Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    in New yorK
To Buy New Goods
Our Kuyers left Monday for New YorK City to purchase a new and superior stock of goods for the
coming Spriug and Snnomer. It will fay you to kind of keep wadch on this space for very shortly
r.ew things will begin to arrive and the goods that we will display this season will be superior to any
thing we have yet offered to our customers. Our recent sale has left our stock clean and lots of
room for new merchandise.
The February
Ladies Home
now ready.
Atso the
The embroidery
Values are Unequalled
in the Valley.
She Jlmwn
njitierthl ti uie post, onice, Aiuauy, Or
aecond class mail matter.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, 4.0?.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year &I.50.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
LOST Somewhere between the depot
and down town, probably on Lyon
atreor, a purse containing $6 or $7, a
bank book, and one or two other
things. Return to Anna E. Baker or
Democrat office.
WANTED. A load of good hay. Ad
dresB box 344, Albany.
FOR SALE. Oata and vetch starw
$6 and $8 a ton as long as it lasts. C
R. Widner. 2801 Home.
WANTED. Two or three furnished or
unfurnished rooms, near street car
line. Report to the Democrat office.
OUND. A pac kage containing a night
shirt. May b had at the Democrat
FOR RENT. 8 rooms, unfurnished. I
Apply at Democrat office.
CALENDARS. Call at- French's
jewelry store and get a pretty calen
dar. LOST. -Gold cuff link, .with monogram
D. L. P. Please return to Hamilton's
Mission Art Glass Library Lam p
Ralston Electric SurrLY co.
wood, W
1 . i 1 u
FOR SALE. A fresh milk cow. rich
milk. Addross A. O. Watrous, 939 E.
First street. 30c
WOOD FOR SALE.-80 cordB of bod;
fir wood, in a lump, from the roai
side, one mile north of Albany in
Benton county. Phone C. K. Wid
mer, Home 2801, about it
for sale cheap, only been used a few
weeks. Inquire 342 1st St. Drug
store. ?2t
RARE BARGAINS.-A ten room house
and two lots for salo. Everything in
cood repair.
Inquire 342 f irst
Drug Store.
D EMni i. Home" Phone 1 down to business without being ham
t25 . pared by a long drawn out election,
WOOD FOR SALE, Oak, ash and sale in the state should be entirely pro
maple. Claud Logsden, Home phone hibited. The cigarette is one of the
1145. 12-18t 1 boy's worst enemies, and it is a mighty
BUFF ORPINGTON Cockerels for poor frlend of a man. It saps the life
salo from $1 to $2.50 each. W. L. ... . tkn a whack at the
Cobb, R. D. 4. Home Phone 2305. 14t l00d of 'h0 "8er" 1 u , , L
n,.MTM7nr.i.!i,. .f heart and unfltB the brain for effective
the highest cash price, at Brown &
Roth's market, Lyoa street. 12t
FOR SALE. 160 acres foot hilW 12
miles west of Junction, good house,
barn; 3 springs; fruit on it. $15 an
acre or will trado tor Albany prop
ertv. J. R. Mctzgar 3rd and R. R.
WOOD FOR SALK.-Somc good dry
wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201
Bell. 204 Home.
MUSIC LESSONS.-l'inno and organ.
Phono black 071. Helen Elkins.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opra
House uldg.
SODA WATER. -Cascadia water from diseased wero not allowed to marry. It
the Geiacndorfer springs, mny bo had might well at least reach some diseases
at Tomlinson & Holinnn'a and at the i the interest of a better manhood in
Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t , th(J coming generation9. Marriage
AERMOTER-gaaohne pump i"jated ncej9 nfo am, u ja
with pump jack, ready to hitch to ;
pump-for only $15. Crawford tho sible such a bill as this is ono ot them.
Anrmotor man will be glad to show Nevertheless it is doubtful if the pen
you. pie arc yot ready for stringent legisla.
KlUEINSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ol tion on tho subject
McMinnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu-1 .
iuai company. . v,. v.. i y""1-"'""
lUSICK DUI1K 111UK. Ul'Ul fjlllfljva.
tun bale. Monoi in v ora runawui
with top, only run ono season in tine
cendition. Apply to W. W.SCraw
ford. agt. Ford Motor Cars.
Phone red 942, Hma 1211.
We use gnollns 4 doa't bura yoo
od power.
Hamilton's Bazaar
A Remarkable Victory.
j The election of George E. Chamber
, lain, formerly of this city, for U. S.
Senator, is one of the most remarkable
events in the history of the United
States, and establishes a new era in
Huiiuco. noumig line 11 iias over uc-
curred before. It was a veritable elec-
XT..Li 1:1.- 1. 1
tion of a senator by a vote of the peo-1
pie. While Senator Bourne in a
measure was elected that wav the cir-
cumstances were different. This case
It is another Btep in the career of a
remarkable man, whose Buccess in
politics has been phenominal. Elected
time after time with an over whelming
party vote to overcome, he has met
ihe requirements of his different offices
in a manner to commend himself to the
people. Added to this fact is a pleas
ing personality, the ability to treat all
men as he passes along the same.
As a U. S senator he will be of im
mense value to Oregon, because he will
be personally interested in every sec-1
tion of the state. He will have a
standing there because of his ability to j
meet ma leuow men on a level, unu nis
standing in Washington will be un
questioned. The fact that he is not of
the same politics of the party in power
will not affect his influence. It is a
fact that many of the most useful '
m.mh0rfl nt llnntrrann hnvA hoan mpn '
in the minority. In fact there is often 1
i i 11. i m.
an advantage in the fact. ,
Oregon is to be congratulated upon
the termination of this remarkable '
campaign for U. S. senator, and, as This will mean a year of complete sat
, ... . . . , . . isfaction to you.
well the state legislature is co be con- .
gratulated, for now it can get right
Knalnmorv unHni th nM QtfQfnm
J " "J .........
The people are to be congratulated,
because it is a great victory for popular
The result on the parti. a will take
care of itself.
After the Clgurctte
Senator Miller has an excellent bill
introduced, one preventing the posses
sion oficigarette's by a minor, as well as
the smoking of them. It should pass;
and yet it doesn't go far enough. Their
The person who takes up the use
of the miserable little things deliber
ately writes failure upon hss life.
Sometimes it is slow, but it gets there.
In the Interest of Man liific
A bill in the state legislature pro
vides for the requiring of medical cer
tificates before marriage. The bill will
probably fnil, and yet theiois consider
able merit in it. It would be a good
thing for society if people seriously
NAPOLEON JEAN, architect,
tractor and builder, 116 Ferry St.
WANTED. Plain sewing, at homes of
the people. Phone Red 2271 Bell, t
LOST.-Blaek silk watch fob, with
monogram t". A. F probably at the
FOR SALE. Brown's gasoline wood
sawing outfit. This outfit includes 3
aws, a 50-gil. gasoline tank, good
top and a first-clast leather belt.
Good reason for Belling. Price very
rMMnabla If takea now. Machine 1
mile from towa oa Route 4. Geo. F.
An elegant line
just receiv.ed in
all the new
See them.
Low ?rices in the Dress
Goods Department.
Take advantage ot them
In and Around
The Alco Club will give a dance to-
'"B"- KJ". uuvi uimnuR ni.
9 o'clock, for the members, with music
by Coons orchestra.
Drop in and Bee the improvements on
the Rambler Bicycle for 1909 made of
?.eav.ler bmZ than .formerly
heavier tubing than
Baltimore Gun & Bic. Works.
High water is not aDDreciated at the
electric lignt station, where the water
of the Calapooia interferes materially
with the working of the wheels.
L. L. Swan, this morning received
from Scappoose, a great center for ,
a pedigree of the highest order, which
he will place on his farm in the coun
try. xt . .. . .
New Year Resolutions are apt to go
up in ,m8ke, but vou want to be care-
ful to keep this resolution that you wil
use no flour but JOHNSON'S BEST.
Whiston and Long
man tonight, 7:30.
We are show
ing now the finest line of Rubber Goods
made. Rubber Gloves, Hot Water Bot
tles, Combination Bottle and f ountain
Syringes, Atomizers, Complexion
Brushes ect. Prices ane correct.
Burkhart &. Lee.
ko,, u,, Tite Kind Vcs NaiMjwsjs C
LOST A belt, with valuable gold
buckle. Return to the Democrat
I HAVE FOR SALE some baled straw
at 25c per hundred lbj. or 30c de
livered to any part of the city. 1 also
have potatoes to sell cheap, and an
Aspenwall potatoe planter that cost
$70. I will take $40 if taken soon.
Alvin J. Carothers, 531 Sixth & La-
I'fayette Sts., Albany, Ore.
For your
Go to the CREST.
L. L. POTTS, 316JW. 2nd St.
Newest and
A largeOassortmeutlto choose from.
Prices to suit anyone.
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
Mr. Lee Davis went to Harrisburg
this afternoon on piano business.
D. Bussard and family left this noon
r. N.nn, n ,nt;n.. int'
Mrs. Ficklin has returned from Scio,
where she spent several weeks with re
latives. Elihu Root has been elected U. S.
Senator to sncceed the notorious Tom
Piatt, of New York.
Duncan, who put in ,the original
Home plant here, is up from Portland
aoing some special wur mr uie u-
William Bryans, of Plainview, re-
turned last night from a visit with his
Bon in Lamore, Calif.
Mr. Johnson Edwards, of Halsey, re
turned home this afternoon after his
semi annual business trip to Albany.
Mr. Wilson Gadsen, of the Electric
Mining and Smelting Company, came
up irom roruano. tma nuon ou ..m....B
Mrs. M. S. Woodcock came over
fmm rWimlhn tndav'on a visit at the
home ot her brothers, J. H. and G. W.
Simpson. -
Mr Scott Ward returned this noon
from Salem, accompanied by his grand-
diughter, Frances Ward.
Mr. Louis Lager, of Ashland, is in
the city on a visit with his former
Aberdeen, Dakota neighbors, Mr. Will
Bain and Mr. O. M. Giddings. He is
in the real estate business and speaks
well of Ashland's doings and prospects. 1
Aberdeen is furnishing Oregon some
excellent citizens.
CRev. J, J. Evans has returned from:
a trip to Sacramento, Calif., in the in-1
tsrnnt nf the work of the church, 1
California was experiencing Borne heavy
rains and the highest water in . the
Cacramento for several years. The ,
. train was obliged to come back by way i
of Stockton on account of the floods.
To Be Married To-Night.
C. Way, who recently arrived
Mr. J.
here from Iowa, and Mrs. Myrtle Law
reoson are. to be married tonight at 5
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Lawren'
son. They are old school mates, re-
cently renewing a correspondence after
2S??tffJ,ehmSB.n , KhLnvin Mrs
awrntoonwS rth
street. Mr. Way is a salesman.
TheTueiday Club.
The Tuesday Club met yesterday
afternoon at the new and elegant home
of J. H. Simpson, with Mrs. Simpson
and Mrs. Cathey, having a delightful
time. A couple interesting features
characterized the meeting: a guessing
of numerons things beginning with cat
and some new year s resolutions Dy
each one present, and the guessing of
the author.
i'omorrow several members of the
Club will go to Cnrvallis by invitation
to meet with a lady's club there.
Will issue a new
Directory about
February 1st.
ItUliriMiiitPil iV
Sole Agents.
,m4 ,ltu Kind You Haw ;iar5 Bot
Best Designs
Trade. xABX'y
J l.'.r .
Domes, Electroliers,
Hi Henry's Minstrels of fifty all
white performers, a new company pre-
senting an entirely new minstrel pro -
-,, unit annoo of Aiiionunn Fririnv
Jan. vz. This new organization is saia
to be of the very beat talent obtainable
and will consist of high trade minstrel
features of novelty and merit, inear-
tists have been selected from the best
vaudeville houses in New York Uty.and,
each performer is a guaranteed minstrel
star of the first magnitude. 1 he press (
everywhere speak of Hi Henry s new
company in the enconiums of praise.
The Richmond Daily Examiner says
"For elegance of mountings, variety,
novelty and merit. Hi Henry s
inH morit Hi' Min.
strels have never been surpassed in
, this city." Seats are now
sale at
I Woodworth'a.
Letter List
Th foIlowing letters remain
ura reman. u.
postofflce uncalled for
Jan. 20, 1903.
Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
1 letters, giving the date:
Susie E. Adams, Mrs. S. Z. Adams,
R. R- Adams, Mr. J. J. Banks, Mrs. H.
- a- n
Clark. Mr. J. Durstook. Mr. A.
Ellingwood. Mrs. M. Fray, Mr. Lou
Fuller, Alean John, Mrs. Ruby Leath
ers, Bert Morrison, Mr. Maiden, Mr.
George Poyson, Mr. J. A. O'Rourke,
C. Shapp.
J. s. Van Winkle, P. M.
Any chronic ulcer shows an unhealthy an J impure condition of the.
blood. It is a diseased condition of the flesh at that particular spot, caused
tttlH kpnf inflflttlpd ntirl irritnf-prl lur a mnHnual A i cli a rrret itif it nw
healthy matter from the circulation. No treatment can have any curative ef.'
; ecr except a medicine which will renovate the blood and entirelvremoTetha1
cause, oaives, wasnes, lotions, etc, are sometimes helpful in reducing in
flammation, cleansing the ulcer, or perhaps lessening the discharge, but such'
applications ao not reacn tne Diooa
and can never effect a cure. S. S
ririiroQ nut all l.n..nti.a
1 with rich Pure blood caus place to heal naturally and permanently.
! 8 S. S. does not make a surface cure, but by beginning at thePbott0m, and
' rebuilding broken-down tissue, and supplying healthful, healing qualities to
K.uuti, wauaa uic fiiac iu un iu
Dur sureiy ettects a permanent cure.
blood is pure, and S. S. S. will thoroughly purify the blood. Book on Sores ,
ana uicers ana any medical advice free to all who write.
I. R. SHULTZ, Manager.
Friday, January 22, '09
Original and Only
Hi Henry's
Entirely New. 10 Star
Grand Electrical
Grand Conception of The Palace of
Tipton Glee Club. Down the Mississippi.
I Concert at Noon and 7:30 P.' M.
PRICES 25c, 60c and 75e.
The only spray factory in the Willamette Valley.
. We guarantee you a 30-degree test and full 50-gallon barrels of lime
and sulphur solution at a price lower than ever.
One hundred dollars forfeit will be paid to any one who will find in
LUTION anything other than the chemicals produced by the combination
of pure lime and sulphur.
Manufactured by
Gideon Stolz Company, Salem, Oregon
LASSELLE BROS.. Agents, Albany, Oregon
Beware ot Detective Titles
Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the
I. B. RUDD, Maaarer
yJed.,"'PrtT toteB Kwhwe, or Mcept u Meant? for
Ofice cener Mil BreeuUkin itreeta, AQway, Or"
100 acres, all in cultivation, best of
soi, good improvements. Price. $6500
166 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, bal.
1 ance good timber, fair house bain end
other improvements. Price, ?5.IOO.OO.
io acres, do """.'J' v"""'
buildings. Price, $4280.00.
: 353 acres, 100 acres ' in cultivation,
balance pasture; tair ouilcnngs. race,
30 acres, 28 acres in cultivation; 5
room houae gooa barn. price, $2250.00
43 x.2 acres, all in cultivation, 12
acreg orchard; fine buildings. Price,
I 75 acres. 65 acres in cultivation, fair
improvement, rrice, uo.uu.
' 38 acre3, 12 acres orchard, 30 acres
cultivated; small buildings. Price,
40 acres, 25 acres cultivated; fair im
provements. Price, $2500.00.
Full particulars as to location, terms,
etc. given on calling &t my office of any
nf tlia a hnna mvr.aiHaa Tf - vml OP.
for & do not buy untj,
. vou have investieated mv list of bar-
' gains.
Cny property of every description for
sale at prices that will net you a fair
rate of interest on the investment.
102 E. First St., Albany, Or.
Whiston and Long
man tonight, 7:30.
where the disease germs are located
S. goes down into the circulation,
... t... u .'..1. : t.n
wiux new, una uesn, wniie it steauiiy
The ulcer can not exist when the
Comedians. 14 Vocalists.
Sceni c First Part.
Alladdin. Grand Double Orchestra.
Qo to
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city.
Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned goods a specialty. B ARGAINS
n Crockery and Glassware as we in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get our prices and see our
clean up-to-date store.
Both phones Main 56.