. 14. as the opening number of the Albany lecture course. The admission price to this one lecture will be $1.00. Season tickets for the entire course of five numbers are 12.50. and may be reserved ! without extra charge, at Woodworth's j drug stofe. Tickets must be presented in order to secure reserved seat checks. To secure Senator Robert L, Taylor j on the lecture course it was necessary i ; that he be in Albany on Thursday, Oct. ! 1 14th, and in order that his lecture and any other 9erviceg may not confl.jct he I will speak at the Opera house at 8:45. p. m. Season tickets for the entire course are on sale at S2 50 for adults. : $1.00 Fireplace Goods." I The Albany Hardware Co., 211 West nrst street, nas tne nneststocic omre- nlfleo fnrn;.Mn. t h J 95 First street, has the finest stock of fire- rr.. - ." . B x-".-. s.i auu uabctuEii 111 aiiu iruns, ure scib. eic i fine decorations for the fire place. Corsets Made to measure. I am agent for the famous hygienic Spirella Corset, for girls and women. These corsets are made to measure and guaranteed for one year not to rust or break. Come and try on my models. They will bend with the body andstill retain their shape. Absolute ly indestructible and can be laundried. Price $3.50 and up. Also maker of fancy gowns of beau tiful designs and superior workman ship. MRS. A. B. KELSAY, ' 119 East 7th, Cor. Lyon. GIRLS WANTED. To pack prunes I at the prune packer. Call at the office. LOST. Satnrday night, on Salem road. plush lap robe, stag head design. Finder please leave at Eagle's Cigar Store and receive reward. ' ALBANY OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY OCJ, 19 THAT NIFTY SONG SHOW The Sunny Side of Broadway With MAX BLOOM (The Hewbrew Funster) Greatest Song Hits in Musical Comedy PRICES 3oc, 75c, S1.00, $1.50. ' Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker US WEST FIRST STKBTALBANY OREGON : First class goods Phone Main 56 H0L0PH0NE SHADES TUSCSIESUASIP lhe BEST Comlination for Eff.c'ent Light. We have all styles of Shades Sizes of Larrps.' and Ralston Electric Supply Go., 506 Wc:t Secpnd Strei . r ' . Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses i when you can get the f6llowing prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice : LOO 12 Ids White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 10-16 ozpks Raisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. FASTBURM The Grocer. k7"l NEGLECT To have your shoes put in a first-class 1 -ii i r i. 1 P.mi fl 1 tl Oil llVa tll'St- i . . class shoe repairer, at Burn's Shoe Store. Violin Lessons, By JAMES F. GALLERY, Manager of the Eiler's Piano House, will give instructions on the violin this winter. Mr. Gallerv is a graduate from the New York Conservatory of Music, and has had years of orchestral practice. Mr. Gallery expects to org-nize an or chestra composed mostly of his pupils. HAIR DRESSBR A Fine Assortment of Goods, consist ing of First class work. Combings, Rooted and put up nice as cut hair Old switches dyed to any shade. Hair jewelry and shampooing a spec- I " """ . MRS. C. A. SPAULDING, 744 11th St. Cory allis, Oregon. in their season.