The Gossard Corset They Lace in front Do you do your figure justice? It is certain that you do not unless you have fitted it with a Gossard corset. It gently forces a woman to stand cor rectly. It gives her a naw straightness of shoulder. Most models $5.00 Fittec by competent fitter. Fine Wall Paper One of the largest and best selected stock of Wall Paper in Oregon can be found at our store. Bright, clean pat terns to select from; newjshades in Brown and Olive. Our time is your time. Our prices are correct. We ask you to call and see the lines urkhart & Lee. THE JEWELER. The best to be secured in Watches and all kinds of Jewelry. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY! THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure inshow ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us. Our offices arl temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First St an i 'mil h. i l. ii LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made to look just as good as made to .ook just as new. w'aists and dresses nf celicate enters and ma t. rial we renovate to the delight of the owner. We al?o dye any garmnnt dc Bired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. 4 .0 W 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 ,Home phone llJi Ladies Tailored Waists Simplicity is the Keynote of most waist styles. Tailor made effects are very fashionable. Net waists in pretty conceits and in the new tailored styles are much in evidence. Tnis is a brief of the a aist style news. A visit to our waist department wilt show a varied and charming expression of these tendencies. Their agreeable low prices will not be the least of their charm. New Showing of Scotch and French Ginghams Sttipes and Plaids1' Dotted, Plain and fancy Swisses Shirting and Madras for tailored waists. loc beau- 15c ..' titul in hmsh, great variety Bordered Lawns and Dimities Reps in plain colors, good quality Galata cloth washes well, strong and waists and suits new patterns. serviceable for boys WILL, DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist Over Wcodworth's Drug Store. Both phones. i & MIDEKSON Opposite the Hotel Revere, give care ; ful attention to all tonsorlal wants ! M. B. GRAFF, 242 West Second St. , Albany Fir.-st-class meats of all kinds; from sel-icted'stock.J The Oliver Typewriter. ! Best on thejmarket. Firtt National ' Bank people have five. Albany College , has ten. Thirty-five used in Ablany. See the new tabulator and ruling de j vice. $15 cash, then l7c per day, pay-, able monthly. See one at Steward & ' Sox Hardware Co. i l'hor.c 218.;Home Phon I i V 25c per yard to 75e pel yard to 50c per yard 15e 25c When the children grow up it's their lookout it they buy pinch-toe shoes. Until then, its up to you to see that their tender little feet are allowed to kee;, the shape that a kind Providence inti nded. You are safe in letting us he'p you. We sell the natural form shoe for little folks 75c to $2 60. If you want up-to date sanitary plumbing go to Francis' Plumbing Shop. Plumbing and tinning. First class work guaranteed. Ice Creams at the CREST are pure and wholesome. L. L. POTTS. Both Phones. 316 W 2nd St. ClIETIS REAL ESTATE CO, 115 BROADALBIN ST. Farm land and city property bought and sold, Parties having land or city property or sale will do well to list with us. -' Phones Bell black 53, Home main 231. PACIFIC SHOE SHOP. Lyons and First St. opposite the Russ rouse Shoes m;idn to order. Tender and deformed foot wear a specialty. 'Virst class repairing done on short notice. All work gu-iranteed. THOS. DONLON. The Painter, before you have that paper hanging or wall tinting done. 122 terry St. Home Phone 320. m 1 VIERECK'S BATHS 217 West First St. 1P.3I CLASS WORK GUARANTE THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Early j Trains. j Rev. W. P. White went to Corvallis. ' by invitation of President Kerr, to give the monthly talk in the assembly to the students of the 0. A. C, at.ll o'clock. : His topic was The Sublimity of a Con viction. Fruit InsDector Cooper went to Cor vallis to consult with Prof. Cordlev . about an infected tree, and E. H. Rhodes, another fruit man, to Jeffer son to see how the frost had treated his orchard. Both feared some damage to fruit, but probably not. j Al Munkers went to Scio. ! W. J. Showman, of the Herald, re turned to Oregon City. tj. a, uanaaru came down irom LieD- anon. Mrs Rovnl Shaw and son Lawrence. ! of Mill City, returned home after avis- it at J. A. Shaw s. Mrs. J. B. Horner, of Corvallis, wont to Portland. F. H. ColDits left on a trm to Salem and Portland. He reported the Free land mine, at Gold Creek, wanting seven or eight , men for development worn. Mrs. Judge Hewitt went to Salem on a visit with her sister. W. H. Rhodes left on an extensive carpet selling trip over the coast, as far as Salt Lake City. Dr. and Mrs. H. Silverwood left for Sioux City, Iowa, where he may remain for three years, to be settled upon his arrival. Will be a Good Fund. The booster fund is growing in splen did shape. The big committee has been divided and is working separately, so that the total is not yet known, but it is thought that with what there is on hand there will be at least $7,oUO avail able when the canvas is completed. The spirit of boost conttnucs in Albany. Our people mean business. I he Chemicnl Engine Chief Engineer Hand reports the chemical engine in the third ward all rieht now. doing good work. The t.t-nuhln lha nthor Ann nataaA nf hoinff rust was the fact that it had not been properly loaded, and the acid failed to connect. It is proposed to keep it in condition hereafter so that it may be relied upon when taken out. To Advertisers. The price of advertising in the Dem ocrat is excruciatingly low at one change a week. Hereafter all extra changes will be charged for at a reason able price. Wouldn't you like to make a test of our coffee ou your own table? Then come in and let's talk It over. We handle Chase & Sanborns' high quality line and want you to try the grade we sell at the price you are now paying. We know we can give you better all 'round cup quality for youi money. Will you let us show you? Owen Beam Co., Leadidg Grocers. The Royal Bakery Restaurant .keeps open until 10 p. in. The place to get a good meal. Plenty of oysters at the Metropolita market for everybody. FOR SALE. A ladies bicycle, In good repair. Call at 1140 E. First St. t21 SORORITY Chocolates "Taylor Male" Fine Artists Proofs by Westervelt With Every lib Box. ELITE Chocolat Shop. Have You Made a Personal Investigation ? Are you interested in the prevailing Styles, colors, and frabrlcs for Spring? in just how a man of goodj8tate should dress? . YOU ARC to look through our new and complete ALL SPRING line for the new things onereu, iu suits, shoes, '.hate, shirtn, ties, and eyerything a man wears a look thro'Jirh, will cost you nothing, and willmore than pay you for tlm tioublr, as ycu will then know, fromjthe in vestigati .11 what your spring out-fit shouldjbo. "45 YEARS OF The Blain Clothing Co Albany - - - - OrcSw... ALBANY Doings In and Around It Eggs 21 cents. W. Mead for clocks. G?t the best ice cream at Hoflich'p, Broadalbin street. For choice confectionary go round the corner to Hoflich's. Albany College and High School bad ges and hat pins. French's Jewelry Btore Lyons street is being greatly improv ed by a liberal dose of the city scraper, jut what it is for. Keep it going. It is 49 miles between Albany and Springfield on the local by "ay of Tall man, and the train is 2:50 going or coming. Bring your face to Collin's Studio corner 2nd & Broadalbin streets, and get a likeness that will please ioth you and your friends. Satisfaction guaran teed. An account of an interesting birthdav arty given on easter in honor of Mr. Valter Mcllree. has been received, a little late. It was gotten up by a . sis ter, Mrs. Bell, and nieces and was in honor of his seventieth birthday. A fine dinner was serve J. Something went wrong with the olectric car today and it had to be laid off awhile, the busses running this noon. With only one car such a thing is noticeable. In a large city they fre quently have to be repaired, but no one knows the ditf erence, with a larg e re serve force. Splicing Pipes. From 300 to 600 pounds of lead are used daily in putting the big pipes to gether under first street preparatory to pavement. Some of the pipes de layed for awhile, have arrived, and work will now be pushed, ready for the Davers. which it is declared will pro ceed according to program, and people will be surprised at the showing tnac will be made by July 1 the time for the completion of the first aoven blocks. i Born. On Sunday, April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Lochner, near Albany, a son. . On Sunday, April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. wian uraotree, oi Benton county I - j WHEN 1 0U ARE" ICtt. : You need the ' best drugs money can buy; you get just this kind from us. pure, fresh. clean J drugs that give the desired results. I Bring us your prescriptions. Our prices I '. are correct. Burkhart & Lee. 1 Coffee that's ALL coffee high gual-i ity Chase & Sanborn's Coffee is on sale in Albany only at Owen Beam Co. MRS. NICHOLS, Charming Spring Millinery. Easter is past, but we still have a nice variety of trimmed and street hats and let it a?nin be known we give the best values in the city. Ask our customer . They will tell you. SOME PEOPLE CAN EAT Anything that is set before them. Have you ever envied the good, hearty appetite and said to yourself: "I wish I could eat like that"? You can. It is simply a question of very careful selection and not buying too big a variety or two much. Whatever you decide upon, get good. It will taste twice as good when you know it is the best. Select some of the dainties that are prepared for the special purpose of sharpening the ap aj petite -you will eat twice as heartily and with real relish. T0ML1NS0N & HOLMAN. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BROADALBIN STREET, N INVITED KNOWING HOW" C. H. NEWS. Veterinary license Geo. A. Abbot " filed. Sheriff Smith went to Shedd to serve some papers in the Large case. Janitor Bilyeu finished his weekly mowing of the lawn, a neat, well kept place. Deeds recorded: Susan Nelands to A. D. Norton lot 6 bl 14 H's ad $ 10 Elizabeth Lewis to L. A , and A. I. Crandali 6 acres 100 O. M. Baker to R. R. Miller two blocks Kingston 1000 Mortgages $900, $100, $800, $300... Satisfaction for 1800. A Little Park Suggestion;. Not having a regular park, as much as possible the court house gtounda should be used for the purpose. Well located and clean, the property of the tax payer, this will be entiroly proper. Ten or fifteen pretty iron seats Bhould oe distributed over the grounds on each --tide of the building where per nio even ings or day times may go ana have a rest, dodging the sun with the high building or sitting in it if desired. W. Mead for silver ware. W. B. Stevens H'4Q5 "'"Hiuir Bands & Co, Agents - f. AKan fir "" " and ICE Wholesale retail. Delivered every where. Order at Albany Ice Works. GLEN JUNKINS, Mgr..iJ 125 WEST" FIRST STREET" m 9