r Albany emocra' UY VOL XLIV ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 1900 NO 25 , J D Jf'l BROWNSVILLE I 70 KILLED I CORVALLIS. Several Coast'ng Accidents. In a Colorado Accident. Times. H. B. Mover has mill in this city to saw mill men. for years. The new men at ! Denver. Jan. 16.-The latest reports leased his planing aav 71 were killed and manv hurt, thirty Sawyer Bros, the ' of whom may die, as the result of the a period of three collision of the passenger train in crash- tne tnrottie me into a freieht near Ulenwood springs WHISTON & LONGMAN, Evangelists of note, will be at the Christian Church during January, in a GREAT REVIVAL Plan to heat them. ! propose to enlarge the capacity of the on Denver and Rio Grande last night, plant. More than sixtj met death in one car. I Henry Sheldon and R. W. 'Iripp have Eight bad their heads decapitated. purchased (he prank Johnston lbu acre i I iarm six miles nortnwest or. Browns ville and about two miles from Plain I view, which they will make into a dairy and hog ranch. The Brownsville Real Estate and In vestment Company report the sale this i week of the Mat Carotin farm of 220 acres, located a few miles southwest of , Brownsville, to F. P. Morse for $8,800. Mr. Morse recently came here with his family from Colorado. The marriaee of Dr. E. Rinehoffer of this city and Miss Eva Divilbiss of Portland, occurred in Portland Satur day. His bride is quite well known in i the city, where she has visited friends a number of times. 1 Hundreds of people, big and little, have enioved the exhileratine sport of coasting, and many have been more or less injured, a few seriously. Among the latter are Mrs. George Orume. wno sustained a broken leg and a badly smashed ankle; Miss Minnie Stanard, who injured her knee very badly, and Miss Hazel Howe who has a badly sprained ankle. SHINGLES. We make the BEST. Every buncn branded with our name. Look for it Our No. I's are the only first class shingles in this market. We make three graops; pack them closely and use no dry kiln. A shingle full of life THOMPSON & CRAMER Albany, Oregon. Put the hire Out. One day this week as the train was pulling out of Yaquina the home of Mr. Ridgeway was discovered on fire. The train was stopped and the flames ex tinguished. Mrs. Ridgeway and child- ern were at home alone, and if the fire had not been discovered at the time the building would undoubtedly have been burned. There is to be s call meeting of Bu lah Rebekah Lodge I. O. O. F., next Tuesday night, for installation. Mem bsrs are requestted to be present. By order of Noble Grand. B. U. Worrell. Want Heney and Burns. Portland Jan. 16 A meeting was held last night when subscriptions were opened to raise a fund to hire Heney and Burns to come to Portland to make investigations should statement num ber one pledges be broken. TONIGHT Dreamland Has a Fine Picture Program. XAnd everybody should avail them selves of the opportunity to get out and enjoy a fine evening's entertainment alter tne prolonged cold snap. Dreamland is always warm and con- fortable. Admission only 10c Missionary Society Meeting. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Christian church met yesterday after noon with Mrs. Swank as hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Blount and Mrs. Ailing ham The president Mrs. B. T. Jordan lead the meeting. The evangelists, Messrs. Whlston and Longtman were heard in talks and songs with Mrs. Whiston at, the organ. The Boclety is doing good work. Several visitors were present. The Dscember meeting, a good one, with 29 present was held, with Mis. R. C. Churchill and Mrs. Perry. Grafted from the Times; The Commercial Club has elected A. J. Johnson president, N. R Moore vice president. Frank Groves secretary, Harold Woodcock treasurer. The re ports showed receipts amounting to $6,588.84 during the year, with $6,387.84 disbursements, the principal item being $4753 for furniture and fixtures. The cannery "warehouse, 25 by 50 feet collapsed from the snow, causing a loss of $1500. The report of the w iter works com mission shows $15,594.28 expenditures during the year and $20,977 66 receipts. A big expenditnre the coming year will be a $10,000 reservoir. Cooks Gymnasium basket ball team of Spokane plays O. A. C. tonight. Hollenbeck & Son have sold their furniture store to A. L. Stevenson, re cently of' Dundee, 111, SOME GRANITE WARE Worrth Your Attention Free Exhibit. M The Internatioral Correspondence Schools of Scranton, will hold an ex hibit at the Commercial Tea Store, Albany, Thursday to Saturday this week, giving special discount to those enrolling during the exhibit. Old students are invited to call. COMMERCIAL COFFCE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. Electric Fixtures Electric Fix tuns Electric Fixtures All Pi ices All Prices All Prices Ralston Electric Supply Co. AT THE EMPIRE 8 inch Sauce Pan3 ; 12c 11 incch Wash Bowl 12c 10 inch Fry Pan 12c 9 inch Milk Pan 10c Pails, so called 10 qt 32c Bread Pans, 6x9 inches 12c Kettles, 11 inches across 20c These pnees are tux a limited time only. HEISER& MEISER Buby Blend Coffee Pleases All To-iwht Home and Abroad- Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, of Portland, has returned from Panama. He says the Zone is in a healthy condition. Astoria last year spent $6,417 on pro. motion work, sending out 63,000 pieces or ntierature encluaing letters. The U. of O. exDectB to make Feb .14 the anniversary of the aimiesion of Oregon into the Union an annual event The late William M. Hoag, who died at San Francisco, left prorerty valued at $250,000. He left a will with many legacies in it. Oregon against the world, Heppner B ackman. of Heunner, Ur., nas lust been given a fine place on the New York Herald as a cartoonist. He is doing some splendid work along original lines. Corvallis vesterdav had a whirlwind debt raising campaign, to secure $6,000 to complete paying for the new $25,000 Y. M. C. A. building. Ot course it was raised. Corvallis has gotten a move on and does things. Up at Stayton this week twenty eight men and boys pitched into a tree at the home of Giles Thomas, who was sick, and knocked the stuffing out of it, leaving it all cut to pieces, just right for burning. That's a kind of knock ing that is mighty fine. The Democrat has received No. 1, Vol. 1 of LaFollette's Weekly Maga zine, Madison, Wis. One of the Arti cles, is timely. It is headed: Honor on Trial in Oregon, by U. S. Senator Jon athan Bourne, jr. It is to be a maga zine ol progress, social, intellectual, in stitutional. Price $1 a year. Did in Portland. Gilbert Bros. We wish to extend to all the compliments of the season and wish eveyrbody a prosperous and Happy New Year, we wish to thank our patrons for their liberal trade throughout 1908 and by keeping a good stock and giving a quare deal to every man we hope to merit y our trade through 1909. Respectfully, GILBERT BROS. 310 W. First St., Albany, Or. All's Fair in Love and War1 ' t. The Devil's Sale. The Christmas Butglars. Songs: Shine on Harvest Moon -by Koife. Golden Rod, the Flower of Oor Coun try by Miss Worrell. . Change of program tomorrow. Admission only 10 cents. :;. 1 Hail, Rain, Snow or Blow SATBRDH, M. 16TB We will Start the f Newest, Fairest and Cheapest Sale Ever Advertised in Albany. You Can Figure Your Own Price, See Big Circular for full particulars, it will sure be a winner. If a Circular is not left at your door, call at the store for o e. Dontmissit. ! I Be Here Saturday if you have to Come on Snow Shoes Chambers & McCune Albanys Leading Cloak and Suit Store. Mrs. EieSilOl! Pirtley die'd yesterday at the Patton hotrieV- fSr old p'edplo, at the remarkablu age of ni.iety1. The re mains were taken through Albany this afternoon for- Crawfordsville. where the funeral and ruiial will take place tomorrow. She was Ihe second wife of R. C. Finley, who died in 1892, a step- f mother ot Mr. tienrge rinley, a worthy woman. SI ill more barrells at the Albany Butter and Produce Co's at a barrel. Holt Again It lias been noised about that Holt is going away; but it is a mistake, BUT HE IS HERE TO STAY rann Sterter's Cash Stoic ! ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale d.aler in fruit, pro duce, paper bags, wrapping paper and twine. 442 WEST FIRST'S rilEET. j BRU. E & ANU&ttJl Oppositu the Hhtal Rever, give e Ml attention to all twaetlal neat. Money For You Greaterproductivenessof trees' larger, cleaner, and finer fruit more money. Isn't that fruit growers' reasoning? Nothing will contribute to this end more than effective spraying. And Effective Spraying can best be attained with Bean Magic Spray Pumps Effective spraying means High Pressure Spraying and till the advent of the Bean Magics a high pressure could not be maintained with a hand pump for any length of time.on account of the body-racking effort needed to operate it. Tne Bean patent spring divides the work between the two strokes of the handle and works against only one-half the preasure shown on the gauge and saves exactly one-third the labor. We lire tbeee pumpi b itock and will be pleated to Low them. We cannot rec ommend them too- stroDljr. 011 LING & TAYLOR STAR BAKERY C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, etC Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer Baker 4lfl WEST "HRHT 8i;Kb,K'lAI',HMY iftK.JUN First class goods in their season Ph "lie Miiln fin. We carry insurance against Burglary and Hold up. Wo are members of the American Bankers Association. If we were robbed the Pinkertons would be employed to hunt the criminals indefinitely. And then we have invested $104,000.00 all to protect our depositors against loss. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. EstaWihed 1892. M. AIARV MARSHALL, Osteopathic Prys dart, 226 Broadalbin Street, Albany. Phone Black 482. HENiY BRODERS, DFALSR IN CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Second an J Ellsworth Streets. Albun tit 14 fti Haw Hlwifi BougK Ot i