Are you ready? The suit, the new hat, the gloves, the neckwear, the hosiery, the waist. Are they all planned and purchased? If not, now is YOUR time and this is YOUR store. Good stocks of stylish suits, beautiful hats, fashionable fabrics, all the dainty wear requisites. You will find our prices tempered with savings. A special lmeof suits worth Black and blue Mohair and more than our original price of all Panama ssirts that have $20.00. proved good values at $4.50 The colors right and the style Special values for this week showing, the advanced plain $3.80 Special forthis week $16.50 Ready to woar MiUmery at very low prices within the ! range of .. $2.50 to $8.00 A lot of mixed worsted skirts New shipment of the late $5.00 values ... $3.80 models in tailored waists i 1.50 to $5.00 BE THERE. Four hundred invitations are going out for the Albany Commercial Club's annual meeting and banquet, which will be given at the Alco gym, on the even ing of April 14. Besides prominent Alnany men it is hoped to have Tom Richardson, C. C. Chapman and Or. Weatherby of Portland, and Gov. Bon son of Salem here. During the feast there will be talks on hustling subjects and reports on the progress of Albany. The event is an important one fof Albany, and the men of the city should attend. THIS MORNING News from Albany's Six Early Trail. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Metzgar, and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Metzgar, of this city, Senator Johnson and brother, of Corvallis, went to Jefferson this morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. W. Looney, Messrs Francis, Spires and Seeley re turned from Lebanon, where they had been to do some special I. 0. 0. F. work. Everything there though was high school discussion. Lot Pearce and many other De Molay Knights, oi Salem, returnedhomeafter putting on the Malta work at the Mas onic temple last night. Tonight they will have a session of their own with ' some special work. Rev. John L. Acheson returned to Portland. i J. R. Cartwright came down from Harrisburg. I Prof. J. B. Horner returned to Cor-1 vallis after a night with the Knights. , E. U. Will returned to Portland. L E. Blain went to Portland for a ; couple days' business visit. j Dr. Fred Thompson returned to his studies at Salem. Mrs. Judge Hewitt went to Salem on a visit with her sister, who has been ill for some time. Eruit Inspector Roberts came down from Lebanon. CONTRACT LET Fur the Albany State Bank Building. Mr. Henry T. Wentworth to day was awarded the contract for building the now Albany State Bank building, op posite the Revere, and will begin work as soon as the foundation is ready. There is some difficulty, thoutrh in se curing the neccessary brick. Tho plans furnished Ly C. H. Burggraf, architect, show a fine building, 44 by 60 feet, two stories, the lower story being devoted lu a splendidly arranged bank with olhces, lacing f irst street, witn a stair way at the left, and an office room on Ellsworth street, and six ollico rooms or suits of rooms on tho second floor The front will have a yellow brick Bur- iace in neat design. Mr. Wentworih, who has tho con tract, came to Albany seven or eight months ago from Boston, and is a build er of experience. He has already built several residences and, the fixtures for Chambers & McCune's store, one of the finest on the coast, besides re modeling the new double store of the Woodworth Drug Co., said to be the largest drug store in the state outside of Portland He is a hustling yuung man who thoroughly understands his business and may be depended upon fur a good job. More new hats for Easter, popular prices much less than you have been used to paying. Chambers & McCune. The Koyal Bakery Restaurant keeps open until 10 p. m. The place to get a good meal. Hot Wafiles at tho Bakery restaur ant. Open until 10 p.m. Cream PulTs at the Royal BakeJy restaurant, upen until lu p. in. JOHNNY AND HIS GUN. The case of Oregon agt. John Kruse, charged with carrying a concealed wea pon, changed from pointing a weapon at Chas. Kroeschel. was disposed of yesterdny bv the defendant pleading guilcy and being lined $10 and costs, promptly paid, "You see," said Johnny. "I had been out at the cemetery killing gophers with my revolver, and upon returning to my pluce forgot to take the revolver out, and taking a glass of beer," "Beer," said his honor, "can you tell the court where some beer may be got ten?" "Near-beer," continued Johnny with a slight blush on his sunburned brow, ( went over to Krocschels, where the trouble occurred. This is the fiist time I was ever up for anything.". What tempts you in colfee? Flavor, isn't it? Try Chose & Sanborn's S;al li nn J. Its full, rich tlavor is a con stant temotation to all true lovers of good coffee. Owen Beam Co. Albany, Oregon, are exclusive selling agents. Fine Wall Paper One of the largest and best selected stock of Wall Paper in Oregon can be found at our store. Bright, clean pat terns to select from; newshades in Brown and Olive; Our time is your time. Our prices aro correct. We ask you to call and see the lines Burkhart & Lee. G WILL, THE JEWELER. The best to be secured in Watches and all kinds of Jewelry. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure inshow ing you any place you wiBh to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stav. Ask the bankers about us. Our offices rrrtemporarily over the Post Office. 833 West First St DR. W. R. BILYEU, I Dentist Over Wcodworth's Drug Store. Both phones. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made to look just as good as made to .ook just as new. Waists and dresses of delicate colors and ma terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. We also dye any garmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. (THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prop. O W 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 JHome phone 196 BRUJE 4 ANDERSON Opposite the Hotel Revere, give care ful attention to all tonsorial wants M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany Fir3t-class meats of all kinds from selected stuck.) Notice of Early Closing. The Clothing and mens furnishing goods stores of the city, consisting of The Blain Clothing Co., The Toggery, the Tracy Clothing Co., W B. Stevens & Co. and M Sternberg & Co. have mnrlo an nfrrppmpflt: tn pinna thpil" 1 places of business here after at 6 P. M. every day except on Saturdays, when the stores will be open as usual. The public will please take notice that this order will be in effect on and after Monday April 12, '09. Raising Money. The revival committee met' last night and compared notes, showing $431 in all collected for the tabernacle fund, with considerable more in sight. There has been a general response in sums of $1, some more voluntarily ; but the campaign has been for $1 contributions so that everybody will be personally interested in the big meetings. . I If .n ,nl tn aaa hpntiriflll nni-inr xa you warn- up-Lu ujiib cmuiiaiy oxiorus taispiayea in metropolitan siyie : plumbing go to Francis' Plumbing Shop, look in Chambers & McCune's windew. j Plumbing and tinning. First class Easter suggestions at the exclusive 1 work guaranteed. 8tore of Chambers c Mcoune. JUST RECEIVED I A large car load of A No. 1 Posts. LUMBER arriving and open for . bus'ness back of Albany Iron Works. CITY LUMBER YARD WILKINS & SON. To the People of Al bany and Vicinity: Do you know we carry the best brand of Lime.Cement, Plaster and Bui'ding Paper? Also the most complete stock of Lum ber and Shingles to be found in the city. See our Mr. Kelsay and let him figure on your lum ber bills. He will treat youjright. Special prices on Lime, Cement and Plaster. The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. Phones Bell Red 847; Home 1324. PACIFIC SHOE SHOP. Lyons and First St. opposite the Russ House. Shoes made to order. Tender and deformed foot wear n specialty. First class repairing done on short notice. All work guaranteed. T1IOS. DONLON. MRS. NICHOLS, Special Easter 125 WEST FIRST STREET ring This week we are giving 1-4 off on everything in our store trimm ed and street hats, flowers and all kinds of millinery trimming with our ' first I will low the discount means a big saving to you 1-4 off means a $5.00 at $3.75, $8. CO, $6.00, $18.00, $13.00 and so on. Ice Creams at the CREST are pure and wholesome, L. L. POTTS. Both Phones. 316 W 2nd St. CURTIS REAL ESTATE CO, 115 BROADALBIN ST. Farm land and citv DroDertv boucht and sold, Parties havine land or citv Dronertv or sale will do well to list with us. Phones Bell black 63, Home main 231. Easter Novelties THE ELITE CHEAP! Is a distinction of quality, not of price. Only in a slang sense does 'it mean that which so many buyers take it to mean actuolly. In buying groceries we make our selections for what they actually are not because the price would make them seem what they are not. Everything in this store ia cheap cheap as designating high quality and fittingly low-price. Many merchants can supply you with goods cheaper, in the slang sense but not cheaper in actual worth. We can make this statement with a good deal of emphasis, because we know that we are adding a smaller margin of prolit to the actual cost of the goods than is the custom among other grocers. TOMLINSON & HOLMAN. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BROADALBIN STREET. For Sale. Fine farm of 320 acres, estate, rnimt be sold at once. Price $40 per acre (worth fifty). Good 10 room hnnai. nice young orchard and fair all around improvements; about 200 acres farm land balance natural pasture; located on throuah line of S P. railroad and main wagon road of the valley 15 miles from Alban'. 2 miles from good coun try town, no drawbacks to this place; uh i uiie anu immediate possesion ror lurmer particulars call at fell West 4th St., Albany. Oregon. 19t The Oliver Typewriter. Best on thejmarket. First National Bank people have five. Albany College has ten. Thirty-five used in Ablany. See the new tabulator and ruling de vice. $15 cash, then l"c per day, pay able monthly. See one at Steward & Sox Hardware Co. Pbvne 216. Home PhoBi. SEE TOM YOUNG The Painter, before you have that Obper haniing or wall tinting done. 12a r erry St. .Home Phone 320. VIEREGK'S BATHS 217 West First St. flEST CLASS WORK GUARANTED We Are Ready for Easter. Are You? Our Spring Stock is now complete in every detail, and we are ready to cater to the wants of our old customers and the new friends we sro making daily. We can confidently offer the prettiest, most stylish, and up-to dte line we have ever shown, made up by the worlds best makers, and the acme of pi-ifection in good tailori"C Fi"m $10 00 to $20.00 cr $25.00f we Bhow you a suit wiv s-tricily to order tnat will meet the wants of the m..-j'. particular dresser. D 1 you feel that $10.00 is ail you want to put into a Suit? Thon lo'il m our East window, for the best bar gain shown in the ci;y. THE BfAIN CLOTII1 VG CO. Albany, Oregon If l