titl ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 29 1909 NO S6 C. H. NEWS IAVALANCH mf Hunters licenses: Virgil Rice, Holley; J. A. Beard, Albany. I In estate of V. H. Caldwell petit ion to sell real property continued for the term. ! Deeds recorded, W..D. Washburn to Carrell C. ! Calloway 135.44 acres 1 C. IS. Brownell, of Aberdeen Wash I to W. F. and Elisa Heckman lot 2, block 100 M's S. ad IN COLO. OVER THE RIVER. Killed Several Men and Horses. 70U Release of Mortgage for S450. Home and Abroad Grand Junction, Colo., Jan. 29. F.ur men and 40 horses were swept away and killed in an avalanche of snow' ana rocks mty ieet nign mat owupt u camp ji Colorrdo, down a mountain side today. Saved by the Wireless. WHISTON' & LONGMAN, Evangelists of note, will be at the Christian Church during January, in a GREAT REVIVAL Plan to heai them. Jefferson has been in darkness for a week. Chas. Hoyt and Clyde Sherman have opened a pantatorium in Jefferson. A. Welch has secured a franchise Centralia, Wash. SDreading out. Otto Krogstad, druggist at Toledo for fourteen years, has sold his business o Wishart & Russell, and has moved " 3 Portland, The Leader of Toledo reports two timber land sales to the Consolidated Timber Co. at $12,000 a claim, Henry ; Wienke and Henry Kratz; also several 1 Indian deeds, one of 84 acres for $2556 I another of 88 acres for $1006. Boston, Jan. 23. The Steamer Re public of the White Star Line was rammed by an unknown vessel last night near Nantucket shoals. The wireless immediately flashed the news to manv Doints. Dicked up by various at - steamers, which hurried to the rescue ana save tne passsengera anu crew. The vessel is still afloat but is expected to sink. SHINGLES. Every buncn Look for it. only first-class We make the BEST, branded with our nume. Our No. I's are the shingles in this market. We make three grauos, pack them closely and use no ary Kiln. full of life Died. The six year old son of C. J. Wells, of the S. P., died yesterday from ap pendicitis, at St. Mary's Hospital, after an illness of sometime. The funeral was held this afternoon. Oregon Apples. Washington. Jan. 22. Four boxes of Oregon apples in the sena' e cloakrooms and four boxes in the press gallery of the senate, sent by Senator Bourne, nearly bankrupted the senate cafe, and made it at luncheon time look like Gold smithV'Deserted Village." 'Best ever," "The onlieat, etc., was the comment. Legislature Adjourned. From the Corvallis Republican: Mr. E. Pearce, who sold his 20 acre fruit farm, has bought the Albert Small property in North Albany. Mrs. Catherine Miller, of Albany, is moving out on her farm and will again become a resident of Oak Grove. There is talk among some of the neighbors of having electric lights put into their houses. The late freeze did much damage to potatoes some of the farmers lost alt they had while others managed to save a few. We learn that Mr. Calloway has bought 20 acres of Mr. Haller. The property is located near the Palestine church and was formerly assumed by Asa Whetstone. The pi ice paid we understand was iiuu. Mr. Zinn.wife and daughter of North ern California, came up the first of the week and are visiting at the home of his parents. He lives in the mountain ous part of the state where it gets pretty cold. He concluded he would make a rnn up to Oregon and enjoy a few weeks of pleasant weather. Mr. Ed Wiles took to the Albany market Thursday 16 head of beef cattle. Card of Thanks. THOMPSON & CRAMER Albany, Oregon. Messrs. Ed. and John Dorgan desire for ill A shingle to express their sincere thanks ness and after the death of theii sister. and joreww.3 '. OYSTERS. servcc in all style! by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's, Senators F. J. and M. A. Miller and Representatives Munkers, Philpot and Brandon came un last night for a Sat- ..ho anA Sunrlnv vinih nt hnmp. the ! legislative having taken a short vaca I tion in order to secure some nine foot sheets and allow the printer to catch up, or something else. A Library lamp makes a long evening short. We have them. Ralston Electric Supply Co. Kough Travel ing. Albany people don't know anything about rough weather experiences. Dr. A. J. Hodges and L. H. Fish, who re cently wen east have been having the time of their lives. On their wav to Minneanolis their train was stoDDed two ! days in all. Atone place they went through water two ieet deep and their train waa the last to make it for sev eral days. A man had to eo ahead and feel the way for the train to be sure everytnmg was right ( SOME GRANITE WARE Worrth Your Attention inch Sauce Pans 12c 11 incch Wash Bowl 12e 10 inch' Fry Pan 12c 9 inch Milk Pan 10c Pails, so called 10 qt 32c Bread Pans, 6x9 inches 12c Kettles, 11 inches across 20c These prices are fir a limited time only. HEISER & MEISER Buby Blend Coffee Pleases AT THE EMPIRE To-iwht Last chance to see the scenes in Mashona and Barotseland, Central America, some wonderfully educational films. The roRt of the Droeram ud to the usual excellent stanard. Change or program Sunday. THE A" ;,,,.,,,..,.., DISCOUNT SALE The President's hunting trip will be one of fun and Drofit. an unusual com bination, it you are nuniing lor a goca flour, you will hna it pleasurable a well as prontaDie to use jonnson ces LET ME Figure with you on all kinds of SHELVING, BOOK CASES, CABINETS, ETC. ODD CARPENTERING JOBS Neatly and Well Done. J W F0.NGER, , Phone Black 361 Bell or call at. i . , 127 W. Fifh. BIG Is a Sure Winner Crowds of people are taking advantage of iliis New Bargain Scheme. It's the fairest proposition ever offered on sale. Absolutely no reserve, every article in the store on sale at a discount of 10 to 50 per cent. These liberal discounts are on Coats, Suits, Shoes, Underwear and all Staple Household Dry Goods used every day in" the year. You Figure Your Own Price. . Chambers & iVIcCooe --'l Aibanys Leading Cloak and Suit Store. mm y re I i'l .Money' MnWW. JU" J.tH !3f fKHTSI W-lUkWJ rVT -.WiW..... .... .. . ash tore BM! Zk 4NDSHS0N Opposite the Hotel Revere.'give c ful attention to all toaurui wants CASTOR I A for Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bougf Bears the' Bignatura of ( Greaterproductivenessof trees larger, cleaner, and finer fruit more money. Isn't that fruit growers' reasoning? Nothing will contribute to this end more than effective spraying. And Effective Spraying can best be attained with , . - Be Discriminating In Your Coffee Next to what you eat, consider carefully the kind of coffee yu drink. There are many kinds, grades and combinations. Your coffee should agree with your stomach in order to keep you comfortable. If it does not do this you should change it at once. This is easily done if you will let us assist you in the ("election. At any rate, before giving up your present coffee we want you to com pare it with a cup of our "Diamond" Blend, 25c cents the pound. COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. Gilbert Bros. We wish to extend to all the compliments of the season and wish eveyrbody a prosperous and Happy New Year, we wish to thank our patrons for their liberal trade throughout 1908 and by keeping a good stock and giving a quare deal to every man we hope to merit your trade through 1909. Respectfully, GILBERT BROS. 310 W; First St., Albany, Or. ean magic Spray Pomps Effective spraying means High Pressuro Spraying and till tho advent of the Bean Magic3 a high pressure could not be maintained with a hand pump forany length of time.on account of the body-racking effort needed to operate it. The Bean patent spring divides the work between the two strokes of tho handle and works against only one-half the pressure shown on the gauge and saves exactly one-third the labor. We bit. Ittte porapi in dock and will be pleued to thaw tlem. W cannot ree onumi them too strath;. OH LING J It has been noised about that Holt is going away; but it is a mistake, BUT HE IS HERETO STAY STAR BAKERY; C. Meyer, PropM ;y First-class baked goods, groceries produce, fruits etc. Both Phones 57 Walte Parker -Grocer' , '. .. Baker First class goods in their season Ph.jne Main 50. We carry Insurance against Burgliry and Hold up. We are members of the American Bankers Association. If we were robbed the Pinkertons would be employed to hunt the criminals indefinitely. And then we have invested IIOS.OCO.00 all to protect our '. depositors against loss. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. EttaUiihcd 1892. 1 IDE. MiliFMAfSILUI, Osteopathic Phys.cicn, 220 llroadnlbin Street, Albany. Phone BlncK 482. HEPJ Y BSODER?, DEALBP IN CHOIC E MEAT.S OF ALL KINDS, 3-wonJ an I Gllsworth StreeU. Albaa oastoria; ' iletntnt - ft" Haw lwf BoibB