Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 02, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    Two BIG March
36 inch, guaranteed Black Taffeta,
our regular splendid $1 25 quality at
98c per yard
ZA "to 28 inch Embroidery flouncings,
cthe prettiest lot you've seen,worth 75c
to 85c yard, special at
48c per yard
Don't delay until these goods are
How a Business Has Grown
in Albany.
. Do you remember how the ROYAL BAKERY started in business
in a very small place with just enough room to sell broad?
Albany people's greatest desire is ts see a small place grow, it is our
duty to show our appreciation of what you have done for us. Now we have
been able to lit a place that would be a credit to a large city. Our only
way to repay you is the following:
Apple Pies 0c
Rhubarb Pies 10c
Cream Pies 10c
Lemon Pies 10c
Cream Puffs (whipped cream) 30c per diz.
Boston crown isroan, per loat jOc
Boston Baked Beans, per pt . f,c
Lettuce. Celery and Potatoe Salads with
French dressing, par pt 10c
All above good and fresh every day.
Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquinn
Bay at the Metropolitan.
Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at
the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than
anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set
if desire'1.
' At the Metropolitan Market.
You will find the best to
A fine line of canned goods
Fresh friii.. of nil kinds in their - sea
son. Just now apples, oranges, lomons;
.. Likewise
mil choice produce.
for Sale.
Small cottage and one lot situated
close in. Look this up quick if you
want a bargain. Property will pay
n good interest. Call on J. V. Pipe,
208 West 2nd St. No information giv
en by phone.
You need the
best drugs money can buy; you get just
this kind from us. nuro. fresh, clean
drugs that give the desired results. 1
Bring us your prescriptions. Our prices
are correct. Buhkhakt & LRE.
Come to our store and see the new
dainty pattorna in Wall Paper, Now,
clean, stock just arrived, many now
shades in brown and olivo. Let us help
vou fix tho dining room, parlor, or hall
Prices correct. BuitkHAKT & Li'.E.
We have a few soft yellow mountain
fir shingles on hand at u minimum price.
They uro "dandies". Wo dip your
shingles in Creosote oil stain when do
sired. Thompson & Cramer.
Never can toll when you'll mash n
ftiijter or sulTnr a cut, bruise, bum or
enld. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas'
Kclectric Oil instantly relieves tho pain
-juii-kly cures the wound.
"Ha'l tlyspepsia or
inilig.-stion for
and what 1 did
years. Wo appetite,
cut uistrusseii mo lerrioiy. nuruucK
lilornl Ultlursourcd me. "J. II. Walker
Sunburv, Ohio.
The Woodworth Drug Co.
OYSTERS, seiver. ;n all styles, and
by the pint or quart, at llollich's.
nlWant's Your Patronage
phone Rod 671
vj. 91. IIMW
bavo money to loan in smail aiul
large amounts. Noles and mortgagi-n
hmight. I will bond you. 1'mpertv
bundled for nun-vo-siile'its
Corns &
Real Estate fr vd lniiran
Bi-y and sell reak..-. Xi.tu pol
ony and transact loans, l.ari' vt
sn all timber tracts.
Agents for
Stanard Patterns
all sold, but ' come in at once.
Home and
The Albany high school team last
evening was notified that they had'
been selected for the basket ball tour- j
nutrient at Corvallis next week, and
will now train for the contests. I
Rrritnn ennntv lands the wnrlH in nnn
thing: the Chinese pheasant market, ' Prediction: showers tonight andt Sun
bo secured' done by Gene Simpson all alone. Gene day.
of all laughed at that story aonut La n coun
ty's white Chinese pheasant. Why he
has a wnoie nocu ot tnem.
Near Eugene yesterday evening W,
R. iValkor shot Ed Lang in one of his
legs with a shot gun, causing a wound
which required the amputation of the
limb. Lang hud worked for Walker a
couple of years. vValker claimed the
man wa.-t i.uusing his mother.
Rea ;hing the Spot
To Can Be Done So Scores of Albany
riHn Siv i
uinzens eay.
To cure an aching back.
The pains of rheumatism,
v-f. ,.,-".. ,.i, rnti,t tho !
r i
In most cases 'tis the kidneys.
Loan's Kidney Pills are for the kid
neys. James Grechalgh, formerly of 707 E.
Fifth St. Albany, Ore., says: "Early
in tho winter 1 had an attack of sciatic
rhoumatismand as I had always been a
j healthy man it seemod very severe. The
I pain was mostly in my kidneys and
I often extended into my limbs. I
thought that treating the kidneys would
be the best method to get relief and as
Uomi s Kidney Pills were highly recom-1
nieniled, I obtained a supply. The pains I
bogan to lessen soon after 1 commenced
tl,n two nf tnin rdmnilu nnd Inrnellrpd a
second box. I had oiily started its uso
when tne last trace ot the trouuie his-,
appeared and 1 gladly say that I have
ueeu lieu iiuiii II, nni .3. .
For Bale by nil dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn (X, Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember tho name Doan'sand take
no other.
t"or Sate.
A good business together with prop
erty. Property will pay in rents 8 per
cent interest and purchaser can make
$100 per month clcuroutside from rents.
If you mean business I will give you
full and complete information. This is
u good deal. So move quick if ou have
money (o invest. Terms can be given.
J. V. PIPE. 203 West 2nd St.
C. and E. lime Table.
Through trains-
ti -lo a m leave Ya -
in,.,,,'., n.w . ...
.Hiina; arrive at
l.-ave Albany 12:38
airive Ya-
quma ii:l.r.
Corvallis l,ocal0:30 a. in. leave Cor
valiU daily; J:lo p in. daily, except
Su.iday; 6 00 p. m. daily.
r:."o a. in. leave Albany daily; 3:85
p. in. daily, except Sun I -iv; 7:50 p. m
Constipation causes headache, nausea.
oi:-.mess. l,iri;uor, he-irt palpitation.
Pi-astie physics Kripe, sicken, weaken
Ihe bowels and don t eure. Doan s Ki g
ulets net gently and cure cmstipatiun.
25 cents. Ask your druggist.
1 lie Wo odwortit Drug Co.
Passed by the Indian War
One by one our comrndes are Inavinp
us, called away by death.
We may not mention them all but re
spect to our loader.: prompt us to spec
specially name Past Captain Jason
Wheeler who died Dec. 3, 1907, and Cap
tain Samuel K. Claypool whose death
L :ok place Dec. 6, 1908. Of them, and
others, it can well be said, they fought
the good fight, they kept the faith, they
finished their course and are surely re
warded with the crown of righteous
ness promised to the faithful, therefore
Resolved, by Camp No. 17, Indian
War Veterans, in session at Albany
this 26th day of March 1909. that we
greatly miss all our departed comrades
and to the end of our day will cherish
their memory, and further hereby ten
der to the sorrowing bereaved ones
who mourn their departure, our sincere
Resolved, that we hereby tender to
U. S. Senator Geo. E. Chamberlain our
hearty thanks for introducing into con
gress a bill to increase the pensions of
Indian War Veterans to $16.00 per
month, and hope he, with the help of
all others of the Oregon delegation,
win joe successtui in getting the same
enacted into a law; and that a copy of
this resolution be forwarded to Senator
Chamberlain bv the secretary of this
To the Editor of the Democrat:
I am glad to have been in your nice
! little city last week and must say that
I was most agreeably surprised at the
prosperity, advancement, and general I
business push that I noted in the few
hours whith I spent there. A business
man always feels glad when he does store.
business and I am glad to state that 1 1 Sketches of prominent business men
clased a $2,000.00 contract with the! of Albany . Miss Davenport Opera
I First National Bank of your city, which j Howe, tonight.
puts them in possession ef a new Man- Albany College and tti Ako Club
, ganese Safe ot the hteat partem and wjl pay base ba nexr Thursday after
I of the most perfected type' of burglar n(J0ra at 3; 'dock.
protection, and the mere flact that this hm. ,,-,, ,. tv, r u.,,. .m
pattern has been in actual ee for ten fto jaitoi at the Opera J 'My
years and has a record of never having fJft "
been burglarized will indicate- to thi tw "f-1?"' i
! customers of this bank that they are ! . The Gingerbread Man, a great pro
I setting- a nrotecnion for their funda duetiom,. is- to be preseited at the
; that is surpassed by none and' equaled
j by only those people who use this par-1
ticular safe.
The Weather.
Kanee of teraoerature 51-34.
The river ho continued to falPand is-
only 3.9 feet.
Deafness tanr.oi be Cured1
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,.
and that is by the constitutional rem-;
edies. Deafness is caused by an. in-
flamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tobe. Wheiv this tube
is inflamed you have a rumbling sound
r,Te! k2 .81 th i'-i!8
t, IX w "ft. e'"u't-iatret
and unless the Minammation can; be
taken out and this- tube restored to.ite
normal condition, hearing will be de-
.n,u. . nir,o Hum, n,,t nf fon
a caused by Catanrh,. which isnotSng:
ou' a" inflamed condition of the mucous :
-- i
We will give One Hundred Dollars I
for any case of Deafness (cause by
catrrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Semi for circulars, free, i
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ot.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. Something New
Electric heater for ho water bet ties
used with any bottle, keeps water at a
onstant temperature, -current enn-
umed. one-sixth f lb cp. lamp.
" "rrj
Wfi dlSCOtlllt Will be
IoVC(l bV ttlC
, - . ,.
Valley LO attef tlie lUtH 01
mnnlli nncit no V
llic inuiini,. )ujiiiii.i;
1 have the following for sale:
2 good lots 60x120 ft , east front, in
good neighborhood; 1 lot 47x111 ft.; and
8 lots 50x111 ft.; 2 lots 45x111 ft.: 2
lots 56x110 ft. Can be had for 5700
Also have six 10 acre tracts; well lo
cated, and on one of the best roads in
the county. These ore nil good tracts.
Have 6, S-rnom cottages, with base
ments, which will sell from $1150 to
$1550 apiece. Those properties, most
of them have sewer nnd city water,
and are all very well located.
1 Those desiring property of this kind
i will hnve to net uuicklv. as this proper
ly Will MVU KVi. v.""i "ii-ii .
the best
1 also huve one 5-acre tract, cooil
house and barn, located atiout IS, mi
from center of town: and have 2 goon
residence properties for rent. Om
house centrally located near courthouse:
nnd have 2 other properties furnished,
which will be for rent ubout April 1st
Call on or wiite mo for particulars.
Brown's gasolire wood-
MlWUlg o'.l : l. 1I11S IIU'.HI Hieiuues .
saws, a 50-gal. gasoline tank. gom;
top and a first-rlas? leather bolt
Cood reason for selling. Price ven
reasonable it taken now. Machine 1
mile from town on Koute 4. Ceo. F.
The demonstration trah demonstrat
Promote base ball, OU'best game of
Prize fightine in clvill'zva' Sfew York!
stopped years ago.
Speaking of spelling, see how easily
o le may be confused.
Some people had rather be hit by a
club than a spelling book.
Petce now, Hill and Haariman have
met. Look out for higher rates.
A $100,000 publicity fund is being
raised in Portland, the Oregon style.
Oregon has the goods alon? almost
any line from referendum to potatoes.
One man can't afford to have1 rheu
matism, Paderewski; bat he has in one
of his hands, stopping numerous $5,000
In and Around
Biggest laughiDg show yet Opei
House tonight.
Friendship, engagement and wedding
rings a specialty. If. M. French.
The finest silverTsolish made, ales
polishing cloths, at . French's jewelry
Albany College and High School bad-
hat pins, rrencn s jewelry
Pe house on April 9.
Monday night the comedy
Ou . n Idaho" by the Grand Stock Co,
Opera House best big show laugh.
A students recital at the dormito:
tonight will be of special interest to
lovers of good music. Go aad enjoy
the treat.
Bishop- Scaddmg,. of the Episcopal
church, will preach in the Presbyterian,
church Sunday evening. April 4, con
ducting u palm service in honor of the
Suear ouwad- harea 16c and breakfast
bacon- 15c per pound at Henry Broder's.
. Meat Murkot. Home manufactured
and. guaranteed.
Tine Glee Club of the collegst next
week,. Friday night, will give a concert ;
i whioh promises- to be a drawing aventU
, get ready to go
j o; Elk's- band fee night g a. I
8treet concert that ?,y ppre
iated fay hundreds of people alongP the 1
The-band is a good one, doing I
0i-i:,i ,u ; .ua i; ' .
, BPiemhd ,wrk ,n th.e rau,slal ,ne-
i sP?maJ ?,onXocaias'i Bayley CbaP-
ter No. 8 K. Si. M. Moudav evenmE
March 29.. Work in Roval Arch. A.fult
attendonce desired Refreshments, .
E. Wsshburn. Sec; t
House cleaning thoroughly done; ait.
figures anyone can afford by the mod-
era deatric-uaauura cieaner. Churches,
Halls and offiaes a specially. L W.
Jacks, 1097 W. 7th St: Home phone '
j Red 25!).
I E. . Hulbust, of Portland, has been i
injthe city introducing his combina- !
t on salt and pepper shaker, an in
j vention, an ingenious contrivance that i
should be appreciated. Ohling and
Taylor will save them here. I
FCw Will (n ,n 4-1...
. VI. Vy'llllOr WalLIlCSt
cuRii construction:
especially Mr. G. W. Simpson, wner
of the property adjacent to the follow
ing proposed sidewalk andcuib improve
ment, in the City of Albany, Linn
'ounty, Oregon. .
X ou ara eacn ot you are nereoy no
tified tha the City of Albany, Linn
wunty, Oregon, proposes to tause to
be constructed at the cost and expense
of the owners and holders of the real
property abutting on and adjacent to
such p.tposed improvement, to-wit:
A cement sidewalk and cjrb al"ng
and adjacent to the East Wtm of Lot
No. a. in Block No. 3. n tho West sine
of Kerry street, in the City of Albiiny.
Linn County, Oregon, the jroperly of
G. W. Simpson.
And you and each of you, are hereby
further notified, that the City Council
of' the City of Albany, Oregon, will on
Monday, the 12th day of April, 1909. at
the hour of 7:30 o'clock, p. m. of said
day. meet at the Council Chambers of
said City, and hear and determine all
objections or remonstrances to all or
-my portion of said proposed it-iprove-nents.
Published bv order of the Common
A.uncil ot the City of Albany, Oregon,
made by Resolution No. 6. duly adopt
'd hy said Council al a regular meeting
icli! at the City Council Chambers in
-aid City on the 22nd day o' Marvh,
Dated this 23rd day of March, linn.
Kecorder ot the City of Albany.
Dcmotrat Builuing, Albany,
Is prepared to make ani repmr boots
ind slues for men. women and chil
ren in a workman Iik? aisnnei.
The Easter Window.
Easter Post Cards
Easter Novelties
at Chas.Knechfs
Rre-Box'Air-Leaks Waste Fuel
it takes you
about an hour
to get up a
cooking fire
And it aiter-
wards roars
away so strong
lythat you can't
shut it off
probably due' to air
leaks" at the flues surrounding
your oven and into the fire-box.
For in ordinary steel and cast
iron ranges there are lots of
places where the outside air gets
in perhaps through the seams
between the oven and range
body or around the back flue
which is bolted on.
Perhaps through the sltde
damper at the left side of the
range. Usually this is a cast
plate, bolted and puttied. As
soon as the bolts work loose-,
through expansion and contrac
tion of the metal, a crevice is'
formed to let in the air.
. Now all these'
openings waste
your fuel it's
like the Chinese
saying: "Burn
iiig your house
Uw'Suy SatlsfatttpryTBaBg
We make the BEST. Evary buncn
branded with our name. Look for it
Our No, Vs are the only first-class
shingles in this market.
ci03ey wi U3e n0 ury kim.
. luowvc I., j, cu b--"-. io-r.
A shmgie
Jul ot lire-
Albany, Oregon.
X J 3 have r.o State Deposits,
i'1' nor do we accept any de
posit where special security has
to be pledged. This means
that we have no preferred
creditors and that your deposit
has the- same security that all
We have invested asset3
worth raore than $100,009(00
and this would have to be dis-.
sipated before depositors could
lose a cent. It is not being
dissipated, it is growing. .
Public Stenoffraoher
If vou'r work does not fustifv the em-
ploying of a regular stenograplter, call i
1 on Wilber, he will do all kinds of sten- j
jographic aoeK reasonably and Slickly. ;
I Home Phone 347. Bell EiacK 301. 1
Office lot ffirot National Bauk.bldg ,
:4ri.Biaiiil P & UiKHtwin
8 E YOJKU. O J Sahmitt -
VkvPnnlilot E W 3ii,lon
A C SU'M'IUT A C ."-HniiU
Transactu- a freneral bankii,,; business.
Accounts kept subject tc-cbeck.
ght ohangeaud telegraphic trans
fer Midori New York, Sacn Francisco,
Chicsga asi Portland,
CoilcsiiiHis nrinoe on f avo-ble terms
m. J. L. HILL
fiv4iciB& and hnrtrfot
rtij Hiocfc - - - Albany. (.)
tMwTnrn Hiook, - - Alnan),
CB5NESE DOC'f OW-J. Mon Foo, aa
experienced compounder of Crjnese
medicines, successor of the late Hong !
Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish !
Chinese medicine to all. Tho-under- ;
signed recommends him and guaran
tees satisfaction. Ca.l or w:te him :
at No. 110 West Second t , Albany
Or Jim V i ftfaul. 5
3o!j's Saslal-Pepsin Capsuies
H thp Binder ftud 1M 4t-J Kid-
i W.i.'t.Hv nno ivMiimm'ti'llT t1)
worn cm of (ionorrhuea
,n:d Ulxt. Du iiikttir nf Low
' ftnoamc. A Lnlnte!;
hirc'ess. IJ by driinfisW
1'iice 5I.m, or tT mail, port
UtllekinUlne, Ohio.
For ! bt Borkhtrt ft Lee
down to roast a pig."
The range that has no
leaks" is the Monarch.
Around every opening Oven
Door, Feed Dtw and Ash Door,
are Malleable- Iron frames,
riveted to the range body. .
Cast iron frames must be
bolted to steel, but Malleable
Iron can be cold-riveted.
This riveting insures practi
cally air-tight joints,vhich never
spread or open up, no matter
how hot the fire.
The fire-box linings'1 or ih.j
Monarch are extra lio&vy the
back wall is made in foi!r'r'-2
to provide for heat expansion.-
The Duplex Draft gives you
perfect control of the fire
there are: two damper doors,
one in each end of ilie fire-box.
You-can open them just to
the degree' desired, to make
your fire'slow or fast.
A- Monarch Range is the best
investment an economical wom
an can make, for
itburns less fuel,.
is'Biore durable,
. factory" as long
as' it is in' use.
Ohling & Taylor.
I '
i 435' West First 5 tl, Albany i r.
j Headquarters for "AlsenS and
I . 'pyramid" Portlano Cement, -Roache
uiaroor' L,ime. Kuberoid ltoofino-
Wood Fibre Plaster, Sulphur. Spray.
; Poultry supplies, Dalles Diamond and
I Liberty Bell hard wheat flour. Hay,
j Grain. Mill Feed and Salt!
Over French's store.
Osteopathic Phys.cian,
226 Baeadalbin Street, Albany.
Phone-Black 482.
Luring March and April
From all Parts it the East
I $33 from Chicago
. $30.50 from St. Louis
$25 from Omaha
$25 from Kansas City
Correspondingly low from all othfrpcints.
Write lette to everybody you know
. in the East and tell them about these
low color ist rates. Send them lite'-a-,
ture about Oregon, or send thir ad-
dresses to us And we will do it. In thisi
way you can be a great Help in the
; gtowth und progress of the city.
for anyone from any place if you want
to. Deposit the necessary amount with
our local agent and he will telcgranh
ticket promptly.
In piire nf Agent or write to
General Passenger Agent
The Oregon Kailroad & Navigation Co
Scuttsrn Pacific Co. (Lines in Ore'oni