Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY MAJiCII. 19 1909 NO VOL XL1Y just Received. A full line of Onvx and Torquoise , ware the Houskeeper requires in the kitchen the best grade of Enameled ware at a moderate cost. It is waste of money to buy bo-called imported wares at an extremely high price or the many miscelaneous brands of un known value, mostly woithlws. Onyx , and Torquise ware stands the test, and we guaranty it to please you. It costs no more than poor ware. Look for the Onyx and Torquoise Iable before buy ing. Yes Ruby is the best 25c coffee at MEISER & MEISER EMPIRC THEATRb The program tonight is a fine one and this wfll be your last opportunity to see it. "A Mother's Love," an especially good film, contains a moral lesson. "The Step-mother" is a dramatic production of merit. 'Gendarms Horse" is a comedy full of life and humor. Two good songs. Admission 10c. Don't forget the real Vaudeville be ginning Monday, March 15. EGGS. Buff orpington, $1.50 a setting of 15. W. L. Cobb, R. D. 4. Home Phone 2305. 20t Announcement Extraordinary Our Grand For mal Opening Wednesday, March 1 7th, at 7:30 p. m. and following days. The store will be closed all day Wednesday, ar ranging the grand display of Paris and American styles. Chambers & McCune Albany's Lea ling Cloak and Suit Store. . S3 Snow Flake Family Flour. manufactured with the latest improved machinery, made especially for this mill high grade Absolutely pure- Guaranteed $1.35 per sack, $5.20 per bbl. Olympic Family Flour. A patent hard wheat. $1.60 pe' sk. $6 20 per bbl, At all the grocers. Albany Mill Feed. BRAN per sacV, Shorts per Bk at either the Red Crown or Magnolia Mills. . Wo put moro Brand in the sack than any mill In Linn County. ni.;ALJ fl..- -I 1 1 A nr:jjt: -j. -i! ;t. " weigiieu. uui suuiia tun eiuai iu luiuuilugB UL umer mills. Custom chopping a speciality. WE bU OA IS. See us about them. ;, A. W. BOWERSOX, Agent , $ .90 $1.30 Every sack Walter Parker, Grocer and! Baker 218WE8T S'lBBT 8THKETALBANY OREGON First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56. STAR. BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., Firstclass baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etc. Both Phones 57 Great Vacuum Cleaner. Cleans all kinds of carpets and rugs onithe floor, wi'h no noise, dirti r dust, no matter how dirty the carpet.. Dorr B. Adavs, AtN. D. Pratt's Furniture Store, OAJL Barrett Bros. Bargains in Farm and ! City Property. 1 170 acres, 90 acres in cult, balance in timber, best of black loam soil, good , large house, barn and orchard, school and church near, close to rail road stat ion. Price $50.00 per acre. I 10 room house and one lot near the ; proposed High School building, house i rents at $14.00 per manth, for a quick sale $2000.00 takes it. 50 acres near the City, 45 acres in , cultivation, fair house and barn, family orchard, just the place for dairy or poultry farm. Price $5500. I 12 good vacant building lots in the eastern portion of the city, will sell ' singly or all together. Price $225 each. 680 acres within 1 1-2 mile of railroad station, 250 acres in cultivation 2 good barns, good orchard, running and spring water, best stock farm in the state, as wen as me cneapost, Price $2o per acre. ' 5 room house with about half block of land in western portion of the city, look this up if you wane a snap. Price $2000. 8 room house and one lot in western portion of the city." Price $1500. i 165 acres within 5 miles of Albany, all open land and sll can be cultivated, 40 acres seeded to clover, fair house, good barn, no timber, fine dairy or all purpose farm. Price i65 per acre. ' 87 acres near a gcod town in southern Oregon, all in culti. Fair improve ments, 7 acres orchard, 50 acres in crop. priCe $5500. I 7 room house, barn and one lot near the proposed High School bld'g rents at $1? per month. Price (1600 ' Several small tracts of garden or fruit lands near the city, with or with out improvements at bargain prices. 1 Full particulars will be given of any of the above to those who mean busi ness, by calling at my office. Noinfor- 1 mation given over the telephone. i C. G. Bubkhart, I 102 K. First St We carry insurance against Eurglary and Hold up. We are members of the American Bankers Association. If we were robbed the Pinkertons would be employed to hunt the criminals indefinitely. And then we have Invested $100,000.00 all to protect our depositors against loss. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1802. : Public StenopDlicr If yr-u'r work does not ju'tify the cm pl.iv ii "f regular t?nographer, call in W i-i r. he will do b'I kinds of Bten- .rnt-i: worn reasonably and quick-lv. H P - :!47. Bell Black 3ul. -.c .2 i:;it Katiurfcl Bank Lliig WILL BE APPQINTED. Washington, March 13. Senator Fulton's friends assert positively he will be appointed Judge early next week. The department of justice re- I says nothing. Nicaragua and Salvador WsAHiNGTON,March 13. It is be lieved certain that Uncle Sam and Mexico have determined to take action to keep peace between the Central American republics. Uncle Sam has marines ready to send and cruisers in the neighboring waters. Despite these assertions Nicaragua and Salvador as sert that there has been no trouble be tween the two countries. Communica tions are apparently interrupted. New People for Dreamland. Dreamland's new people have, arrived and are getting in to the harness fast for their Grand Opening Program next Tuesday evening. The whole company will appear in that Rascal Pat-, a com edy that will delight all. The play has a fine story and plot running through out and has plenty of Irish wit and comical situations, Part of the com pany will appear in a good sketch and monologue Monday eve only along with a fine mwram of Dictures. Our new illustrated song singers Miss Madeline Harris and Mr. Karl Karey will sing the illustrations commencing Sunday afternoon, be sure and hear them as they are both talented singers. We also wish to state that we have re tained the services of the two corn medians Perry and Berry whose work in the old Dreamland Stock Co. was highly pleasing to the patron.f of Dreamland. We aim to have talent that cannot be out shined by the large companie's in the large cities and by the support and hearty patronage, of the people of Albany and vicinity we will do our best to give the best show ever offered lor the price. Now it is up to you. You help us with your patro-age and we will help you to t dollar show for 10c. At the house of quality and more for your money. Dreamland tne lamuy play house of Albany. We guarantee good clean entertainments with no vul garity. Dreamland has the Show. CIRCUIT COURT. Judtre Burnett held a session this morning and then adjourned for the Powell murder trial Monday. C. J. Howe agt. Geo Robinson et al. appeal, was tried before the court, with a veruiuL mr Mia ueienaanc. larceny of a gun during the fire that hlirnpil tha criln aln,a nf A CU.n;f was Sentenced tn a mnnth in Iha .nnnu jail. A new case is Thomas Cree agt. Geo. T. Cree, to set aside a deed. Which Will It Be. According to the papers Mr. HarrI man will probably not build the Des- chuttes road. Of course not. The proper road to build is the C. & E. ex- bcusiuu, uuu uir. fiammuD. will ao well to turn n nanr one tn fnct nH enough to do what is riht in his road uunuing. vv ny snouia rortiana dictate. Was Accidental. Memphis, Tenn.. March 12. Harrv English, who killed William Garrett, of Portland. Or . in a nna,i.Bl puppy dog last night, was released to day, the officials holding that Garrett's ueaui was accidental. Finnigan's Fortune scored a great hit last night to three well filled houses. You should avail yourself of the oppor tunity to see this fine closing bill of the old Dreamland Stock Co. The whole company is in the cast of characters and we must say right here every body connected with same have s'rained themselves to make a success of their last appearance. The stnry of Finni gan's Fortune is very good and the Irish and Dutch witicisms are funny in the extreme. We also have some unusually good moving pictures and a very catchy il lustrated song. Come and bring the family to Al bany's family theater, Dreamland. Admission 10c. C. H. NEWS Heavy tax payments: J. W. McKnight $163.20: C. H. Davis $467.50, O'Neill Bros, and Calloghan ' $118.16. J. W. Cusick $267.97, Wright Blodgett $2063.36, John Sanders $105,22. H. A. Clark $197.65. Hufts, Stevens & Co. $112 52. W. B. Stevens $603.34, Al fred C. Schmitt $352.02, Anna W. Flinu $630.50; Giblin & O'Brien $169.14, Est. M. Sternberg $332 27. A. Sternberg $207.45, Weoely & Cain $197.51, W. C. Twedalo $228.59, Fred Holsapple $144. 29, Burkhirt & Lee $135.80, August Engle $143.46, E. D. Cusick trustee $131.92, U. D. Overton $118.50, W. C. Morgan $150.87, T. D. Patton $126.07. O. A. Vandran $213.81, U. G. Hale $178.67. Stewart & Sox Co. $169.95, N. D. Pratt $121.25, Gilbert Bros. $121.25, F. M. French $195.44. Deeds recorded: C. A. Wooley to Mary . Mitchell lots Sonaville $ 150 C. N. Tuttill to Wm. Wooldridge 49.37 acres 10C0 Eli tiume to W. Roger Revelle jj interest in 160 1 F. G. Will for watches. nti,M..,) ,..,, U McKinstry. uxbl'JSKS, servea in all styles, and by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's. Something New Electric heater for hot water bottles used with any bottle, keeps water at a constant temperature, current con sumed, one-sixth f 16 cp. lamp. Hal Stan Electric Supply Co. We have a few sott yellow mountain fir shingles on hand at a minimum price. They are ''dandies". We dtp your shingles in Creosote oil stain when de sired. Thompson & Cramer. Lime and sulphur toniy, $3.60 a bar rel. MAKE IT YOURSELF. M. Senders & Cb. We Haven't Said Much f About Uur Own Make Of Baking Powders DIAMOND BRAND For the last six years We have sold over StO pounds per Week and not a single can has been returned. THIS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. .1 i Remember this is home manufactured goods and contains no alum or amonia and is not sold at Trust trices. In several sizes PER POUND 40 cents. Money refunded if not satisfactory. TryJIt. COMMERCIAL COFFLF. & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. FOR RENT. 5 large unfurnished I r:oms. very close in, bath and phone. ! Call 314 Ferry, near 3rd street. . I We will sell WALNUTS, Saturday the 1 3th, all day at 15c per pound. These are good nuts. Gilbert Bros. Groceries, hardware, furniture. At the sign of the padlock. - ftjjlll iSllllC f L -g J ' a ! " 1 haye the following for sale: 2 good lots 60x120 ft., east front, in good neighborhood; 1 lot 47x111 ft.; and 3 lots 50x111 ft.; 2 lots 45x111 ft.; 2 lots 56x110 ft. Can be had for $700 each. ' Also have six 10 acre tracts; well lo-1 cated, and on one of the best roads in the county. These are all good tracts. Have 6, 5-room cottages, with base ments, which will sell from $1150 to $1550 apiece. These properties, most of them have sewer and city water, and are all very well located. Those desiring property of this kind wilt have to act quickly, as this proper ty will soon go. Come quick and get the best I also have one 5 acre tract, cood house and burn, located about miles from center of town; and have 2 good residence prnpertiep for rent. One house centrally located near courthousp; and have 2 other properties furnished, which will be for rent about April 1st. Call on or write me '.O' particulars. J. A. HOWARD. Fair ale Plant harm. I huve for tale a ci.i ice lot i pier ta fo.- fall plaining at riasonab.e pricis. G ore berries, re 1 and white lurr in's, loirar.birnes, dewberries, ihuonb, hedge plant and sa?e. 1VER (.'. DUEDALL. Horn 1 Phoie 7102. R. F. D. No.C. ioiLtnra It has been noised about that Holt is going away; but it is a mistake, BUT HE IS HERE TO STAY Stealer's J 'Store Pacific black 21. Home 160. ' Call up Hume Phone 74. Bell Red 811