or. Histori"1 Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY OCTOBER. 15 1909 K0 J I roL XLV I Pitchers! Pitchers Did you say you needed a Pitcher? Meisers'-have all kinds, a regular men agerie of them. See their Window Display. . Empir r THEATRE 1. Overture Empire Orchestra. THE PICTURES. 2. All on account of a letter. (Com edy.) 3. Fortune Hunters. (Comedy.) 4. Tower of Nesle. (Drama Film D Art.) 5. Onawanda. (Dramatic.) 6. Romance of an Umbrella.. (Com edy.) SONGS. 7. Dixie Moon. 8. ' Ob, Miss Malinda. Change of program tomorrow. Admission 10 eta -Matinee every afternoon. Bargain FRIDAY ID SATURDAY October 8th and 9th. First Sale Announcement lor Fall Two extra Special Bargains foir these two clays, they will not be so.lel "before Friday or after Saturela3? at these prices. SEE BIG V INDOW DISPLAY TA1LORFD WAISTS $1.25 'Beautiful Tailored Waist in wide and narrow plaits, made from best grade of Linene and Madras, white and colors. Waists worth up to $2.50 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $1.25 . ' TRIMMED HATS $3.95 Don't fail to see these Big Black Hats we offer special for Friday and Saturda , they Jwould cost you $6.50 at any other time or place, they are new from our work room this week. Chambers & McGune ALBANY'S LEADiNG CLOAK AND SUIT STORE j 3 In the New Store .The Stetters. Groceries and Produce Prompt delivery BRIC A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. Phone Home 285. ALBANY BRICK CO; CURTIS REAL i ESTATE CO, Plumbing ! Let us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING. T INN NINO AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED ) t I eaiers In Hay, Grain, Wool, Cascara, Salt, Feed, Seeds, Roche Harbor Lime, Standard and Alsen Portland Cement, Acme Cement Plaster, Adamant Wood and Hair Fiber Piaster,, Stock Foods, Poul try Supplies, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing paper, etc. Both Phone3 4S. 435 West First St. CX3 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. .5 3 2 B J" 5- P a u v 9 S E - 5 a. E -c " IT ;v k- ta Sr 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and sold. Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 53. Home main 231. Palmer's Dairy IHEGuLMN RULE. Delivers milk and cream to any part of the city. Prices reasonable. Jersey cows with best of care, Both Phones. C. li. DAVIS, PUNO TIJNER. Yearly contracts So for two tunings. ' Leave orders at Davenport's Music Store. OREGON MARKET DOINGS OF THE WORLD. An eDidemic of dintheria at Lakeview caused the closing of the schools and no intertainments were allowed. Attorney John A. Jeffries announces that he will appeal the case of Jim r incn to the u. s. court. Congressman Hawlev is ratting the wants of Klamath Falls people. Cer tainly the government is treating Klam ath Falls well with its big irrigation project. The Corvallis navinor bid was finally reduced to $2 15 provided the Co. is given until 1910 to complete the work. The condition.) justified it. Perhaps Albany s next will also De fz.ib. A peculiar fire started in the store of F. L. Miller at Corvallis The electric iron was left on full force, standing on the ironing board, which it set fire and would nave burned things but for a prompt discovery. At the Empire Several very entertaining pictures were enioved at the Emnire last nieht. The Fortune Hunters introduces several fine scenes at Coney Island including the Tickler, that are particularly nne and there is fun and romance and ad venture in others. Again to night. Don't rniss it. . i harrisburg FINCH SENTENCED. j Portland, Oct. 9.-Jas. A. Finch j and Daley were sentenced to hang Nov. Mean Rumors. Portland Oct. 9. Sensational rum ors are afloat that sane persons are in carcerated in the Crystal Springs sani tarium, A federal investigation will follow. Steamer Rammed Marshpield, Oct. 9. The Steamer Breakwater rammed the river steamer Alert this afternoon, the latter sunk, with no lives lost. More Poison. J Portlamd Oct. 9-Mrs. Vaughn of ; the S P. depot receives a second pack age coaay mis time ot poisoned candy. Detroit Won. Bulletin: F. W. Blumberg has rented the W. L. Tyler residence ana will soon take EosSession. This is one of the finest omes in the city. Lee Tyler carried with him to his California home a memento from Har risburg in the shape of a fine little pearl which he found last week in oyster bought at Pat Rickley's. The local jeweler pronounced the pearl of some considerably value. The ordinance to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors was passed by a unanimous vote. Power is given to search any place when the marshal Chicago, Oct. 9. In the second game for the Pennant, Detroit won scoring 7, Pittsburg 2. WHEN rOU ARiSsIuK i You need the best drugs money can buy; you get just this kind from u, pure, fresh, clean drugs that triva the desired resu ts. an j Bring us your prescriptions. Our prices armed with a warrant, and any liquor found may be taken'&nd placed in keep ing with the city recorder until some time of trial. Jake Lingren Injured , Lebanon E. A. ., . ' J. J. Lingren, machinist at the Leba non, Paper Mills, had the misfortune to meet with a very painful and serieus ac cident at the paper mill last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Lingren was in the act of repairing some of the machinery, when he lost his balance and fell a dis tance of sevesal feet. In the decent he struck a truck handle, causing a severe lasceration of the thigh, besides other painful bruises. Several students want work of any sort. Phono Albany College. HOEDLE SENTENCED. Salem, Oct. 9. Mr. Hoedls, the clerk at Mill City plead guilty today. w uugu WUIUDkVaCUbVIIUCU mill LU UlltJ year in the penitentiary and fined him $2400. In default he will serve 1200 additional days. TAFT WILL BE HERE. Next Monday and 1 uesday After noon and Evening. Mr. Stuart of Dreamland at a big ex pense has secured some fine filmB ' of President Taft, showing him at a big base ball game in Chicago, an account of which was given in the dispatches several weeks ago. The Essanay Co. secured some fine views of the dis tinguished visitor in Chicago as he ap peared at the ball game and his recept ion in Chicago. These will be shown at Dreamland Monday and Tuesday both afternoon and evening and everybody will want ta see them. One day in Portland, where they wore shown, D143 people enjoyed them at a popular show house. Dreamland Tonight. Vaudevlie. J. W. Scott, the fuiiny black Face ' Comedian. New gags and good singing. The latest waits sonc. Hit of the sea- are correct. Bukkhart & LRE. son ; "I've Gone to Seattle." New Pictures Tonight. 1. A Fair Exchange. (Biograph.) 2. Child's Prayer. (Drama.) 3. How to tame a mother-in-law. (Comedy.) u 4 nhnninp Sealmnfe in the Artie. FOR SALE. A Jersey bull calf eliei-, (SceDic.) hie to registration. Inquire of H. M. 5. Sports in Java. (Scenic.) Palmer, Albany, both phones. 6. Amateur Detective. (Comedy.) GIRLS WANTlilD To pack prunes. 1 chestra at tne prune .-icKer. onu at tne office. i Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' j I r,ciectnc un instantly relieves tne pain -luickly cures the wound. FOR SALE 105 acres near railroad, 85 in culti vation, living water, good house, fine soil, beautiful location. Very reasonable. 400 acres hill land 5 miles from Brownsville. Modem 9-room house, good barn. Soil line for fruit, walnuts or grain.- A good stock ranch. 20 or 40 acres 3 miles from Albany. All in cultivation. Can be irrigated. 185 acres fine improved land, all in cultivation, on railroad. '822 acres, 16 in cultivation, good buildings, 2 miles from town. A fine stock ranch. 120 acres 7 miles from R. R., 60 acres in cultivation. 60 rolling, could be easily cleared. Good buildings, ex cellent soil. $5000 cash. 300 acres, 30 in cultivation, 100 cleared, rest in timber. Best fruit ami walnut, good grain land. $5(100. . S't acres close in, good modern house, barn, windmill, 90 trees, ber ries, grapes, etc. A modern home. 1 , 22 acres close in suitable for plat ting. Would sell in small tracts. 22 acres close in, yi in cultivation. $100 an acre. A snap. We have stock randies, farms, small tracts and city property. Call and see what vc have. ETHEL MILLER, State Rank fitiildine. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Just Received Another shipment of New Fall Styles of strictly Man-Tailored Suits made of the finest mater ial and of the latest designs at prices from 20 00 to $35 00 at THE PR1S CI OAK AND SUIT HOUSE Mrs, W. F. Heckman, Manager, I ALruNV, 223 West Fi st Stieet OREGON V Old and Reliable j Thirty-eight years of steady growth J are significant endorsement of the ' careful management and courteous i service of the time-tried Bank. "WHAT IS A FRIEND GOOD FOR if "ou cannot use him?" is an expression one often hears in a joking j way, and yet there is some merit in it. i BANK AGDOUNT is a friend you can use wuun you please. It will j . ask no quesiions and will never reproach you. A GOOD FRIrND when you want to lie g"Oil to ynurpclf or family by I indulging some lurury I ng desire 1. or when you wish to take that rail- rnH trio tor pleasure and recreali'-n. . A BETTER FRIEND when you have n bill to pay, or have a chance to maK some eoud investment j YOUR BEST FRIEND when the days of trouble come, when perchance I sickness breaks i upon your household and expenses are piling up. j Do you want a friend i hat is worth while? One that is a friend all the J time wherlher you are happy or in distress? ,t is iMsy to mart a bank account the more you udd to it the .bitter it will be your friend. . M. B. CRAF1V 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats of all kinds from elected stock. i J. M, RALSTON INSURANCE, LOAN'S AIND COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortgage, bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-residents J. M. ENGL ND, Proprietor , ' Assets uver "e mi,,ion dollars ! FIRST NATIONAL BANK First class Groceries, and the best fruits and vegetables at reasonable prices. A square dral for all.' ALBANY STATE BANK W.V. BAIN, Freti l.;nt. P, D. GILBEl T. V. P. II. N. UOULEY. CasHcr. Order it of the Al- 3 - banny Ice Co. West ji JLJ end of 3rd St. Both pnones. De'ivered anywhere ;n the city. BKUCh & ANDEKSon. VIEREGK'S BATHS trr tin, OPPOSITETHE P. O. J Fonr chairs. Prompt an Elficien. ; Care of the face and hair. u. ve;l first it. . CL.V iW j2K UIJARANTE A Saving Account' , in the name of your hoy and girl will teach . ihcin n knowledge of I business and a h.ibit of aavin r that they can ncqui.'e in no better way. Intcrvsi paid on Savings accounls nsnf i'.'te Fire! N -.lii n-il Ui.nl;. Home Made Sauer Kraut at- Con .-ad Myar's,