Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 30, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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just Arrived
A new lot of Books.
A new lot of Oregon Post Cards
A new lot of Post Card Albums.
Last night to see the Collier Bros.,
expert club jugglers and Miss
bourn, banjoist and humroist.
High Class
Editor Democrat: . ;
The teachers and pupils of the Madi-! . '
son school heartily endorse the work of ,
j the Ladle's Auxiliary of the commer- j Over One Thousand Killed in a
cial Club ill their efforts lu clean up Fierce Battle.
the citv. I
VjllirlAVlllf ' We are very willing to do our share
Y aUUCYlllV. and ,a little .more , but would like the Constantinople, April24.-The young
1 cooperation of the patrons of the , .. - r. .;,
t-i- ik n5i.t ,m 1 sehool. They can help very materially iTurks ,ft,t" fl,srce battle with the
Miss Lillian Melbourne, Banjoist and. by removing old sheds and fences that : Sultan's troops today captured Con-
CroollyernBros.. Club Jugglers. ! ?hV ciwTor veTs'80'9 l V"' P" l i?-Jhe .tan, "7
New Motion Pictures and Illustrated o L JJi nt tv. u 18 boheved it will be only a short time
Admisaiou 20 cts; children 10 cts.
Home and
EGGS. Buff orpington, 51.50 a setting
of 15. W. L. Cobb, R. D. 4. Home
Phone 2305. 201;
W. Mead for repairing.
iix-U. S. Senator William M. Stew
art died yesterday in Washington.
Booster G. A. Waggoner, of Corval-
... n .. ... . .. n ia r ClfMl n n,n..,V. ml......
pupils of the school have sallied forth ; wnen new sultan will ascend tne 1 lo y , ' ' oumijr.
I and picked up paper, cans, etc. from fn,r,on,' Mor8 tnan 8 thousand were A splendid booster pamphlet is one
vacant lots adjoining the school grounds ;kllle(S or wounded. One newspaper sent out from balem, The Cherry City
lonlytotind later that two had been correspondent from New Orleans is of the World.. I:s Illustrations are at-
.thrown where one had been picked up. I " u.wwug. uioiBujia ........
I It is discouraging. Several unaiehtlv ! are reported sate.
woodpiles could be removed or straight- i
! end up. I
We should also like to protest against ' I I n rA n
luncil in having i JLWllllVU CI
See Large Circular For Special Prices
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
April 29, 23 and 24
Big Three Days
Clean Up Sale
It is worth your time and money.
Visit the BIG DAY LIGHT STORE Thursday,
Friday and Saturday. You Will Save Money.
$17,500 Job.
i the action of the citv council
shade trees in the curbing grubbed up i
! only where it is absolutely necessary, j
.The state requires us to Dlant treas. I
I learn beautiful songs, try to sing them, I
I j learn poems about the trees and recite I
tnem on Amor day, wnne tne cay Washington April 24. H. W. Scott
jcounc i gruos mem up. ngurauveiy ; inJa!letter to Preaident Taft declines land.
fi'.B."',.S L" " ."L 1 the Mexican ambassorahip on account sold for $2, 00U 000. It will be put on
! ll many oi tnem wouiu oe gruoueu uui . !t :,.: l; --,.i h: ih n,Uf If i ,nlnrfi,ll oftnotoH
Mrs. Elsi") Jane Fox, wife of Mr.
Lewis Fox. of Crawfordville, died at
her home Thursday morning at 9:30
o'clock, aged 66 years, 6 months and 19
Arrangements are being made to put
a cower plant in at Waterloo for the
paper mill at Lebanon. Franklin T.
Griffith, of Portland, was out this week
loooking over the proposition.
Property is DroDertv down at Port-
ine mod tarm ioi acres nas
' if the members had to do it thmselves. i
I Of course we understand that some-
times the roots of the trees break up
the curbing and crack the cement walks
! but since the residents have to p ly for
I it, it seems they ought to be alowed to
' keen the trees if thev wish them. I
j overheard one man say that he valued
his property $1000 less since the trees
had been removed from around it.
"Axeman, spare that tree." It takes
them a long time to grow.
L, Marquam.
Cloak and Suit Store.
Thirty days trial free.
For information see
Willamette Valley Co.,
R. E. Welch, Manager.
C. Meyer, Prop.,
Firstclass baked
goods, groceries,
luce, fruits,
That when you UBe the
Albany Butter Company's
etc. Both Phones 57
that you are getting ice that is
strictly PURE made from distilled
and doubly filtered water, and in
every way a perfect hygienic ice?
Insist upon having it at fountains
and at home.
R. A. Murphy is handling this
years output with complete facil
ities for giving the very best service
possible. Call up or hail the wagon.
P. S. phone Blk 671. Home phone 84
or call the Factory night or day
Pacific States Main 49, Home 49
Is made easy by the aid of a
modern electric vacuum clean
er. Churches, halls and offices
a specialty., i
1047 W. 7th Street Albany.
Home phone Red 259.
Can Beat Roosevelt.
The juggling of Indian clubs at the
Empire by the Collier Brothers is by
far the best thing of the kind ever
seen in Albany, One of the brothers
has a crippled leg, which adds to the
wonder of his dexterity.
Their stunt is a clean and daring one,
receiving universal praise by all seeing
Some striking moving r-ictures are
some Florida scenes, with a story and
romance thrown in, a typical southern
Took a Long Tramp.
frof. Hugo Koehler of the U. O. W.
in the city today on his way home from
a vacation tramp. Leaving Eugene ha
walked to Florence and then up the
coast to Newport, taking the cars from
there home, walking arout 120 miles,
a pretty good tramp. Mr. Koehler is a
former fellow student of Rev, Gesel
brachts .at Leipsic, Germany, and they
had a pleasant visit toirether. He is a
graduate of Syr: cuse University, and is
making good at the U. (V
ness interests. Senator Bourne ex
presses much regret at refusal.
and will sell like popcorn.
j At ! session ot the Presbytery at
Eleven Initiations,
The Odd Fellows had a live session .
last night, with an initiation of eleven
Seattle last week-Rev. Wallace Howe
Lee, formerly of this city, was modera
! tor of the session. The P. I. gives a
good picture of Ex-President Lee,
: which the Democrat has added to its
art gallery.
A. G. Makers, of Salem, has a mold-
new members, six being from Albany, board of a plow usel by Phil Sheridan,
five from Independence and one from wnen a lieutenant at Grand Ronde In
Staytpn. The ceremonies lasted until dian Reservation during the '60'a, a
4 a. m. During the night a lunch was relic worth keeping. But one wonders
served, About seventy five were pres- how Sheridan happened to do any plow
ent. The lodge in anticipation of the ing.
session of the grand lodge here in May I . .,. r .
has made a special effort abng the,! ,.M1 . . .
membership line F. U. WlllfOr WatCheS
Oevlon India and Afternoon Teas
at 40c and 75c per package at the
401 cast Water Street.
' Now 1 eady
phone 355.
for business. Home
Stetter's Cash Store
Milk Notice. c . , , , . .
...,,.. , rairdale Plant harm.
Beginning April 1st prices for milk
will be as follows: 1 have for sale a choice lot of plants
Pints each 4 cts. 1 pt. pr. day pr. fr fa" planting at reasonable prices.
month $1.10 gooseberries, red and white currants,
Quarts each 6 cts, 1 qt. pr. day pr. loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb,
month I SO hedge plant and sage.
2 qts. pr. nay pr. month 3.60 , IVER C. DUEDALL. .
By the gallon 2H Home Phone 71G2. R. F. D. No.
Cream per pint 15
' . " .... . ft
G. W. ku'the. Prop'" OASOniA,
to , . : '" Sana,, lli Kfrf Y?J Haw :wij BK$i
Furnished by E. A. Chambers, R. D.
2, dressed and rough. Call him up.
Home 3552 or see him at the mill.
' Having bought the plumbing shop of
the Albany Hardware C . we are pre
pared to do all kinds ot plumbing and
sheet metal work in a careful nnd ro
liable manner. MEDIN &S1 "JART.
Phones Bell Red 81, Home 268.
Benti Ite Kiad 1m to toys Bought
Headquarters for DIAMOND BLf.iSD COFFEE.
223 1st Street.
Both Phones: Main 53.
Need a new Spring Hat? Now 's the
time, and this is the place and here is
the hat.
Made jf the finest non-fading material
in the smartest of metropolitan styles,
our Mallory Derby is the "Crown" for
the American of today.
Of course everything else for men in
Furnishings and Clothing.
The Blain Clothing Co.
Albany, Oregon. ,
When Married
Go and buy your dishes from an up-1
n.A.,tM Bnnlr .,,.1.4- f.iT -
place: At Charles Knecht's.
one lot on First Street.
lots, Second
5 room house,
Price, $700.00.
4 room house and 2
Street. Price, $700.00.
6-room house, barn and one lot,
ona street, fricc, sidO UO.
6 room house, with basement an
lots, on 6lh Street. Price, $1600.00.
8 room house, barn and one ot. onlv1
5 blocks from business center. Price,
8 room house with bath anH basement.
good barn, one lot. Price, $2100.00. j
Goon housi: wnb hnth nn I c'Oiets, 2
lots, fine location S-iOOO 00.
One acre nf I .nd anrl 7 room h.ju-r
near the c;l y. Pi ice, glli 10 no.
Some .'i od harirnins in busines? prop
erty, in the rijjnt place atone hjlf ihii
actual va'ue. Itiv.'tiuate if you mrun
Fu I iart'u'jr3 II i iv n r,f
Your Success
First depends upon ycur power to attract attention. Men who fail
to realize this salient fact are di-t ireed in the scramble of survival
of the fittest. Services of a seedy l ok'nj person are not wanted
anywhere because his clothing speaks of failure and lack of
ability to flourish in his trade or profu sion. ,
Attractive Clothing
will make your appearance im it nr; so t at you may reedily gain
the audience of those with ul om yuu wish to treat or deal. Dress
up and be a leadtr. For $l(i ID we will At y.u completely with a
stylish $15.00 suit, nobby $3.00 Gato hut, fine $i.C0 sl.irt, comfort
oble$1.0f shoes, $!.0u undei wear and 16c focks. You can afford
to drebs up.
Albany The Toggery, Oregon
IF you want a tender, jucy steak at
prices that will not leave a bad taste
in your rcetrory, send is ycur on'er.
o' the :i -ve l. c:il-inj ;tt fi v m e. N',
inf. to t!on g vt n 'vcr 'h ti' ' -. '
1U : r:i:t St. 1
tip Jf , yZT'S?.