The Gossard Corset They Lace in front Do you do your figure justice? is certain that you do not unless you have fitted it with a Gossard corset, It gently forces a woman to Btand cor rectly. It giyes her a new straightness of shoulder. Most models $5. .oo Fittec. by comf e'ent fitters. Fine Wall Paper One of the largest and best selected stock of Wall Paper in Oregon can be found at our store. Bright, clean pat terns to select from; newjshades in . Brown and Olive. Our time is your time. Our prices are correct. We ask you to call and see the lines Burkhart & Lee. THE JEWELER. The best to be secured in Watches and all kinds of Jewelry. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY' THE UNN & BENTON Now have a good list of FARM AND C1T 1 property ana lane pleasure msnow ing you Iny place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. iiik yo" uy J s sii Toko vour choice. Get the best. ooo 11a SPA it fill. u.. -to,, 4 air th hankers ne u hcii: w avaj. Ou- offices are temporarily over the LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, hen cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are marie to'lock just as good as made to .00k just as new. Waiots and dresse3 of telica'.a colors anJ ma terial we renovate 10 the delight of the owner. We also. dye any garmnnt de sired in beautiful shade3 and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELlEY, Prop. 4.0 W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 .Home phono 19(3 Ladies Tailored Waists Simplicity is the kevnote of most waist Htvles. effects are very fashionable. Net waists in pretty conceits and in the new tailored styles are much in evidence. Tnis is a brief of the waist style news. A visit to our waist department will show a varied and charming expression of these tendencies Their agreeable low prices will not be the least of their charm. New Showing of Scotch and French Ginghams Stripes and Plaids 25c per yard Dotted, Plain and fancy Swisses 15c to 75c pel yard Shirting and Madras for tailored waists, beau- titul in finish, great variety 15c to 50a per yard Bordered Lawns and Dimities 15c Reps in plain colors, good quality 25c Gaiata cloth washes well, strong and serviceable for boys waists and suits new patterns. 4 l mmm Wamm m REAL ESTATE CO. about us n n: Post Olhce. 833 West First St DR.W. R. BILYEU, i Dentist j Over Wcodworth'a Drug Store. Both ; phones. B8DJB & ANDERSON ! Opposite the Hotel Revere, give care . ful attention to all tonsorial wants !M. B. CRAFT, 1 242 West Second St., Albany Fir-.vclasj meats of all kinds, from felitcied stock.! The Oliver Typewriter. Best on the!market. First National Bank people have five. Albany College hasten. Thirty-five used in Ablany. See the new tabulator and ruling de able monthly. See one at Steward & Sox Hardware Co. 1-cor.e 218.SHo,ce P5' n- Tailor made mm When the children grow up it's their lookout it they buy pinch-toe shoes. Until then, its up to you to see that their tender little feet are allowed to keep the shape that a kind Providence intended. You are safe in letting us help you. We sell the natural form shoe for little folks 75c to $2 50. If you want up-to dale sanitary plumbing go to Francis' Plumbing Shop. Plumbing and tinning. First class work guaranteed. Ice Creams . at the CREST are pure and wholesome, L. L. POTTS. Both Phones. 316 W 2nd St. '(JURTIS REAL ESTATE CO, 116 BROADALBIN ST. Farm land and city property bought : and sold, ; Parties having land or city property '. or sale will do well to list with us. . Phones Bell black 63, Homo main 231. ' PACIFIC 1 SHOE J5HOP. j Lyons and First St. opposite j the Ru t ouse :. Shoes made to order.' Tender and j deformed foot wear ft specialty. ; First class repairing done on short Koticc. Ail work guaranteed. 1 THOS. DONLON. SEE TOM YOUNG j The Painrir, before you have that (,.,;., ...n i .,:.. .1 I KOK6! "' b.,i.iiit UUiltS. 122 ferry bt. Home Phone 320. IflCDITPI'O DATUO W ILnLUlV O uM I IIU 217 West First St. FlP.iiTCLAS3WORK GUARANTE THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Trains. Early F. E. Fenton, of Portland, a former Albany merchant, returned home after a visit with his folks in Benton county. His father has sold his place there, but win remain several weeks. Mr. Hoover, of the Hoover saw mill. was waiting for the train. He report - ed a suspension bridge across the San tiam at Detroit, recently erected by Mr. john Outerson. of the hotel. long needed improvement. It will en able people going there to cross the river to the popular camping ground, with ease, it is well constructed with large cubles. and is safe. H. M. Clanev. of Ft. Morgan, Iowa. after a short visit here, went to Port land, netore returning nome Mrs. hi. E. Warner came down from her farm. Mrs. F. H. Colpitts went to Portland to join her husband. W. W. Pollock went to Salem. Misses Patton and Bain. Dromine nt nign scnooi students, returned Irom a visit at the Patton home at Halsey. Miss Rector, of the county treasur-! er 8 olhce, returned from a Halsey Visit. ; Election of Library Society. !i- Mo-,'- t ,1. . bt. Mary s Library association met last night for the annual election of officers, who will serve for one year, Miss Minnie Lusr-zer was elected urn- sident. Miss Margaret Dooley secre- tary and Miss Maggie Shea treasurer. In the evening at five o clock the The society was organized three years girls of the Y. W. C. A will serve sup ago and has a large membership among per on the college campus to which the me young people ot the church. Liter- ary and social meetings are held twice a month and a select library is being ' gradualy built up. j The Crusher Crushing. The rock crusher began this forenoon to crush Niagara rock into Bmall pieces I for the pavement of Albany's streets, ; as well as others. The big bins will be filled before the actual beginning of . paving, so that when operation! Begin there will be no waiting for rock. Something New. Electric heater for hot water bottles I used with any bottle, keens water at a onstant temperature, current con uned, one-sixth of 16 cp. lanp. Kal tin Electric Supply Co. Dr. Lowe uses the same methods in testing the eyes as the leading oculists of our large Eastern cities and has all that is new and up-to-date in spectacles and eye glasses. Consult him Tuesday and Wednesday, May 4 and 5 at Hotel Revere. Dr. Lowe the well-known optician will be in Albany May 4 and 5. As he does not go from house to house con sult him in Revere House. If 'you have head and eye ache con sult Dr. Lowe about your eyes. 19 years experience. May 4 and 5 are the days to fix well in your memory if you have defective sight Dr. Lowe's coming. Coffee that's ALL coffee high qual-1 lty Chase & Sanborn s Coffee is on oaic 111 niuaiij viujr n, v . gii ucm.i vw. , FOR SALE. -A ladies bicycle, In good repair. Call at 1140 E. First St. t21 FOR RENT. Two unfunished room, Mira Jones, 8th and R. R. sts. sorority Chocolates '"Taylor Male" Fine Artists Proofs by Westervelt With Every lib Box. ELITE Chocolat Shop. Have You Made a Personal Investigation ? Are you interested in the prevailing Sty les, colors, and frabrics for Spring? in just ho n a man of good state should dress? YOU ARE INVI TED to look through our new and complete ALL SPRING line for the new things olfered, in suits, shoes, hats, shirts, ties, and everything a man wears a look through, will cost you ni thing, and will more than pay you for the trouble, us y u will then know, from the in vestigation what your spiing out-fit should be. "45 YEARS 'OF KNOWING HOW" The Blain Cloth! Albany C H NEWS Deeds recorded: W. C. Stellmacher to H. Bryant, 1 acre, 11 4 w .. $ 75 R. J. McKilloD to Dor.uld Mc Knipht. 1153 acres 3750 S. U. Wilson to King b. Harper, ;j blocks N. Brownsville 809 Jas. W. Shirley to E. E. Van Epps and wife 6 lots Crawfordsville . 700 J. K. Weatherford to Free M. E. church. 2 lots. Waterloo 100 I Margnretha Karctens toCarl Grill, 136.16 acrei 2270 1 Henry Karstens jr, to Carl Grill, j acre 10 John y. Gar. and to Matilda Gar lund, 1 lot H'a 2nd ad . 1500 Mortgages for $500, $250. Releases for $1500, $?50 a nd $1000. Registration title Chris. Howland and C. O. Shelvik, part of block 76 Albany. Stock brand filed by G. A. Loring. ! Hunters license E. T. : land. Price, of Port- College Notes. ... , . , , , . , , mlss Kuln omun 01 won uroen, nas entered college for the remainder of ! thn Rnmnsrr The May pole dancers are bU9y prac-, ticing tne winding ot the May noie. i The program for the day is about com plcted and the musical number will be !;.,ii,.i fi u, wiiii- ctio president of che student bodv. will crown the Queen. The Student Bodv invites everv one to witness their May Day celebration. puonc is invited. New Shoe MaKer. I have secured the services of a first class shoe maker, a late arrival from tie east. Bring your shoes and have them made good as new for a little money. BURNS' SHOE STORE. t6 When married Go and buy your dishes from an up-to-date stock and light prices. The place: At Charles Knecht's. j Weed pullerb, Lawn shovels to dig around the walk, i All kinds of pruning goods, I At the Albany Hardware Co's. FOR SALE. A Jersey cow and calf. Call at J. H. Stevens, 938 Calapooia street. Red 171 Pacific. FURNISHED ROOMS.-Two good ones at Mrs. Bilyeu's 225 W. 3rd. t25 MRS. NICHOLS, The Great Millinery Sale Continued. What one tells another is (he best advertisement any store can have. Women who showed the great millinery values before Esster will tell' their neighbors so we continued the sale giving one-fourth off. We are adding a few lines such as hand bags. combs, ladiesshirt wuists. Princesses dresses and Jumper Suits. You will find our pricus very moderate. SOME PEOPLE CAN EAT Anything that is set before them. Have vou ever envied the good, hearty appetite and said to yourself: "I wish I could eat like that"? You can. It is simply a question of very careful selerlinn nnd not buying too big a variety or two much. Whatever you decide upon, get good. . It will taste twice as good when you know it is the best. Select some" of the dainties that are prepared for the special purpose of sharpening the ap ap petite -you will eat twice as heartily and with real relish. TOMLINSON & HOLMAN. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. - ' - Orvgo.. THE DEPOT PLATFORM. R. A. Marshall, of Marshall Brothers, cement contractors, 629 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, has been in the city making arrangements to be gin work next Tuesday on the new ce ment walk at the depot, for which his firm has the contract, an extensive job. There if to be a fifteen foot platform on the north side of the depot, a twenty five foot one on the track side, one on the west end ten feet beyond the two uillars, and a six foot walk from it to Ninth street. Mr. Marshall is an old printer, though he has but one arm, losing his left arnu when a boy of fourteen. He had not seen a case for twenty years, and so, for the experience, when at the Demo crat office lust evening set a line or two and read type bottom side up as handily as when setting type on a San Francis-- co paper years ago. Mr. Loring, in charge of the construction work for the S. P., had also sot typo forty years ago: but he had forgotton the whole trick, tnd lett the job to his genial t riend. 4th of July Talk. Some one says the proper thing this year will be to unite with Lebanon in a 4th of July celebration, that arranar- "BVH ,;Buy UB "eB" mrro, '""i "1"7 1 er for each to celebrate. The sugges tion is worthy of consideration. Al bany always wants to do the fair tmng. Wouldn't you like to make a test of our coffee ou your own table? Then come in and let talk It over. We handle Chase & Sanborns' high quality line and want you to try the grade we sell at the price you are now paying. We know we can give you better all 'round cup quality for youi money. Will you let us show you? Owen Beam Co., Leadidg Grocers. Friendship, engagement and wedding rings a specialty. F, M. French. F. G. Will for watches FOR SALE. A good Diano, a lady's bicycle and a bed room stt. Call at once, at 240 WeBt Third street. FOR SALE. Seven acres of orchard land in Soutbern Oregon. Call at 415 E. 9th St. t4 ESTRAYFl).-A horse, roan, bald faced about 25 yearn old, left Friday April 23. Call up Home phone 1015. J. H. Koch. t4 Wholesale and ICE retail. Delivered every where.. Order at Albany . Ice Works. GLEN JUNKINS, Mgr. 125 WEST FliiT STREET." ' 'w'"''"""" Wd Co. I