Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 22, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Nearly a thousand pairs of Shoes, in
broken lines, on sale at prices to close them
out. It will pay you to look over the lots
of good shoes at exceedingly low prices.
104 pairs of Children's shoes, sizes 2 to 11, $1.0f to $1.75 grades 75c
140 pairs of Children's School Shoes, sizes 5 to 2, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and
$2.00 grades $1.00
f 90 pairs of Misses shoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 2, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 grades ..... 1.48
14 pairs of Ladies brown top, patent colt, wolt Blueher $4.00 grade 3.00
105 pairs of Ladies patent or plain leather, welt or turn, button or lace,l$3.50
and $4.00 grades 2.45
97 pairs of Ladies shoes, $2.50 and $3.00 grades 1.89
69 pairs of Ladies shoes, $1.75 and $2.00 grades . 1.39
25 pairs of Ladies French heel shoes, $3.50 and $4.00 grades 85
66 pairs of Men's shoes, $4.50, JS.OOand $6.00 grades, patent leather, vici or
box calf, $3.00nd $3.50 grades 2.45
65 pairs of Men's heavy shoes, $2.50 to $3.00 grades 1.95
Boys shoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 13, $1.50 andl$1.75 grades 1.20 .
Boys shoes, sizes 13 1-2 to 2, $1.75 to $2.25 grades 1.35
Boys shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, $2.00 to 2.50 grades 1.69
20 per cent off on all Boys and Mens high cut shoes, except A. A. Cutter
News From Albany's Six Early
The smallest crowd at the depot for
a long time, only a few coming or ' going.
Of the Location ot the Post Office
The Brownsville train brought in sev
eral truck loads of hogs and other pro
duce and the Lebanon train more,
which were placed
waiting. A drummer
G. W. Wright this morning received
official notico from Secretary of the
Treasurer, Geo. B. Cortelyou, of the
location of the new post office site at
the corner of Second and Broadalbin
special car : street, on the property of Mr. Writrht
remarKea mac 1 and the Knights or rythius. Also
there was more money in those hogs dispatch to day from the assistant
than in fruit. The present price is 1
dressed, with a big demand.
The trainmen on the Detroit local re
ported ten inches of snow at Detroit
last nightland raining to beat the band,
The bantium was out of bounds
secretury. confirming the fact.
Death of Miss Ella Dorgan.
In estate of William Marks inventory
filed; real estate $4000, money $1250,
personal $800, total $6015.
Inventory Louise Robnett and Tru
man Robnett, value of realty $275. No
personal property.
In estate of V. H. Caldwell, petition
for sale of real properly continued.
Marriage licenses: John B. Bradshaw,
Mill City, aged 30, mill man, and Bessie
M. Tuttle, aged 17, Mill City. J. C
Way, aged 39, salesman, and Myrtle
Lawrenson, aged 38, both of Albany.
Mining notice, location of the Mabie
Blue river district, by B. M. Miller for
the Cinderella Co.
Miss Ella Dorgbii died yesterday at
and the home of her brother, Mr. John Dor-1
I gan, near this city, at the ago of seven-
m. eu I ; n,.nA . 1 I
, ; ly yuurt). ono v no uvni,iti uauuua mm i
E. E. Warford and father went to came here several years ago with her
Salem to spend a day or two with the brothers, Mr. Ed. Dorgan of this city,
former's son. Elbert Warford. mailing;
clerk of the senate. The senior War
ford is an Iowa man. enjoying a visit
of a few months with his son. 1
Editor T. L. Dueeer. returned home
after being down to Salem to see the
republican statement number one men 1
take their medicine. It was an inter- !
esting event, though sume showed poor
taste by protesting against what they
had done voluntarily.
and Mr.John Dorgan. Made deaf and
dumb when young, by a severe case of
measles, her life had, of course been a
retired one. The funeral will take
place tomorrow at the Catholic church,
at 10 a mwith services by Father Lane,
Another high School Teacher.
Basket Ball,
The Albany high schoolgirls and the
Chemawa girls will play basket ball next
Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Admis
sion 25 cents. At the Alco gym. The
best ot tho season. See it. .
Miss Blackwell, of the college, has
been elected to a position in the high
school, and will begin work, in the
Lawyer J. R. Wyatt went to Portland chair of English, the first of February,
on leal business when twenty-five new members of the
D. Roth went to Mill City on legal high school will be added. The school
business is growing in jumps. Miss Blackwell
Miss Baker, withS. E. Young & Son, ja "very competent teacher, and the
went to Turner on a visit with her high 8cno1 18 fortunate in securing her
folks. services.
The Annual Inspection.
The annual Inspection of G Co. will
take place tomorrow night, with Maj.
McLachin of the regular army as m
specting officer. All members of the
company are requested to be at the
armory by 7:30 prepared for a com
plete equipment with clean arms and
regulation suits.
Let the Cougars Look Out.
Mr. Walter Gilderman, of the South
ern Pacific bridge department, is in
the city, and tomorrow morning he and
H. F. Mcllwain will leave for Foster
and the Cascades, with their rifles on a
hunt after cougars, which have been
causing an immense amount of damage.
Foresters Booming. -
The Foresters of America, of this
city, are booming. LaBt evening twenty-six
new names were voted upon, and
Tuesday night, with others will be ini
tiated. D. F. Fitzgerald, deputy Grand
Chief Ranger has been doing some
effective work in membership promo
tion. I A Library lamp makes a long evening
short. We have them.
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
APPLES. Baldwins and Jonathans for
sale. J. G. Gibson; phone 4054
Home. 14t
WANTED. -Girl to do general house
work. Apply at 739 Washington
Albany Supply
Wholesale dealers in Fruits.
Produce, Wrapping Paper,
Paper Sacks, Twine, Gum
and Confectionary.
Cash paid for eggs.
Both Phones. 442 West 1st St.
Framed Pictures
at Cost
For this week only we are
offering all our Fancy
Framed Pictures at actual
cost. See our window.
Burkhart & Lee.
SPRAYING I ' WHIJor. watches.
The best to be secured
Watches and all kinds
Made Pertect, Profitable and
We are just in receipt of a carload of
Niagara Lime and Sulphur Solution, for
spraying trees, prepared by the Hood
Kiver Spray . Mfg. Co., Hood River,
Oregon. After several .years exper
ience this solution is being used by a
large majority of the horticulturists of
the state for nearly all the diseases that
fruit trees are subject to. If you
are interested in the destruction of
these pests and the making of Oregon
the leading fruit growing state of the
Union, please call at our store and
we will give you printed instructions
as to the use of of the above spray.
We are prepared to sell in any quan
tities'at factory prices.
SI ill more barrells at the Albany
Butter and Produce Co's at a barrel.
! Burkhart, photogrupher, successor to
1 Try a cup of coffee and a sandwich at
Fronk's near the depot. ;'
For your candies and fruits call at
Fronk s near the depot.
OYSTERS, aerve-Q in all styles, and'
by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's.
FOR ironing boards and clothes racks
see those made by E. B. Davidson,
739 E. First, and don't buy until you
FOR RALE. A ton of loose clove
hay, $12 per ton, at 1442 east Fronr
street city. Address N. Talbert
City. t2s
! FOR SALE. By Robt. Laugmock, one
mile a. is. ot raiiman, au nead good
grade Shrop Shire ewes. Will lamb
about Feb. 1st. t-16
is no
That the
ELITE has the .
Largest and most
complete stock
of Fine Candy boxes
and Candies in
Don't Forget...
Burkhart Photographer.
Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show
ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you.
Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best.
we are nere to stay, ask tne Dankers aoout us.
Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First St
F. G. WILL, for Watches.
Oysters, any style at The Crest.
Cream Puffs, the real thing at the
Vienna Bakery.
For a good Hot Tamalie try the
Vienna Bakery.
Burkhart, photographer, makes child
ren's photos a specialty.
Try one of our famous pies. The
best in town. Vienna Bakery.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
when cleaned by our methods of dry
cleaning, are marie to look just as good
as made to .ook just as new. Waists
and dresses of delicate colors and ma
terial we renovate to the delight of the
owner. We also dye any garmnnt de
sired in beautiful shades and colorings.
C. E. SHELL. BY, Pr.p.
4-0 W 1st St ;BeU nm black 273
Home psoas 19S
:':. . . I
and Tinning.
Bell Red 2401. Home 246.
First - class work
At foraer office of'Dr. A. J. Hodges,
Ood Fellows TemDle.
, by local applications, as they cannot
I reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
; and that is by the constitutional rem
' edies. Deafness is caused by an in
, flamed condition of the mucous lining of
I the Eustachian Tube. When this tube
j is inflamed you have a rumbling sound
I or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, Deafness is the result,
I and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
' normal condition, hearing will be de
stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten
are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
l DUt an inflamed condition of the mucous
I We will give One Hundred Dollars
I for any case of Deafness (cause by
' catrrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
i Catarrh Cure. Send for circular , free,
j F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
I Sold bv l3r'ifi;ist8. 75c.
1 Take Hall's Family Pills for const!-
Pocket Cutlery.
Fine pocket
knives at Baltimore's,
Over Wc4worh'i Drug Store, bet
Use WHITE RIVrJIi fliur, the best
, is always the cheapest. Ellis & Sons
' ! PC L
just received 55 b1.
jF.O.Willfor watches
HOFLICH'S fi j.aruyiters properly
erve4. according te taste.
That Which Wasn't, We Sold a YearAgo.
We are doing the same.thing again
. this year. At it now
At the end of our
Feb. 1st We expect to have sold all
the broken, or unseasonable lines, and
ready to begin the season of 1909, with
By this system of keeping stock
', new and clean, we have gained the rep
utation of "setting the pace", in the
Clothing business, in Central Willam
ette Valley.
We never imitate, always leading
the procession, in STYLE, FABRICS,
and NEW COLORS. Always Guar
antee a PEhFECT fit.
Are you nesding anything in Suit,
Over-coat, or furnishings, and at the
Bame time deBire to saye the profit
usually paid?
Note a few of the BARGAINS Offered :
18 Mens Odd frock coats with vests Black aud Gray Clay worsteds, sizes
up to 36. Sale price $1.00
200 o'd Vests, Clays, Cheviots, and fancy worsteds. Mcny worth $2.00
an li more. All sizes up to end including 87. Only ..60cea.
75 Boys Moss of the Road Overalls, blue and black. No bib. All sizes,
up to 25 .in waist ' 26c ea. '
30 Bojs Suits, dark and gray colors. Straight punts. 2 and 3 piece
'puits. Up to 6 yearB old. Values, from $2. 00 to $5 00. Offered at
this sale for $1.00 and $1.50'
All i'S in Mens North star ribbed wool underwear. Per garment 60c
Winl'-r weight Mens hose so cheap that no one can afford to have cold
feet. Note the reductions.
20c values wool at I5c
15c values '. .Mixed at 10c
Cotton, heavy J at .05c
Sjlitantial reductions od every article in the hous-, except Rubier foods, and
caul-act articles, which are very few.
Everything for Men
' ' ' ' ,"-'..(...-.
Alb; ny, - - - - - Oregon
Burkhart guarantee t' photo:,