Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 17, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Artistic Curtain Materials
Albany, Ore
Free Instruction to Beginners.
.iUbuioa ti nut. utfiuti. d.itmuf Or
vwcood - 'i an matter
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one your, 4.00.
By mail, in advance for one year fi, at
end of year SU.50.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.26.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
' For Sale.
All kind of household goods, fine oak
mission furniture in first class condi
tion, used onlv 3 months. Fine rues
and also new oak roll top desk. Just
what you need in a new home. Call
' after Sept. 14. I. C. Sutton i)37 w 5th
FOR SALE. Household (roods of all
kinds, for sale at a bargain. Cull at
20S E 6th street. 15t
WANTED To buy new cottage and
lot. Inquire at the Democrat office.
FOR REN'l. Ruoms for rent close in.
125 E 4th St.
A LOT. Of oak timber for sale on
stump. Wm. Ritchie Land Co.
MONEY TO LOAN on real estnte.
at seven per cent. On choice farm
lands at six per cent. Aiply to Geo.
W. Wright, Attorney, Albany, Ore
gon. Both phones Ollico, corner of
1st and Ferry .
HOMESTEAD. 320 acre homestead
location under tho act of Feb. 19.
The opportunity is yours. Call upon
or address U. 0. Ireland, Corvnllis.
Home phone 364. tlS
1 HAVE a demand lor city property
and for acreage. What have you?
Ethel E. Miller.
Traveling Salemen for the METAL
COLLARS for tho Pacific States.
Exclusive Distributors,
Brenner Building, Albany, Or.
(The humane horso collar)
TO LOAN. $50 000 on real property
J. C. Christy, over 1st National Bank
Albany, Oregon, rate ot interest re a
FOR SALE. -Second hand full width
bedstead, with matress, also second '
hand bedstead for child, a good one. I
Cheap. Cull at the Democrat office. !
WANTED. Farm land in large and!
small tracts. Etmki, E. Mili.ku. i
FOK SALE. Three good lots to three
good people, separately if desired.
Are at the corner of 4th and Ferry'
streets, a fine place for a residence, j
Call upon c. 11. burggrai.
FIRE lNSURANCff..-Heover State
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
Houso HUIk.
FOR RENT. Dr. Stark in his new
lil.ick has the room tor a couple of j
line suits o' rooms for ollices, which i
he will complete if there are lenteis
desiring them. See him about it.
J. W. BENTLEY. bout and shoemaker
anil repairer, does liiat class work at
reasonable prices. Next door to
Democrat oltk-e. See him.
EGGS AND CHICKS. Barred Ply-',
mouth Koek, While Legorn Mack
Minorca. Palouso Geese ami White
l'ekin duck eggs, puro bred, also day
old chickei-s. Mrs. J. C. Porter, K.I
D. 2, box l.r. Ilnmc phoneHtSSl. Uit
Mc.Minnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C.C. Bryant, Albaiy,
CuaicK Hank Bldg. Both phones.
To give the home that delightfully pleasing effect produced by proper and
well chosen draperies, need not be difficult nor expensive. It has been our aim
in buying this line to secure the newest, most reasonable and mnst pleasing
effects, and now with the large and complete line that we now have, together
with a few ideas we believe we can aid you very much in making your home at"
tractive and cozy during these following winter montha.
We would like to show you the handsome and expensive bungalow nets that
we are showing. The prices range from 15c to 85e per yard.
Some beautiful effects at 26 and 35c per yard.
Madras in new and distinctive designs from 30c to $1.75 and many new pat
terns in Silkoline and Creton.
We would be pleased to show these to you whether you need them now or not.
Also our large line of NEW RUGS.
All the New Styles
$1.00 to $35.00
Films and Film Packs. Complete Assortment. ,
Woodworth Drug Company
Hie lihrary
The first year of the Albany library
makes a splendid showing for it. With
about 800 volumes in the library nearly
7,000 books were taken out and almost
9,000 visitors were at the library. That
shows an average of ten persons read
ing each book in the library. As a
matter of fact some of the books were
read a good many more times than
that. While the record is not made up
of course fiction led, and yet books of
solid character were called for, enough
to show a good taste here for high class
The library has proven itself a splen
did thing for the city. It should be
given a Carnegie building, and an in-
i come from the city of $1,000 a year ac-
cording to the cost of the building.
The library is considered a part of city
government everywhere and deserves .
to be. This is one of the problems this i
city will have to settle. We can have i
a $10,000 Carnegie library any time the 1
city government says so, all that is
necessary being a guaranty of the $1,000
income for running expenses. j
The west should be up with the east
in its suppprt of the public library. .
Will Albany be equnl to the occasion. I
In the meantime our citizens should be
liberal in their financial support of the
The President's Trip j
Today Presidet Taft began his west
ern trip, a twelve thousand mile trip
over tho United States to shake hands
with his fellow citizens. This is a
splendid thing for the President to do,
and it is proper for the government to
see that it is done and to pay the bills
if necessary. Formerly this was not
done and many presidents were never
seen by their constituents, few being
willing to pay their own bills. Here
after Uncle Sam will meet the expenses,
and it may be guessed that the presi
dents will all take the ride. Orcgonians
will be glad of the privilege and so far
as possible will see the big fellow go by, I
hearing him if possible, if not getting a
glimpse of him, so that in future years
they may be able to say they actually
saw President Taft. Mr. Taft and party
will be in Albany about 9 o'clock at !
night, and no doubt will come out on '
the rear platform and wave his hand at
the hub. j
This is a non e racking age. Men
pvprvwhprn nro irninir to nieces because
the pace is too hot for them. It un
doubtedly took down Mr. Harrimun. '
This week a Mew l orn unnKor com
mitted suicide because his nerves had
gone to pieces. Everywhere men are
succumbing to tho awful pace set. 1
Bettor let the money go and live a
tie lonirer.
30 Days Trial
The Willamette Vulley Co. has re-
i .i ...mi i...
Vimill. Hill", ...Ml.. U.
foiu on tinny days trial, lor nniy jj.or.
A splendid thing fur the ironer.
-.- "V" : ... . '
At houie-m the nior.nng. lhat 9
the time of all times when the coffee
MUST be right. It will be right if it's
Chaao cr Sanborh's Hrnml.
317-321First St
Showing What Blood Will Do
For Stock.
M. B. Miller, of Halsey, recently had
a sale of thoroughbred Jersies, selling
seventeen, consisting of eleven cows,
one bull and five heifers for $2449. The
highest price paid was $260, by Jas.
McConnetl for Mamie Rosalie, $250 be
ing the next by R. A. Campbell of
Ballston. Thos. Spillman of Boring
paid $202 50 for one, Mr. McConnell
$1.55 for another, B. B. Bartlett of
Myrtln Point $189 for one and $150 for
another. Mr. Stratton of near this
city $175 for Fl.ra Bay, all these being
registered. An unregistered cow
brought $75, showing the difference.
The heifers brought from $40 to $130.
C. W.Yates of Sfeedd paying $107 60
tor a two year old, J . C. Brown $82.50
for a yearling.
F. 0 .WILL, for" Watches
Any furniturestore nas tnat Albany
WANTED. Two men to work in yard.
Spaulding Lumber Cj. Call at once.
FqR RENT. Large hay and grain
iarm, $2 I z per acre cash. u. ti.
Turner, Turner, Ore. t28
FOR RENT. -A cottage of seven
rooms, electric lights and bath. Al
so cottage of 2 rooms, at 939 E 8th St.
WOOD SAWING. O. M. Westbrook
has a new gasoline saw, and is pre
pared to saw wood in a satisfactory
manner. Home phone 7001,
FOR RENT. The store room formerly
the Stetter store. See Harry Schlos
ser. DIRT.-Good black, top dirt for sale.
Frank Butterworth. Home phone
WOOD SA WING:-Call Geo. F. Brown.
Home Phone 862.
MEN WANTED -To work in mill, yard
and camp, $2 per day and up. Curtis
Lumber Co., Mill City, Or.
FOR RENT. The brick yard home of
Mr. Morgan, with 6 acres of good
garden land, including fruit, berries,
etc., for one year. Inquire of J. S.
Morgan, 333 E 4th street. 18t
REWARD. Five Dollars reward will
be paid in cash to anyone who can
find a sore neck or shonlder on a horse
that has been caused by the JOHNS
Adjustable Humeless Horse Collar.
clusive Distributors, Brenner Bldg.,
Albany, Or.
, . ,
where you don t want it is
Worse th:in
It you: water pipes burst
of order send for us nt
or get out
hasten to y.ur home an j do the
necessary plumling in the shortest
possible time. Fix it so there will be
r.o repetition of the tnouMe too.
& Hi
Mrs. Jacks returned this noon from ,
Newport. j
A son of Dr. Wilson, residing across
the Willamette, died yesterday. 1
F. M. Pomeroy came over from the
Bay today for a day or two.
Mrs. John Troutman and son or Port
land arrived last night on an Albany
Street superintendent Ramsey has re
turned from the hop fields at Independ
ence. John H. Shewry, of the Warren Con
struction Co. returned from a trip
Miss Smith of the musicial depart
ment of the college is expected tomor
row. D. R. Hodges, in town to-day says he
can beat that Los Angeles man easily.
50 yards in 10 seconds would be nothing
for him.
Mr. Ed. Quinn, wife, son and daugh
ter, arrived today from Cramer, III., on
a visit at J. A. McCullough's, an uncle
of Mrs. Quinn.
Miss Towney, of the musical depart
ment of the college, returned this noon
from a summer's visit with her folks
at McMinnville.
Mrs. Knowles and daughter Ruth, of
Florence were in the city to day and left
for the Seattle fair. Miss Ruth will at
tend college.
Chas. Duncan Monteith left last night
for Ithaca, to resume his studies in Cor
nell University, going by way of the
Canadian Pacific.
Carl Schuurstein fell last evening on
First stree t and dislocated one of his
shoulders, and will have to take a few
days vacation from making bread.
Thos. Townsend, a leading U. O. stu
dent for several years, arrived- this
noon from Newport on a visit with Ed.
Fortmiller, a frat. He will not go to
Columbia this year as intended.
Messrs. Knapp and Missal!, the third
ward merchants, left this morning for
Christmas Valley, over the hills to 6ee
the dry farming country. G Messman
took them. They will be gone a few
weeks, but not till Christmas.
Marriage Announcement.
Mrs. Maggie Cameron last eveninir
entertained a number of her young lady
friends in hinor of Miss Bessie Cameron
whose name is soon to be changed. A
delightful time was had.
The marriage of Miss Cameron and Mr.
J. E, Simpson, of Eugene, was announc
ed to take place on Wednesday, Sept.
29. An interesting novelty was the
drawing of packages from a basket'
each young ladv taking hold of a small
ribbon and pulling out her package, get
ting all manner of things. Mibs Bessie
Cameron drew out an elegant diamond
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
Sept.. 14, 1909. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Mrs. Lou Z Adams, J. I. Banks, Mr.
Branton, M. M. Buckley, Louis Buttler,
Kinxk Catrick, J. H. Courtney, J. C.
Donavan, A. A. James, George Keacb
& Co. Clyde Miller, Addie Miller, Nora
May, Mrs. Roy Peterpon, Mrs. J. II.
J. S. Van Winkle, P. M.
14 r
1 0, i;sa '
J)H&v,S55a wired this month.
The Ralston
Doinq; and Around It.
How about THAT chair.
Have you ordered that chair yet.
Boost the Albany made chair.
Sit down in one of those Albany made
chairs. .
Ice cream and lunches at the Vienna
Bakery. Call and try them.
$5 reward will be paid for any one
caught stealing the Oregonian. Ben
Clelan agent.
You can get a 6. pound pail of pure
kettle rendered lard for 75c at Henry
Brodera Meat Market.
Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at
the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than
anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set
if desire-1
Several college students wish work.
Ses President Crooks. .
The street car was tied up today by
the brick laying on Lyon street.
Reward for the return of the little
cart to A. M. Holt again.
Leave orders for those famous Dr.
Hawk peaches at Holt's market.
Miss Maybelle Becker hes accepted a
position as lady assistant in Dr. Litter's
dental office. '
Don't' neglect to have your shoes put
in first-class condition by a first-class
shoe repairer, at Burn's Shoe Store.
A new First street sign, a good one,
reads: The Paris. Cloaks and Suits.
Ladies Tailoring More later.
A black folding purse, containing $10
was lost at the depot. The finder
would confer a favor by returning it to
the W. F. office.
An advertisement for u lost article,
advertised in the Democrat was an
swered in fifteen minutes and the ar
ticle returned to the owner.
C. W. Sears & Son have fifteen men
at work at the planing mill, with many
orders ahead, one of the busiest places
in Albany. Work is sent out to all the
surrounding country in addition to the
large Albany trade.
Keep Your Eye on this spacer
for Prices.
Minced Clams 1 lb
' " 21b
The Full Weight Grocer
Walter Parker,
Grocer '
Baker ,
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 86
Are Again Flocking
To School
for another year of study. They will be con
fined indoors several hours a day and read
more or less by lamp light at home. It is
important to relieve any strain upon eye
sight that affects their nervous health.
Now is the Time to
rotect Their Eyes
us'n8 ht wmcn s congenial.
restful to the eyes as electric
8 none 80 healthful.
not pul a matter of
50 mucn importance.
Have vour own nnnv
Electric Supply Co
The Market.
Wheat RSe. Oats 40c.
I ' Ropf nn fnnt-. 9M to 3e: veal dressed 7e:
pork dressed 9c; on foot 7c.
Lard 15c.
Eggs 28c.
( hickens on foot 10c.
Hams 16c to 20c, sides the some,
shoulders 12 to 15c,
Butter 25c to 30c.
Hour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack.
Potatoes 2c oer B.
Hay, from $7 for some clover to $14
for the best timothy.
The City Fish Market has reoped
again at 109 Lvon street Albanv. "Ore.
, We will huve on hand all kinds of fresh
I also a full lin of Salt and Smoked
: Fish. Everything new and clean.
Yours for Business,
Fireplace Goods,
The Albany Hardware Co., 211 West
First street, has the finest stock of fire
place furnishings to be found, 25 styles
and patents, in and irons, fire sets, etc.
fine decorations for the fire place.
We have all the latest styles in ear
rings. French, the Jeweler.
For Summer Girls -
We handle dainty waists and
skirts and lingerie with the care
they deserve.
Let us show you.
Magnolia Steam
Both Phones 50
15 'cts
25 cts