C to z UJ 5 una home journal MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SPECIALS We still And that we have quite an assortment 'of our regular muslin stock whirti is slightly soiled and to make room for our large spring stock we have decided to c1ob out the entire lot at Half Price. This Is one of the lines we had out during the sale. There are some excellent values, and remember they are all going at HALF PRICE Also to close out the present lines SUITS and MILLINERY we will continue to sell at HALF PRICE. NEW WHITE GOODS Just received a beautiful line of new white materials in Lawns, Dimities, Organdies, and new barred and striped effects. All prices. See them at CO 25 Pjbruarv Ladies Home Journal Patterns Now Reedy. I home journal PATTERNS f lic cmunit 'auburtfd b cue pout oihue, Albany, Jr Atscond cIhbb mail matter. F P NUTTING The Democrat. The Dally Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.0C By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year ?1. 25. At end of year $1.50. After 8 years at $2. OUIt WANTS LOST A belt, with buckle. Return to valuable gold the Democrat office. I HAVE FOR SALE some baled Btraw at 25c per hundred lbj. or 30c de livered to any part of the city. 1 also have potatoes to sell cheap, and an Aspenwall potatoe planter that cost $70. I will take $40 if taken soon. Alvin J. Carothers, 531 Sixth & La fayette Sts., Albany, Ore. NAPOLEON JEAN, architect, con tractor and builder, 116 Ferry St. WANTED. Plain sewing, at homes of the people. Phone Red 2271 Bell, t LOST. -Black silk watch fob, with monogram E. A. F., probably at the depot, FOR BALE. Brown's gasoline wood sawing outfit. This outfit includes 3 saws, a 50-gal. gasoline tank, good top and a first-class leather Belt. Good reason for soiling. Price very reasonable if taken now. Machine 1 mile from town on Route 4. Geo. F. Brown. FOR SALE. Oats and vetch starw $6 and $8 a ton as long as it lasts. C R. Widner. 2801 Home. Mission Art Glaus Library Lam p Ralston Elbctkic Supply co. FOR SALE, wood, W Block wood and slab , D. Elkins. Homo Phone t25 1213. FOR SALE. A fresh milk cow. rich milk. Address A. O. Watrous, 939 E. First street. 30c WOOD FOR SALE.-S0 cords of body fir wood, in a lump, from the road side, ono milo north of A Ibany in Benton county. Phone C. K. Wid mer, Home 2801, about it. BARGA.1N IN PIANO. A now piano for sale cheap, only been used a few weeks. Inquire 342 1st St. Drug store. ?2t RARE BARGAINS. A ton room house and two lota for Bale. Everything in good repair. Inquire S42 First St Drug Store. 22t WOOD FOR SALE. Oak, ath and manic. Claud Lorsdrn. Home mone 1145. 12-18t BUFF ORPINGTON Cockerels for sale from $1 to $2.50 each. W. L. Cobb, R. D. 4. Home Phone 2305. 14t WANTED. Chickens and turkeys at the highest cash price, at Brown & Roth's markol, Lyon street. 12t WOOD FOR SALE.-Some good dry wood, l'hono E. M. Perfect, 201 Bell, 204 Home. MUSIC LESSONS.-Piano and organ. Phono black 971. Helen Elkins. FIRE INSURANCE. Boaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera Houso Bldg. SODA WATER. Cascadia water from the Gci8ondorfer springs, may be had at Tomlinson & Holmnn'a and nt the Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t AERMOTEUrgnsolinc pump, air coated with pump jack, ready to hitch to rumn for only $45. Crawford the Aermotor mnn will be glad to ahow you. r'IRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Hank Bldg. Both phones. FOR SALE. Modol N Ford runabout with top, only run one season in tine ccndition. Apply to w. vr-aoraw-ford. Bgt. Ford Motor Cars. J. II. RU1TEK, WOODSAWING Phone red 942. H 1211. We um Kaoiine m4 doa't bum ed power. you PATTERNS - home Hamilton's Bazaar L. E. & H. J HAMILTON - home journal PATfE'BtsIS m No.h.ng the Matter With Oreaon. (By Rev. W. T. Wardle, of Lebanon.) Land of the cloud-mists, of emerald green. Kissed by the fairies with garments sheen. Land of the rain, genial, welcome and warm, Where cyclone nor tempest ere give us alarm. Land of the flowers, of ferns and of moss, Where farmers fear not for crops, nor for losses. Land sought by ships flying flags ot all nations, To gather our fruits and grains for their rations. Land of great rivers, cascades and of pools, Whence come from old ocean the sal mon in schools. Land of huge ranges, sun kiss'd and snow clad. Whence tumble the trout streams rushing and mad. Land where the deer flies from cougar bo bold, Where bear makes its lair in fir trees so old. Land of the grouse, of pheasant and quail, Ot wild duck and pigeon, of teal and of rail. Land ot Royal Ann cherry, of berry "Magoon',, Of apples and peaches, of pear and of prune. Land of great hopfields, with trelPaes green. Where old folks and children, and lovers are seen. Land rich in silver and copper and gold, The quartz mill so mighty, the placer bo old. Land where the health giving rain-mist is sought, Where vigor increases, where cures are wrought. Land of the cedar and pine, the hem lock and fir. Woods dense and mighty, where winds seldom stir. Land intersected by Cascade and Coast Range, Where flow the Willamette, the Co lumbia so strange. Land with its hoary sentinels of snow, Keeping faithful their tryst o'er valley below. Land where the East and the West clasp their hands. Project new endeavors, weave closer their bands. 0 beautiful Oregon, let me utter thy praise, Let me speak of thy glory, let me love thee always. 1 love thy great ranees, th tiniest rill. The cataract's music, the rains that distill. ' I love thy green mosses, thy emerald glades. The wealth of thy forests, the depths n i...if..r i i i.: --j ' haze. Let me love thee forever, in thee end mv days. O jcctionhble Illll.i Editor Democrat: I think farmers had better carefully examine Senate bill No. 3 introduced by Johnson of Benton county, and see if it does not contain many objectional features, which are sufficient to cause it to be defeated. Farmers want good mads, but such as are named in this bill certainly would be very costly, and few of the people who would be taxed to build them would receive any benefit from them. The object of Buth state roads are certainly calculated for the benefit of,f automobiles, and farmers would not care to be taxed to build a highway for the benefit of the people who livein the towm. A road;cight or sixteen feet wide would hardly (allow Jan automobile to pass a wagonjor other vehicle after the farmer had unhitched his team, which many would be compelled to do before it would be at all safe for them to go by. Suchibills as this and many othets which have as little or less merit, should be strongly opposed by farmers, as they have the largest part of the money to raise for their maintenance. House bill No. 41, by Jones of To k JOURNAL PATTElllVJS ITS z Ci We will soon nave news from New York Our buyers are there and Lincoln, is another which should be ; cioseiy scrutinized Detore it reaches the approval of farmers and dairymen; as it is exceedingly cost'y and would be avoided to such an extent, that it would be of little or no benefit. Besides such a law would have a tendency to drive many smau dairymen out ot the busi- ness. A FARMER. The President's hunting triD will be one of fun and profit, an unusual combination- If you are hunting for a good flour, you will find it pleasurable as well as profitable to use Johnson 's Best Notice. All those knowing themselves indebt ed to the Willamette Valley Co. are kindly requested to call at the office and make settlement, for all accounts due to January 10, If. .not paid by Foburary 10 service will be discontinued. Nj accounts will be transferred to our new ledger. Willamette Valley Co. Trv a cun of coffee and a sandwich at Frank's near the depot. FOR ironing boards and clothes racks see those made by E. B. Davidson, 739 E. First, and don't buy until you do. FOR SALE. By Robt. Langmack, one mile S. E. of Tallman, 90 head good grade Shrop Shire ewes. Will lamb about Feb. 1st. " t-16 APPLES. Baldwins and Jonathan!1 for sale. J. G. Gibson, phone 4054 Horns. 14t SLAB WOOD. 16 inch wood, for sale by the Albany Transfer Co, $2 a load. Both phones. ROOMS WANTED. Furnished or un furnished, also houses, furnished and unfurnished. Report to J. A. How ard & Co. 21t GOOD DRY WOOD.-For sale at the boat landing, foot of Broadalbin St. Morrison & Scover. 21-t For your Oysters and Tamalies Go to the CREST. L. L. POTTS, 316 W.;2nd St. Newest and Diningroom Domes, Electroliers, Library Lamps. Ajlarge assortment to choose from. Pricesjto suit anyone. Ralston Electric Supply Co. 30B STestJSecondlStreet. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Judge McFaddon came oAer from CorvaTlis this noon. Mrs. Olin Stalnaker went to Halsey this afttrnoon for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Way ! Viio rtnnn frm a ManrnAff via'?" returned Mrs. Frank Ward, of Salem, arrived this noon un a visit with relatives. Mr. Jos. Elkins, of Lebanon, was in the city to day on a visit with his brother Jas Elkins. Mrs. Stephanie Schuecker returned yesterday afternoon from a visit with Eugene friends. Mr. Harry Chase, of the Spaulding Lumber Co. is lying critically ill witn pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crowder and Mr. land Mrs. J. F. Simpson, of Portland, ; arrived this noon, called here by the j ' criticrl illness of the father of Mr. Crowder and Mrs. Simpson, Mr. S. W. no- o nm!nnf r,;nnoor oitiror, now almost eighty years of age. I j " In and Around Albany, Billiken Postals at Meiser's. Billiken drives away the blues. one at Meiser's. Lost from the Library "Sailing Alone ' Arouhd the World." Who has it. I Dr. Lowe the well known eve snec- j SJfflT'S have him test your eyes for glasses. 19 years experience. ' After an extended discussion of the proposition the subscribers to the con-1 A!TebZT&. plete the required subscription for the stocK. Tomorrow is the day of Drayer for ' colleges, and it will be observed at Albany Collese. Rev. Harrv H. Pratt. lof Portland, will speak at the chapel at1 brought about by the accumulation of uric acid, an Irritating, pain producing 1 10:30 on Faith and at 7:30 on Christ in j property in the blood. This causes a weakening and souring of the drcula Our Modern Life. tion which then becomes unfit for nourishing the body, while the deposits Mr. Mercer, of the National Y. M. of uric acid in the nerves, muscles, joints and bones produce (be pain and A., gave a splendid talk to the col- col lege students this forenoon. A man I who once sowed many 1 many wild oats he hnv,ng expenerce and speakes Horn ; gets close to the boys. Notice, We. Ellis & Sons, having sold our business would be pleased to have all those knowing themselves indettted to us to call at the store and settle their accouut on or before Feb. 5, '09, FINE RUBBER GOODS. We are show ing now the finest line of Rubber Goods made. Rubber uloves, Hot W ater Bot tles, Combination Bottle and fountain Syringes, Atomizers, Cqmplexion Brushes ect. f rices ane correct. Burkhart & Lee. Public Stenographer If jfou'r work does not justify the em ploying of a regular stenographer, call on Wilber, he will do all kinds of sten ographic work reasonably and quickly. Home Phone 231. Bell Black 53. Office 115 Broadalbin. VIERECK'S BATHS 217 West First St. FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY Will issue a new Directory about February 1st. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the aoder Unl admioittraior of the eeute of T. W. Myerfl. deceased, hae filed hi fioal eccourt la paid ftS'ate with he County Olerk of Linn Ouuoty. Oregon, Hud the Count? Judge ha t the 1st dy of Febr"arr, 1909, at the hour of Ooe o'clock p. ni. at the couutf tourr room of Rttid couoty an the time :.d place for hearintr ibjticiiooa lo a id final account and the eeulem?nt threot. R. ft. MYERS, L. L. SWAN, Arimimtrator. Attorney for Administrator. Best Designs -IN- WRECKED ON THE WAY. E. E. Rooklidge and family arrived this morning from Tscoma, bringing a car load of household goods. They also 8'arted w'th a horse or two. On the Ytay uicy zmu a vcijr iivo cajciiii.q. At Castle Rock the freight met with an accident and Mr. Rooklidge'a car was turned completely over, and things were broken to pieces, as well as the' car. The goods were placed in anotner , car and the journey continued, after the railroad company had made set- tiement tor the tmngs. Mr. Rooklidge, an experienced print- er and linotype man, has bought the,'uuu-uu-Pierce place of 21 acres across the Will-1 75 acres. 65 acres in cultivation, fair amette, which he will cultivate, intend-'improvements. Price, $5625.00. ing to give up the printing business. Letter List ! i , . . ... . The following letters remain in the 'Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Jan- 27-1909- I"ersona desiring any of awiawH.!,"rfv6r Mrs. W. H. Miller, Mr. Bill March, : Mr. J. McCullaugh, Miss Florine Pat ' terson, Sidney J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. i C. Williams, Mr. Percy J. Williams. J. s. Van Winkle, P. M. GetiHOFLICH'Sfoi our oysters properly ervea, accoraing ui wbio. OASTORIA. Blgutuo bbs? sr run mticju pij nam The conditions and causes which I nealtnlul vegetable remedy as the agonv of Rheumatism. To treat the ; ash or other strong minerals, is simply j weak, diseased blood, sapping it of its j the end making a physical wreck of the I lor Jtneumatism is S. o. S. It is nature s remedy for this disease, made entirely from healthful vegetable ingredients extracted from the roots, herbs and barks of the forest and fields. S. S. S goes down into the blood and removes every trace of the cause of Rheumatism, cleanses and riurifies the "!'lu,fS uouui ami romion 10 taose wno are sunenng trom There is but one i 1 your system with mineral medicines, Rheumatism and any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. I i OPERA H. SHULTZ, Manager. ' A T "D a XT 7 - J, JJ iy x I. Tuesday, February 9 KERRY GOW DEPENDABLE Brand LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION The only spray factory in the Willamette Valley. We guarantee you a 30-degree teat and full 60-gallon barrels of lime and sulphur solution at a price lower than ever. One hundred dollars forfeit will be paid to any one who will find in an original barrel of DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SO LUTION anything other than the chemicals produced by the combination of pure lime and sulphur. Manufactured by Gideon Stolz Company, Salem, Oregon LASSELLE BROS., Agents, Albany, Oregon Beware ot Detective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUID, Manarer mtad.1 U accept M wenrit, for Ffctablishea' ia IMS. Mr USce ( FARMING LANDS FOR SALE 100 acres, all in cultivation, best of soil, good improvements. Price, $6500 166 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, bal ance good timber, fair house, ba n and other improvements. Price, $5,100.00. 73 acres, 65 acres in cultivation; fair buildings. Price, $4280.00. b.?',. LYr building Pr,ce' '?,ntnenPasture' fa,r bu,ldlnBa- Price' 353 acres, 100 acres in cultivation. 30 acres, 28 acres in cultivation: 5 room house, good barn. Price, $2250.09 43 1-2 acres, all in cultivation, 12 acres orchard; fine buildings. Price. 38 acres, 12 acres orchard, 30 acres cultivated; small buildings. Price. $4500.00. 40 acres, 25 acres cultivated; fair im provements. Price, $2500.00. Full particulars as co location, terms, etc. given on calling f.t my office of any of the above properties. If you are looking for a location do not buy until you have investigated my list of bar gains. City property of every description for sale at prices that will net you a fair rate of interest on the investment. C. G. BURRHART, 102 E. First St., Albany, Or. Whiston and Long man tonight, 7:30. NATURES CUBE TTfin Trnr5TTijrK',rieii produce Rheumatism il viggest a surest and safest cure. IS; iisease li trouble with medicines containing pot- adding another poison to the already remaining vitality, and perhaps In sufferer. The one safe and only care way to be sure you are not dosintr and that is to take S. S. S. Book on HOUSE Go to EASTBDRN'S GROCER! for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS n Crockery and Glasowarp as we in tend to close out that department. Come and get our prices and see our clean up-to-date store. Both phones Main 66. i N M nl Wmifci,, Albaar. r.