Democratize VOI, SLV ALBANY. OREGOK. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER, s 19(0 NO Just Received a full line of Enameled Ware at Meiser & Chambers & McCune Burson Seam, less Hose Regular and Out Sizes 25cthe pair It btndt with tout toot Early Showing of Correct Styles in Women's Shoes Suits, Coata, Capes, Dresses and Skirts of every popular material and style. The splendid values are characterised by a wide price range. Ac almost any price can be found just what you want. One More Week of the August Clean Up Sale Bargains in all departments come in every time you are down town you are always sure to find something you need and at a big saving to your puree. In the New Store The Stetters.. Groceries and Produce Prompt delivery BRICK, A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. Phone Home 2f 5. ALBANY BRICK CO CDETISREAL EST ATE CO, 106 N. ELLSWORTH. Farm land and city property bought and Bold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 53. Home main 231. Palmer's Dairy 1 HE GULDEN RULE. Delivers milk and cream to any part of the city. Prices reasonahle. Jersey cows with best of care. Both Phones. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats of all kinds from elected stock. g j S'v., i".; f rj StsSSUrCSsaisEr'eEJ Meiser Merchandise of High Quality. Agents for the ssnoc Shoes The illustration shows a very popular model lor Fall and Winter wear. That is not only stylish in appearance but very comfortable. Ask to see the New Red Cross iShoes. Plumbing ! Lec us estimate on your works. We guarantee first-class work at moderate cost. PLUMBING, TINNNING AND HEATING. W. E. FRANCIS 126 Ellsworth St. Both Phones. C. B. DAVIS, PIANO TUNER. L&.Tiffi:OREG)N MARKET LUMBER FIGURES, I Furnished by E. A. Chambers, R. D. ! 2. dressed on. I rough. Call him up. 1 Home 355i or see him at the mill. ! BKUCK & ANDERSON J OPPOSITE THE P. O. Funr chairs. Prompt an Efficient Care of the face and bair. I EMPIRE" THEATRE '-J The Program: 1. Before the Mast. Dramatic. 2. Fantastic heads. Trick. 3. The Butler's Trick. A comedy. Songs I'll Get You Yet, Little Girl. A Basket of Kisses. Admission 10 cts. W. B. Reduco Corsets for arge Women, ler Pair $3.00 m TnOc-mark Lumber, Shingles, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Building Paper. The beat to be secured. Gel our prices. THE CHAS. K. SPAULD1NG LIMBTR CO, Phoaes-Bell Red 812; 3 t j : Oats, Wheat, Vetch and cover Bought 1 Oats taken on storage. Sacks furnished and for sale. I M, Lenders & Co., inc. j. M. ENGLAND, Proprietor F,!st cIass Groceries, and the best fruits and vegetables at reasonable price. A square dral for all. r "S "" Order it of the Al- p- banny Ice Co. .West ...J JL- rnl of 3rd St. 'Both phones. De'-itfered iri; ht! e n tl.e city. BIG FIRE AT R0SEBURG. Ira Lee, the brakeman, and family. arrived back in Albany from Roseburg, this morning, and will reside in Albany hereafter. Mr. Lee runninf between Albany and Junction on the local freight. He reported a big fire in Rosebur? this morninir starting at 4 o'clock in the rear of the Norman restanrant, opposite the depot, and spreading over the entire block, every thing in it going but the harness shop of Mr. Johnson, places burning being seve ral restaurants, a livery stable, etc, causing a tremendous blaze, the block being made up of of frame structures. Wrf dePtment M.t0(.d0.f0I"!and Oiegon farmers, pretending to bSt wB ,, ?oprfPl " ' male loans, collecting one pre cent has BROWNSVILLE Now has a Steel Bridge. The Times: The Times is informed that W. E. Pears and family will move to Albany to reside about the first of OctobeJ. n c uuucioianu limb u. if. uuu;nii lt 1 11,., TJ ur T 1.- who went to Nebraska several weeks ago, is not satisfied with the old home country and will soon return to Browns- viile sntisfied to remain here. I The Brownsville Cannine a r,! Pro- serving Company has a number of men I employed this week in labeling and pacing a car laod of mixed canned fruits, be shipped to the purchasers, in Butte, Montana, in a tew days. Ray Edwards met with a peculiar ac cident Tuesday afternoon that nearly cost him his life from poisoning an5 symptoms of lockiaw. He was snaKing a sack when his right hand struck the sharpened point of a leao pencil, which penetrated the skin making a small wonna. sooj alter ine nana necame badly swollen and painful. He was brought to town and Dr. Starr attend ed him For a time it was thought that he could not live. He is much better today, however, and will probably re-' coyer. I The work of erecting the new steel : bridge, which spans the Calapooia in this city, was completed yesterday and Commissioner Butler and his crew are now engaged in building the founda- j tion for the decking and approaches. 1 This work, however, will not be com pleted now, as the crew will have to go to Scio next Wednesday to erect the steel bridge over Thomas creek in that city, which consists of one span, b rom Scio they will go to Jefferson, where a 43 foot concrete pier must be put in before high water comes. From Jeffer son t;.o crew will return to Brownsville and complete the bridge here. . Wonderful Peaches. W, J. Brown, of Benton county, yes- terday brought to the city a box of 'fi ",lro"' ?rft a8aurefa of .strictly . j v iuii "rst-class work, prompt service and Crawford peaches certainly remarkable reasonable prices, for their size and color. One of them I Eave trough, conductors, roofing and measured 13 inches in circumference, general jobbi g. Specifications furn ' another 12 8 4 and any number of them shed. Ejtimates cheerfully given. over ten inches. There was also limb of them showing their manner of growth. Mr. J. V. Pipe has had them Dhotopraohert for cost cards, offer ine a splendid booster. Whenoutsend someof them east. There is hardly a better advertisement. The Linn & Benton Real Estate Co. also have a box of the Brown peaches, wonderful peaches. Yesterday some men passing stopped and looked at them one remarking: "Oh, those are simply California peach as, being passed off for Oregon peaches." When it comes to peaches Oregon asks no favor of Cali fornia, bigger and better flavored. Albany Day at the Fair. Next Tuesday will be Albany day at the Linn county fair at Scio, and a spec ial effort will be made to get a large crowd to go. A low rate will be made on tne C. & a. witn arrangements tor taking care of a good sized crowd be tween Munkers and Scio. The train will leave Albany at 7:30, and leturn ing leave Munkers about 5 o'clock, giv ing a long time at the fair grounds for seeing the exhibits and the races, the firogram for which the Democrat pub ished several days ago. The -fair deserves promotion and Al bany people should go. Two Dog Ca:,es. Ben Goldberg's dog case was settled before Recorder Redfield this morning Goldberg was charged with keeping t vicious dog, which it was said had bitten several people. It was also learned that there was no licenseonthe animdl. The matter was disposed nf by Gild here's caving two dollars for a license. and an order issued for the homely, yellow thing to be removed from the city. Another dog, which had bitten some one, a setter, old and diseased, wa9 taken down hv Constable Ctlin and sent out of misery by a well directed shot, I'on es. Prosnective nurcl aseM if land small tract Ju veli to s e "Jersey U.rv" farm Hist east of Albany co lore purchasing, 250 yet unsold which wil t:3 divleJ in tractts to f.uit Ur chaters and on terms are easily met. Go direct to th! owner H 1 1 iii.t and save cor.:n'.rni?;iens. MISTAKEN FOR DEER Eugene, Aug. 28. Virgil Clover mis - took John Mathews for a deer, in theEdd-v the S' p- r'8ht ' way man, mountains, and shot him in ine groin. He may die. Swindler Arrested, Vancouver, B. C. Aug. 28.-The Smith swindler of Idaho, Washington been arrested. E. H. Harriman. New York, Aug. 28. E. H. Ham man will likely be operated upon. American Won r. . . "heims, Aug. 8. The urtiss Amcr- ican won the aviation cup, defeating oil comers today in the great racea. I - I The Swastika Cooking Club, Carlene Warner entertained the Swastika Cooking Club at her home on W. 4th street this afternoon. The "tr " "B"uI"rn?y ?oracea taoie was nanasomely decorated with S "3 . 5... Tr "8"Ba.Jm.,tl,e JPP hnBt Man. If you are going to travel get the American Bankers Association Trav- ellers SI0.00. S20.00or S50.00 Denominations, payame at ten thousand . . I. .. 1 . 1 r ., 1 ry banks, or f.t any hotel of railroad office f or sale by J . w. Cusick & Co, Bankers, Holt Again for your meats of all kinds, and the Metropolitan Market next djor for the latest and best in fruits and vegetables. LOST. A gold lockol. with fmongrnm J. R. on back and picture inside. Return to J. M. Ralston. G.E.METZGUS &SON, Sanitary Plumbers and Meial WorRers. Sheet Try us. .201 E First St. Both Phone IP Pr,fpct,servic,e' ap unexcelled quility of goods, and prices that are IF mod,B,e ""I Ufct- ar what you are looking for. then without doubt you should m" e our store your lending buying place Our Coees are t a heet and finest 01 tamable purified by the removal, bv special procss of the bitter cellulose chuff, whereby the refreshing stim lating properties of the ct ffee are retained in more concentrated form. Both Phones Main 53 COMPAQ Albany's Leading Tea and Coffee House. WM. UAIN, President. P. D. GILBERT, V. P. H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK (THE NEW BANK) Opened for Business Tuesday, Aug. 10th This bank does a general banking business in all its branches, and has facilities f bundling accouuts whic 1 uie unu passed. We also call attention to our Savings Depsrirront where you can place your spare dollars and have them work fcr vou. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. Keep you' vaiua ile napers in a safe place w ere they cannot gat lost or destroyed by fire. Come and see us. STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etc. Both Pho ts 57 THROUGH LEBANON. 1 s- Garland, the lawyer and J. B. , camw uuwu xruiu Leuunun mis iorenoon in a private rig, Mr. Garland going to the Bay to spend Sunday, Mr. Eddy to Portland. Together they have been securing rights of way for the Wood burn branch road which is to run from the Crabtree to Lebanon crossing the river at Lebanon, in order to save the bridge always going out heretofore used. They had gotten most of the Lebanon rif,ht of way, expending $9,000 in the city already and were con- suiting with Jos. H. Ralston of this city, in reference "to property of his ' there. Several houses will have to be iiiuvcu. exi weett iney will go into the country until the line is covered to I Crabtree, crossing the Santiam near Lebanon at a good place. Then the 1 road t Albany will be taken SB far as Tallman, and thence on is Springfield, making Lebanon a way station, like Brownsville and the other towns on the road. Before the Mast At the Empire Tonight. Mr. Rolf presents to the public one of the best motion pictnres that has ever been seen in Albany. You cannot afford to miss it Tonight is your last chance to see this Selig masterpiece. Two good comedies besides and two good illustrated songs Admission 10 cents any seat in the house. 1 Fireplace Goods. The Albany Hardware Co., 211 West first street, has the finest stock of fire piace lurnisnings to be found, 25 styles j 1 - 1- , . and paterns, in and irons, fire sets, etc. line decorations for the tire place. We have all the latest styles in ear tings. French, the Jewe'er. Dreamland To-night To-Day Only, . Program: 1. The Little Drummer of 1792. (Drama.) 2. Conchita, The Spanish Bell. (Drama.) . 3. The Tramp Story. (Drama.) i. The Wizard's Walking Stick. (Magic.) 5. The Cobbler and the Millionaire. (Drama ) 6 Case of Seltzer. (Comic.) En'.ire new program tomorrow. Admistion 10c, d3Mf :24 W. 1st St.