Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, May 21, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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Democrat -
KO 42
Special Sale
on French Grey
Our Square M
made of pure cream
3 ml
Thursdaj , Friday and Saturday
MAY 13th, 14th and 15th.
A chance to'aelect from the LARGEST and newest stock of High Grade Tailored Suits, ever displayed
in thei Valley AT SALE PRICES- There is no one thac will doubt the superiority of our Cloak and
Suit Department, and this Sale means a reduction on every new Spring Suit. Over 800 different styles, and
the New Models arriving daily from our New York Office. We're the only store in this valley employ-,
ine a New York Buyer, it means much to those who wish to keep pace with the style. DURING THIS
THREE DAYS SALE we will add other Specials, all of which will be Extraordinary Bargains, espec
ially in the Millinery Department. Read the following prices; the articles are here exactly as advertised and
lots of other BARGAINS . .
The Following Prices Include all Ladies , Misses and Childrens Suits.
$ 8 25 for any $10.00 Suit $17.70 for and $20.00 Suit $29.76 for any $35.00 Suit
$10 45 for any 12.60 ' $1&.35 tor any $22.50 " $34.20 for any 40.00 "
$12 65 for any 15.00 " $?1.90 for any $25 00 " $38.50 for any 45.00 "
$14 80 for any 17.50 " $26.40 for any $30.00 " $41.50 for any 60.00 " .
TALORED AND TRIMMED HAS-Values up to $5, Your Choice for $1.98. , .r
Guaranteed Silk Petticoats. Black and all Colors-Our Regular $7.60 Petticoats, OUR CHOICE for $5.95.
At the every day price of $7.60. this is the best value on the market. We are over stocked, so we make
th is extraordinary offer, of $5.95 for three days only.
ONE FIFTH OPF-20 Per Cent Discount on all Ladies , Misses and Children s Spring Suits
Albany's Leading Cloak and Suit 8 tore.
Thirty days trial free.'
For information see
Willamette Valley Co.,
R. E. Welch, Manager.
C. Meyer, Prop.,
First-class baked
goods, groceries,
produce, fruits;
etc. Both Phones 57
Stetter's Cash Store
Aln.. naA nf A No 1 fOSts.
large car load of A NO. 1 rosw.
arriving and open for
business back of Albany Iron Works, j
Enamel Ware
Baking Powder is
tartar and soda.
Call No 2.
Albany, Oregon, April 27, 1909:
There are funds on hand to pay war
rants of the city of Albany, No's 81 to
192, issue of 1908. Interests on these
WHrraius win ccafe wim una uaic.
fc p Cusick. Citv Trea-ur-r.
if)- i..MMiMiniinn-i i " "'
40r .cast Water Street.
Now teady for business. Heme
phone 355.
Haywood is gone, but the Empire ia
here with a fine change of program to
morrow, Good moving pictures, all the
time. Illustrated song.
EGGS. Buff orpington, $1.50 a setting
of 15. W. L. Cobb, K. D. 4. Home
Phone 2305. 20t
That when you use the
Albany Butter Company's
that you are getting ice that is
strictly PURE made from distilled
and doubly filtered water, and in
every way a perfect hygienic ice?
Insist upon having it at fountains
and at home.
R. A. Murphy is handling this
years output with complete facil
ities for giving the very best service
possible. Call up or hail the wagon.
P. S. phone Blk 671. Home phone 84
or call the Factory night or day
Pacific States Main 49, Home 49
Is made easy by the aid of a
modern electric vacuum clean
er. Churches, halls and offices
a specialty.
1047 W. 7th Street Albany.
Home phone Red 259.
Palmer's Dairy
Delivers milk and cream to anv nnrt nf
the city. Prices reasonahle. Jersey
cows with best of care. Both Phones.
Opposite the Hotel Revere, give care
ful attention to all tonsorial wants
242 West Second St., Albany
First-class meats of all kinds from
"elected stock.!
Anv one wishing a good quality of
milk can secure it of me. Stock nearly
all Jersios, well fed and cared for.
Phono Home 8C02.
D. I', Mishler. ProDrietor.
the Spirit
1 Forgiveness that attribute of earth
ly happiness and heavenly peace, which
all men need and few possess was the
subject of Evangelist Robert E, John
son's sermon at the big tabernacle last
night. He preached the doctrine of turn
the other cheek and kill enmity with
kindness and the 1500 people who were
at tho meeting gave him careful and
thought fill attention.
. The sermon was one of the most in
teresting in its portrayal of human char
acter that- the noted evangelist has yet
presented here. And the music was es
pecially good last evening. The choir
sang the liveliest of the blood-stirring
revival songs and sang them well. Pro
fessor Wagner was at his best in the
solo winch closed the service and Miss
Willard, of this city, sang Splendid
vocal solo also.
With the group of local ministers
on the platform last night were Rev.
J. T. Abbett, former pastor of the Meth
odist Church of Albany, who is now
Sunday School Secretary of the Ore
gon Conference of the; Methodist
Church, with headquarters in Portland,
and Rev. Geo. C. Rounds, pastor of
the Methodist Church at Jefferson. Both
of these ministers remained in Albany
yesterday especially to attend the tab
ernacle meetings and were present both
in the afternoon and evening.
Rev. Johnson announced last even
ing that . he will probably deliver his
famous sermon on "The Second Com
ing of oar Lord" at tonight's meeting.
This sermon has attracted attention
throughout the entire Middle West and
will probably rank' as one oft the great
est sermons ever delivered in Oregon.
Rev. Johnson said that the second com
ing of Christ is seldom mentioned in
churches now notwithstanding that it
is mentioned 385 times in the Old Tes
tament and 319 times in the New Testa
ment. It is a .question of vital import
ance, and, he said, Bible students be
lieve that Christ's second coming to
Asecialmeet ig im progress a,
tne tanernacie- mis aiiernoon. miss
Marcus is leading it. This special meet
ing was the only other service today be
sides the big meeting ' tonight.
Five bil' meetings are planned for
tomorrow. there will be public ser
vices at tin -big tabernacle at H o'clock
in the morning and at 7:30 in the ev
ening with special music. At three
o'clock there will be a meeting for men
only at the tabernacle and at the same
hour a meeting for women only at the
Methodist, Episcopal Church and a
meeting for girls under the age of 16
years at the First Baptist Church. Rev.
Johnson will conduct the men's meeting,
while Mrs. Johnson will have' charge of
the women's meeting and Miss Shaffer
will address the gathering of girls.
Rev. Johnson took his text last night
from Colossians 3:12-13, "Put on there
fore, as the elect of God, holy and be
loved, vows of mercy, kindness, hum
bleness of mind, long suffcring, fore
bearing one another and forgiving one
"i V:: i : !. . . ...I.!
"A eood manv
people here are like the old darkey who
lay on his deathbed. His pastor was
visiting him and comforting him and
asked him if he felt that everything in
ins lite was right with tiod and man.
He finally confessed that he had an en
emy. 'You'll have to forgive him,' said
tlve minister. He studied a long time
and finally said, 'If I dies I forgive him.
But if I get well take care of dat nig
ger.' There are plenty of us willing
to forgive but we want it to be on that
basis." ;
"It is God who says to forgive, the
speaker says, and furthermore He says
that if you do not forgive neither will
your Father which is in Heaven for
give yourtrespasses. It is hard to for
give your enemies, the speaker said, but
only in that way can a man secure Di
vine forgiveness. A true Christian must
do good to all men, he said.
The evangelist commented at length
on the natural characteristics of peo
ple to repeat the bad about other peo
ple and forget the good. He spoke of
the habit of women to meet in their
back-yards to exchange gossip or to rush
to the telephone to ask of a friend,
"Have you heard the latest?"- They
say when they arc peddling the reports
that they do not mean harm by them,
he said Then why do they tell them?
he asked. . .
That uconlc want to hear the bad rath
er than the good is shown conclusively
ny tne newspapers, which print the kind
of news people want.
"If there would be 500 conversions
here tonight," Rev. Johnson said, "vou
would probably see a dispatch of 10 h'ties
maybe less, carried on the Associated
Press. But if one of these ministers
would coine up to this platform drunk
or would get caught in a poker game,
glaring headlines at the top of a column
would greet you in every paper you
picked up tomorrow from the Pacific
to the Atlantic Coast."
The speaker pleaded with " the audi
ence to forgive their enemies, cease to
tell the had about others and do all
men good.
Most of the trouble in churches i;
caused' by lack of the spirit of forgive
ness, he sairL IVuy troubles arise in
a church which blight its growth ari'l
kill its influence for good. "The Devil
c:m kick up niore'hcil in a church choir
than any other place." he f-aid. All such
trouble can be healed easily by forgive
ness. Rev. Johnson thrive i"cl;n:re afler in
svmcc ni ib-y wonders tin spirit of for
giveness l:af, accomplished in cliurcb
wnrk, in bunne and in politics. The
spirit of Jesus Christ' in man is wh.'it
prompts forgiveness. Christian' people
must get this spirit, must forgive their
enemies and then their lives will be
such that outsiders will see the result
of their good works and be attracted
to lead Christian lives, he stated.
"If men and women of Albany, Ore
gon, will only get this spirit of forgive
ness, and will go out and ask their
enemies to forgive them; if they will
forget their differences and all be friends
and help one another to God, in the next
24 hours you wouldn't see an empty
bench in this tabernacle. Nothing will
do more to interest outsiders here than
when they sec the real thing in your
lives." 1
"Water as an Emblem of the Spirit"
was the subject of Rev. Johnson's ser
mon yesterday afternoon.. It was very
largely a Bible reading, an explanation
of different passages of Scripture, and
was enjoyed by a large audience.
Miss Shaffer continued her classes on
"Personal Work" yesterday afternoon.
this being her third lecture. She began
V'XTt ,?' J,bti"$?Z
to Deal With Those who Have Little
or no Concern About Salvation in Jesus
Christ," and will continue a Ccussion
of this same subject in her nxt lec
ture, which will be given next Wednes
day afternoon. .'
Those who have little or no concern
about salvation form the largest class
of people with whom the religious work
er has to deal, she said. Some people
feel that there is no use dealing with
such people and that the Christian work
er should 'Hot bother with them but it
should be a Christian's business when
a man has no concern about his own
soul to get to work to produce concern.
The first step for the religious worker
to take in dealing with a person of this
class, Miss Shaffer said, is to show him
that he is a great sinner before God.
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart and with all thy soul and
with all thy mind." That is the first
and great commandment. Many people
will admit they are sinners, Miss Shaffer
stated, but say, "I don't know that I
am such a great sinner." They think
they arc pretty good in God's sight if
they have. never committed murder, or
theft, or some gross sin but in failing
to keeo the first commandment one com
" grcastsin
mits the greatest sin. "If wc fail to
put God first in everything," the speaker
said, "wc are breaking the greatest com
The next step for hc personal work
er to take with a man who has no con
cern about salvation, Miss Shaffer ad
vised, is to show him the awful con
sequences of sin. We arc free moral
ncrents. she stated, and choose sin and
reap death, abandonment from God for
eternity into an existence of torment de
liberately chosen in the face of warning
and lignt. 1 liere is no peace, saun my
(jod, to the wicked. 1
Show the awfulncss of unbelief
Jesus Christ, is the third step Miss Shaf
fer advised her hearers to take as per
sonal workers dealing with people who
care not for salvation. Few people who
are not Christians realize this to be a
very great sin, she said, but there is
nothing more appalling than unbelief m
Jesus Christ.
Rev. Johnson and his corps of as
sistants visited Albany College yester
day forenoon and greeted the students
at the chapel assembly. Miss Shaffer
pl.-.use from the students. Professor
Wagner also sang a splendid solo at
the chapel exercises.
Cheap Building Lots
I have a number of good building lots
in Bryant's Addition that I will sell at
the very low price of $200.00 each, will
sell on the installment plan of $25.00
down, and $5.00 per month per lot, 7
per cent interest on defered payments,
the cheapest vacant building lots in the
city. Come quick it you want a snap
. , 102 E First Street.
When Married
Go and buy your dishes from anup-to-dati
stock and right prices. The
placp.: At Charles Knecht's.
you all the utensils necessary to do your work about the kitchen
properly, if not, supply your wants now, from a large assortment
of Tin and Graniteware, ac the riciculous low price of 10c an article
. this is a great saving to you, so act quick as these goodr will not
last long at this price.
223 1st Stroct. Both Phones: Mah 53.
or in;
the Meat Ike.
Porty Injured, Perhaps Fatally,
Odessa Mo "May 16. The Alton pas
senger train plunged from the track
near here this morning. Forty are
seriously hurt, some probably fatally.
Tornadoes. 1
Kansas City, May 15.-A tornado
swept a large swath through a section of
Kansas and Missouri last night. Three
are known to be dead, at least sixty
hurt nnd as far as known much damage
was aone to property.
New Order
of Things.
Until our new home is completed
Dreamland will run a straight moving
picturo and illustrated song show, run
ning the very latest and best pictures
obtainable. We also wish to bring very
forceably to your notice that we will
show no pictures that are over Bix
days old and very often will be only
one to two days old coming as tney do
right off of the Portland house who has
first run. This is made possible from
the fact, that Me have consolidated
with the largest film supply house In
Pacific Northwest. We aim to give the
very boat show possible and the only
way that first run pictures could possibly
be shown in Albany, is by a direct In
terest and connection with a film ex
change which we have negotiated for
just ths last week. We are importing .
a first class lady illustrated singer to
commence tomorrow, Sunday Matinee
ano some A l worK is expected 01 ner
considering the high salary she demands.
A regular lUc adult admission and be
for children under 12 years old, mat-
tin ees cniy.
Special Notice.
Regular meeting of Manzanlta Circle
No. 23, W. of W., Monday night May
17th. Election of officers, election of
delegates to convention and other busi
ness of importance. Visitors from
other circles will be with us also Gen.
organizer M E. Hollywood.
Lidya a. Vvn Winkle, G, N..
Bertha K. Parker, Clerk.
New Piano Man.
Mr. James F. Gallery of New York '
City who is representing the Eilers
Piano House, as manager and salesman
is contemplating to locate in Albany.
Mr. Gallery is a Piano and Pipe Organ
maker and tuner, and a through prac
tical man, and is also a graduate vio
linist. Albany is much in need nf a
man of Mr. Gallery's ability and it is
to be hoped that the business situation '
will warrant him locating here. t!7
Who is
and the Usual Good Picture Program
Dreamland Theatre
The Best Yet