Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, July 30, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    Mrs. Ray Crow, wife of a f jrmer Al
bany college student, died in Portland
this week. The remains were taken to
Marian for burial.
To all whom it may concern.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may concern tbat ttie undersigned bs
r-cea appointed admiuiBtrairiX of the
t- is o' George F. Simpson, deceased
y the C maty Court of Liua Couaty
Oregon meretore, all pe'sons having,
clmm gunsi taut es a e are he eby,
notifi-d and required to present tho
same to the undorsuned administratrix
the otiioD of W. K. Bilyeu in Albany,
Oieiin. within six montus lrom the
dateuersol. .
Dned tbis9thdy ot Jttl$, 1919.
Marv A. Simpson,
. Administratrix ol Gjo, Simpson,
Notice is hereby niven that the ttud er
eigned hoe filed ber fioal account in i lie
astute of I- B. McFarland, dece.sed.and
by order of the county loan or 1,100
county, Oregon, auunat 6, 1909, t 1
i)'- lock p. m., has ban set lor hea'iag
abjections thereto and lor the settlement
ef said estate.
Albany, Or.,.Fuly 2, 1909.
R'la McrJarland, Amioistratnx.
3. j, Whitney,, Atty lor Admr. G
In the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for Linn County.
Department No. 2.
Atiida M Gsba, Plaioliff, is. Joel
'Gaba, alias, Joel Hart, the above named
In tue name of the ttate of (Oregon,
You are hereby notified and required to
be and appear in sain eourt in said suit,
and anewer the complatut ot the plain
tiff filed therein on or belure the 24th
day oKJuly, 1909, sodyou are hereby
'further notified ibat if yon ail to ap
pear and answer said complaintas afore
said, 'for want thereof the pietntiff will
'take a-decree against you for the relief
praved for in said complaint, to- wit :
A decree of ta;d court dissolving the
bonds ol matrimony now existing
between ou and said plaintiff.
(This summons is served noon yon by
publication for six coteeoutlve weeks
prior to the said 24th day ol tf-ly, 1909,
in the Albany Dt-mocrut, a newspaper
published in Albany, ILinn Cuuniy,
Joregon,and of general circulation week
ly in said County, by oider
ny the Honorable J. .
Duncan, Judge of tbe County Conn
of Linn County, Oreeon, whicb said
order was made June 7bb, 909, and:tha'
the Bald J. M. Duncan, Judge ot said
County Court, in said order for tbe puo
licatlou of this summons upon vou has
.prescribed said 24th -day oijulv, 1909,
as the time on or before whion you
shall Bppear and atew-er tbe said com
plaint in said Buit. '
Tbe date ol th first publicaiion of
this snmoiooB in said mewepaoerie June
Ilth. 1909. W..S.'Risley,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State ot
Oregon for Linn County..
Io the matter of tbe application of W.
L. Grove, to register the title to ihe land
in eaid application described, to-wii :
The S. E. M ol tbe B. W. and tbe
8. A'. of tbe S. E. of Sec. 35, in
Town-nip 12 Sont'i.Einge 4 Went of the
Willamette Meridian, iu Linn C uoty,
Oregon, ccntaiuing 81) acies, sua net S.
B. Powers and all whom it luay concern.
To all whom it may concern:
Taker.0t.1ae, that on the .5tu day of
June, A. D 1909, an api'hcat on was
filed by said W. L. Greva in tbe Circuit
Cour of ibe Stale of Oreuon (or Linn
County for the initial reiriatratiou of 'he
title to itie land above described. Now,
unless vnu aDpear on or before tbe 17lti
day ol Julr,A.D.1908ndshowcansewhy
Bucb aiiplication shall not be granted,
the eeme will be taken to be
.confessed, and a decree
will be entered according t the prayer
ot application, and you will be forever
barred from disputing the same.
Witiess my baod and tbe
( ) seal of said Circuit Oourc this
A sbal 6th day o( JuDe A JJ.
Wr 109. J. W.MllfjLER,
County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of
ihe Circuit Court of Linn Oountv, Ore
Applicant's Attorneys.
In the Circuit Court of tbe estate of
(Oregon fur Lino County.
C. -IT. Bailer, Plaintiff, v. Bertha
Builer, Defendant.
To .Bertha Butiur, tbe libera oamed
deftndam: In the name of ihe State of
Oregon, vol -tre heieb required to ap
pear Hril Hiiouer lhe complaint fl ed
AgainM vou in thi above entitled cum
and cauee ou or mfore the Xuiratiun of
lx week? from the date ot ih tiret pub
lication j( t'ti- Ruuiinoa-. flti'l if fo.i fitt
no to appear ami bi'Spr, ihe pUio' ft
witl uppiv to tli- c 'U c fo' tilt relief lie
manileddn tmul cuui jik-int, to wUc Kur
a J ree diBolving the marriage con
tract now exislin between you and the
plaint . ff and fir judgment for the cate
and (li'burceuuedie of mis mit BiDBr
jrou. Ti'ie BummonB is publiehed ooce a
wepk for b-x Bucuepeive eefce bv order
o tiH Ron. J. S. Uiincnii, County
J o1 if of M'in Uonnt.v, Oreitou. da ed
Apr -4, 1659, directuii! ine tinr, pub-tiuaii-pti
'o he mad tun iho 30;h day of'
Aurtl 195 and tfi- Infi- uutd i-aii'm ort
Jme 11(909.. W. H.Mcf'AiiPEX.
A' oj ne PUiiitifT.
Xoiif e ie herhv uicn ttil ide under
iaui-p has been duu ai,.oint-n by t:.e
County Cour: t.1 Lint. C'Mirii..
t rtg.n, Biiniinistra:or ot the p.Hlal'r.f
nie E. Beam, lale of eaid cou, tv.
jeeeacd. Ail t-erfons having cUimK
i ai si tli" estnte of eaid deceased hie
i rehy required to prefent ti e eme,
i b proper voncners. tr the under
u" ed, at his residence, in the City of
A t ny. in said couniy, within tix
p.- hs from the date of this notice,
. ed Albany, Oreuon. Jane 25. 1909.
Owen Be -ni.
JI- t & Sox. A Imtnitrator,
. .-asy for Adininist ia!or. j
Remembered by
the Bible
The discussion yesterday afternoon
on the college and university teaching
in connection with the church was led
by the able pastor of the Presbyter
ian church of Eugene, Rev. Mount, and
was decidely interesting.
Rev. Robert McClain and others
spoke out very plainly 'on the subject
of evolution, leaving no eoubt as to the
standing of this Bible school on the
One ot the most entertaining things
of the school was the address last even
ing at the M. E. Church, by Rev. Jean-
ette Ferris, of Sheridan, on Bonnie
Scotland in songmnd story, in which she
showed her appreciation of the splendid;
things Scotland lhas done for the litara-j
ture and song -of the world. The world
admires the Soot because of his sturdy
character, so splendidly portrayed in
the literature of the country.
This afternoon Chas. A. Phipps led
the S. S. talk, a very important one
and Mrs. Ferris gave another splendid
Scotch talk, Ju3ing Ian Mclaren as her
subject, telling of his splendid stories
and work.
Tonight at the M. E. church 'the ad
dress will be worth the attendance, by
Rev. Robert McClain, withillustrations,
on Porto Rico. Rev. McClain was in
the missionary service there several
years, and hence is alivt with exper
sence. Tomorrow will be bird day.
Capt. Kuhn went to Lebanon this
The Misses Alexander of Stayton are
visiting with Miss Maggie Shea.
Morgan Watson, of 'Eugene, passed
north this forenoon forPortland.
Mrs. T. G. Hopkins returned lat
night, from a Salem visit.
Dennis Merrill wert to Harrisburg
last niirht on timber land business.
Mrs. J. J. Collina and children left
vesterdav for Seaside for an outing.
. . . ... 1
Mrs. Anna FarreH 'is visiting at the
ho ne of lhe father. Mr. Frank I-arreil.
W. L. Marks left Cast night for Spok- j
ane to taKe a chance in the big land -t
drawing. j
Rev. Tracey, of Ijebanon, was in the
city last evening osdiis way home from
Mrs. William Huston left yesterday
afternoon for heme after an Albany
visit ot several weeks.
The Misses Anna and Helen Schultz
are spending the week with Miss
Gladys Dorgan on 'the Dorgan farm.
R. D. Mitchell, f Crabtree returned
home to-day from Montana. He de
clared Paradise tbe best place he was in.
J. 3. Crawford has been getting out
some berry post cards that are splendid
things for sendingeast, regular boost
ers Miss Pearl Stevens'arrived last night
from Aberdeen, South Dakota, on a
visit with her former school mate, Miss
Elsie Bain.
Mis3 Chambers, daughter of F. .L.
Chambers, of Ecgene, returned home
last evening, after a visit with Misss
Zona Haight.
W. B. Sherman, a leading timber
IandMealer of Grants Pass, passed
through the city this forenoon 'for I
northern points.
Miss Ella Simpson, of Oakland, re
turned home this afternoon accompanied
by her cousin. Miss Wheeler, daughter
of Ed Wheeler.
Mrs. Edna Burnett, of Corvallis,
came over this noon on a visit with her
sister, Mrs. GrefToz before the latter
and family leave for California to re
side. Mrs. Fred Mueller, a former Albany
lady, is lying critically ill in Council
Bluffs, Iowa, where she went several
months ago on a visit with relatives.
K. J. Davidson and family have re
turned from Nome, where they have
been several years, and are the guests
of W. H. Bowman. They were here
three years ago. N
Mrs. F. M. French left this after
noon for Portland on a visit with her
only grand-child, Lillian Emma Wil
liams, whom she will see this evening
for the fust tune.
Col. Roosevelt this week killed a hip
popotamus cow and bull. The natives
were terrorized, but the Col. stood his
ground, and with his trusty rifle laid
the fat fellows low.
Miss Lorane Bliton, daughter of the
editor of the Mail, and Miss Isole Eu
banks, daughter ot the proprietor of
the Rex Grocery Store, of Medford,
arrived today on a .visit at he home of
J. P Roberta and family.
Miss Carrie Moon, Chico, Calif., ar
rived this noon on a-visit at the home
of her uncle G. C. Moon. Sho was here
five years ago, and the many friends
she made then will be glad to have this
yisit from her '
The Oregon R. F. D. men will hold
their seventh convention in Corvallis
July 3 31. Paul a Lindsay, of Georgia,
the national president, will be present,
a so Tom Richardson, and of courso.
Johnny Goins and the other Albany car
riers. '
Following are some new people at
the summer Bible school: Rev. J. V.
Milligap, Portland; 'irs. Ciins. . Park
Salem: Rev. Jameson, Brownsville,
Rev. G. A M . Lilley, Cline Kalis.
1 Lmok countv. Rev. Lillev was also
i nreseiit lasr yoar. coming with hi- fam
i!y iicruss !;. 'he Lebanon wagon Koaci
W. M. Parker has just added a fine
Mobart electric coffee crinder to his well
equipped gr-jcery and bakery; al?o j
typewriter fcrhis numerous side issues,
such as the 2500 and A. O. U. W., th
business of which goesj thrtugh his
The Pythian Sis'ers this afternoon
were having a picnic in Hackleinan's
Grove, a delighful place for one, a liv
crowd of Albany ladies, with baskets
well filled. J. L Irvine took them oui
in automobiles, and will bring them
Lack. making Mrs. Kelly's headquarter
for iperaiions.
The regular meeting of the Albany
ommercial Club last evening was well
attended. , This was about what was
Secretary Van Winkle read a letter
from Win- Bidwell Wells asking for a
Linn county display to be sent east to
numerous state fairs, and stock shows.
B. J. Hecker was appointed a dele
gate to the 20th Trans-Pacific Congress
at Denver Aug. 21.
A mortgage and loan company want
ed various informations about water
projects, etc.
The matter of c&kwrates to the bier
National Irrigation congress at Spokane
Aug. 9 14 was left to the president,
who will appoint some one wishing to he
ed a success, also the Irnes band con-
There was considerable discussion a-
bout the cannery subscription, and the
making up the full amonnt, though the
subcription signed ud was only part.
The old committee, Messrs. Barrett,
Collins, Miller, Tomlinson and Eastburn
were appointed a committee to collect
the old subcription and as much more
as DossibSe
The progress of the new booklet was
reported and the pamphlet gotten out
tor emergency was shown being ready
for distribution, a neat affair from the
office of C. G. Rawlings.
A letter from the postmaster at
Riverside, Wash., completely vindicat
ing the new manager of the club -was
Arrangements were ordered made for
securing the Linn County front, now at
the Salem fair grounds, for the new
rooms of the club in the Albany State
Batik building.
Mt asrs.- Eastburn, Tomlinson ' and
Beam were adpointed a committee on
fruit for the Jars recently given tne
club by Linn county, to be filled by
them for display at the new club rooms,
The matter of distributing inquiries
among real estate men in a satisfactory
manner was discussed and left to the
sneers 01 tne ciud
i r aiu .. .- c 1
News from Albany S SlX tarly
. T -
I fllil.
John Sandstrom left fo- Nome,
where be will resume mining opera
tions. He has been around Nome for
six years. He reports a wonderful '
falling off in the output, it being about xhia ia Albany day at the Seattle
a third what it was at one time. Mr. . . ... ' . . . ,
Sandstrom once got in the papers for fa,r- Bnd the world WU Pleaae take
making a 60 cents a pan discovery, but notice at the merits of the hub city of
it didn't pan out that way after all. the Northwest. Under the arrange
Once he walked ever a claim that pro- ments Mrs. E. E. Payne, a pioneer resi
duced $4,000,000 it worthless, dent of Linn county, and one of Albany's
leaving it for others. best citizens, is hostess.
Several Albany oeoplo are present, a-
r. G. Will, Bert Stevens, Harry
Schlosser and Ed. rortoiiller, four of
Albany's livest young men, left for
Detroit and further into the hills for
fish and an outing.
B. Gray, and Bert Crawlord, both born
Among the passengers going to the here, and others. So that the city hai
Bay were .v) r. Fred Holm and family of been represented in an emphatic man
Portland. Mr. Holm has been a carrier ner by leal Albanians,
in Portlan 1 for 16 years, one Of the It is possible that some people at the
veterans on the force. fair may not know that it is Albany
' day, as they knew it was Portland day,
Mayor J. C. Mayer and seven other when MOO went over from the metrop-
Lebanon men left for SDOkane to hie
for chances in the big land lottery, hav
ing been struck with tiie prevailing
fever. ,
Grant Pirtle went
up the C. & E.
after some wood.
Rev. Floyd Dorris arrived from Gord-
field to joiu his family y his summe.'s
Banker P. M. Scroggin and family of
Lebanon left for Seattle to attend the
oc a.
, ..
J. A. Warner went up the
with his surveying outfit.
Stanley riammell lett on a
311 on a Business
trip up the C. & E. Saturday he will
t?f0eB' WBeM h Wi"
,-apend sevd ai weeks.
Mr. ana Mrs. M. Acneson lett tor
Portland to secure bpecial treatment
tar Mrs. Acneson
New Grange Hall.
Money is being raised for a new
grange hall for Harmony G ange, to be '
erected at the intersection of the Leb- j
anoa and Jefferson and the Albany and
scio roads, a splendid place for a hall.
Albany men have been coming to the
front today with suitable subscriptions
for tie worthy object.
White Slavery.
Rev. Guy Phelps, of Portland, spoke
last nitwit at the Christian church on
White Slavery, giving some startling
and very nteresting facts. This is one
of the vital themes of the day, and
people do well to be in earnest in the
consideration of it.
The Weather.
Rmge of temperature 90-49.
The river 1 6 feet.
Predictions: Fair tonight and Friday.
Galveston had another fright yester
day. Crook county has four new post
offices: Nye. Held, Barnes and Fife
Vr l.C Maekey was striken with
naralysis at SaliT this week. He
formerly resided here
It is reported that neither the Cor
va lis nor Brownsville cannery is run
ning this summer.
The Portlands have Becured an In ii in
nan ed Pat May, Irish name but full
ilooded Indian, and he hits .375.
Albert C. I'homnson. a Portland
drummer and .iliss Ernestine Louise
firher we.e married at Eugene last
Interesting News from the Rails.
During the twenty-four hours pre
vious to 12 o'cluck noon thirty passenger
trains registered at Alb.ny. Among
them were three extra sections of No.
16 and one of No. 14 bound northward,
some of them Elks, othets with many
going to the fair and elsewhere. It
made things decidedly lively at the de
port, and necessarily trains were late.
One Albany party went to the depot
four times before striking the right
train bringing the person wanted.
On the end of one of the trains was a
car labeled: "Department of Commerce
and Labor. Bureau of Fishers," being
a government car.
During the 24 hours named 311 cars
id lull, besides the engines, passed
through the city, three or four miles of
solid train. This included freight trains.
depot emal.ked. ..j waa ;at upBat
ZZtlZh "S
much fre,ght 83 they do tnere-
The Albany stock yard is the distri-
buting point for this part of the valley,
nearly always occupied.
. . i.j. t
Tn0 baEKnS?e rooni 18 alreadj t0
?"V ' I'. nould have been at ,eaat
twlce 83 Dlg' , . .
The Coming Meet.
The board of ditectors of the Albany
Fair Association met last right and
furthered the arrangements for the
coming race meet September 2, 3 and 4.
K .; , .u,l
lhe fine llat ot e"trlea waR Publlshed
some time ago, and means a decidedly
fast affair. 1
The matter of a new grandstand was
discussed; but it will depend upon con-
tingences. Messrs. Bnily and Simpson
were appointed a committee in refer-
ence to it, and will report at a meeting
on tomorrow evening,
Arrangements have been made with
E. J. Arnold the show man for some
special attractions during tne races ana
between the heats, including a baloon
race, Arnold will also have his shows
race, Arnoia win aisn nave nis snows
down street evenings during the three
davs provided the license is remitted.
. " . - .... '
in exchange for which he will do the
advertising tor the whole business
races and shows.
Albany Day.
mong them Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Blain,
residents of the city for over half a
century, at least Mr. Blain has bean,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Irvine, both
born here, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyons,
old residents of the vallev. Dr. Londa
though mildly.
Will Sing at the Fair.
Seattle, July 22 Madame Hellstron-
Oscar of the Royal Opera in Stockhelm,
lk ; j r a,.,i
wil, 8jn)f at he Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc
Exposition on Swedish day. July 31.
Madame Oscar is accompanied byilerr
The musical exercises of the day will
De a feature 0f the exposition. A
chorus of 300 voices will take pari, rep-
tI ,u TT;tj o...,i.i, a;-u
f thTrat
Un r&StkS. will beT on
Swedish Dav.
At the Hotels.
R. M. Cain, Scio.
Rnv. J. V. Milligan, Portland.
E. C. Lake, Eugene.
J. H, Johnson, Portland.
Geo. Steele, "
Lon Morriso-, "
Prof. i. F. Brumbaugh, Vermillion,
S. B.
A. P. Stover, the irrigator.
O. H. Ralston Jr., Portland.
C. R. Weston. Stockton, Calif.
W. M. Zoph, Lebanon.
E. W. Thompson, Portland.
W. Jeffries and family, Portland.
Millie and Dora Mespel', San Fran
cisco. Mill Irnprovemf ntt.
The Albany Mill and Elevator Co. has
just finished installing some new
machinery, whereby they have increas
ed the capac'ty of their mill 'i'i 1 3 per
cent. This wus made necess..iy on ac
count of the rapid increase of their busi
ness during the past year. In addition
to this they expect to I'uther increase
their output by running day and night
as soon as the new crop of wheat is
ready to ri'ill.
f.ev t
from N: :'
Ivkins wt-r"
week. Til'.
White returned this noon
i' Sttiiirt and Ollie
in:irrie 1 t I'rmeville this
1 lr.te- is lhe widow of
Cha-i. Elkins.
.ii3"ii. hejid ini'lim-r at Ham
ikonN store, med ihinuMi liiis fore
noon for I'm 1 1 r.d. Luter !i'' will go
to San FriiiM-is.:" to be with tho whole
sale houses awhi!e.
Everett t'ummins of thU city and
!. is cousin Hulty of Portland, who hah
been visiting here, left this noon for u
Eugene visit . I hey were joined by a
sister of ihe laiter.
Second .Btreet now has some reu
pavement, ihe first section at Lyon
street being sanded.
Very few of the men on thu first pav
ing contract are Been on the street now,
there being almost a complete change,
except in the head men. Several came
this week from Eugene.
A couple men who havo been in all
the townB from California reported
Albany and Grants Pass the best places
they have been in, chuck full of busi
ness. In Eugene they were told Albany
wus a Hag station, and now they think
Eugene is a town ef liars.
Hamburger 10c on a funny looking
little building on wheels, will make
people passing through Albany take
notice ana realize tnat tins nuo nas
taicen on city waya. '
New cement walks all around town,
some jdown in the east end, though not
required by ordinance.
Mrs. Stetter and Bill are busy
with a special sale preparatory to get-1
ting in their new brick thelst of Au
gust, or pretty close to them.
Mr. Gus. Otr returned from Portland
last night.
Willie Eagles left this afternoon fora
Portland visit.
Mr. Ed. Dorgan returned from Port
land last evening.
C. E. Stanard, of Brownsville, was
in town last night.
H. K. Lugger has returned from a
trip up the Columbia.
Mrs. L. E. Moe has been visitinn:
Cottage Grove friends this week.
Marvin Brandeberry returned last
night from Portland and other points.
Miss Judson arrived this noon from
Boise, Idaho, on a visit at D. P. Ma
son's. Mrs. Virgil Parker returned this after
noon from a visit with her daughter in
H.'F. Mcl I wain haa returned from the
Mts. with some more cougar scalps and
plenty of fish.
Gov. Benson announces that he will
be a candidate for reelection as secre
tary of state.
Mr. Van Brink, son of Judge M. O.
Brink, of Prineville, arrived this noon
on an Albany visit.
A. E. Price died at Sodaville this
week. He was a member of the Mac
cabees of this city.
Churchill is now prepared to do stere
otyping as well as linotyping. Albany
is a city all right. -
A dray load of sextuple underground
terra cotta pipe, arrived today for the
Pacitic Telephone Co.
First street is being sprinkled, too
mueh water for pavement. There
should he a finer sieve for the work.
Mrs. Geo. E. Sanders and childen re
turned last night after a several weeks
visit with Mrs. Sanders' folks at; Van
couver. In a sham battle at Seattle yesterdav
Jos. Morningway, a number of the
lied Men was killed by a wad fired too
According to the Woodburn paper
ociu anu at. raui are r.o piay next: un-
aay at wood burn lor tne valluy cham
pionship for $25 a side.
Surveyor Geddes returned this week
from Iduho, where he had been doing
special work. Morris Bibgee, who was
witn mm, returned last evening.
The Sulcm Journal says the governor
ship contest will be narrowed down to
Supt, Ackerman, Food Uommissioner
Bailey and Dr. Andrew C. Smith. Ack
erman will get it
An Albany wedding this week was
William Henry Thompson, one of Uncle
m s forest wardens, and Miss Fav
Almira Bowser, one of Sweet Home's
most charming young ladies.
Will Anderson arrived this noon from
Coos Bay, where he has been bookkeep
ing, and will return to a former position
held at Hood River. The wind and
damp weather on the bay did not agree
with him.
Al Carson yesterday pitched for Port
land ten innings without a hit or run
against him. Only one man reached
first base. 19 were put out by the first
baseman. Portland made one error,
Los Angeles none.
Coach Lucc was out last evening with
a squad of foot ball men doing some
preliminary practice for the club the
Alcos will have in the field next fall. It
is said some material is being developed
for a splendid organization
Salem Journal: The Hon. Rill Driver
farmer, painter, Democrat and all
around rustler for what he thinks is
right, celebrates his forty-ninth birth
day anniversary today. He is a native
son and feels proud of it.
Born in Los Angeles, Calif., on July
18, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dcla
meter, at their home 828 Grand View
St.. a son. Mrs Delameter was form
erly Miss Florence narks a resident of
this city for several years.
iValter Bartges, of Ashland, was in
the ciiy today on his way from Philo
math to Tangent, for a visit at his
uncle's, J. H. Scott's. He is a former
0. & E. conductor, and continues in the
railroad's employe running out of Ash
Mrs. Henrietta Brown arrived home
this afternoon from Aahland, wherjahe
had charge of the W. C. T. U. booth
during the assembly, "n the way vnit
ing the bre hern at several places. The
Chautauqua was quite a success thu
Dr. Miltnn Kvans. of Chester, Penn ,
l"ft for home mat night by way of San
l-'rancisco. in hia work at t e Uible
sehuul he mane good in an iminent man
ner, making some warm friends here
who will always have pleasant re
metnbrances of hi3 Albany visit.
Mrs. Uara Nelson, of McCloud. Calif,
who has been visiting at C. S. Shedd's,
has returned lrom a visit to Washing
ion. and will soon return to h r home
McCloud is owned entirely by the sua
mill company, and has a population o:
ITiUO. the comp-ny practically runnin,-everything.
Told About and Illustrated al the
' Bible S;hool.
At the M. E. church lasc night Rev,
McLean of Grants Pass, gave an illus
trated lecture on Porto Rico, one of the
treats of the Summer Bible School.
The pictures shown were taken by Mr.
McLean who had charge of the
church at San Juan for six years, with
a common $5 kodak, but were excellent
ones and very entertaining ones.
Porto Kico, one ot uncle Sim s new
possessions, is 13l miles south east of
New lorx, ana is oniy;,su oy iuu miles
in size. The great products are sugar.
coffee and tobacco, with pineapples in
creasing, since tne u . a. tootc possess
ion of it there has been a striking
change, with less illiteracy, better
homes and new methods. The imports
and exports of the island have increased
from $10,000,000 to $60,000,000 a year.
The population is twice that of Oregon,
while we have counties larger than the
whole island. The natives share in the
government, as much as they are fitted,
for. There are two houses, the lower
with sixty, being elected by the people,
the upper, of eieht being appointed by
the President. The school children are
bright, perhaps more so than Amer
icans, except in mathematics. There is -a
flag on every school house.
The claasses this morning were con
ducted by Rev. Geselbracht on the Gos
pels and Rev. Phipps on S. S. work.
This afternoon Wm. L. Finley is to
give his illustrated talk at the central
school building on common birds, and
tonight at the M. E. church will give
nnother one The Trail of the Plume
Hunter, deserving a packed house.
He is great.
News from
Albany's Six
tr 1111 uuu AULiiui'y uuiuiuoru leii. lor
Detroit with their guns and fiahing rods
for an outing. Also some very ingenius
wheelbarrows they had made, with bi
cycle wheels, eaey running, interesting
affairs, which they called the pelicans.
Dr. W. H. Davis went to Yaquina to -see
young Toner, ill with typhoid f ever,
the bjy having a hard time of it. He
went to Seattle with the O A. C. bovs
and contracted it on the trip.
Rev. W. T. Wardle came down from
Lebanon, one of the valley's fast grow
ing towns. Prices around that city are
hio-h in thn nil thn snmn na naatli
everywhere else.-
Detective Reilley was lookiog around:
Dr. Withycombe passed through on
one of his many trips.
Dr. and Mrs. W. E.' Blake, of ABh
land, left for Newport for an outing.
Lawyer W. C. Campbell returned to
Portland to try a case against O, R. &
R. S. Shaw returned to Mill City.
Senator Miller went to Salem on more
penitentiary foundry business.
North Albany.
Mrs. E. Pierce and Violet will start
for Iowa on a three months visit about
the 11 of August and Mr. E. will have
the fun of baching while she is gone.
Preaching al North Albany School
house each Sunday at 4:30.
Mr. Simpson has his house nearly
Mmes. G. W. Goff. Shoe) and Hugh
son Bnent the dav with Mrs. Pierce..
Mrp. James Hughson and daughter
Elizabeth of Corvallis. were the erueata
of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Goff last week.
Mr. J. Huston and Frank Huchson
and Mr. Skeels went to the mountains
hshing and hunting, last week to be
gone a month.
Mr. Elmer Goff and bride have ironn
to keeping house in their new home.
The farmerB are busv irettlnir their
hay in the barns . Another rain would
spoil the hay as it was badly damaged
by the last rain.
There was quite a hayrack party went
to Palestine to attend, the graduting ex
ercises Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Goff have gone to
Irving on a few. day's visit.
At the Hotels
E. B. Mapel & wf, Lebanon
Joe Gav, Siletz
C. H. Dawson, Oakland, Calif.
J. A. Woollums&wf, Kolleston, Iowa
Jas. Lindsey, Portland
J. S. McNair, Ashland
F. it. Pendleton, Seattle
Ira S. Hill, Portland
Geo. A Dunham & wf, Portland.
J. H. Shewry. Eugene
G. C. Allen, Portland
A. J. Wilson & wf, Los Angele3
Depot burned.
The old Southern Pacific d-pot at Cor
vallis, was burned last evening, entirely
consumed. It had been eloped up tor
soineuino, and it is thought caught from
sparks from tho engine on the new Cor
vallis and Alse road, tho engine start
ing from near the depot. It was an old
l.iii'Jinark, having served the business of
the S. P. for many yi art previous tothe
liuil ling of the new union I epot for the
lao roaus.
'I'a'nsta Convention.
The following resolution was passed
by Harmony Grange:
Resolved that we. heartily endorse
the action taken by the Oregon State
' iranire in their opxkion to tho con
stitutional convention, and call on all
natrons and all -11 her irj-jd citizenA tn
assist in airin and de.' too pro-
ouseu vuuvciibiuii m me eio:tion in