OREGON. Portland, January 18.No news that has been received by the people of Ore gon during the last twenty four months is so important as the announcement that the trans-continental railroads will make a rate, beginning March 1st and continuing until April 30lh from Kansas las Uj is! eTJ i city, umana, bt f aul and Minneapolis WinninAer and nthar aimilai eitnntp towns, to ail main line rauroaa po-- in Oregon, for $25.00. On the 12th the Roseburg .-v.ommer- cial Club celebrated the ope?-""?1 'ts heautiiul new club, built eP8.8'.' tor. them. Guests from diner - i the state were present. J ,. ni i .i . 'ldu esent. I ,. iaw exteL"11 over the dTdn0tntreith i.r .cursion- xue weiuuuie maw Pacific northwest did the Walla Walla-Califor: ists, who reached Portia Satur- day as expected. ' 1 .... I int. week 'TrZZZ'rZn State were we uieeujiK ul tne u . , Assessors' Ass'n from the r", nlne i 14rh. and the fourteenth Al?.'?ua' V0IH ventionofthe Oregon State r oult'rv , The bikes will again take a hike. Association, botb in Portland. I Dr. Withycombe went to Salem this Vancouver, Washington, has eiH- iternoon. ployed P. C. Lavey, one of America's r)r. Carter, of Newport, went to most effective advertisers, a splendid ga)em' hi3 afternoon. STSESSrSP aTheyearrerLnf. JAf ined to raise $10,000 for an advertising of Eugens are iB the city, fund and at a recent meeting $4,000 Ray Roberts, the jeweler, went to was subscribed in an hour. ) unction this afternoon. -- Louis Vierick wilfopen his new bar- Tne Democrat is an optimist, all the ber shop Thursday morning, way through, and jet it has no confi- The Ben Hur Company passed dence in the present legislature. It through this morning for Portland, did well in the Senatorial matter, be- Mr. W. McHugh. of Portland, has cause it had to. heen here on a visit with his parents. Arthur Lingguth.of the smelter com- Here's to Senator Kay and Repre- pany, returned this noon from a trip to sentative Muncy, the two unpledged Portland. members who voted for Governor When shaking with Frank O'Brien, Chamberlain for U. S. Senator, in keep- of the St. Charles, it is proper to use ing with the will of the people, an act both hands. which rebounds lo their credit, and Mrs. Fleener, of Blodgett, returned places them close to the people of the nome today after a visit her ' daughter, state. Mrs. I. A. Munkers. President Campbell, of the U. O. One man voted for Harvey Scott, got was in the citv this noon on his way ashamed of himself and changed to home from a Monmouth trip. Fulton, aod then ought to have been M iss Birdie day, of Electron, left this more ashamed of himself. As a mat- afternoon for home accompanied as far ter of fact Harvey Scott would make as Portland by her mother, ten times as good a U. S. senator as Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett and Miss . some Oregon has had, and is a thorough Annie Fhnn went to Portland this after Oregonian. . - noon on a week's visit. K. K. Ohling went to Portland this Probably the worst fool bill that will afternoon to attend the Hardware As .appear in the legislature this session is sociation's annual convention, one by Kellaher. requiring bedsteads ' Rev. W. P. Elmore, of Brownsville, and sheets to be at least nine feet long, went to McMinnville this afternoon to That is something that will regulate attend a session of ths collage board, itself. How long, oh how long, it A Prineville paper, just received, re- Uregon to De annccea wun sucn re- presentatives as Kellaher. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. Notice lis hereby given that the under signed adminieiratr-x of the eBtate of Rudolph Hoflich, deueaHed, will, pur suant to an orde-1 f t'e dulv made and flnnntv. Or on. in the mat er of the eata'e of said deceased, cn the 9 h day of December, 1908, sell, at p ivate sale, lor oasn in band, ir.im aon si tor ibe lut day of February, 1909 'lie foiloninx de scribed real property belonging lo said estate, to-wit: Beginning a, the South West corDer of the Douation Land OUitn ot Geo. H. Hnghej and wif simnhdinz Nj . No. 1781 and Claim N..73 l-Towu.hi 11. "Vf0' 8 h? Will.- ette meridian. Oregon, and; raoou tbence East 80.00 chains to the S u n .'East corner of said 0 aim, hence Norm 26.00 nhain. tne West 8U.00 chains to West b"undrr line ol Beid CUio,, thence Sooth 25.60 chain to me place of beginning, containing 200 acres, more or less, io Linn Oonuty, Oregon.. Said sale to be made euopct to con , firmation by said Oounty Court. . ' ' MABEL HOfLlOH, HEWITT & SOX. Admiitirtratrix. Attorneys for Admini-tramx. , EXECUTORS'S NOTICE Notice is hereby riven that the ondor el ifned executor of the last will and testament of Jason Wheeler, deceased, will, poranant to an order of aa'e du'v made and entered by the Connty Court of Linr County, Oregon, in the matrt-r of the estate of t-aid deceased, 01 t'ie 29th day of December, 1908, sell, er private sale, for juf-h in hand, from and after the 1st dav of February, 19 '9. tti? foUowinn described real property d?.; belonging to naidftdraie, ic-wit : All of Lit fonr t.4) in Block euht ri (18) in cue city of Albany, in Linn Gountv, O'rgou, as the came appear upoo the recorded plat of paid vity on file and ot record in in office i ihe County Rec rder ol Bnid Linn County Oregon. Said salt to be m i-'e euhj'ui to cun firmation by mid Co mty O nr . OYKUri H. WALKER HEWITT & SOX. Jfiitocu'.T. Attorneys (or Exet-oto. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT No Ice is hereh, given thai theuoder signed exv-irriz ol in. laar will and Ira tftmeot ( 1. n. Driver, deceased, I a. filed in the County Co'irt of L'nn CbUn tv, Oregon, ner Bn.l cnn .t as bui'Ii x cnlrix, and tliai mid C ort bus ap foioted MoaJay, the let dny ol Feliru- rv, 19C9 at ibe hour ol On o'cl-ick in 1he afieriinun, an ins lime for the t em intf objection in said 6nal no ounr, aof the sen lenient ther-of. URYE. DRIVER, HEWITT A SOX, Exe.tut.ix. Alio lieys lor Execntrlx. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is berehv given Ibat the nnder liitiied adminittrt'or of ine estate ol T. W. Myers, deceased, has filed hi arm acconrt in paid es'ate with be Cjdi.m Clerk of Ltim Oounty, Oregon, hi J th. Conntf Judge m itt ibe 1st dv c l Febr"arv, 1909, at the boor nf Oot o'clock p. ro. at tbe connty conrr room of raid county as (he lims und place for bearing objections to said final, accoooi and the luleraot threof' , ; R. ft. MYEKS, L. L. 8WAK, Admio-ifcirttbr.1' Attoreey for Administrator. THAWED OUT. Thro thaw keit coming in splendid sh :'ape, with an ;casional rain, .28 inch during the. 24 heirs ending at 8 a. m Th 243 th The range of ttmperature. 55-42 for .hours spea's far itself. Thelresult is the snow has all rono from ouen places. only a little IkmW i.tft in ni ihen shoveled from buildings, none out in "pen spaces. The grass is green and there are buds to show Smitl. Numerous teaks caused some trouble, but nothing rery serious. The river did about as the Democrat prognosticated. .It rose to 21 feet at midnight, and then began falling, being down to below 20 feet this afternoon, iwv... hu uciuw cj icei, una uike with a continued fall in prospect, .The prediction is: occasional rain to- night and Tuesday. p orcedit Ztfaegrees Deiow zero, outnas comfort in its being 40 below in Mon tana. The annual report of the state game warden, D. O. Stevenson, is out. It show ninety convictions and $3,000 in fines paid. Mrs. Taylor and son Mr, Will Taylor, arrived Saturday night on a visit at the home of Mrs. Taylor's son, Mr. George iaylor, Early Saturday morning a little girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert crown, oying imtneuiai.eiy. ine ounai took place yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crowder, of Portland, are in the city, called here by the serious illness of Mr. Crowder's father, S. W. Crowder. M L.we'MetryteriSSt to Oregon City, where a daughter of Mm. ptrtah ierlousl ill. . Mrs. E. E.JParrish and daughter Mrs. Parish is seriously ill. Mr. Peter Riley during the snow :ost three head of horses by the roof of a barn falling. Men with stock had their hands full keeping things going. Mrs. Alter, of New Wilmington, Penn is visiting at J. C. Chrsty's. Herhus. band was formerly in charge of the missionary work at Warm Springs. Mayor May, of Harrisburg, returned this noon from a Portland tr p. He will go to Salem tomjrrow morning to see Governor Chamberlain elected U. S. senator.. . , , - ..- . Mr. William Schneider has received a neat diploma from the Linn County Fair Association, of Scio, for the best Morgan horses, mare, colt, etc. which he appreciates. ' M. E. church south: Corner Mont gomery aud 3rd. Services at 11 a. m. Sunday 24th. Subject: "Consecration." A cordial invitation is extended to the public. , Geo.-M. Gardner. Pastor. There is to be s call meeting of- Bu lah Kebekah Lodge I O 0. F., next Tuesday night, for installation, Mem bsrs are requestted to be present. By order of Noble Grand. B. G. Worrell. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Irvine have re turned from a two month's sojourn in Portland, while there working for the Keat's Automobile Garage, getting next the workings of the m chiiie, one of which he will soon have himself. IS.;W. Cooper, returnel this noon from Monmou'.h where he has been to attend the funeral of Mr. Ira Butler, who died at the very wld age of 96, almost 97. A prominen: pioneer of sterling manhood. Mr Archie Vancleve was in the city this morning on his way home from the Philippine islands, where he has been in a drug store for a couple of years. The U. S. looks pretty good. Kr. and Mr3. L. E. Hamilton left this afternoon for New York City, where they will spend three weeks buying for ine coming year s traue. un tneir way the will stop part of a day at Chicago and Thornbury, Ont.. where Mr. Ham ilton's folks reside. Thoy will also go to Boston, and return" hv wav nf Chicago. Billy Sunday is holdine meetimrs ni Spokane, with thousands present, in terested in the manner in which he makes home runs with his slang ex pressions. But he is doine nood and stirring the Devil up in that city. Then he is to go to Lo) Angeles and hold meetirgs where Jeffries used to fight and will fight Satan himBelf . About forty five saloon ik'eeners at tended the Centenary vi. , church, Portland yesterday, and heard a ser mon by Rev. Clarence True Wilson on repentance and the blighting influence of the liquor business. They took their medicine and this morning, were dealing out thef stuff as usuakTr4u ... MR. O'BRIEN SAID. According to an interview in the Oregonian with J. P. O'Brien, just home from a trip to New York, the probably route built by the Harriman syndicate will be the one south from Shaniko, the most expensive to con struct, but the leas', expensive to main tain, the estimate being $4,000,000. The cost of the C. & E. extension is placed at ahout $2,000,000. and that of the Deschuttes road at less; but the probability seems to favor the Shaniko road, though it is not settled. Nevertheless the Democrat is inform ed, the C. & E. will probably be extend ed to a junction with the road and made a feeder, instead of the main line . as has been proposed. All valley people ask is to have it extended into Crook county in any old way, just so it gets there. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. There was a miniature legislature at the depot, while waiting for the local, Salem bound: Senator F. J. Miller, and Representative Munkers, of this city. Senator A. J. Johnson, of Corvallis, with his road law, Doorkeeper George Waggoner, of Corvallis, Ex-Senator Gowan of Harney county, who wa3 in the famous Mitchell legislature, and sev eral members of the third house, who proposed to see that the square thing is done tomorrow: Editor Dugger of the Scio News, an ardent Chamberlain man. Eugene Palmer, of the country, of referendum fame, Scott Ward and Mark Hulburt. Dr. A. J. Hodees and L. H. Fish left for Minneapolis and Cedar Rapids on business connected with the real es tate they have been handling for some time. They expect to be gone about a month, going by the Northern' Pacific. M. McAlphin left on a Portland trip. Kenneth Fronk left for Portland, he reported to resume work for the O. R. and N. Griff King left for his namesake, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Weatherford re turned from Harrisburg, where they have been on a Sunday visit with Rial to and family. F, P.. DeVaney returned from a Leb anon visit. j Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McCoy ar-d Mrs. W H. Rhodes went to Salem to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Wern- er Bray man, : a prominent pionee' lad . who died Saturday, evening, at the age of 74 years. Mrs. Sadie LanafieH left for - her home at Stay ton, after an Albany visit.. Mrs. Lansfield was a member of the Democrat man's home for sometime twenty years ago. J. W. Sherwood, the popular state commander of the Macabbees. left for Portland after an Albany visit. Dr. J. L. Hill Home. Dr' J. L. Hill returned thii morning from a trip to old Mexico, where he had been with a party of Linn county and other men, to inspect a mine in which they are interested, said to be a rich proposition. He had numerous exper iences, among others coming home crossing a bridge which coll p3ed imme diately afterwards, a narrow escape. That Inauguration TnP. Through the loyal support of her friends Miss Orah Harkness has secured all but thirty sixof the 250 subscriptions for Sunset Magazine, necessary for her to secure a membership in the Sun set Travel Club which goes to the Presi-. dent's Inauguration. Only two weeks time remain for her to secure these 36 subscriptions: Those who . have not. subscribed for Sunset will do well to dejj so within the next few days. ' ;. Basket Ball. In the high school basket ball lourra- ment Silverton is in the lead 3 to 1, Al bany IS 1 to 1. Sa em 1 to 1 and Riitrnne 1 to 3. In the gin's contest Albany leads 2 toO, Silverton is 1 to land Junc tion 0 to lhe girls will play Chema wai Friday and the bovs are arranirinir a game for this week. Over at Rawllngs C. G Kawling3 has just been giving out some dindy d'aries, an odd but in genius arrangement, with a daily date, mm a inuuiuiauuurn section. Mr. Rawlu.gs has an expert embosser and is showing somo superior work in this line, nne tor letter and bill heads. Seattfe has an awiul tratredv.' W. J. Seeley, wife and daughter have been lound murdered in their bath room, with a deep mystery surrounding the affair. Seeley and family came from Illinois two year ago. where Seeley had been a state bank examiner. Portland has another item for dis tinction. Jack Walters, an old. tim professional base ball player, has a base hall! used in a game Aug. 28, 1S62 be twecn the Athletics and Mut.uals, which is said to be the oldest base ball in the world. Tom Lawson has again gone into the Magazine and is more sensational than ever. But the people have gotten used to his cavortings and are no longer excited. He has a wonderful use of lan guage.like George Francis Train, which he slings around promiscuously. The bank at Klamath Fall was hcW UP on Saturday and $3,000 secured, 'a bold affair. The men were chased and caught. One proved to be Riley Beevcr. a boy who had been woikirg there' i" tbuple of years, and an ither John Had a young man livine at Klamath FaUal Bttver made a confession. " j (INSANITY- D0DQE. To Be Played in the Finch Case. According to the Oregonian James A. Finch is about to change his tactics and play the Thaw game, that of in sanity. The story is that the fractured place on his head was secured five years ago, at Salem during a drunk, affecting his brain. Seeing that he cannot get clear in the regular order this is to be used as the basis for in sanity. Mrs. Finch, who has some property, according to this story is going to stand by Finch and do her best to save his neck from the gallows. Albany people are watching proceed ings with great interest. At the Hotels. Anna Ekwall, Weed, Calif. H. B. Waggoner, Corvallis. C. A. Malbeauf, S. P. freight husler. F. E. Ware, L. A. Powers, Eugene. J. E. Knox, Portland. W. E. Price. Thomas. Chas. Hovt, Jefferson. President P. L. Campbell, Eugene. Jos. Ellison, Portland. A. R. Ewmg, Salem. H. N. Shears, Portland. J S. Landis, MvrtleCreek. Billy razier, Portland. L. G. Davis, Portland. J. A. Cowan, Jackson, Tenn. Mrs. Wilkes Shaw and daughter Mary, Canon City, Or. G. H. Blasley, Spokane. Geo. J. Fanning, and family Montana. H. Otterston, Austin, Minn. J. B. Horner, John Fuller, Corvallis. Dr. O. D. Taft, Garter, Ok. Frank B. Wire, Portland. Bill Stephens of Bend. I Bulletin: ffm, Stephens recently bought 20 acres of land six miles from Vancouver, Wash , and will have it set out to orch- - !" ard and small fruits. There already is- Mr. J L. Green, deputy game ward a small orchard on the place, and event- en, of Portland, returned home after a ually he plans to have the entire 20 trip to Brownsville. The Fisher case acres into fruit. The purchase price of Brownsville, in which Mr. Green was was $1,500. "Bill" says he isn't going a witness, is to go back to the circuit to be in a hurry to leave Bend even if court to permit the defendant to prove he has bought fruit land. beat the Car. ' I The first ride was stolen on the Alb- any electric car to-day, the fender be- ing used. It was a good one, and the conductor admitted the beat. The Albany Creamery Association this afternoon reelected the old and efficient officers, C. L. Shaw president and Ed Logsdon, secretary. TUESDAY. " Spreading Out, Cameron & Son are making prepara- tions for a busy season at their planing mill at the foot of Ferry street, Fore- man Eaton, assisted by J. H. Kaufman . and the proprietors, are putting in place several new pieces: a larerer nlnnino- mill, to take the place ot the old one, and some machines for making sash and doo's, which will be made a special ty, all kinds of fine work being attend ed to. The outlook in building material businesses was never better in Albany, and a live season all alone the line is anticipated., . Mrs. Stephanie Schuecker Eusene this afternoon. W. H. Jenkins, of the S. P.'s pas- senger department, wa around town today . - n n u , ' imi j ! Mrs. C. E. Hawkins, of Toledo, went to Portland this afternoon to attend a board meeting. ' ' Mr. George Paul and his company went to Brownsville fhis nfternoon for an engagement in that live town. Senator Parrish has a bill providing for a fine of $10 to $100 for swearing within earshot of women. Good. i Judge Burnett, yesterday, at Salem, sentenced u Y. limmons, who mur- dered h's wife, to hang on February 26. Seven men cot drunk at a weddinc at n 1 iv n uuuijiuwu vllI9l,'lc:uf runii., anu were burned to death, another ad. for whis key. ... The coldest weather ever known in Crook county during the ton days freeze. It Went to 42 degrees delow at Madras, 46 near Paulina. ,. , .. i ., Some cabbages in the market yester day, kept through the recent snap, wore raised bv E. 13. Davidson, of this city, fine for the season. W. J. Seeley, it transpires, was the ?f.L,l!!!,'ffl "d. In.milL The covard might have left his family. U.O.IIB, .OUIbUl III, I1IIV.,U I.IUUUItf.1. Ralph McEwen, a leading 0 O. stu dent, is the youngest Shfiner in tin world, only Zl years of age. He hai9 dejrees, secured in only three months study and work. Eugene is to have at. hast five big buiiilings this year: trie! new P. (J.. $6I).0UII; Y. M C. A . 3 'ill 000; new school home $10,000, cily hull $75 oil), hotel SliJ.uOO. Prof- George Sawyer, who fled firm Oakland, Or., recently, lias been her.i from at Nampa. Idaho, n-it having g.ine acruss the Pacific as reported. He was due to return home this mnrninz il-.. reported having be?n in a hospital from injuries received. Mr. Omer Hendiicson, of ileppntr. formerly of this city, has been appoint ed assessor of Morrow couuly. and has as3umed the dtKies-o.f the olHce. The regular assessor recently died. Mr. Hi ndricson may be depended upon to do k Ood work in the office. Fied Fisher, of this cily, brother of Hugh and Earl Fisher, is making it in the consulate service.. His pro-motion fn m Harbin, up in the Russian terri toiytoNew Chwang will be appree, idled by his many friends hero His ra w salary will be $1,500. DEATH OF MRS. EWERT. Mrs. Henry Ewert died this forenoon, at the age of 61 years, after an ill ness of several weeks, at her home in this city. She was born in Germany, was mar ried to Mr. Ewert in 1869. beincr his second wife, and came to the United States in 1872. to Oregon in 1875. re siding here continuously since, esteemed and respected by nil knowing her for many good qualities A splendid wife and mother and good citizen. She leaves thrcs sons, A. H? Ewert, of Ukiih, Calif,, Emit A. Ewert, of Rossland. B. C. and R. H. Ewert. of Nelson. B. C, and two daughters. Mrs. Parsons, of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. C. H. Parks, of Charleston. Wash. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Nearly everybody seemed to be go ing to oaietn io see governor Lhamber hm elected U S. Senator. The follow- ! ir.g were some of them; From Albany-Hon. W. R. Bilyeu, Hon. J. J. Whitney, J. O. Lee, G. W. j Wright, N. D. Conn, P. R. Kelley, A. L Geddes. E. C. Roberts,. F. P, Do Vaney, Sunt. Jackson, Thos. Jackson, I and Rev. W. S. Gordon, the later also I to attend the inauguration at Will- j amette I From Lebanon, N. M. Newport, S. iu. uariana. From Prownsville, S. S. Tussine, President Ed Holloway, and Hon. M. Brown, who came mighty near be ing a member of this legislature. From Scio, W. A Ewing. From Corvallis, Lawyer J. Fred Yates, and S. L. Kline, a leading re publican, former presidential elector. 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. If. Wire, of Portland left for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Soxwentto Port land. Mrs. Elmer Dannols went to Port- land for a couple days visit, r-nat tne deer in tne case were Killed during the open season. Dr. Withycombe, of Corvallis, return ed home from Salem. He was there last night, and reported the senatorial contest settled, so there was no object in staying to see the vote at noon. At -he rbtels. . F. W.. Monroe, Portland, j Jos Weichman, the plumber, Salem, formerly of Albany. J. L Green, deputy game wafd.e.f! Porlinncl. A. L. Peter, Portland. J. M. Abbott, Portland. Wilson, That's All, Swueedunk. C. J. Bellinger, Portland, Fred Day. Portland. L. E. Coyle, Jefferson. J. A. Woodle. Vancouver. ,.n.' vy. S. Spencer, of the Bankers Life, Henry Hall, Portland. , , u r . - - ' Not Injured Much. ' It has been reported that the cement foundation walls for the new Will Staric brick wore greatly damaged by the re went to cent freeze; but Mr. Harkness, after a thorough examination ol them reports iu uiisy are all ngntt mln a ,ltUe ox cjption. perhapj damaite to the amount of $10 having been done. The. walls were well protected by the snow, which kept out the frost, so dangerous to naw cement. .. ,.tl , , .. . , ,. , Dakota rVt.il '' sr. Mr. Burr Sloan, of Elbowoods, N ' Dak., d former . Albanv vouncr man. writing to an Albany friend remarks that we don't know much about woath er here, There a foot of snow has ben on the trround continually nine.. Th.nl,.,.:..in., L - r. V imi,np(5iiji Kor ''two wpgIcr tho highest temperature has been 6 degrei-s below zero, and the. lowest 38 degrees below. Add an occasional blizzard and you have some Dakota weather in the winter. More Disirable Lilizens, Mr. James Pye arrived to dav from Minneapolis, coming to Albany after u correspondence with" Manager Dasen:. x. . , , .... . is t wuitmiy i:u(iiiaji5t, ana expects to buy considerable land in thH ciunty ior acreage purposes, being joined later by a couple of sons, establishing an office and headquarters here. Ho al ready owns two or three sections in Lincoln county. He complimented Manager Dasent upon the business methods of the Albany Commercial Club. Died at Los Angeles W. C. Fletcher, of Plainview came t" Albany today to meet his son, Emery, who will arrive tonight from Los An geles, with the remains of his wife, who died there. They were married in Philomath only a few months ago, Card of Thanks. To the Dear Friends: Rtyv Gordon and wife, Mcpherson Post Ladies of G. A, R., Relatives and Neighbors who ho kindly assisted us in our great wrrn and for the beautiful flowers wjexi eur heartfelt thanks. Mr. And Mi Robert Brown And Mother. SUFFERED WITH ECZEMA 25 YEARS' -i Limb Peeled and Foot Was Like Raw Flesh Had to Use Crutches, and Doctors Thought Amputation Necessary Montreal Woman Writes of Cure Seven Years Ago( BELIEVES LIFE SAVED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "I have boon treated by doctors for twenty-live years for a bad case of eczema on my leg. They did their best. out lauea to euro ic. My dootor had ad vised me to have my leg cut ofT, but 1 said I would try the Cutioura Remedies first. Hesaid, "Try them if you like, bub 1 do not think thoy will do any good. At this timo mv leg was peeled from the knee, my foob was like a piece of raw flesh, and 1 had to walk on crutches. I bought a cake of Cuticura Soup, a box of Guticura Ointment, and a bottle of Cuticura Pills. After the first two treatments the swelling went down, and in two months my leg was cured and the new Bkin came on. The doctor could nob believe his own oyes when he saw that Cuticura had cured me and said that he would use It for his own patients. 1 used two cakes of Cuticura Soap, three boxes of Ointment, and five bot tles of Resolvent, and 1 have now been cured over seven years, and but for the Cuticura Remedies 1 might have lost my life. I have lots of grand children, and thoy are frequent users of Cutioura, and I always recommend it to the many people whom my busi ness brings to my house every day. Mrs. Jean-Baptiste Renaud, clairvoy ant, 277, Mentana St., Montreal, Que., Feb. 20, 1907." , , SLEEP FOR BABIES Rest for Mothers. ' 1 Instant relief nnd refreshing sleep for akin-tortured babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, in warm baths with Guticura Soap and gentle anointings with Cuticura Ointment, the great akin cure, and purest of emolllepts. - Cutlniht Soap '(SRo.l, Cutteur Ointment (50c.): ft i1 rmiriim itrmilvimt (fitic). (Id tlio form ol Chopolnto Omtwl I'lHs 25o. por vial ol (10), Bold hrmmhmlt tlio worlil. loin Pmrin . llimlnn. Mnna. u-Mailed Free. cutcure Book on SklQ Dlwueq. THEY ALL Come Back to Albany. By W. S. Gordon. A bird turned looso among tho flowers, In the San Diego nun, Soon sighed to see the gentle showers, And atrucK for Oregon I About an hour, it seems to me, 1 A cat, blindfolded in the night Outside the college door, I Was carried in a box car tight 1 A thosand mileB er more . The train was wrecked, but all agree ' ! The cat showed up in Albany, A mail got dry, in this temperance towil. And struck for a faster place, He wandered the nation un and down Till his purse was empty Bpace, Then rode a "break" fr m Tennessee, iu gvi. uhck nome m Aitwny A native-here once died they say, And went to Paradise.l He viewed it oer in a listless way, With a look of sad surpriao . Then formed a club and prayed to be Sent back to boost for Albany. ni i uman L'fe. Fiv ,; ix .have already ordered Hu man l -., '' with Homer Davenport's seri'.s ol nfe sketches urn articles about inn, ' i ''-iv ion, Or. .-ny one ;ki. ' i a year H . mn Li: nywiy lirldgf Cnim after, m.. where t tier turn his irlge. Irorn i rive i i Sanderson raging and c ing its c- ti i' ing the eaat span up. nur si.. , enoan rer hould ihe water keep Wei , the snow mver cause 1 a lood anyway. It took a big rain to do uch. When Albany college gets its on low ment it will need to get down to liuii- lieaa. Oregon's colleges, supported by the state, have some great building stunts ahead. At last a picture of Ormsby Mcllarg has been published. No wondov j did no harm. Look for another rise in oil. feller has given another $1,00 1, Chicago University. Fulton's lobby leaves, is a h ;:i a Portland paper. Fulton had i ness to have a lobby at Siiem It was small politics. Senator Chamberlain "ill be ed at Washington just a '-.lai! was elected; but the I i-tom ' growl to the last diich.', -v"t -i Some people tnink it m the ' of a newspapei p ; whacking th raiir , they i i-rvo .,in . i is a ' -' in the whack ness. ig m luai- irm- i h-s will vinco time imes .r-i busi-