0 Jt MANDAMUS To Compel Referendum of the Near Beer Ordinance. C. H. NEWS. fc-Rw.JT V- T" - , I The difficulty ol travel from the districts out of town during the past few days has induced us to continue our White Goods offerings another week. THIS MORNING News From Albany's Six Early Trains. January 11th to January 16th Special reduction on new and beautiful Embroideries. Lots at 10c, 16c, 23c and '50c Displayed on the center tables for ease ins 3lection, Muslin Underwear already low priced receives an additional cut Corset Covers 95c grades for 15c; 50c grades for 25 etc. Gowns Skirts, Drawers, all reduced. Cotton Batts-Bleached Muslin-Shirtings. As low for this week as you will see them for a loug time Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads, received a material reduction. Table Linens-bought in the Belfast linen market and import ed by us. Prices always a little better than usual run. Now cut for this sale purpose. The prices range now from 36c to $1.70 per yard. Framed Pictures at Cost For this week only we are offering: all our Fancy Framed Pictures at actual cost. See our. window. Burkhart & Lee. Doings. S. M. Garland, wife, three daughters and one son, returned, from Los An gnles. where Mrs. Garland and children spent several months, and Mr. Garland a few weeks. They had an enjoyable trip and appreciated the sunshiny weather of Southern California. Dr. Currie, a leading physician of Baker Ci'y, arrived from Mexico, where he has been making Borne scien tific examinations. Dr. Currie is the in ventor of several surgical instruments and has made a deep research into med ical and surgical affairs. He went to Corvallis to visit his son, a student in the O. A. C. R. P. Shier and W. S. Risley went to Salem on legal business. Steven Whitney went to Salem to do some legislative stenographic work dur ing the legislature. George Finley, came down from Crawfordsville, and went to Portland, promising not to risk himBelf among tne Anti s at Salem Rev. J. F. Lyon, of Brownsville, went to Tacoma. Hon. J. K. Weatherford went to Sa lem again. Lawyer J. Fred Yates, of Corvallis, went to Silverton on legal business. W. F. Moist came down from Leba non. C. C. Chapman, Portland's leading advertising agent, came IB from Brownsville, where he spoke 1 ast night giving them some publicity find booat ;. li . -i. ..i i ... ; iiik, ryoa vciv muvu uionsou Willi I. :.., 1 . 1. l. I. . .1 vim vibjr aim ma wa.r ui. uuuDbaiB mei w ara Hnincr tninrra a lina tnmn in aanlon did trade center,' with some enterpris ing Business men. E. C. Roberts went to Corvallis. Miss Jacobs came over from Corval lis and went to Salem. J. A. Shaw went to Salem again. The overland conductor reported it raining at Roseburg when nis train passed. Good news as far as it went. In the case of Chas. Kroaschel agt. F. M. Redfield, Recorder of Albany, pupers were filed to-day, with an order compelling the defendant to show cause on Jan. 16, at 1 p. m , at Albany, why the near beer ordinance should not be referred to the voters of Albany, under the referendum law. The petition for the referendum is signed, by 128 voters of the city. The (.uiiiton for the referendum was pre sented the recorder on Jan. 7, and the tiling of it was refused. The ordinance was paased by the council on Dec, 29, four members, all present, voting yes, and it was signed by the mayor next day. It is charged that the necessary three-fourth's ot the council did not vote for the ordinance. P. R. Kelly and L. M. Curl are attorneys for the plaintiff. Recorder Redfield states that demur rer will be filed and the case contested. In and Around Albany, 91 hunters licenses issued. Deeds recorded: Ernest B. Titus to B. F. Titus lot 1 bid 3 Wheelers ad to Scio $250 Bill of sale. Geo. J. Wilhelm to J. C. Sabin 5 head registered Galloway cattle. Free Exhibit. The International Correspondence Schools of Scranton.will hold an exhibit at the Commercial Tea Store, Albany, Thursday to Saturday this week, giving special discount to those enrolling dur ing the exhibit. Old Siudents are invited to call. Whiston and Long man tonight, 7:30, Try a cup of coffee and a sandwich at Frank's near the depot. LOST. - Black Bilk watch fob, with monogram E. A. F probably at the depot. M. Acktrman, ot this city, has been granted a patent for a lumber truck. Regular meeting of the Albany Com mercial Club will be held tonight, A quorum is wanted. i The Democrat family appreciate a piece of instrumental music. Gl&dva. j from the composer, Miss Emelie Hanson ' . ui iii3 uuiicgc, noiu iv uo a vuijr inuny composition. It was first printed in July, 1908, just before Miss Hanson came to Albany. F. 0. WILL, for Watches. Oysters, any style at The Crest. ... Cream Puffs, the real thing at the Vienna Bakery. For a good Hot Tamalie try the Vienna Bakery. Burkhart, photographer, makes child ren's photos a specialty. Trv one of our famous pies. The best in town. Vienna Bakery. F. G WILL, I HE JEWELER. The best to be secured in Watches and all kinds of Jewelry. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Aek the bankers about us. Our offices are temporarily over the PoBt Office. 383 West First St SPRAYING Made Perfect, Profitable and Easy. We are just in receipt of a carload of Niagara Lime and Sulphur Solution, for Bpraying trees, prepared by the Hood itiver spray Mrg. fjo., nooa rtiver, Orecron. After several years exper ience this solution is being used by a large majority of the horticulturists of the state for nearly all the diseases that Iruit trees are suDject to. it you are interested in the destruction of these pests and the making of Oregon the leading fruit growing state of the Union, please call at our store and we will give you printed instructions as to the use of of the above spray. We are prepared to sell in any quan titiesat factory prices. STEWART & SOX H'DW, CO. Deafness Cannot be'Cured LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made to lock just as good as made to .ook Ijust as new.' Waists and dresses of delicate colors and ma terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. We also dye any garmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E.fSHELLlT, Pnp. 4 X) Wlit Et. Bell PkMM Uaek 371 IHeme paM US Electric Fixtures Electric Fixtures Electric Fixtures All Prices All Prices All '"'rices Ralston Electric Supply Co. Lihrary Lamp3 Library Lamps Library Lamp Ralston Electric Supply Co. Art Glass Domes Art Glass Domf Art Glass Donis Ralston Electric supply Co. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is I .,' the constitutional rem edies. DeatneB is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thiB tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound oi imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which ib nothing out an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cause by catrrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for conBti-Dation. Coming Concert. Be Bure and go to the concert recital at the Sister's Academy, next Friday night. It will be a treat. Edward Ab ner Thompson, wh j will appear, is a noted dramatic leader and bass singer. He is highly recommended by the Bos ton school of Expression. Go and hear him. Burkhart'.Photographer. Legislature Adjourned. Hon. Thorn. Brandon returned' from Salem this noon. ' Both houses this afternoon ajourned until next Monday, under the cuato-nerv excuse of giving the printer a chance to catch up. He reported an underhanded game in pro gress to defeat Gov. Chamberlain for y. S. senator. The other members will probable be home tonight. Notice. On occount of the disagreeable wea ther the meeting of the Degree of Honor for tonight will be postponed. By order of the Chief of Honor. Whiston and Long man tonight, 7:30. For your Oysters and lamalips Go to the CREST. . L. L. POTTS, 316 W. 2nd St. 1 WAIT and WATCHES It is no Joke That the ELITE has the Largest and most , complete stock of Fine Candy boxes and Candies in ALBANY Don't Forget. MEAD, FINE REPAIRING: 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. DR..W. D. HUNTINGTON Dentist ' At former office of Dr. A. J. Hodgw, . Odd Fellowi Temple i Pocket Cutlery. Fine pocket knives at Baltimore's, guaranteed. Use WHITE RIVUR flour, the hest is always the cheapest. Ellis & Sons just received 55 b1. I DR i QL BILYEU i HDFUCH'Sfoi ,rey.ter. properly Dentist ' Tr W.4w's Unf Bto. ItoUi ! Barlthart (uraniee. h pbetof. MM. OUR STOCK IS UP TO DATE That Which Wasn't, We Sold a Year Ago. We are doing the same thing again . this year. At it now At the end of our AMUAL CLEAMCE SALE, Feb. 1st We expect to have sold all the broken, or unseasonable lines, and , ready to begin the season of 1909, with a NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OP SPRING GOODS. By this system of keeping stock new and clean, we have gained the rep utation of "setting the pace", in the . Clothing business, in Central Willam ette Valley. 1 We never imitate, always leading the procession, in STYLE, FABRICS, and NEW COLORS. Always Guar antee a PERFECT fit Are you netding anything in Suit' Over-coat, or fu.niBhings, and at the same time desire to save the profit usually paid? WE OFFER THE OPPORTUNITY. Note a few of the BARGAINS Offered: 18 Mens Odd frock coats with veats Black aud Gray Clay wornteda sizes up to 36. Sale trice , ' 200 oi'd Vests, Claye, Cheviots, and fancy worsteds. Many worth $2 00 aim mule, in oi&co uv lu ouu including 01. Lmiy. , 76 Boys Boss of the Road Overalls, blue and black, No bib. All sizes up to 25 .in waist ' 30 Boys Suits. darK and gray colore. Straight pants. 2 and 3 piece HUits. up to B years old. values, from 12.50 to $5 00. Offered at this sale for . .. .. $1.00 and $1.50 All siz 's in Mens North star ribbed wool underwear. Per garment 50c Winter weight Mens hose so cheap that no one can afford to have cold feet Note the reductions. 20c values ; wool at 15c 15c values Mixed at 10c Cotton, heavy J at ,05c Subtantial reductions ou every article in the house, except Ruboer cooda, anl contract articles, which are very few. Everything for Men THE BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY .$1.00 . COc ea. 25c ea. Albany, Oregon