Summer Underwear Sale At pi ices that will make business lor the Underwear Section.l 40c union suits at,..' 32c each.1 Ladies sleeveless union suits knee length; a very service ble garment at special 32c each 50c union suits at 48c each Ladies sleeveless union suits, open knee, lace trimmed, at special 48c each 75c and $1.00 union suits 60c each Ladies sleeveless, or short nn ion suits, ooen or closed knee, elaborately trimmed special. 60c each at Flood's ::::RELIABLE:::: Light, Power and Heat. Willamette Valley Co. R. E. Welch, Manager. Lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday even' ng. Cnus. School commander. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. swan clem. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, ilda Van Winkle, G. N. Modern Woodmen moot every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hall. fInANT Froman. Clerk. Royal Noighbors meei: every 1st and o-j ii., : u.,aanA'a Hall Alice Kirk, Recorder. DO YOU KNOW That when you use the Albany Butter Company's ICE thai vou are getting ice that is strictly PURE made from distilled and doubly filtered water, and in every wav a perfect hygienic ice? Insist upon having it at fountains and at ho""1. U. A. I' ' Thy is handling this years ou'..,a- with complete foil itics for giving the very bet,t service possible . Call up or hail the wagon P. S. phono Blk 671. Home phone 84 or call tho Factory night or day Pacific States Main 49, Home 49 TOM YOUNG Hk jse and Sign Painter, 122 Eerry St. Agent for the Cleveland Gelsenite rnnfnaint. Hnmo uhono 320. Pacific Red 3092 - CARPENTER and PAINTER 1 .mi, ujimi vnnr bniiMe Painted. Ro- aii ed or a new one built giveusa call WM. KIRK, Albany, Ore. Homo Phone MILK. Any ono wishing a good quality of milk can secure it of me. Stock nearly all Jcrsios, well fed and cared for. Phono Homo 8002. THE CLOY ER LEAF DAIY, D. P. MiHHI.Klt, Proprietor. Summer Rates East During the Season 1909 via the Southern Pacific Co. From Albany To Omaha ami Return $('. -15 . To Kansas City and Return. . ti'2...r) . To St. Louis and Roturn IW.'Jii To Chicago and Return "a. 'Jo anil to otht-r principal cities in the East, Middle West and South. Correspondingly low fares. On sale June!!, 3; July 2. 3; August 11,12 To Denver and Return $57.45 On Sale May 17, July I, August 11 : il'iinr, transit limit 111 days from date of salo, linal return limit October 31st. Those tickets present some very at tractive features ill the way of stoo ovcr iirivileirofl. and choice of routes; thorol'V enabling uaswngers to make ,i.lo trips to many interest'iig points emoiite. Routing on tho return trip through California tnav he hud at a slight ad vance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car roerva lii 'Sainl ticket will be furnished by in v Southern Pacific local agm. or WM. Mi'MU KRA Y. Ceneral i'assengor Agent. I'ortland, Oregon. 35c and 50c vests at 25c each Ladies sleeveless vests, a great assortments to select from, fancy trimmed, special at.. 25c each Reduced prices on all ests. other summer Great reductions on all muslin pet ticoats, white canvas oxfords, etc. Agents for Stanard Patterns. At the Hotels. O. S. Boyles and wf, Mollalla Herbert Sholton, Scio D H. Detchon, Portland Roscoe Ncal, Baker City David and D. A. Brodie, Halsey R. Phillipps, Portland R. O. Wygant, Newport J. G. Dennis Crawfordsville Geo. A. Houck, Portland H. H. Cobb, Portland Frank Mi ler, Newport S. M. Cohen, Portland S. C. Myers, Lebanon Mrs. Dan Murphy and dau, Portland W. D. Gerger, Portland H. O'Brien, Eugene J. T. Summerville, Medford J. Q. Adams, Corvallis E. G. Day, Aberdeen J. M. Stuart, Lincoln S. C. Stuart, Axtel O. E. Stuart, Burlington ) hT MarKet Wheat $1, Oats 65c. Beef on foot 2 to3c;veaI dressed 7c; pork dressed 9c; on foot 7c, Lard 15c. Eggs 20c. i hickons on foot 10c. Hams lilc to 20c, sides the some, shoulders 2 to 15c. Butter 2."ic to 30c. Floui $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. 1'ota i oes 2c uer H. Hay. from $7 for some clover to $14 for the i est timothy. Constitution causes neadache, nausea, nizzincsi, languor, heart palpitation. Drastic ohvsics erine. sicken, weaken ' the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Reg- ulcts act gently and cure constipation. za cents. .sk your aruKK"".. Never can tell when you 11 mash a linger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or . Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' i T .1.. i: t-1. Eclectric Oil instantly relieves the pain luickly cures tne wound. 91-,. ,i".:iL'i:iJt; Hi t. I "J. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, hen cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, aro made to lock just as good as made to .ook just as new. Waists and dresses of delicate colors and ma terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. Wo also dye any garmnnt de sired ill beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. 41:0 W 1st St. Beli Thone black 273 .Home uhono ll)ti Wood Sawing. Wo are still sawing. See or phone us l efore engaging your work, All orders promptly attended to. B. F. Rozelle. Home SH02. Hell Blk. 2-151. lit henWbYoders, Dealer in choice meats of all kinds. EXECUT-ilX'S f.CLCE ht-,,v iivr'n t int h nn tie ait mill i fit li (.inni 1 tni itic t-xn.ii rix t'( Him Inoi -Ml h'm iiii-i-t mi v 1 1 i' ul Ctilfl' Cir.iT (iff ti e-i In" lirft' iccount wilt rTK n( U.f tlMin y (m i lur , ("V''. 1 it' I Oil f llM' Ii. ;i' i (Ihv I AupiPt, 11)00. h it ol v fl 'k i". (of httitini : n , i 1 " n y , to said t-- unt nu ti - pel i" nt H"l cet-ti'. iho v. . j.., it n I ::! : ;''rii" HARRISBURG Bulletin: If anythine like iustice was doinc Harrisburg would be swamped whh people buying up our cheap farm lands. John Norwood has sold his ranch ad joining town to Mrs. Harvey Sommer ville, the deal being closed yesterday Mr. Norwood will retain five acres ad loining the Herman plac . The firm of Hill & Shisler has dip. solved partnership, Mr. Hill buying the interes. of his partner. In the change and will do business under the firm name of Hill & Co. .ixi. uiu tunta hid pun mvu llii lid mi., Harrisbure, Monday night and until . . . . . the 1:10 train Tuesday, v as honored by the presence of !3x-Congrepsman J. N. Williamson. . r. Williamson was born and raised about two miles west of here, moved from here with his father's family to Salem in 1869, when he was fourteen years of age. He graduated from the Willamette University in 1875, went to Prineville in 1876 and en gaged in sheep raising. His success in business and his interest and ability in discussing public affairs led to his nom ination and election to the lower house of congress. ALBANY Doing: 'n and Around It- Yum, Yum, they have come, Watermelons, At theElit?. First water melono of the season at the Elite. We have all the latest styles in ear rings. French, the Jeweler. Ice cream and lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Call and try them. Ladies cuff links in gold, sifrer and! filled at French's jewelry store. ! An empty purse, found on tho street can be had at this office. , Geo. Collin's honey, every jake , branded, only on sale at Holt's Again, Leave orders with G. Messman fr Cascadia soda water. Home phone of the' new high school, our pretty resi Black 111. dencesv good business street views, Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at : pictures of our superior looking trait, the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than stock,. etc. Keep on sending them east. anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set . if desire"1 Mr. Isaac Elder, of Elkins additior. , l"Or a fine Outinj. prodably has the oldest horse in Ore- gon. She is now 34 years of age and Go to'ftower Soda and stop with S. It doine eood service vet Mr. Elder Huln. The hotel accommodations are- raised the horse, bringing her with him from Iowa. ; Atter a Girl. Salem Journal: Detective Wm. Beckett, of Portland, was in Albany yesterday to bring back to Salem Miss Richards who had been in that city for a few days. Tie- girl is under the juvenile conrt of fonrand, i and was allowed to work in Maris and1 ! Polk counties, but as soon a she ! DIlippCU IllbV, XJIIMI, OIIO W M Ul UCI CU UNbA. I sue will De under tne supervision! or t the juvenile court until .she becomes ! of age, one and a halt years. There is more Vjaiarrn m this section ! of the country than all other diseases ; Due together, and until tho last Jew : years was supposed to bo incurable. If off I a great many years doctors pronounced ; lt a local uisease anu prescriueu io'"" the Economy, andi aro not atraio or remedies,- and by constantly failing to- ever losing any, for if the simple di- cure wich local treatment, pronounced! : rectins are followed,, failure i impos- it incurable. Science has proven cabbie. Canning becomes a pleasure tarrh to be a constitutional disease andi;ather than a task when one feels se- tnereiore requires constitutional treat- ' ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manuf act-1 jured ly F. J. Cheney & Co.,. Ohio, is.!;n tne oiuy cunsuLutiuiiui cure uu vir. market. It is taken internally in dose trom lu drops to a teaspooiui. it acts- directly on the blood and mucous sur- saces of the system. They off er one-. U..Hrl nllnc Vn. n noon it fnlla fn, hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimon ials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Fighting the Beef Trust. Smith will pay 8.j cents foi good young veal up to lot) pounds. j Smith with pay 10,' cents for dressed pork that is sweet, young and fat. Any size. Smith can use larev veal of any size and will pay what it is worth. Smith wants Soring chickens and will pay lti cents to 18 cents. Smith will pay 14 cents for hens. Smith will pay 25 cents for good, fresh eggs. Ship all your produce direct to Smith and you will get youi check by mail at once. Address: FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO.. "Fighting the beet Trust. Portland, Oregon Lumber, Shingles, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Building Paper. The best to be secured. Cet our prices. THE CHAS, K. SPAULDttG LUMBER CO. MISFITS. Shirt waists make big laundry bills. The watermelon is market. now IT in the The harvest hand is the man who is wanted now. People are busy calling other who differ from them fools. people A I . .1 . . . . .. !. uiU narrowest people in tne orld are tse calling other people n irrnw. Mr. Hill also has a crew up the Des. chutes, with au eauiDment. Now what s up. it is the 24th, the day when the tar iff fight was to end, but it is on and more to come. Some people wear themselves out and have to have an outing. Others take care of themselves as they go along. The Democrat is a shouter for Al bany men and institutions all the time. anu lu ancient language, "don t you iorgei ic. All the same, but for Portland the Corvallis anil Eastern would have been extended. At least everybody up this way says so. The caves in Josephine county are to be set aside for national care, which will mean a long red tape before any thing is done with them. ... Kruttschnitt is now iff Oregon. If h comes down this way we will show niYn where the C. & E. should be ex- tended and suggest quickness-, Good boosters: post cards wfeh- views good. The camp ground is the best i that vicinity, being dry and clean and i free to all! Mr. Hulin Was a good feed l barn ad give the horses plen ty to eat. ; Fishing and hontiug are good and Mr. I Hulin can put vou on the- right spot. Mrs. Hulin serves, the best meals to be had. ' You will' find the Hulina" at Lower Soda a very pleseant place to stop. ' Tne soda water io free. Too do not have to cross the river; butkeepon the u" j u .u. . K" """" ,5 Y?"rZJ 1 I am 3 p u o ' H. F. VI c'32, WAIN. m c .r, . .. Ltunoi ny venwinu ouww, On Julv SIeIl at M. G. StetteiTs store ,ivra uilil ho o. jAmnnorrntirait of tho, Economy FiUit Jar, an all-day affair. Tho Rmnnnw ii .i. inn wo'thi Srvinff. , flero ;s a sampB testiiaonialr ' ..j nave never lost one jar sinceusing elire from failure. T am one who thinks- fruit rareservedi an Economy has a. different and sn- merior navor. It ! witraout oowot iar aUperior to fruit put up in other jars jhe reason, to me is- simple r taste robber rings can be- detected. am exceedingly grateful to whoever in- . ?-Jri- f, tented the Ecenomv iar.' MBS. B. MCUALLIARD, Waldo. JT. To Water Consumers. Irrigation hours are B to9 a. rr. and 5 to 8 n. rr.. Street sprinkling with hose is strictly torbiddenw All irriga tors caught sprinkling out of hours will J be shut olf without further warning. WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. j "Had dyspepsia or indigestion lor ' years No appetite,, and wnai l aid eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Bloed Bitters cured me. "J. H. Walker snburv, Ohio. The Florence Automatic Oil Cooking Stoves. & a. At the Albany Hardware Co's. Two powerful gallon icservoir. Price S10. It is wickless, valveless and has a no tlame. Starts at once. Hero is the way it works : r . . . . ....... V- P IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH Chas. Knecht China and Glassware, Books and Notions, Post Cards, all kinds, 1 cent each also 5 cents dozen. Hot Weather Makes it unpleasant tohave a hot fire in your kitchen so the modern people of Albany are using oil stoves during the warm days as they cook quicker and do not make near as much heat as the ranges do. Our stock includes everything from a small alchol stove to large gasoline stovesv we also have ovens to fit any size stove. Come around and let us show them! to you. at OHUNG & TAYLOR, The Hardware Men. Albany, . . . Oregon TIME 5 M0NH - J When vou a. on tho verge of closing;! paifB rtoal nnri wish an ahat,ai a real estate deal and wish an absttact ouick. Com" to us. "Tim ia Mnnev" We can save vou considerable if you come tous.our work ia rlnne RAPIDLY, 'and most of all absolutely accurate for we have- at our command complete and absolutely c- curate records. Your patronage solicited; . . INN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO ''" SHINGLES Made in Albany. My N6i 1! Bdg Graimis the BE5 P. Various, grades and prices. Stained in oil! when desired. Patronize home industry and leave your money at home. E. A. THOMPSON. Mill foot Jefferson St. Cement Work Estimates given on Plastering Side- wain, uiiu ti ui n J. P-TR AVER, 4th & Calapooia St. WE have no State Deposits, nor do we accept aay de 5sit where special security has to be pledged. This means that we have no preferred zreditors and that your deposit has the same security that all have. We have invested assets worth mm than iJMO.OOO.OO and this would have to be dis--sipated before depositors could lose a cent. It is not being dissipated, it is growing. L W. CUStCK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. CHINESE DOCTlK-J. Hon Foo, an Collection!, ma je on favorable terrrs experienced corspounder of Chinese; . medicines, successor ot tne late tiong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese to all. ineunder- and guaran - ,r. w::t,t.h'm sie-ned recommends him tees satisfaction. Ca.l or at No. Ill) West Second it.. Albany Or -Iim Westfall. 5 uiQirs Santal-Pepsm Gapsuiesj A POSITIVE CURE ForTnflammntfon orCatarrhot thf Ulfttl.lor Mitl Piwawd Ktd kiieyi. WOClUnEMOPSY. Cures llmirkly and wrnmnontlr th Uworft crtfi-s of Gonorrhoea Jund Olt-rt, no matter of hew 'one otiindinir. A dboIm lely hnrmlrns. Sold by druggisti, 1'rU-c, or by mail, poit paid, (1.00,3 boxes, $2.75. THE SAHTAL-PEPSIIiCS. BcllclanUloo, Ohio. Albany Supply Company In fruits, vegetablos, sugar, nuts. confectionary, wrapping paper, twine anu paper uags. We also have the aeencv forPvrnmiH and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, ! Arden plaster. Get prices before buy- . -esh paid for eggs. root f erry street, Albany. Phones, Miin 5 BeKl S Home. A. STARK, M. DO PIIY8ICIAN AND SURGEON WILL & STARK BL3CS, ALBANY" , a. A.LElrSGEKT Dentist Urawtord Block, - - Albany, DR. MARYMASSHAIL, Osteopathic Physician, 2263Broadalbin;Straet, Albany. MlacK Phone 482. If you are in a humrv or tirpH hint I want to settle your account, there is 'ao : long waiting for us. to check up aad ! post books. You ccn settle as quickly i as vnn ran n, a -e Holt's Again. V V Want's Your Patronael 1 Telaphone Red 671 FIRST NATIONAL BfiRJK -n irf. x OREGON E W UVNiKS. UIRF'.'UIRS S E YOlf.SU Vicu- President A c scic.tirr 1' A UKxlvln O J St-hinitt A C-.--'--hmlu Transacts a general banka, business. Aacounts kept subject to check, ght exchange aud telegraphic trans fersoldon New York, San Francisco. jiu rorciana J- M. RALSTON i , lSNblRANLE, LOANS AND l f.miP.-Tinvc I lUl lJ, nave money to loan in small aad large amounts. Notes and mortgage bought. I win bond vou. Prop&rtv handled for non-residents Real Estate a-nd Insnraii Viuy and seli reaity. Insure prop erty and transact loans. 1 arge or fmsil! timber tracts. w. FIR ST ST, lAl.ItANT OR .1. K. i -f -.1 At ntj fjf I X .ut I. a 1 Phones-Hell Red SI2: Home 321. For 'e br Borkhan & I ee