Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, May 07, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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    '"". r-A. .
NO 40
The Largest and best line of
In the Valley at
Yes, Ruby Blend is the Best Coffee.
200 DEAD.
Chicago May 1. The latest advises
I from various districts ' which were
istricken by the storm indicate that
probably 200 met death with several
( hundred injured and a property loss
! of hundreds of thousands.
The Earls' Comedy Sketch.
La Petite Ruth, the acrobatic dancer.
New Motion Pictures and
Admissiou 20 cts; children lOcts.
Want Meldrum
Washington, May 1, Efforts are
under way to secure the pardon of
Henry W. Meldrum former surveyor
general of Oregon, who is serving a
sentence at McNeils Island. The term
is nearly ended. The pardon will re
store him to citizenship.
EGGS. Buff orpington, $1.60 a setting
of 15. W. L. Cobb, K. U. 4,
Phone 2305.
New showing1
of Hats Friday.
New shapes,
flowers, and trim
mings, from
Gage's. Chicago
A Genuine Strike at This
R R.
I And lota of them, several hundred.
... . , . . enough for Reven or e ght hundred men,
Albany presented a genuine metro- . , B . ,, '
, ' r ... ... I for which $1 a day even money will be
politan. appearance this morning with a ,j . " ' "
i l i J-, u j u Pa,d. If you have such rooms get
real strike on along the ditch made by read, to report to the committeei
the Willamette Valley Co. on First W. Bowersox, W. W. Francis and R.
street in laying the new ten inch pipes. ' McKechnie, who will make a canvass
Eight or ten men, receiving $i!.25 a day " the entire city beginning Monday,
for common labor struck for $2.60, These rooms are wanted for the grand
which was refused and they quit. , 'dge of Odd Fellows to meet here May
Later several men were secured in their , 7-l9i and to secure them everybody in
place, who worked awhile, when they Albany will ha. re to do their share, and
were induced to quit by the others. I help show that Albany is equal to such
The Willamette Valley Co. after-1 a occasion. A uniform rate of $1 will
wards raised the pay to $2 50, but re-1 be paid whether one or two occupy the
Boosters to Meet.
There is always special Bargains piled upon our counters and tables, buc here
are the ONE DAY specials for Friday, they are all good ones.
98c pair
For choice of 100 pairs of Childrens, Misses, Little Gents and Boys Shoes, the
Blucher cut.straight lace, heavy and light soles, vici kid and heavy caif skin, all
sizes 8 to 2. Values up to $1.75 for 98c pair
1 flfl For genuine Cape Gloves, one clasp, imitation "Dents" look
tj 1 .UU pi just as well, every pair guaranteed.
Qn For Fancy Embroidered, Lace and Plain hemstitched pure linen Handner-
chiefs worth up to 20c.
OK For choire oP50 Buckles, Belt Pins, Sash Pins, Broaches etc. values up
DC to 75c for only 2Lc.
Special Sale on Broken Lots of Muslin Underwear.
Some few cheap Suits and Jackets left if you want a Bargain, they're last
season Biyles for $5.00 and $7.50.
Albany's Leading Cloak and Suit Store.
Portland, May 1. The Oregon Devel-
opment League's Advertising Confer-
! ence at Eugene on Tuesday, May 4th,
I will be the greatest school of instruc
tt tion on community building that was
Sever held in Oregon, and the corre
spondence received by the Eugene Com
mercial Club, in whose quarters the
conference is to take place, gives assur
I ance of large and general attendance.
S I Wih no special invitations issued, the
.locality that is not represented can only '
I blame itself.
At exactly 9:30 the visitors will meet
at the Eugene Commercial Club for a
I ride over that city, with the Univer
sity of Oregon included for a short
stop. President Theodore B. Wilcox,
who has been at the head of the League
for more than two years, will preB'de.
Fond Lovers
Happily Reunited
fused to re-employ the old hands.
I The sprinkler, which quit yesterday,
I again went to work this morning, and
I will hereafter be found along the streets
spinKling where paid tor.
Willamette Valley Co. bills this morn
ing contained extra items for water
UBOd for street sprinkling, which, it is
reported many refused to liquidate,
causing more troubles.
bed, for each day.
Times:- Brownsville claims the big
gest gain in population the last year in
the history of the city. Brownsville
has had no saloon revenue for over
eleven years and the city is practically
free from ueot.
It is now assured that the Calap ooia
River in this city will be spanned b y a
modern steel bridge before the year
comes to a close. The committee ap
pointed by the Commercial Club to dis
cuss the matter with the County Court,
visited Albany Monday and were
assured by Judge Duncan that the steel
bridge would be built now that the cit
izens of Brownsville had shown a desire
for the same by subscribing to a fund
of $3.10 to assist in making the dirt
Hilling to the ends of the bridge.
Thirty days trial free.
For information see
Willamette Valley Co.,
R. E. Welch, Manager.
C. Meyer, Prop.,
First-class baked
goods, groceries,
produce, fruits,
That when you use the
Albany Butter Company's
that you are getting ice that is
strictly PUKE made from distilled
and doubly filtered water, and in
every way a perfect hygienic ice?
Insist upon having it at fountains
and at home.
R. A. Murphy is handling this
years output with complete facil
ities for giving the very best service
possible. Call up or hail the wagon.
Home phone 84
v night or day
Pacific States Main 49, Home 49
S. phone Blk 671.
or call the Factory night or day
Both Phones
Is made easy by the aid of a
modern electric vacuum clean
er. Churches, halls and offices
a specialty.
1047 W. 7th Street Albany.
Home phone Red 259.
Af cer many funny and laughable
complications Miss Caraline Wells and
Mr. Richard Morton are happily reunit
ed at the Postern Gate. And after try
ing 16 different times Bert Borgen
firmly by the assistance uf ihe Postern
Gate tells Molly Norcross that he loves
her. A tennis ball, another young lady
a bet and a (make adds much to the
complication and merriment at the Pos
tern Gate. In fact there is so much
good things in this delightfully funny
play that we haven't room here to tell
you but if you see the Dreamland
Stock Co. in this play you will be made
happy. More good hearty laughs to
Uie minute then you ever had before.
Then too At the Postern Gate and the
rest of the show will be only tonight.
2000 feet of Al moving pictures
root and Saddles a story of the west
real tribe of Indians, a regiment of
soldiers and the best and funniest com
edy film in a long time. Don' t fail to see
this program. There is also 2 more
subjects and the good big play At the
Postern Gate last time tonight.
, Sunday program entirely changed.
2000 feet oi new moving pictures for
Sunday only and illustrated songs.
Admission children 5 cents adults 10
cents. See the show at Dreamland to '
night only, last time.
Last Night
For Baby Ruth, tho artistic and athlo
tic dancer, who has made quite a hit in
Albany, and the Earls, pleasing enter
tainers in comedy. Large crowds nave
been delighted with their splendid
Tomorrow just pictures, and some
good ones, and illustrated songs.
Monday the famous Magneto, the
electric wizzard, who takes 5,000 volts
and lights cigars with his finger tips,
will begin an engagement.
The Roofer Did It.
The Roval Bakery Restaurant keeps
open until 10 p. m. The place to get a
good meal.
Home and
W. Mead for repairing.
The school has closed in North Al
bany for the year.
Corvallis has engaged L. R. Treaver
of Monmouth for superintendent of its
schools next year.
Decided improvements are reported
at Newport. An electrict light system
is being installed and arrangements
are begun for a gravity water system.
Great is Marshfleld. The Times says :
"Salem is talking about a new $75,000
hotel. Mirshtield has already built
hers." "The Eugene ladies are plan
ning to erect a fountain. The Marsh
field ladies have already erected one.
Chas. Thomas, of Gates, has been ar
rested charged with assault on Frank
Gerva, a Greek, on April 18, . with in
tent to kill. The trouble was caused by
an alleged chicken stealing on the part
of the Greek, Thomas is accused ot
shooting but denies it.
Lebanon proposes to be on the map
with a berry fair. For years it his
been noted for having the first berries
of the season in the valley, some splen
did strawberry patches being in its
surburos, and sucn a tair is certainly
t imely. It will be held in June.
Cevlon India and Afternoon Teas
at 40c and 75o per -package at the
Hcidquariers for DIAMOND BLEND COFFEE.
223 Ij'. Strpet.
Both Phones: Main 53.
Milk Notice.
Beginning April 1st prices for milk
will be as follows:
Pints each 4 cts. 1 pt. pr. day pr.
month $1.10
Quarts each 6 cts, 1 qt. pr. day pr.
month 1.80
2 qts. pr. nay pr. month 3.60
By the gallon..' 20
Cream per pint ; 15
' " 25
G. W. Kuthe. Prop.
Stetter's Gash Store
just ;
A large car load of A No. 1 Posts.
arriving snd open fni
business back of Albany Iron Works.
Call No. 2.
Albany, Oregon, April 27, 1909:
There are funds on hand to pay war
rants of the ciiv of Albany, No's 81 lo
192, issue of 1903. Interests on these
warrants will cease with this date,
b D. Cusick, Citv Treaurer.
401 cast Water Street.
Having bought the plumbing shop of
the Albany. Hardware Co. we are pre-1
pared to do all kinds of plumbing and
sheet metal work in a careful and re- j
liable manner. MEDIN & STUART.
Phones Bell Red 81, Home 268.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Boug$
Bears the
Jefferson Review:-The first person
the Review editor met in Eugene Sat
urday was the the Albany Democrat's
Saue Rooster. The Rooster's feathers
have all turned gray, but he keeps
scratching around lively and is a very
sociable old bird if he happens to. like
you. Eugene is certainly a beautiful
city, ai d a live one.
Over a Technicality. j
Corvallis wiil have to vote again on
school bonds, on account of technicality
the bond buyers split hairs over. It
seems that the votes did not bear word
ing giving voters a chance to express
their desire as to ho'v or where the
bonds shoul I be sold, locally, at private
sale or by ad'trtising. This n not
done here either, anJ it is to be si en
whether the same demand is made.
Sunday Train Servi e.
Spring Sirts
1-3 Less
An extra suit of stylish clothes adder)
to your wardrobe at a barely noticeable
cut will more than pay for itself
in tho, enjoyment and pleasure that
you get from being ablo to appear ni xt
day with a change of clothing. An
o xasional change 'of dress will make
you rnore welcome everywhere. Eveiy
suit in our house embodies the edict of
spring fashion, good quality, finish and
fit, and is a getuii-e bargain at our
enormous price cut of 33 1-3 per cent,
V .iltics $5 00 to $25.00. Sale Price
3 50 to $10 50
Fine Bath Robes
You doit know what convenience,
comfort and warmth you're misting
without a heavy bath robe for gymna
sium or home use. It is good manners
for every man to ncssess a bath robe.
Now la your chance to secure a hig l
grdde garment of suitable quality and
color at a bargain $5.00 to $9 GO
values 3 ISO ;o $0.00
The Toggery,
Beginning March 2iili Sunday service
on the Lctmnun Branch will be estab
lished us follows:
Train Leaves Li buri. n 6:45 A. M.,
arrives Albany 7:5.
Train Liivi' rtiiiany 8:25 P. M. ai
rive.i L.'iwn 'i !:lu
K .HONrGOXtEY, Afin .
Basm tee
IF you want a tender, jucy steak at
prices that will not leave a bad taste
in your meir.ory, send i:s ycur order.
Now i eady
( hone 55.
for business. Heme