Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 22, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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    Albany C (liege.
Portland Journal:
For every dollar raised in Oregon,
friends in the east will give another
dollar for a further endowment of $00,
000 for Albany college. A canvass for
.funds is in progress in Portland, and
'but four days remain for -the effort.
. Friends in thiB city will doubtless rally
. around the plan. The smaller denomi
i national institutions are. as essential to
the educational system aB the larger
state establishments. Every added
. revenue to learning, every added op-
, portunity for youth to drink at the
fountain of knowledge is an asset for a
more militant race and for a better
social and economic life. In addition
' to the avenue it opens to knowledge
the denominational institution presents
; phases-noc found in the non-sectarian
schools, and these phases strongly ap
peal to a large section of our popula
tion. In addition their smaller enroll
ment, their quieter conditions, their
closer relations between instructor and
. instructed and thu family-like ties pre-
valent in their student life, make them
to some a more desirable educational
instrumentality than are the larger
state establishments.
By the measure of its educational re
- sources, a atate advances or is nun
. progressive. By the same moasure a
self-governing nation is safe or un-
safe. Past experiments in selt-gov-'
ernment have failed by reason of an
) illiterate electorate. With a more
vwideiy diffused knowledge somo of the
old free governments of the past might
not have perished.
In any event eyery agency of educa -tion
in this country ought to be fos
tered, the denominational college
among them, and by that token more
endowment for Albany college is more
stability for this last and greatest ex-1
. perlment In human freedom.
The Scuttle l'nir.
The Wireless telephone will be lem
onstrated on the grounds.
News from vessels on the Alaskan
trade will be published in a daily paper
'tissued on the grounds.
Korea will be represented by an
hibit of brass wares, carved wood, lin
ens and silks.
Nearly every county in the State of
California will be represented by sep
orate displays.
Fish cooked in a hundred dilferent
ways will be served in the Alaska build
,:ing. This will be done to demonstrate
i the value of Alaska fish as a food pro
duct. Electroliers of French Renaissance
dosign vi'ul a-b usul to illuminate the
grounds. .Hundreds of the beautiful
..standards. have been built. On the top
- of each will be a large sphere of light
containing sixty thirty candle power
, globes. :
Of the appropriation of $300,000 au-
vthorized by Congress for participation
at the exposition, $350,000 will be used
in the construction of buildings. The
big exhibit places will be ready to re
ceive the display from the department
at Washington, Aia.vka, Hawaii and the
Philippines nut later than March 1st.
ii iiw " 'I
A MKiru Step.
No state has attracted wider atttv
tion recently than Oregon, on account
of its modal-n laws, which have been
passed in the interest of the people.
This Btato has taken a forward step in
placing the law making power close to
the people, done through the referen
dum. It has also taken a remarkable
.step in practically placing the election
of U. S. Senator in the hands of the
people where it belongs, a fact adnvt
ited by everybody. These advance
steps should be kept cnvinlatu, and the
, present state legislature will do well tu
fix this statement solidly in its head.
The people of Oregon are not in a mood
'to stand any foolishness, lhey have
put the stale on a high plain, and pro
. pose to keep it there, regardless of the
drivelling of a few poli iciana.
Want to (Jet Over the HUN
Albany pcoplo will not do any knock
. ing if the Corvallis and Eastern is set,
far enough into Eastern Oregon tu I),
madj a teeder of somo other road. I
would bo preferable to hnvo it Tin
transcontinental line, but there hii.
always boon a sentiment here that i
Crook county can only bo reached di
xectly across the mountains by rail i
will allow the rust to take care of itself
The road having bcu si .tied it if ui
improvement the people i this part o
. Oregon are entitled to.
Portland is one of tbe greatest whea
exporting p mts in the world, a bit
item as tin advertisement of the re
sources of this country, speaking
strong terms for Oregon as the cente
of the world's leading cereal product
A man S life is to bo measured us t
its duration not by years but by charac
tor. As the Arabs well say, "A wist
man's day is worth a fool's lift."
Length of duys is not vouchsafed 1
every one, but the ability to live wel
Entitled to Protec ion
1908 made a record for its mine dis
asters, more being killed than during
any previous year, It suggests that in
this scientific age more attention should
be paid to the improvement of means
for the protection of men working un
der ground. Under the present ar
rangement a man almost takes his life
in his hands. The business is a neces
sity, and underground workmen are en
titled to a better safeguard for their
No mattor how lowly the calling,
long as it is honorable, in which one is
engaged, he glorifies labor, secures
selfreBpect and that of others when he
works efficiently.
The man who is always going to do
and never docs amounts to but little in
this life. What the world wants is not
mere Intention, however good, but ac
Why don't the Congressional Record
start a woman's column and get a car
Somo people we know don't care
cent about the waterways.
Cooper - Last of the Mohicans.
Cooper - The Pilot.
Cooper The Spy.
Couch Splendid Spur.
Craik - John Halifax Gentleman.
Crawford Don O'risino.
Crawford Sant llano.
Crawford Saracinesca.
Crawford Via Cricis.
Crockett Stickit Minister.
Curtis Prue and I.
Cutting Little Stoiies of Married
Daskam Madness of Philip.
Davis Ranson's Folly
Davis Soldiers of Fortune
Deland Old Chester Tales.
Deline Foundation Kock.
Dickens David Copperfield.
Dickens Great Expectation.
Dickens Nicholas Nicklcby.
Dickens Old Curiosity Shop,
Dickens Oliver Twist.
Dickens Pickwick Papera.
Dickens Tale of Two Cities.
Dovle Adventures of Sherlock
Doyle The Refugees.
Dumas -Count of Monte Cristo.
Duncan Au American Girl in Lon
Egtrleston Hoosier Schoolmaster.
Eggleo ton Southern Soldiers Stories.
Eliot Middlemarch.
Eliot Mill on the Floss.
Eliot Romola.
Ford Honorable Peter Stirling.
Forhii'gill First Violin.
Freeman -A new England Nuri.
French Stories of a Western Town.
Gai aiid Captain of fee Grav Horse
Gar kpu tjrawtord.
Gaes -Biography of a Prairie GirL
Gint. -Autobiography of a Tom-boy.
Glas)W Battle-ground.
Goro-.n Black Rock.
Gerdon Man from Glengary.
Gordon-Sky Pilot.
Huboerton Helen's Babies.
Hale - Man Without a Country.
H. rlanil Cardinel's Snuff-box.
Harrison - Bachelor Maid.
Hane Luck of Roaring Camp.
Hawkins Prisoner of Zenda.
Havihorne - Mosses from an Old
Hawthorne Scarlet Letter.
Hawthorne House of the Seven
ables, ;
Hawthorno Twice Told Tales.
Hawthorne Blithdale Romance.
Hol'and Arthur Bonriicustle.
Howard One Summer,
Howells Lady of Arooatook.
Howells Rise ot Silas Lapham.
Hughes Tom Brown at Oxford.
Hugo Leo Miserablos.
Jackson -Ramona.
Janvier Pasiing of Thomas.
Jewell Tales of New England.
John Gold Elsie.
John -Old Man' Bell's Secret.
Johnston Prisioners of Lape.
Kelly-Little Citizons.
King Marion's Fnith.
Kipling Captains Courageous.
Kipling Soldiers Three.
Lane Nancy Stair.
Lint Heralds of Empire.
Lee-Quaker Girl of Nantucket.
Lever- Charles O'Malley. .
London -Call of the Wild.
Loti Iceland Fisherman.
Ludlow Deborah .
Lytton Last Days of Pompeii.
Lytton Last of the Barons.
Macdonald-Annals of a Quiet Neigh
Mayor-Whon Knighthood was ir
Mertin Emmy Lou.
Martin Tillie," u Mmionite Maid
Mason Four Feathers.
Menvin The Merry Anne.
MieMson The Madigans.
Mitchell-llUA-h Wynne.
Mulklbach Queen Hortenso
Olhvant Bob Son of Battle.
Another Electric Supply Store,
Fred Ilollich has rented the room
now occupied by the Willamette Valley
Co., whose head office is to lie mooted
to the present 'location of table's cigar
store, where lie wi'l oeu an electric
supply station, will; a wiplo electri
cians to assist in the work'of tho busi
ness. ' - - - -
. ai.vO . '
An observer states that tho props
way to protect the Chines j pheasants
is to give a good bounty on crows.
I'hat the erow is a persistent thief of
t". ettxs of the pheasants, causing an
.iniiieiiae ight of damage.
Marriaje license: J M. Vnuhn. neti
23, and Winnie Rodgers, aged 19, both
of Scio.
Hunters licenses: Ralnh Mr-Km-time.
C. H. Meeker, Herbert Birtchett, Wal
ter M. Birtchett, Jackson Birtchett,
Thos Blower, G. W. Cox.
Mortgage for $700.
Hunters licenses: Gardner Mason jr.,
A. B. Horning, H. Parrish. Total, 110.
In estate of George Knox, final ac
count approved.
Deeds recorded:
R. F. Malone to W. M. Malone, 1.40
.$ 7R
Legislative Doings
Committees were assigned in thn
house by speaker McArthur in which
Linn county members have places, as
Munkers Game, cities and towns.
Philpot Food and dairy products;
Brandon Internal improvements and
Indian attairs.
Some of the new bills are;
In the Senate
Parrish Prohititing miners to laki
part in games of chance.
Smith For a new military code.
Mulit $20,000 for an armory at Ash'
Cole Requiring medical certificates
in order to secure marriage licenses,
Beah Making county judges the
judges of juvenile courts.
Kay To prevent reversals of ju
ments on technicalities.
Miller, M. A. Appropriating $1150
for the fair at Scio
M. A. Miller To turn $50,000 a- year
from corporation fees into interest ac
count of the common school fund.
Nottingham Creating the office of
examiner of state and county offices
and institutions.
Wood $8,000 for cooperative experi
ment in irrigation in western Oregon.
Wood Making the closed season of
buck deer from Nov. 1 to Aug. and pro
hibiting trail hunting.
M. A. Miller Making the sale of
cigarettes or material to minors or for
minors to have the same in their pos
session. The Governor was sustained in eight
of his vetos of the last session. The bill
extending the closed season for elk was
passed over his veto.
Big Damage by freeze to Spuds.
S. P. Hansard arrived home
week from a trip to Old Mexco..
Geo. Camuboll. the well-known brick
mason and cement worker, is making
arrangements to leave Lebanon.
Oscar Ingram left this mocninirfbr
Wasco and other points iu, Eastern
Oregon to spend a few weeks, in selling
stuck of the United Wireless. Telegraph
Company ,
W. F. Moist. Lee Bilyeu and. J. E.
Ramsay have purchased the two lots
back of the Peterson place, from Sora'l
M. Garland, and will) have a livery and
teeo staoie duuc on me same.
The late freeze did much damage to
the potato crop of this vicinity. It is '
not known yet just the extent of the
damage, bat some estimate the Ices as
high as 25 cars. One farmer had 1000
bushels in his potato house, ana ne was
heard to say that he thought every
potato was ruined.
A Subscriber's Misfits.
- A subscrbers furnishes the following,
which he" wants called Misfits: i
Should you rhance to be at Salem,
during the next forty days and forty I
mS'..w7'"r " """I JZL" VI " ZT. ,
;-S .l..nina- rin which the S.
If oSedT would voS
mind climbing on the plattorm, Mr.
Editor, to satisfy yourself that there is
a "burglar proof" safe in this car?
Subject to your riper experience,
would it be wise in advertising our
atate. to mention ita enhanced desir
ability, by pointing out the paucity of
negroes within our borders? In Mary
land farmers are compelled to keep
6 mastifs, or blood hounds, each, to
safeguard their hen-roosts, vegetables
and smoke-houses. The barking of this
hord of curs, south ot Mason and
Dixon s line. 18 in marked contrast to
the quiet peaee of nights in Oregon
Guardians ot our Forests.
Mr. M. S. Durbin, forest ranger i
chnrgo of the mountains out at Wald
port, on the Pacific, was in the city to
day on his way back from Eugene,
where he has been for several days in a
land case. Mr. Anson Cahoon. super
intendent of rangers, with headquar
ters at Eugene, was also in the city,
with Mr. Duibin. Good work was
done the past year by these guardians
of the great timber interests of the
A Free 96-Page Diary
We take treasure in announcing tha
any of our readers can secure a fine 96
page diary for 1909. by sending 2 cents
Cistago to D. SWIFT A Co., Patent
awyers, Washington, D. C. Thit
diary is worth 25 cents, and contains 2(
pages of valuable information, such af
the crop production of 1908, by states
Brief but valuable points of every-da
law and patent laws. Busings forms
and population of all cities and states
etc., and 75 pages memorandum. -
The senate committees were an
nounced. The Linn county members
were provided for as follows:
M. A. Miller Banking education,
enrolled bills, federal relations (chair
man), F. J. Miller-county and Btate offi
cers, game, chairman of insurance, ir
ragation, railroads.
New bills:
Mahone Examining board for at
torneys. Barrett School funds wider general
deposit law.
McCue Authorizing levies not ex
ceeding 2 mills for advertising by coun
ties. Munkers appropriating $1000 for
Linn county fair.
Farrell Creating board of control.
Farrell -Regulating Bale of firearms.
Also death penalty for highway rob
Buchanan Repealing instruction
amendment passed by the people in
June. Put him out. Also limiting use
of army and navy uniforms. Abolish
ing whipping posts.
PuiviinHnoUiinr .intM, AAwfa
reopen final settlements. ,
Elements Kequinnof suits for hbei.
(slander and assault and battery to be
I brought within a year.-
Muncy exempting nraimg corpora
tions from corporation tax.
Hawley Providing for uniform 6
months school in rural districts.
Brandon Limiting passenger fares
.on railroads to 2 cents per mile,
i Dimick Giving county courts jurie
idiction over weights of loads on coun
ty roaos.
i.itd'SJm amoT C'rCBit
3 ni!tfT 1 $420-r
Bean For state board
hundred years-ago today. H5a poems
Bea.ClelaadJnBylandreturnedi,:ootinue 'be read and wondered at.
this noon, front a trip to Seal Rock..
Mr. Cleland reported the biggest wind-!
and highest ocean, remembered bv tlie '
oldest resident there. The wind blew :
i " umra an iiuewi, urnj tuts wavea nineu' ,
up to tne-nre1 sa-ving station, in- tne-
Bay tlio wateii turrebled high uporst the
McDoneldiwharf. No beach anywhere: !
The Newport wae unable to make-
the rurMo' Yarpuna and nothing- at
temped to navigate. The effect was-
wonderful. A good' tt-aivy window in.
Newport were blown out.
Next to First.
ine leiegram ja-runomg an fliaaica.
trip coniost.. AiBany m tne seventh
district, and Misa-Tillie Eckert, a popui
lar youns' lady ot this city with
friends, ie secoml in. the district,
85,700 votes..- Miss Mary Dannemanns
of Corvallis, is first., with 91.970 votes.
t- arl Tucker, of Eugene, is third, . It
is up to Albany to land Miss Eckert' ini
the lead.
The ViecedL Shop.
Tho nM1 wwah.,. F u,
L. VSdn-l
t ,- u Mv a
H . . '
tomorrow morning',, with a couple - off
chairs. The case is a home made one,. .
C. W. Sears & Sonibemg the architects. to vote focrBounw. It is gstting; mill
Mr. Clms-Howlaad has done the inude , titudinoua.
work, ami it all confers great credit i on. i ' '
our home' mahufiaetuirera and workmen- ti, no.'. jU, i-k-. u
The fixtures-and decorations are neat I The Detancra said dunag- th cold
and tasH.. Mr. Ttiereek is a pioaaer at it was- faHteh weathej.- nne old
Albany, barber and will be entirely? at ! bachelors, . wheueupon ttta. ESctland
home ina. ahop'Of his own again.
The Weather.
Notmetandisg the heavy
raiai. of
36 hours
nearl n ini,h ha, in
the rier only raised to 20 3 feet during
the ntght, and remaining stationary
Viiini itail.
now falling slowly.
'Thi., does not affect traei io
Benton county, and it is safe to . come
to Albany, with about two feet to
The-rainfall for 24 hours was .82 inch.
The prediction. Occasional iaia to
! night and Thorsday.
I 'Qhe range of temperature was 53 44,
a warm day for the time of year.
Age No Bar
Old people stooped with saftermg.
Middle age, courageously fighting,
Youth protesting impatiently;
Children, unable tj explain;
All in misery from their kidneys.
Only a little backache first.
Comes when you catch cold.
Or when you strain tha back
Many complications fallow.
Urinary disorders, diabetes. Brights
Doan's Kidney Pills, cure backache
Cure every form of kidney ills.
J. C. Walling, retired, of 424 S.
Denver St., Albany, ure., says: "'or
several years I endured more or less
suffering from kidney complaint, tho
worst trouble being a retention of the
secretions and painful pnsiages, I
found temporary relief at times but
Doan's Kidnuv Pills, which I procured
at Koshay & Mason's drug store, proved
to re the best remedy I had ever used
for the trouble, bringing prompt and
gratifying relief and fulfilling every
laim made fofr them. Some of my
neighbors have ound equally good re
suite from the use of Doan's Kidnev
fills and 1 hear a great deal of praise
:or this remedy.
For sale by all dealers. Price 58
cents. Foster-Milburo IX. Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the Uoi.ed
Remember the name Doan's, and ta'vo
no other,
Richard is himself again.
Is Smith willing to be shown.
Where is Jacob Riis.
It is up to the
college to explain.
The biennial trading: convention
now on at Salem.
Only mahogany is
the state senators.
good? enough for
Will some one please kick this man
McHarg out of Oregon.
Senatorial week. Gentlemen, do the
spare thing. Be men.
The snow probably did more good
than damage altogether.
Making ways to spend the money of
the people will be the program.
A look along the; business streots
ougiii, io maue any on an advocate o
Someoeonle are flIv, U
ui j a j. ..
and rainstorm. y
The efEbrt to legalize prize fighting,
to be made at Salem shodd be knocked
out in the first round.
Senator Euiton's infamous, scheme to
beat Governor Chamberlain, for U. S.
senator fell terrifically flat.
flpntltnr lllllllon Hncy hta nnn rtnlitinal
Brave so far as Oregon is concerned.
Will President .Taftiive him. a boost.
Character a great thing, aid when
it comes tothe test. men areuaot willing
to go back on. their word for a. little of
Edgar Alien. Poe was born, just one
' '
Gov. ChamWlain will makea. sena-
tar who wilL. nnnrospnt OrwniiL Ha
will act in the interest of the qeoplle. a
great need lODJCBe Slate.
Wouldn't that jar you. Ashland
wants a $2X000 armory. So does- Al
bany. Salem-. and. Eugene and the' other
Military centers..
Thornton Jenkins Hains, juEacaj3ytt-
ed of murder;isbout to writ&, en-
tltiUMt Tha UThiiimtfcon T.anr Airl Ua
people will have to stand it
The optinriet:: "Fine weatfcer;. How
igreen and fresh, everything ltrbk-Si."'
jae nesswrtist:. Mes. nut there is
mate snow !uf t enough to scow bait"
S. D, Evans), writhig to tbe-Telegram
from Albaov, asks-for a law preventing
dock reserves, the luring of the- birds
by feeding lato a place and thasislaught
ttering themn
John G. ICbunff fiourne'x mart for
being a mermoni. aad some ene declares
that he gofeall the mormons, in. Oaeeon
he has hackno'celd feet against his back. '
The Democrat, man aporaaiatas- the
point tatten.
Hitckoonk arad the administration
deny kiowirug anything about Ormsy
McHargi.oiU here from Washington
butting- into the Oregon, senatorial
! . E,h(M,w "?aBma to he
ashamjdi of him: and Moliarg; himself
onght OQ'he.
A sample of the liquor laethods is
showtkin the recent reported interview
I with.Jl. W. Hobbs, off the internal rev
I enue-depOkiment, by the Medford Mailt
I a fake pare and simple-. Mr. Hobbs
I say he was never interviewed at a IV,
anujnerer met a Tribune man at all.
Tiff some people were allowed to run
things Lane and) Douglas couattesj
would be chopped all to pieces into new
counties. Not onl Cottage Grove
! wants to be a cosnty seat, but Gardner
' is after the same kind of an honoz; and
sther parts are tu be heard from But
the legislature this session will cot per
mit any haggling.
, $110, 000, 009. worth of timber, land
I west of the Mississippi has beeii acquired
fraudulently during tne past owo years,
is the startling report that comes from
Washington, and some ot it is right in
Linn county. Well, what will Uncle
Sam do about it? Just about what it
is doing with the Standard. Oil fraud
and othoc frauds. The decisions will all
he with the trusts. Thats. the way the
people vote.
Rov Brougher is on, his way home
from the east, and it is said proposes
to "Live as Jesus would live." The
trouble in this is, that every man wants
to dictate to every other man what
that kind of a life is, opinions of
Christians varying- wonderfully just m
ine wierpreittuo ui mo uiuie. anu
one may be just as honest, as another
As a matter of fact mot people who
pretend to be living as Jesus would live
are probably aot doirg anything of the
kind, if Jesus were here in the flesh, at
the present time ,
Chicago, Jan. 20. More than a score
lost their lives when an explosion oc
curred in the water supply of Crib Lane,
Michigan this morning. Sixty work
men were in the tunnel structure and
an awful scene ensued. One tug near
by rescued many of the victims They
were schorched and badly burned.
Salem, Jan. 20. Governor Chamber
lain was dteclaied senator from Oregon'
by President Bowerman i a joint as
sembly today without the formality of
a joint bailot, he having received a
majority of tach house.
Will Ife No Contest.
Wash. Jan20.Relate toft.
romor thac a contest will be mm.
' J"10"1 ". to keep Chamberlain
he knew nothing about any contest, and
was not a party 8o it and did net be
ifere a contest will be made.
. . '"6 " -uuay saia
SAt3i;jan 18. Great crowds today
flmtked to the Capital for tomorrow's
senatorial ballot. The Antis will meet
I tonight to settle on some candidate.
tiiDerai arrangement i made for to-
mafl!TtVUrH NfAsiftn feLufh I.,,.,.. ).. t . ,
wiH be allowed to seat one guest" A
, "et.e"T lrom amved to
! ttZ' 'TT
- uuy mase
most bitter attank on Pi.aa,Manf.
Roosevelt in the house. In picturesque;
language be reeled off much abuse,
putting, the bouse in an, uproar and by
a vote it refused to allow him to com
plete ni address.
WARHES6TON, Jan. . I8v Ralph D..
Fisher,, cuosul at Haobin, has becm
promised, a new change in the consu
late, a promotion on his- merits. He is
from QfcegoD.
Washington - Jam.. Senator '
Bourne made his maidem speech today
in support of the bill to. increase the
president "s salary. Senator Pulton en
tered a protest against the increase of
Salem. Jan. 19. -Chamberlain won
on the first ballot. Tire senate vote
wis: Chamberlain 19, Fulton 7, Cake 3,
Robert Si Bean 1.
House:. Chamberlain 84;,. Cake 14,
Fulton J2; making 63 for-Chamberlain,
17 for Cake, 19 for Fultont 1 for Bean.
In the- house every statement man
kept hie pledge, though many did so
under protest sending written explana
tions to. the desk to go into the journal.
In beth. the senate andi house there
was some-oratory, few votes being cast
without explanation. Ratification will
be mads in joint session, tomoriow
noon. ,
PoRrmtNin. Jan. 19. Jwirig to the
low stage oi the Columbia, the Willa
mette river waters are rising rapidly
and gaining speed. The- steamers are
helpless in. the swift current and if the
water-gees much higher the Madison
bridgeswill probably be swept cut.
Home and
Eugene Kegister. aS: and Mrs. W.
LaktllhOBpaon and Mrs. Braly left for
th south yesterday. The ladies go tai
southern California to Mrs. Braly'si.
homei wAare her sister will visit hew
forra. tince. Mr Thompson, goes bacs-.
to. his. law practice at iLakeview.
Ih.a streetcar wreak ort the St. John'si.
line,. Pettkvod, last evening eighteen.,
were isjured, and one,. Jacob Spies.4
&-not expected to. liwe. The motoj -ar
and trailer wsre going around a
o'irvewhen the trailer; with 66 passen
gers, jamped the track, hurling botls,
about one hundred feet.
Look! Look! Read! Perry and Berry
the contoctiop acrobats, singers- and
dancers will appear at Albany's popu
lar pbyhouse, Dreamland tonight,
and Thursday, nignt in their
clever and pleasing act. This is-one of
the best acts playing in va-ideville.
They come direct from the northwest
vaudeville circuit houses in Montana.
We guarantee o give patroas of our
house one of the best acts in the vaude
ville calasder The picture urogram is
one of the best in some timei well
worth tlie price of admission alone.
The Vagabond, The Mcsry Widow
Waltz, a good eomedv film and a beau
tiful siory, The Street Waifs' .Christ
mas. Only the best at Dreamland, the
House of Quality.
Adjiission only 10 cents.
Notice to Fruit Growers.
We shall be in the market for fruit
during the season of 1909. For inform
ation as to what varieties to plant etc
eoll Home Phone 4053, or address Al
bany preserving Co. Albany Ore. 1 5
Oregonians have a regard for
word after all.
This is Salem's harvest season, for.
which Salemites. live. ' .