Mill Ends g T On Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mill Ends at 40c yd. Seveial hundred yards of this quality, 65 inches wide, splendid pat- An terns, Special for 3 dayB. . . ,4"C VO Lace Curtains $1.00 pr Several dozen pair of cuitains54 to 60 inches wide, white ecru 1. Special this week at I.UU pr AT FLOOD'S How a Business Has Grown in Albany. T)oyo'u remember how the ROYAL BAKERY staled in business 'Vnry 8 place witn JU8t enouBh ruom to sell bread? Albany people's greatest desire is ts Fee a sin ill place grow, it is our duty to show our appreciation of what you have done for us. Now we have been able to lit a place that would be a ciedit to a large city. Our only way to repay you is the following: Apple Pies io0 Rhubarb Pies 10c Cream Pies lOc Lemon Pies , . . . i(j0 . Cream Puffs (whipped cream) 30c per doz. Boston Brown Bread, per loaf 10c Boston Baked Beans, per pt fie Lettuce, Celery and Potatoe Salads with French dressing, pt,,,, 10c All above good ami fresh every 'Jay, G. L NICHOLS BUSINtSi. Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina Bay at the Metropolitan. Glass, all sizes and kinds, for nolo t I the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than uiiywnure eise in Aioany, if desired Skilfullvset ; i At the Metropolitan Market. You will find the best to bo secured A fine line of canned croods of all kinds. Fresh frtii.s of all kinds in their sea son. Just now applcR, or'ingos, lemons, etc. ... ..Likewise ---n choice produce, ??or Sale. I I Small cottage and one lot situated close in. Look this up quick if you want a bargain. Property will pay 8 good interest. Call on J. V. Pipe, 208 Wost 2nd St. No information giv en by phono. C. and E. lime Table. Through trains- 6:lj a. m. leave Ya quina; arrive at Albany 11:58 a. m. Leave Albany 12:38 p. m., airivo Ya quina 6:15. Corvallis Local 6:30 a. m. leavoCor vallis daily: 2:15 p m. daily, except Su.iday; 6 00 p. m. daily. 7:65 a. m. leave Albany daily; 3:35 p. m. daily, except Sunday; 7:50 p. m daily. WHEN YOU ARK SICn. You need the best drugs money can buy; you get just this kind from us, pure, fresh, clean drugs that give tho desired results. Bring us your prescriptions. Our prices are correct. Bukkhakt & Lf.e. Como to our store and see the new dainty patterns in Wall Paper, New, clean, stock just arrived, many now shades in brown and olive. Lotus help vou fix the dining room, parlor, or hall Prices correct. BmtKiiAiiT & Lf.e. Wo have a low soft yellow mountain nr sningies on nana at h inuiiiiiuui ti iub. , They are "dandies". We dip your j shingles in Creosoto oil stain when de- j sired. Thompson & Ckamek. i The WoodwOftll DrUC CO. 0 OYSTEKS, Bcrvec, in all styles, by the pint or quart, at Hoftich's. i Want's Your Patronage Tolophono Red 671 J. M. INSURANCE, LOANS AN!! COLLECTIONS. hnvo money to loan in small nnil largo amounts. Notes and mortgugK. bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-reaidoits , Real Estate iwul Insuran Uuy an i sell really. .,.fo ro erty an 1 tiansact Ij.uu. Inline or small tiuilur facts. 132 W. l-lRSlSr. A Lit A NY, OR. able Linen, Mill Ends at 60c yd An immense lot of tnis splendid Irish linen damask, 67 inches wide. Sev eral swell patterns to select ,-A . from. Special at OUC yd Standard patterns for May, now on. Niagara Spray We are authorized'tosell until fwther notice the Genuine- Niagara Lime & oulPnur solution that tests 30 at 37.50 , nnu a CUIU Ul A.UU-JGIT empty barrel allowed when returnsA The Bpray netting $6.50 per barrel. Now is your time to place your ordeara for spray at these cut prices, STEWART & SOX ri'DWCO. Doings. F. G, WILL, for Watches. Sprny at $6.50 por barrel at Stewart & Sox lldw. Co. Cream J'tifis. the real thing at the Vienna 3;ikory. For yienn i:nod Hot Tamalio try the ;;ery. t. photographer, makeschild .es a specialty. e of our famous pies. The Bur' ' ren's .. Try best in i'ivn. Vienna bakery. Elect- ic flat irons for sale at$3 apiece, so long as they Inst, at the office of the Willamcttu Valley Co., First street. Sunday Tram Servi:e. Beginning March 28th Sunday service on the Lebanon Branch will be estab lished as follows: Train Leaves Lebanon 6:45 A. M., arrives Albany 7:25. Train Leaves Albany 8:25 P. M. ar rives Lebanon 0:10. K. K. Montgomcry, Agent. Al Mrs. Broadhead's. A splendid line of the latest and best ! hair goods; all colors ana shades dcsir I ed carefully matched. The most polish goods in millinery. Uall una tarn tnem over with us. When Married Go and buy your dishes from an up- tn.rliil. ntni'lr nnit tilths ThA place: At Charles Knecht's. Something New. ! Electric heater for hot water bottles U9cd with nnr D0tt,e. keeps water at onstant temperature, current con- i umcd. one-sixth of 16 cp. latip. Ital ian Lloctric Sup ply Co. Weed pullers, Lawn shovels to dig around the walk All kinds of pruning goods. At tho Albany Hardware Co's. F. G.Will for watches. "PAOFiC SHOE SHOP. Lyons and First St. opposite the Russ ct!5e Shoos made to nvdr. Tndpr and deformed foot we -.r n specialty. First class repainni; done on short ROttce. All w.i-K guaranteed. THOS. DONl.ON. MILK. Anv or.o V.H'ning a good quality of milk r m siwpf ;I 1 1 m". SteeV ncarh nil II led ur.J eared for. ( I'.t:ii- S''!" Tlll'H'I.UVI U LKAt' LIMY. D. 1'. J11SH1.KH, Trcrrtelor. PRESIDENT'S CONFERENCE The conference of the College Y. M. C. A. presidents began this afternoon in charge of Field Secretary I. B. nnoacs, oi rortiana, witn eight pres ent. The program thi3 afternoon was The president as an administrator, b Mr. Rhodes The president as a leader in the re ligious life of the sludent body, by Prof. BHtes of t-acific University Extending the work of the associa tion to the community, by H. A. Dal z jII, of tho U O. Revelations from the annual reports, Mr. Rhodes. Other discussions will be on commit 'eemen by W. K. Palmer, O. A. C; the associa1 ion as a spiritual forco, hy ii. v. morgan, oi rnuomacn; racuity cnoperauon Dy rror. Bates; securing i conference delegation by R. R. Clark of the O. A C; polices, a business like financial policy, to have been led by Jas. Lyman, U. O.. and C. J. McKe, mciuinnvnie, not nere, closing with s question box by D. G. Shepherd, O. A O. Home and Abroad- W. Mead for repairing. The district convention of Y. P. S. C. E. is in session at Corvallis. Eugene Guard Next Friday night the E'igene encampment of Odd fel lows will visit the Albany organization. June 23, 24 an l25 are the dates of the annual pioneer pitnic at Browns ville always a great event. Thqse Stiyton robbers got complete ly away and will stay away, outlaws without a cent to shofor it. The Eugene city council held a special session this week and raised circus licenses to $100 for the first perform ance and 350 for the second. J. M. Stafford died at his home in Lane county yesterday at the age of 66 years. He was a brother of A. B Stafford, a former Albany man. The Cottage Grove Leaber, Conner & Dubruile editors, is just 21 years of i age, a well manager!, ably conducted newspaper, a credit to the county seat of Nesmith. W. H. WallSwie, a former Lebanon man, has sued the Portland Railway Co for $5300 damages on account of an accident on Jan: 23, when he and his delivery wagon were struck by a car and he was seriously injured. The opinion of Attorney Gereral Crawforu is that tho-O. A. C. is net entitled to its increase of revenue from the state until next January, and the first Quarter's . alluwance will not be due until April 1st. Tie farmers arc in a dilemma. In and Around Albany W. Mead for clocks. The wool market is about 14 cents. Ringlirrg's circus will be here this year. ' i Prettv near a feht at the ball game, left ou-t of the proceedings. Albany College and High School bud ges and hat pins. French's. Jewelry store-. Albany's high school building is going out over the state, a splendid adver tisement in itself. The Black Patci Troubadouia gave- a fine pei'turin-mo last night, a pleasing entertainment, by a company of colored artists. Sugac anted hams 16c and breakfast, bacon 15e per pound at Henry Broder's Meat Market. Home manufactured and guaranteed. Bring your face to Collin's Studio corner 2nd & Broadalbin streets, and get a likeness that will please Loth you and your friends. Satisfaction iruaran teed. On Tuesday evening, April 20 Dr Elliot of the Grace Presbyterian church will speak at ihe dormitory to ine siuuenis oi me musicvu uepariiiiein on music in the home. All interested aro invited tu oe present. Your money invested in a parcel oi real estate of which you didnt' first se cure nn abstract is indeed in a perilou position. Tho many ways in which real estati titles can bo alfected by their owner: without vou knowing of it are rut i few of Ihe reasons why an abstrac drawn by us is an absolute necessity. Better be sure than snrrv! LINN CO. ABSTRACT CO. Lodge Acetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday ei in;r. Chas. Sehoel commander. The oodmen of the World ever Kriiinv nveninir. L. L. Swan clerk Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays uiita w nKle, li. IN. M.ulern Woodmen meet every 'Jo and 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hal CiKANT Krosian, Clerk. Koyal Neighbors mee. every lit r.n Sr. I Wninemlays in Kusjard s i A'.icf. KniK, Recorder. MISFITS. Albany had the best pitcher anywav. Boosting business is something with out a let up. Will keep everlastingly at it, is the Abany spirit. One gets one's money's worth at a good ball game. Harmony all along the line, is what ii wanted in Albany. As much if not more than last Forward, not backward. year There is about one thing left to do: get out the hose and sprinkle the street anyway Portland's opposition to the extension of the C. & E. is a slap at the whole Willamette Valley. John Barrett wants to be what Ful ton spurned, Chinese minister, but it is not to be, Johnny. There is a strict ordinance against chickens running at large, ono that ought to be enforced these seed sowing days. When the franchise privileges Al bany has given away free are consider ed it looks as if the city grovernment ought to be given some extra privil eges. A Washington senator paid $16,000 to be elected, and his salary was $200 He , voted with the whiskey men on local 1 option and is said to have a balance in 1 his favor. Classmates. From all accounts Norman Haekettis' making a whirlwind success in his new play, "Classmates." which isbooked to be given at the Albany Opera House on April 22. The Elks swarmed out; in squads and companies the other night to see their favorite member, Mr. Haekett. After the first act one of their number asked him where he got the initiation service for the-plebes. "Wait for the third act," answered Mr. Hackatt, "if you wish tccee an initiation Ber-vice." Af ter the aot mentioned the leaderoof the chapter declared that new members in tneir lodge would nave to be put through fewo new degrees one a West Point desree and the second a jangle degree. The Eaiiey Damage Suit. Corvallis- Times: Clerk Moses has been busy the past few days transcrib ing papers in the ease of M. Bailey vs. Kenton county, which has Beet-: venucd to Polk county. Mr. Bailey is suing Benton county for $1750 damages alleg ed to be due-him tor injuries received Mav 4. 19071 A bridge near Albany. over which he was riding on a load of wood, collapsed;, ftsr. Bailey was- cut and bruised, his animals and- wagon were injured, and be now sues for the sum named. The County court offered to settle this- case by paying Mr: Bailey $225 but the amount wai spurned'. The case will come up in. font county, ar tne May term ot court. Attorneys Met ad- : den & Bryson ' rvprestnting Senton ' county, arid. Wea-therford &. Wyatt hacking Basley. $ A Preiiy Girl. T.phannn V,. A. The Albany High School and the-Tali- . man baseball teams played a very in- : cresting game at Tallman Rnnrlcy, he.' ;itter by ihe close score o- to ; A social was given at Tallman. Sat- ' urday night for the benefit of the ball ! team, at which $3.7 was realized A prize cake which carried with it the ..oof Innlfiruv criA-l Vtrnnorhr Klh .!lA VtlSSS Jessie Bnyoer, or ock pin, wns. vc-ieu to be the best looking girl. . - ror 5aie. A goodibusiness together with prop- ortv. Pronert w ill Dav in rents 8 per ent interest and purchaser can make S100 oer month clear outside from rents. it vou mean business 1 will give you ull and complete information, This is i good. deal. So move quick if you have noney (o invest. Terms can be given. J. V. PIPE, 203 West 2nd St. N'JI lCt K)K StALtU o Nottcn is hereby given that uo to the lour of 7:30 o'n'ock, d. m. of Monday, he Uifch day of April, 190Pt sealed bids be received by the City Council, of he City of Albany. Orgon, for the onstructinn of a cement sidewalk and urt adjacent to and nbu&ting the East ine of Lot No. 5. in Block No. 3, on he Weot side of Ferry street. In the 'itv of Albany, Linn Cwinty, Oregon, he" property Jf G. W. SimDson. Said sidewalk to be Un feet in width vith curb, the same to. be placed on rrade and constructed in the manner md form as provided by Ordinance Nn. it!S. passed by the Council Nov. 10th. '908, and approved Nov. 11th, lflOS.nnd :iieeilleations of said City now on lils in he office of the City Recorder of said City. I'roposals mu?t state the price tier oot for the woik complete, including .'I material and all labor. The contract will be let to tho lowest eponsiblo bidder, hut the Council re es the right to reject any and ull 'i'!s. All bids must he filed in the City Iwrk'a Ot'ice on or before 7:30 iVIiK'k p. in. of the above mentioned -' llv order of Ihe Ceuncil. Albany. Oregon. April 13-h. 1!V). V. M. REUFIEI.D, Uecort'er of tho City of Albany. OLD BLUE" Decorated Dinner Sets and othersall the Right Prices Haviland China. Austrian China. at Chas.Knecht's Paints and Finishes for Every Home Use I his is the time to freshen up the homo by doing the odd jobs of painting you have been planning. For V the buggy, the furniture, for - for every paint purpose, we have MM EQUALITY FAINTS, ENAMELS, STAINS AND VA'RNISHES Js. are each and every one scientifically prepared for specific uses. Remembei if it's a surface staincd, varnished or finished in any way, there's' an- Acme Quality Kind to tcl! you what to use, E fflLAithe cost. Ask us. : n 3 i AkWmLX CHUNG Albany, Or BARGAINS IN SHINGLES. We have shingles to sell, different grades and pivt-es from $1.25 per M and up. W-e also dip our shingles in CIL, anv color desired, at a very reasonable bost. THOMPSON & CRAMER. Estimates given on Plastering, walk and Cement Work. J. F. TK'AVEK, 4th & Calapooia S. WB.have r.o State Deposits, nor do we accept any de posit where special security has. to be pledged. This means that we have no preferred creditors and that your deposit has the- same security that all have. We have invested assets worth more than $100,000:00' and thi3- would have to be dis sipated1 before depositors could lose a cent. It. is not being; dissipated, it is growing. 1 disalnated. it is frrnwintr. ! J. W.CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Eatablbhed 1892.. FIRST NATIONAL R&Ktf , orTKs uTKiiSii5 w ' 1 e w Lbxtmox, s u v.m,1B- ' urbsiueni SEYOUJTOi vk--iTasidow I A 0 SUHlMJT't ffiMhU O J Schmiti A 0 f-'iiurtt Transacta. a general banking business. ,.. ujiviuuku ' ?ht exchange aud telegraphic trans or saldoo New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Portland. Collections mnae on favorable terms CHINSSB DOC'fOK J. Koti Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, Ruccessor of lihe late Hong - WoiTong. is now prepejed to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends hint and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or w:ite him at No. UO West Second : . Albany . Or Jim W kstpalu. 5 ' iCjfs Sarital-Pepsm Capsules. SV A PSITIVE CURE a ForToJIantnitloi) orCatorrfcot .tier. BO CuKE BO FAT. Core . luictiy end verm an cm it toe . worsi rnni of UonorrtiMa . nnd Cllt, no matter of hoTt -0O9 ntnnUinc. AtBrtlatelj ; h aim lew. Sold by druggist, Prite Sl.Wt. or br mall, post-- ' pW, fl.UO, 3 boxofl, 2.7i. THE SANTAL-PEFSIMGL BcllelonUlne, Ohio, Por f&lefeiV Bnrkhart A.'Li"- The Riverside Farm KD. SnilOKL. Hrnprlctoi jreeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. F. Rks, Lijht Brahtnas, R. C. Rhode Inland Reds, White Cochin Bantar.. v . It. Turkeys, Won " . . den Geese, I' i Ducks, i c i Guinea'1 V nner ot prices ami 22 rn Poult: y ot the Levis & Clark Fair, grra i i Seasj Stock for Sile IV.cce, Farrners 93 - R P. D N'-'S IIWK Side- . I "I 1 m v ,,aI the floors and woodwork. the right Finish. to be painted,, enameled, fit the purpose. VVVoanii how much to use a ,11 I f 6 0 A f s nd3 a MM WINDOW DIS7 & Taylor Albany Supply : r WHOLES ME DE1LF8S In fruits, . vegetables, sugar; nuts, : confectionary, wrapping paper, twine : and paper bags. Berry season will soon be' here. See us before buying your berry boxes. Highest cash price paid for eggs. Senders' FEED S TORE, 435 West First 5t., Albany, Or. Headquarters for "Alsen 1 and Srramid" Portlano Cement, "Roache arbor" Lime, Ruberoid Roofing, Wood Fibre Plaster, Sulphur, Spray, Poultry supplies, Dalles Diamond and Liberty Bell hard wheat floor. Hay, Grain. Mill Feed and Salt, GOAL Barrett: Bros. Ca" up Hom9 Phl" n- B R 8 ADMIRAL, The Imported black stallion, No. 56124, will make the- season of 1909 as follows: Monday and Tuesday, at Hoskins, Oregon. Wednesday and Thursday at Wells,. Oregon. Friday and Saturday, at Peacock's, barn, Albany. ! FRAWTZ BROS., Owners.. Independence phone. Hoskins, Or. W. A. Bodine,. care taker. A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SliRfiEON Otot French's store. DR. J. l7H!LL." Physician and Surgeon (.'ill Block - Albany, Ot- 8. A.LEIN1NGER, Dentist wratrford Block, - Albany, DR. MARYftiARSHAIL, Osteopathic Phys cicn, 226.Broadjlbin Street, Albany. Phae Black SS2. mi V MSn