HARRISBURG A Mixture of Things and Thought' Two Booster Meetings in one Day MISFITS. M a a ki k a-- a. m -w THE SANTiAM SMELTER has made contracts with THREE MINES ONLY To receive their ore, alone, for the Smelt ing ?Furnace100 tons daily capacity. These THREE MINES are owned re spectively by THE COLD CREEK MINING S MILLING CO. , THE ELECTRIC MINING & MILLING CO- and THE FREELAND CONSOLIDA I ED MINING CO Sales of treasury sock of these Three Mines are now being made in Albany by the undersigned, fiscal agents, for the purpose of get ting these mines in shaoe to eeliver the contracted tonage to the Smelter. We believe that, these three mines, picked out by the Smelter people as being, in their judgment, at present MOST cer tain of a large tonage, are much nearer the dividend buying period than any other mine in the district. Thero are very many other ex cellent mineral bodies along the Santiam. Citizens of Linn and adjacent counties snould make certain the SPEEDY and IMMED IATE erection of the SMELTER by purchasing stock and sharing In .the future profits of these three mines, and thus the many other mines will ultimately prove valuable also. Because of the necessity of raising funds immediately, stock in these mines is being sold at 15 cents their par value, which $1.00. Irf Sender's Store, Ibany, Or Beware of Selective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepsred by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., 2. H. RUDD, Manajrer Qi the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for , money loaned. . , i Ftblished in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Office corner of 3rd ar j Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. 4jraduates raduatos from HIGH SCHOOLS and DIS .'R CCT SCHOOLS' in. Linn cou and.elsewhere : ... , , Make up your minds to secure co mplete preparation. ALBANY CO LLEGE Offer you large advantages;" can carry you lorward from any point bova the eighth 4gradejto a . - Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A Four-Year College Course Albany College Albany, ' Oregon. The Riverside Farm ED. 8CUOI L. Froprletor Breeilor and Importer of 0. 1. C. HogB S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Rtcks, Light Brahman, R. C. Khode Island Beds, White Cochin Bnntni.is, i . It. Turkeys, Whir. den Uccse, f.i. n Ducks, t'o i ' Guineas Winner of t pri7.es and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in Season Stock for Sale Phone. Farmers 95 - - R K. D NO'S Want's Your Patronage (I Telephone Red 671 L Noticeof First Meeting of Sub scribcr5, Notice is hereby given that tho first meeting of subscribers of tho v..ipital Stock of The Albany Condensou Milk Company will be held in the Circuit Court Room, in iheCounly Court House, in tho city of Albany, Oregon, on tlio 2'iih day of January, 1W9, at the hour of Ono o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing directors of saui company, and for the transaction nf such other business as may properly come before tho mecline. Dated at Albnnv, Oregon, December 24. HW8. H. G.'Fisiier, Hr-Mtv Lyons, 11. M. Palmsk. ' ' Incorporators. and per share, a fraction of Call or write to ARTHUR LANGGUTH, or R. H. GREEN, Fiscal Agents. Address H. M. Crooks Pres Now is the time to visit California When summer haj passed in these northern states, tho ?un is only mild under tlio bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer for those who cannot endure a more severe cli mate. California has been cnlled the "Mecca of the winter tuurits." Its hotels and stopping place. are as varied as thost of all well regulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accommodation's, rongen ial companions, and var ied, pleasing recreation. SOUTiM PACIFIC tO Will be glad to supply somo very attractive literature, de scribing in detail the many de lights of winter in Cnii'nrnin. Wry low round trip excursion tii'kats are on sale to California. The rate from Albany to l.ua Angelej and return is $55.00 Limit six months, allowing stop overs in either direction. Simi lar exeuron rates aro inelTect to all California points. For full infenration, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or wtite R. ..-Montgomery, Agt Albany, or WM McMURRY. Gen. Pass. Agt. ' Portland, Oregon. ' A taate of the genuine article any way. Some of these imDrovised aleicrhs are djiisies. It will be a good thing if several pet measures are snowed under at Salem. The Albany street car did nobly, and its service has been immensely appre ciated. 1 Help the birds. Leave some crumbs out in a place swept for them. They win uo me rest, California has its faults, hoi-, a wind from the south nevertheless is decider welcome sometimes. Perhaps this snow will do the crops an enormous sight of good. Thats a good way to look at it. Of COIirUA thA MaJ lan. la .,11 f nf. fleers. Makinsr new nffiep in what a state legislature is for. Don't borrow trouble, wnen it croes off it will probably not be a very ser- wuo bumi. I L Wttoll b in B4. Albany people are keeDine in the nar row way these davs. a misfit I nisneu Dy an Aioany minister. A Willamette Vailev man nnc-httnhn nprmil.fprt tn IfirtU nf annn it k. mnnt to. but what's the use, and then one should never kick at the weather any way. ;'' .... i The 0. At. C. will want $170,00u for new buildfngs, and the Eugene Guard wonder if Corvallia wouldn't be jarred some if Lane county should invoke the referendum and vote three to one against it. Feeding birds is aoite a nroblem. A I good many Albany people are making I O Unnni 1 It 1! ' fVna maK aaa .L. 1. ? .. w.ib UIDU OOJB MJC will leave everything for his holly ber- rioa Tha ivn-ma ...-a. all :..L. , L... " . ... . .... a,,., ci lilflll, UUI somethings they don't seem to want. These thermoneters are odd affairs, like a good many other things in the world unreliable One reported never got below the unlucky number 13 while another, of the same- denomination and creed went to 7 below. The official was 0, which was undoubled'y correct. , Nesmith County. ' The proposed new county, with Cot tage Grove as the counts seat will hive an area of 1956 square miles, assessed valuation $4,915,933. population 7964, school children 2810. About three fourths of the valuation' is from 1 B3 ' county and one fourth from Douglas. It is to be called Nesmith if the law passes. Round Trip (tote. : Rates will be in effect from Albany on the certificate plan at una and one third fare for the round trip as fellows: Jan. 17th to 22nd, to Spokane, ac count 4th annual convention Inland Empire implement and Hardware As sociation and to the 2nd annual con vention Pacific Federation of Hardware and Implement Associations. Jan. 15th to 23rd to Salem, account convention Oregon State Federation of Labor. j Jan. 8th to 13th to Seattle account 1 meeting Northwestern Retail Harness 1 and Sadlery Manufacturers Association. Jan. 16 to 20th tn Portland account Annual Conventton Oregon State Re tail Hardware and Implement Dealers Association. Jan. 11th to 16th to Portland account nineteenth semi-annual neusioAnci nt and Accepted Scottish Rite, t For full information regarding thes rates may be had at the Union Depot, w R. K. MONTGOMERY, Agent. Five cans of Blanche baking powder i for $2, at F.llis & Sons, from now until Jan. 1st. IMPORTANT. Get some thing good to eatXmas and you wont worry aboutpresents. ELLIS & SONS have just the things you want to fill out your Xmas dinner. A fresh supply of candies, nuts, figs, dates and apples which are always appreciated at this season. J. WL, RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AISD COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in small ano large amounts. Notes ami mortgaga bought. 1 will bond you. Properti handled for non-rcsidcits Real Estate and Insuran Buy and sell realty. Insure prof erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. 132 W. FIR ST ST. A Lit A NY, OK i CHINESE DOCTOR-J. MoViToTTi experienced compounder of Chines, meiiicines. successor of the late Horn Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnith Chinese medicines to all. Theunder signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write hin at No. 110 West Second St.. Albany Or Jm Wt tmi. f Bulletin: Mrs. Jude-e E. N. Tandy died at her home in Harrisburg Tuo-ciay morning at x:oki. one nau neen ill only trom about 9 o'clock of the evening before. Captain McClain and his gallant band of wood-choppers came off victorious in the Woodman's annual hunt last Thursday, winning by a score of 6,550 points. That doesn't mean that Capt. Boggs didn't have a good bunch, as they worked bard enough to pull down 13,625 counts. Frank Hay met with a very serious accident this morning about 10 o'clock by falling from the small platform just back o) his father's shop to the river, some fifteen feet below. A skiff which was moored there happened to be in just the right spot and he fell into that. When Harrisburg puts on two big booster meetings in one day, and each the largest ever held in the city for a like purpose, and finally as a last act organizes a womans auxiliary to the Improvement Club. When Harrisburg does such things as these- there surely must be a contagion of the improve ment spirit far greater then the most sanguine had dared to hope. Scio. News: Rev. S. k. Douglas, of Albany, prom ises to be in Scio next Monday to assist in the special meeting at tbe Baptist church Chas. Young went over to Corvallis last Monday to accept a temDorarv sit uation in A. J. Johnson's bank, during the absence of Senator Johnson in at tendance of the legislature. The arrest of GeorgeE, Brown in this city last Saturday evening, has been the principle theme ot conversation on ouf streets during the week. It is hinted that other people in the-town may be implicates. If reports are- true he is not the only one imtown whetakes property not belonging te them. Jefferson's Telephone War. Review: The Home Telephome Cor has- refused to accept the franchise as granted by the Jefferson council, alleging', unjust discrimination in favor oii the Paoifia States Co. The Home must give aybovd for 25 yeara, the Bell butt 10.'. The Home can put in nothing but a central energy system. Manager Sanders says that while this is the system the come- any would use m the city, it cannot brt' used for country lines, and-without these a plant cannot be maintained here. Ex-Mayor Smith stated' in h veto that the franchise would not b accepted by the company, and. the re suit proves he was right, as- no com pany could accept such a franchise; New Year Resolutions are apt to go up in smoke, but yeu want to be care ful to keep this resolution that yoiwii use no flour but JOHNSON'S BEST. This will mean a year of complete sat isfaction to you. Notice. i, tne unoeraigMd, have purchased I the business of the Albany Supplyr Cm. and will continue o do business ire the same place. We solicite your patron- ace.thankine vo in advance for futuite ' luvors i am, Kespecttul'y, tl5 E. CHRIoTENSQ-f.. Notice of Annual Meeting ' NflHfrt ill hf-JH-hu cr.vnn trior friA dcad. lar annual meeting of the Oregon- Kire' Kenet association will be held in . Burn's Hall at McMinnville. Oregon, : Jan. 12th, 15S!, at 10 o'clock a. for, tne purpusu oi electing; tnree ureciors ( ana tne transaction ot any otner busi ness that may regularly come before it. W. U. MAGEtMTT, Secretary. OysttBS at the Metropolitan. Theovster season has ooened. and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have tho best to be secured, the fat article, eood meas- ore. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want the best, neat and clean. Senders' FEED STORE, 435 West First 5t., Albany, 'V Headquarters for "Alsen and Pyramid" t'orlUna Cement, "Roache Harbor" Lime, Ruberoid Roofing, Wood Fibre Plaster, Sulphur, sSpray, Poultry supplies. Dalles Diamond and Liberty Bell hard wheU flour,; Hay, Grain, Mill Feed and Salt Z H. A. LEIJJ1NSJER. Dentisti '(ot4 Block. - - - - AlMaj. ' The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of j9 - and has been made under his per- sj(J3rf--- sonal supervision since Its Infancy. WuzfyxZ-cUcsUli, Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeverishneBS. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, glvinp; healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The" Mother's FriendV GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind Yon Hare Always BongM In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR OOMMkNVi TT MUNHJIrV VTRECTt HBW VOIIK CITY, The Woodworth Drug Co. Business Men j If you are not satisfied with your ' system of keeping books, - phone or i all on Rawlings and let him show you j he most completp ip-to-date safety, ' ob-series, self-Inaexing loose leaf ' edger arfd safety loose Feaf self index ; ng invoice and purchasing record there : s on the market. Are you from Mis ' sour i, let me show you. Both phones i : Land in StnJ1 Tracts For thirty days we have five 5-acre tracts and four 10-acre tracts, within' a ; mile and a half of Albany. Fine land j at the right price andi on easy terms. Get busy before it advances in price. Inquire cf the Linn and Benton Real ..Estate Co., temporary offirces over the iP.O. Kam.U .nil.. aUaa; .J.- Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone j the stomach, enre constipation. 25c, Ask your druggist for them The Woodworth Drug Co. OYSTERS, serv.-a m all styles, and by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's. A healthy man is- a kins' in his own right; an,unhealthwrrun is an unhappy slave. Bnrdock Bleed Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. The Woodworth Drug Co. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated -families keep Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for wen. emergencies. It subdues thelpaim and beals the hurts, ' Mr. (M0. Hairave, OF CHICAGO, ILL.' Graduate of William H. Sherwood's, School of Mu8ie, will give private in structions ln.Pianu- at the Private Par- Hotel Reere on Saturdays. Hours, Aactuat MeetinS . 3 Notice is hereby given that the- An nual meeting of the stockholders ef tho Albany Creamery Associations, will: be ; held at the creamrv in Albany on the 1 14th of Joattary. 1909. at the aour of One o clack, for the election of five 'director and the transaction of such ; other biiness as may properly com? De,r.or.e ' "5 me?.mg; ' '"Ma "" "y- I . - u stift.iv, fres. M LOObUUiN, bee notice; Commencing Monday, Dec. 14th, all Orvalli3 and Eastern Passenger trains will arrive and depart from the "Union Depot," where tickets may be procured for ail points on that line. t C K. FR0NK. FISH, POULTRY, AND OYSTERS... aold Sc mbel stand, cleaned up, - BROWN & ROTH 11. highest market price paid for chickens, kms, ducks, tc Signature of Lodge Meetings. The-JC. O. M. every Saturday even ing Chas. Schoel commander. The Woodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, HilkaWarford G. N. Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. F. M. Powell' V. C. Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes days. Carrie Bussard Oracle. The-ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic meet every 1st and 3rd Tues day afternoons in the G. A. R'. hall. Strangers belonging to this order will rsceivea royal welceme. Mrs; Jennie M. Brjwn, Secretary. Fairdale Plant harmi I huwe for sale a choice lot' of plants for fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white cunrants, loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, hedge- plant and sage. IVER C. DUEDALL. Home Pbone 7102. R. F. Di NO..S. ' Milk Notice.. Beginning Oct. 1st our charges for-- milks will be as follows: Bottled per qt. 7 cents, per raonto $110 1 - " pt. 4 ' 1.20 - In can lots 20 cents per gallom Cream per gallon $1.00V quart 25- cents, pint 15 cents, 4 pt. 10 cents. 11. M. FAUMiHt, ' Prop. Golden Hole-Dewy. A. STARK,. M. D PHY8IOIAN AND SbRUEON K Hldg. - unan-. h T . Ii. HILL. i olan and uritHtu Jersey Dairy.. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons, cover the city twice a day. Phone Bell Main 64 ; Home Main 144. Finsr tiariuftai. caK B.A.X. ATSfZ" OBEQON OrriCIRB UlKKCTOKa B LASliUON. 8 E Vounir President t & Uoodwln, 8 E TOU-NQ O J Schmilt Viee-Preident K W Langdon ACSOUMITT aCi'hmiu Cashier Transacts a general banking business. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight exchange aad telegraphic trans fer sold on New York, San Francisco, umcago anu irartiana, Co'ieMt;-i-i rrtajeon favorable terms. aiiia.-Fepsia capsules A POSITiVE CURE Forlntlimmntfon nr.'atr-ho( tbo Ulartrler nritl risiMutU K!i. ui-Ti. HO CURE HO PAT. CurPS llMukly uii.l K'lurtiifiilly tho worst cn.'s of (ionoj-rfc-Jca. uud Glrtt. no tiiBiurf tiow josi Hianuinc. a Ltomtei?. harnilte. Said by druggist. Prico Sl.oo, or by mull, poit pain, f 1.00, 3 bjxoa, K.7S. THE SANTAL-PEFSIH CC DelltffanU.ii!. OUlo. L. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats of all kinds! frcm selected stock.; I scoff's S I aW'- t i IM CHAS. A. 110 AG, SURVEYOR City an4 farm surveying I specialty. 1 St, Alb4ny,