THE COLD CREEK MINING It MILLING CO. THE ELECTRIC MINING & SMELTER CO THE FREELAND CONSOL1DA I ED MINING CO Are the three mines which ALONE have contracts with the first Smelter to be built in the SANTIAM DISTRICT These three mines will supply one hundred tons of ore to the Smelter every day for years to come (the present contracts run for TWELVE YEARS.) The asiyiy results, on che ore now in sight, made by the Smelter Experts themselves show that these mines will have NET PROFITS OF $10.00 PER TON AT LEAST -on every ton which will be accepted oy the Smelter. Ten Dollars ($10.00) NET PROFITS ABOVE ALL MINING & SMELTING CHARGES, on lOf tons pel day means ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1000.00) NET PROFIT every day for TWELVE YE4RS. This immense income will be divided among the stockholders of the above three companies. Become a stockholder NOW, while the pressing needs of these three companies to get in shape to mine and deliver this ore to the Smelter THIS YEAR, compels them to sell their stock at 15 and 20 cents per share. Par value $1.00. You have seen OUTSIDERS grow rich all around you buying TIMBER CLAIMS which you did not "wake up" in time' to get. Do not let the fast developing MINERAL RESOURCES of your own neighborhood get away from you, without owning some share in them. These three mines, WE ARESURE will PAY DIVIDENDS before any other copper mines in the State. Call or write to In Sender's Store, The reliability of this whole enterprise has been endorsed by The 'Salero Board of Trade, The Albany Commercial Club. A decree of ' the County Court of Marion County appropriating public money in ' its aid. And above all by independent outside CAPITALISTS who have ' CONTRACTED to erect a modern completed Smelter ot their - own at our mines. -Graduates- ''- raduatos from HIGH SCHOOLS and DIS' RICT SCHOOLS in Linn can and.elsewhere : Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. ALBANY COLLEGE Offers you large'advantages; can carry you forward from any point above the eighth Jgradejto a . Commercial. Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A Four-Year College Course A,bany College Oregon Pres The Riverside Farm Kl. SCIIOI'L. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Rcks, Light Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Inland Reds, White Cochin Bantut.ts. It. Turkeys, Willi n i den Geeae, l" i r Ducks, 10 i Gumeu Winner ot i7 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Kair. I FVus in Season Stock for Sale I Phone. Farmers 95 - - - R K. D No'3 Want's Your Patronage Telephone Red 671 Noticeof First Meeting of Sub scribers, Notice is hereby Riven that the first mooting of subscribers of tho capital Stuck of Tho Albanv Condensed Milk ! Company will be hold in the Circuit Court Room, in theCounty Court House, ! in the city of Albanv, Oregon, on the . 2tli day of January, Willi, at the hour : of One o'clock in tho afternoon, for the purpose of electing directors of said , company, and for the transaction of . such other business as may properly i come before the meeting. t Dated at Albany, Oregon, December 24 11'08. H. G. Fihiikr, I'enky Lyons, H. M. Pai.mfr, Incorporators. ARTHUR LANGGUTH, or R. H. GREEN, Fiscal Agents. Albany, Oregon. Now is the time to visit California When summer has passed in these northern states, the fun is only mild under the bright blue skiea of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer for those who cannot endure a more severe cli mate. California 1ms been called the "Mecca of the winter tourists." Its hotels and stopping places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accommodation's, congon ial companions, and var ied, pleasing recreation. warn pacific co Will be glad to supply some very attractive literature, de scribing in detail the many de lights of winter in California. Very low round trip excursion tickats are on sale to California. The rate from Albany to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Limit six m mtlw, allowing stop overs in either direction. Simi. lar excursion rates are in effect to all California points. For full information, sleeping car reservations and tickets, ca'l on, tolegraph or write R. K.Montgomery, Act Albany, or WM. MoMUKRY. Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts Knocking justified: McHarg, Thaw has been mighty popular. Much rain caused manv Bmiles. Albany has done well, better. It will do Arizona and New Mexico sgain have hopes. They have been treated shame fully. The St, Charles people are certainly doing their share towards the growth of Albany, This carpet bagger M'Harg should skiddoo. He is not wanted here butting into Uregon aitairs. The editor of the Democrat always liked Pat McArthur, speaker of the house, personally, and believes that his manhood will make him take an honor able stand when it comes to the election of a U. S. senator, and that! he will not stand for anv trickery in the interest of anybody. The Christian Revival. Over 250 were present last night and heard a stirring message on "The New Man." Tonight Whiston speaks on "Up and Down" a message on back sliding. Longman sings. Nuff said. Sunday will be a great day beginning with the B. School at 10.30. The morn subject will be "The Old Love" and the evening ine Man on the fence. The 1 box, charts, new bymnal, and special music provides a great meeting.. Not a dull moment. Whiston is th liveliest man in town. The evening services begin at 7:30 sharp. Please come on lime. If you can't some on' time, come anyway. Uneven Taxation. Linn county will pay $67,065 towards the state taxes and Lane only $59,905, though its population is more, and probably its valuation. There is some thing rotten when this is possibie. Washington with its marvellous brag of duiry wealth will pay $38,000 and old Yamhill, none like it, $49,000. Clackamas is down for only $42,000 and Polk, which clai ns to be the best in the state, $39,142. The McMlnnville Company. The report of the condition of the Oregon tire Relief Association of M; Minnville shows the following: Insurance outstanding $27,678,943; written during 1907 $11,872,743, can celled and expired during the year $8. ; 767,547. Losses paid during the yea' $79,953.25, expenses $17,839.84. Cash ion hand in loss tund $18,152.21. The ! total resources are $150,636.35. It is a prosperous, well managed institution. Homer Davenpoat. Human Life, with Homer Davenports life sketches. Beginning with the January number, subscribers may ord er througD tne Democrat tor only ou cents a year. See a copy of this fine Magazine at the Democrat office. Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have thn best to be secured, the fat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want the best, neat and clean. . A Library, lamp makes a long evening short. We nave them. Ralston Electric Supply Co. Real Estate in Portland, to exchange for Albany property, con sisting of a nice new modern two flat residence, cement oasement, not air furnace, gasss and electric light fixtures. toilets, oatns. stationary wasn tui s good location. Price $5000, rents for $40 per month. For information call and see J. V. Pipe at his Real Esta'.e fiice 203 West 2nd St., Albany, or. FABNI FIR SALE. 156 acres tine level land, all cleared and in cultivation; almost new 9-room house splendid barn and out buildings, or, chard, fruits and berries; ongoodcoun y road, 4 miles from Lebanon, 8 miles from Albanv. half mile to R. R. sta tion; water on place. Is way below market value at $72.00 per acre. You should see this. Inquire of owner, Mrs. Aurilla Burk hart, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 39, Lebanon. Oregon. - t25 J. M, RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AN!) COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in small and largo amounts. Notes and mortgage bought. 1 will bond you. Propert handled for non-residents Colixs & Oevivi: Real Estate and Insuran Buy and sell really. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. I: W. FIR ST ST. ALII A. NY. OR, MARRIED On Jan 15th, at the Methodist par sonage in Albany, Mr. A. V. Holgate of Halsey and MiBS Lena J. Allen of the same place, Rev. W. S. tiordon offic iating. E. C. Miller and W. J. Bennett, friends of the happy couple, acted is witnesses and Rev. A. F. Lacy of Leb aion assisted m the ceremonv. HARRISBURG 'fficers Elected for 1909. Bulletin: At the election this week Barney May was reelected mayor, defeating R K. Burton 55 to 50, T. J. Anderson was reelected recorder unanimously, A. M. Pryor marshal by 2 majority over T. J. Stephens; Gen. Wilhelm treasurer, without opposition; R. A. Githens, H. R. Sherrill, i. C. Perrin, J. W. Grime?, councilmen, with a tie vote for Messrs. Marguth, Haskell and Hawk. Chas. Morris and wife left Saturday to take ud their residence for fourteen months on their timber claim in Lincoln county. Geo. E. Flood arrived from Allison, Iowa, this mornincr on a visit with the writer and family. Be wants to locate right hero snow or no snow. T. J. Pbilpott of Botlv was down !o see his brother, Hon. J. M. Philpott, u few days last week. The following car load" shioments this week at Harrisburg: Two cars hops by J. R. Cartwright, two cars grain by May & Senders. The 'latter firm' also receined one car salt. While Jake Mareruth audi W. L. Wright were at Portland thefirstof the : week they made arrangements to in- j stall a supply of automobile here as soon as the weather will permit of theiF running aown irom rorciana While Oscar Scott was hunting on the ' bar north of ton n Tuesday his Win chester exploded a shell prematurely, resulting in bursting the leading mech anism and a chip off the base of the shell struck Mr. Scott in the face- near Dlia- eye. Age No Bar Old people stooped with suffering, Middle age, courageously fighting, Yonh protesting impatiently; Children, unable tj explain; All i misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first. Comes when you catch cold. Or when you strain the back Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes. Bricht'n- disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache Cure eTery form of kidney ills. J. C. Walling, retired, of 424 S. Dpnver fit . Alhatrv. Ilrp flnva- "hW several years I endured more or less suffering from kidney complaint, the worst trouble being a retention of the secretions and painful pasiages. I found temporary relief at times but Doan's Kidnoy Pills, which I procured at Foshay & Mason's drag store, proved to r e the best remedy I bad ever used for the trouble, bringing promot and gratifying relief and fulfilling every laim made fofr them. Some of my neighbors haw ound equally good re- suite irom tne use or Doan s Kidney Pills and I hear a great deal of praise for this remedy." f or sale tw an dealers. Price 50 cents. FosteMilbum. (X. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for th United States. Remember the name Doan a and take no other. Round Trip Rate. Rates will be m effect from Albany on the certificate plan at cne and one- third fare for the round trip as follows; Jan. 17th to- 22nd, t Spokane, ac ount 4th annual convention Inland Emnire ImBlentent and Hardware As sociation and to the 2nd annual con vention Pacific Federation of Hardware and Implement Associations. Jan. 15th to 23rd to Salem, account convention Ore.n State Federation of Labor. Jan. 8th to. 13th to Seattle account meeting Northwestern Retail Harness and Sadlery Manufacturers Association. Jan. lb to zutn to Portland account Annual Convention Oregon State Re tail Hardware and Implement Dealers Association. Jan. 11th to IGth to Portland account nineteenth semi-annual reunion Ancient md Accepted Scottish Rite. For full information regarding these rates may be had at the Union Depot. R. K. MONTGOMERY, Agent. Notice to Fruit Growers. We shall be in the market for fruit during the season of 1909. For inform ation as to what varieties to plant etc. call Home Phone 4052, or address Al bany Preserving Co. Albany Ore. t5 'Suffered day and night the tovment of itching piles. Nothing heloed me until 1 used Doan s Ointment, It cured me permanently." Hon. John.R. Uarrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. The finest brand of scissors in the .ity at Baltimores, every pair guar inted. Money back in ten days if.not oerfectly satisfactory. Senders' FEED STORE, 435 West First 5t., Albany, Or. Headquarters for "Alsenl and Pyramid" Portland Cement, "Roache Harbor" Lime, Ruberoid Roofing, Wood Fibre Plaster, Sulphur, Spray, Poultry supplies. Dalles Diamond and Liberty Bell hard wheat flour,; Hay. Grain, M'll Feed and Salt Z t , The Kind You Have Always In use for over 30 years, 0 - and. has been mad fs S j-?rf-frfL , Bonal supervision I iuzsvy, J-cUcsLtte! Allow no onetode and Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic; substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipaition and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CKNTAUH OOMFANTVTT MURflAT THCKT, NCWVORH CITT. The Woodworth Drug Co. At The Hotels. H.. J. Seek and wife, Lebanon. C. C. Hall, Portland. District Attorney J. H. McNary, Sa-lerm- W..N. Anderson, Toledo. Rev. W. T. Scott, Portland. W. J. Sherman jr., Oregon City. E. F. Rogers, V. S., not the mayor, Salem -J. S Swank, Tallman. F'. H. Robertson, Salem. ' E. L. Hart, Portland. Israeli Eddy, Bosk ins D. W. Bennett, Eugene Mrsi Ira Taylor, Portland. Land in irnall Tracts For thirty days we have five 5-acre tracts-and four 10-acre tracts, within a. mile and a half of Albany. Fine landi at the-ri(.lfc'. price and on easy terms.. Get busy oefose it advances in price. Inquire' cf the Linn and Benton Reail Estate-Co., temporary offices over tin P.O. Hanshi physics react, weaken the baweisi cause chronic constipation). Doan-' Regnets operate easily, tone the stontacfe, enre constipation. 25c. Ask jour cbnggist for them The Woodworth i)run Ch O'SSTERSv served in all styles, aad by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's. A healthy man is a kinir in his omn right;, an , unhealthy man is an unhappy slave, Bnrdock Blood Bitters builds up sound' health keeps you well. The Woodworth Drug Co. Accidents will happen, but the- uest regulated families keep Dr. "dramas' Electric Oil for such emergencies. It subdues the pain and heals tha iitrt. oAest -- x .en. . i tuvt th l8 Kd im w wars &ag Mr. Chas. 0. ILwrave, ! OF CHICAGO, ILL. Graduate of William HE. Sherwood's School of Music, will giv private in structions in Pianj at the Private Par lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours 5 to 6 FISH, POULTRY, AND OYSTERS... eold Scuubel stand, cleaned up, BROWN & ROTH The highest mnrket price paid for chickens, geese, ducks, etc. CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong ! Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second st. Albany, Or Jim Wes ifaix. 6- H. A.LEIN1NGER. Dentist Crawford Block, '- AlbMj, Bought, and which has been has borne the signature 0 has been made under his per- i since its infancy. no one to deceive you in this. Signature of Lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday even itig Chas. Schoel commander. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. , Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, Hilka Warford G. N. 1 Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. F. M. Powell V. C. Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes days. Carrie Bussard Oracle. The Ladies of the Grand Army of the Repuhlic meet every 1st and 3rd Tues day afternoons in the G. A. R, hail. Stringers belonging to this order will rsceive a royal welceme. Mrs. Jennie M. Brjwn, Secretary. j The Oliver Typewriter, Best on the market. First National Bank people have fiwe. Albany College has ten. Thirty five used in Ablany. See the new tabulator and ruling de vice. $15 cash, them re per day, pay abl monthly. See-one at Steward! & Sox Hardware Co. Phone 218 Home Phone. Fairdale Pliant harm. I have for sale a choice lot of plants for fall planting ac reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white currants, loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, hedge plant and sagie. I VEffi C. DUED ALL. Home Phone 7102. R. F. D. N0..5. A. STARK, M. D PHY8IOIANAKl) SUKiiEON K Bldg, - - Albany a . L. HILL, Jersey Dairy. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice a day. Phone Bell Main 54; Home Main 141. FIAST 11 1 UN 4 L BAK B-A-X.-AJSr-y OHBGON OrKlc'ERU UlRKCTOM E W LANUsJON s E Younir .l'ruiln f A Godwin 8 E TOUSS o .1 Srfiniilt Vice-President EVUnsilan ACSCHM1TT ACF-nuitl Transacts a general bankii. business. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans f er sold on New York, San Francisco Chicaae and Portland Co'lectmns ninae on favorable terms ! ScotrsSantal-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE FnrTiftftnnal!nn nriTatarrVrif the Bladder and DUeafed Kid .uejru. HO CURE HO PAT. Cures. 'i and iiermnnenny tar WtM-st mv nf linnnrrhAM od Olwt oo mutter (4 bow 'on fltaiidinff. AbaolHtel? b-irnileu. jjold by druggist. Price fl.TO, or br mail, post v-l.W.I boxes, THE SANTAL-PEPSIM CC BellefonUtaa. Ohla. For sale Dv Bnrithpt. A I. 31. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats of all kinds f n m selected stock.; J. W. KKV1LEV j Democrat Building, Albany, I Isjprepared to make an! repair boota and f.r meo, women and chil dreo in a warkaaa !. manact. i rarest j yh0 r