Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 26, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    Mr. Young has jusl returned from New Yoik and hfs
purchased in that greatest of all markets the newest and
most attractive designs of Ladies wearing apparel. This
includes the ready-to-wear garments of all kinds and
new and beautiful Silks in the new shades of Rose,.
Wisteria, Atlantic Green, and the popular Greys.
. New Fancy Silk for waists and dresses.
We have on the way to arrive soon, a magnificent
showing of dress accessories, All-over Nets, Trimming
Braids, Laces, Gold and Silver Nets.
W e have strengthened our White Department by hav
ing a showing of everything in white goods that is of
ferred for popular use this season including
Linens, Persian Lawns, Reps,
Piques, Pearlines, Sheer Linens,
Shrunk Ducks, Lingerie, Cloths, etc.
Some of our this seasons ready-to-wear stock has
already arrived and express shipments are reaching us
daily. It will pay you to watch our advertisements
closely and to look through our stock frequently.
News from
Albany's Six
There were two extra trains for
news, sections of No. 16 arriving at 7:15
and 7:30. s
On the first section of 1G was a spec
ial car of horses from the celebrated
Lafayette Stock farm of J. Crouch &
son. yne norse weignir.g zouu pounas ita atock 30.000
was said to be the biggest horse in the Ynnn A r
world, a monster, gray and immerse
Probate: Estate of Wm. Hoag, Chas.
C. Hogue, executor. Value of Oregon
: property $25,000 for Oregon. The heirs:
' Jas. A. Hoag. San Fruncisco, two sis
ters Mary A. Hogg and Margaret Hogg,
Baltimore. He left a will, and prop
erty worth probably $1.00.000. P. K.
Kulley attorney. C. M. Elinwood is
the California exectutive.
Articles were filed incorporating the
First Savings Bank of Albany. Cap-
Incorporators S. E.
xoung, A. C Schraitt ana W. A
' rett.
George Finley passed , through from
Crawfordsville to Portland. Mr. Fin
ley recently returned from a trip on
timber land business to old Mexico,
laud of wonderful possibilities, undevel
oped, offering many advantages for in
vestment. A. M. Templeton, of Brownsville,
left for Prineville, where a brother re
cently died.
Mrs. W. H. Lee left for her home at
Seattle, leaving her aunt, Mrs, John
Althouse slightly improved.
Architect Hand went to Portland.
I. A. Phelps, manager of the tele
phone office at Lebanon, came down on
a business trip.
M. McAlpin went to Portland.
Marvin Turner left for Seattle, where
he expects to reside.
Rev. Evans went to Portland.
Curran an old time hat drummer,
who used to come to Albany as early as
thirty yearn ago, left for points north,
being on the road again, after being off
for seven or eight years,
Albany and Eugene.
The game of basket ball which will
interest Albany people most U prob
ably the one to be played Friday night
at the Alco srym between the Eugene
high Bchool and Albany high school. The
team3 had a tie on their former contest,
Heavy tax pavers
son $242.60, Mary E,
Rebecca A. Ma
Jenks $192.89. J.
C. Tammen $13.15, Mrs. J. C. Luper
$115.41, W. F. Hamlin $121.70. Mar
garet A. Monleith $a0.29. Dr. J. P.
Wallace $973.15. 1. O. O. F. $145.50.
Dr. M. H. Ellis $129.71, S. M. Penning
ton $217.76.
Optometry record J. O. Watts.
Walter E. Critchlow, advance man
for the famous Oregons of Dallas, ar
rived this moriyng from the South and
made arrangements with the high school
team for a game at the Alco gym on
March 10. This will give Albany people
an opportunity to see the best basket
ball players in the United States play,
and no doubt the evm will be Dacked.
Bar- i On their eastern trip the men have lost
only six games, playing in all manner
of halls, climate, etc., against the
crack teams of the country. Their
lineup is Edward Shaw center and cap
tain, W. A. Reed and Carl Fenton for
wards, Claud Shaw and Alvie Morton
The team is in UtaTi to-day. On the
way home the men will play Ashland,
t:oseburg. bugene and a tew otner
Oregon teams.
Marriage license W. V. Whitlatch
aged 26, of Metrlll, bom in 111., and
Thelma Sprenger, aged 19, of Shedd,
born in Oregon.
Deeds recorded:
Anna R. Smith to Elmer Jones &
Walter Scott $3500
E. (J. Baker to W. C. Templeton
and a if e, 99,34 acres 1
Jos. Misner to A. M. Erickson. 2
lots 150
Mary A. Alford to I and A. Alford,
2 lots, Harrisburg 500
Mortgages for 1 225.
Satisfaction $1000.
Knew Where They Were Going.
Fine Wall Paper
Otie of the largest and best selected
stock of Wall Paper in Oregon can be
found at our store. Bright, clean pat
terns to select from ; new shades in
Brown and Olive. Our time is your
time. Our prices are correct. We
ask you to call and see the lines
Burkhart & Lee.
Niagara Spray.
We are authorized to sell until further
notice the Genuine Niagara Lime &
Sulphur Solution that tests 30 at $7.50
per barrel and a credit of $1.00 per
empty barrel allowed when returned.
The spray netting $6.50 per barrel.
Now is your time to place your orders
for spray at these cut prices.
J. I. Applegate, residing Inear this
city, came to town this morning with
some eggs and other things for Owen
it was given to Albany by the ref- Beam's grocery, a can of cream, etc.,
eree. Both teams have improved Bince on the way stopping at J. H. Simp
then, which will mean something doing son's; but the horses got in a hurry to
from the blow of thewhistle. Bet t0 Beam's and ran away starting
- south, turning at Ferry and then down
tnat street directly to the Beam corner,
Albany Leads, landing against the telephone pole at
' ' i the corner, which stopped proceedings.
Only a small amount of damage was
Tn the Telegram's Alaska contest Miss done.
Tillie Eckert, of this city, has the high-1 1
est vote of any one in the whole ten
districts, indicating Albany's import
ance as a business center. Our peo-
Ele should see that she remains at the
ead. The Telegram gives a wheel of
pictures of the young ladies, but Miss
Eckert is not in it.
In and Around
Fisk tires.
Spray at $6.50 per barrel at Stewart
& Sox Hdw. Co.
Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be at the
Revere House Friday ana Saturday.
The Democrat has added a picture of
Miss Orah Harkness to its art gallery.
It was in this morning's Oregoman.
Friday and Saturday of this week will
be lucky days for weak eyed people.
Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be in twon.
A letter coming into the hands of
Judge C. H. Stewart of this city, today
was from Judge C. H. Stewart, of Del
ta county, Colorado. It was for anoth
er Stewart and was returned to the
post office for a further journey.
Lemke's new store in Wright's addi
tion, carries family groceries, the latest
and best. No finer quality in all the
nation. Come one, come all, and give
him a test. Both phones, and free de
livery. t26
A Recital
Will be given t the Baptist church i sional
on Friday evening, Feb. 26, given by
Mrs. H. Wyee Jones, assisted by Miss
Nina Paddock, of McMinnville. Ad
mission 25 cents. Children under 8
years of age free.
Store Burglarized.
Three $6 revolvers, a $16 colt and a
cheap watch were stolen from Ohline &
Taylor's store last night, the things he-1
ing in the front show window. En
trance was effected by breaking a win
dow at the rear of the store. It was
evidently the work of some boy or boys,
an tne signs indicating that no protes
did it.
Always Draws.
As usual Uncle Tom's Cabin last
night drew a big house. It always
does, like a circus being an attraction .
that never grows old, warm in the
hearts of the people, regardless of the -freak
additions to the original story.
Little Eva was said to be particularly
good. Opinions varied as to the gener
al merit of the cast; but it was Uncle
i Tom and full of interest.
The best to be secured
Watches and all kinds
F. G. WILL, for Watches.
Oysters, any style at The Crest.
Cream Pufis, the real thing at the
Vienna Bakery.
For a good Hot Tamalie try the
Vienna Bakery.
Burkhart, photographer, makes child
ren's photos a specialty.
Try one of our famous pies. The
best in town. Vienna Bakery.
See the Soda Foun
I Come to our store and see the new
dainty patterns in Wall Paper. New,
clean, stock just arrived, many new
shades in brown and olive. Let us help
you fix the dining room, parlor, or ball.
Prices correct. Burkhart & Lee.
Talk of a Big hotel.
F. Q. Will for watches.
Lime and sulphur stiray, $3.50 a bar-
For your candieb and
Fronk s near the depot-
fruits call at
Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show
ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you.
Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best.
We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us.
Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 WestlFirBt St
Over Wcodworth's Drug Store,
I have Becuted one of the best
plumbers and tinners to be secured, 1
Mr. Me'zgus, of San Franhiseo, who is
an all round workman, and will have
charge of the shop. 1
Galvanized cornice, skylights and
plumbing a specialty. Hot water and
not air heating guaranteed to gtve the
best of satisfaction. i
I intend to give the public the best
work to be turned out aiong all lines. I
Apple Jackie.
Plenty of oysters at the Metropolitan
market for everybody.
Try a cup of coffee and a sandwich at
Frank's near the depot.
LOST. A little gold chain, on 7th be
tween Maple and Washington. Please
return to the Democrat office.
FOR SAL E. 40 city lots and 25 small
tracts of land for sale on easy terms.
H. Bryant. t20
, There is said to be a splendid pros
pect of a big four story brick hotel at
the present site of Chinatown, and the
report is so strong that some one Bays
the plans have been drawn for it. It
sounds good anyway, a fine building in
Elace of the Celestial rookeries being a
oost that will please Albany people
See the Soda Foun
Burkhart, photographer, successor to
FOR SALE. -A graphaphone, Victor,
Machine and records at half price.
Call 124 West 6th St. t3
WANTED. Bids for cement walk.
Applyat St. Mary's Hospital, Albany,
FOUND. In Stetter's store a key.
At the Democrat office.
WANTED. Girl, competent and trust-
worthy, to do general housework.
Call at 332 Ferry street.
Now Is The Time to buy.
Lime & Sulphur spray, New stock
bulk, garden, field and grass seeds.'
Onion setts, Lime, Plaster, Cement,
Powdered Buiphur, Land Plaster.
Senders FEEd Store.
435 West First St. Albany, Oregon.
Apple Jackie.
"Chocolate Sh op"
"Once Eaten, AlwaysJWanted
when cleaned by our methods of' dry
cleaning, are marie to lock just as good
as made to .ook just as new. Waists
and dresses of delicate colors and ma
terial we renovate to the delight of the
owner. We also dye any garmnnt de
sired in beautiful shades and colorings.
C. E. SHELLEY, Prop.
4.0 W 1st St. Bell Phone black 278
JHome plione 196
I Farm land and city property bought
1 and sold, i
; Parties having land or city proparty .
, or sale will d) well to list with us.
Phones Bell black 53, Homo main 231. !
Notice of Shipment of New Spring Goods
Are Arriving Daily
Opposite the Hotel Revere, eive care
ful attention to all tonsorlal wants
M. B. CRAFf,
242 West Second St., Albany meats
selected stock.!
of all kinds from j
i Albany Supply
! Company.
The Oliver Typewriter. j
Best on thelmarket. First National j
Bank people have five. Albany College
has ten. Thirty-five used in Ablanv. :
See the new tabulator and ruling da.
vice. JIB cash, then lnc per day, pay
able monthly. See one at Steward &
Sox Hardwire Co. 1
Phone 218. Horn Phoae.
Wholesale dealers in Fruits,
Produce, Wrapping Paper,
Paper Sacks, Twine, Gum
and Confectionary.
Cash paid for eggs.
Both Pnnnw . 442 West 1st t.
217 West First St
We will be prepared to show you a Let
ter line of Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes, in
fact everything that belong to an up-to-date
Mens Clothing Store, than ever before,
and it is a well known fact that we have
always be en the leaders in Albany, and Linn
County, in that line of Merchandise.
We still have a few bargains left, and
are able Oto quote prices on broken lines
that will make it worth your while.!
Albany, - - .Oregon