Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 15, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    On account of
the recent snow storm our
Great January Sale
will be continued
in order that the many people who desire to come
but could not on account of the snow may still have
an opportunity to secure their share of the.
Splendid Bargains
W e have also added some new ones and these last days will
be the greatest of all.
Wednesday, January 20 is the closing day. Come! We
are looking for you.
Hamiilton's Bazaar.
i'iittjred ii me post otnoe, Aiuuuy, Ur
-Hcond olsse mall matter.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10
cents a
week: in advance for one year, ii.0".
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year $3.60.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
2. . .
FOR SALE. Oats and vetch starw
$6 and $8 a ton as long as it lasts. C
R. Widner. 2801 Home.
WANTED. Two or three furnished or
unfurnished rooms, near street car
line. Report to the Democrat office.
OUND. A package containing a night
shirt. May be had at the Democrat
FOR RENT. 3 rooms, unfurnished.
Apply at Democrat office.
CALENDARS. Call at French's
jewelry store and get a pretty calen
dar. LOST. -Gold cuff link, with monogram
D. L. P. Please return to Hamilton's
Mission Art Glass Library Lamp
Ralston Electric Supply co.
FOR SALE. Block wood and slab
wood, W. D. Elkina. Homo Phone
1213. t25
FOR SALE. A fresh milk cow. rich
milk. Address A. U. watrous, vjv a.
First street. 30c
WOOD FOR SALE.-30 cords of body
fir wood, in a lump, from the road
side, one mile north of Albany in
Benton county. Phone C. K. Wid-
IJ. OUni nKntif if
BARGAIN IN PIANO. A new piano ,
for sale cheap, only been used a few j
weeks. Inquire 342 1st St. Drug i
store. ?2t I
RARE BARGAINS. -Atenroom house
and two lots for sa e. Everyth ng in
SIr i,,!,, 342 First. St. '
Drug Store.
Order yonr slab
from Ola baltweit.
wood $2.50 a cord
Phone Black 167.
SALE. Oak, nsh and
Claud Logsden. Homo phone
114b. i iov '
BUFF ORPINGTON Cockerels for
salo from $1 to $2.50 each. W. L.
Cobb, R. D. 4. Home Phono 2805. 14t
WANTED. Chickens and turkeys at
the highest caBh price, at Brown &
Roth's market, Lyon street. 12t
FOR 3ALE. 160 acres foot hills 12
miles west of Junction, good houBe, j
barn; 3 springs; fruit on it. $15 an
WL r. T'K. MJ nSTi01' even in Ule m"or ot important
FOR SAI E. 38 acres, all in cultiva
tion, with house and Darn, 4 miles
east of Albany. Also two corner lots
between 1st and Water Streets, by
Ola Saltveit, 1016 E Water St. Home
Phone blackl67.
WOOD FOR SALE.-Somo good dry
wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201
Boll, 204 Home.
MUSIC LESSONS. -Piano and organ.
Phono black 971. Helen Elkina.
Morchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Uldg.
SODA WATER. CaBcadia water from
the Gciscndorfer springs, may bo had
at Tomlinson & Holman's ana at the
Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t
AERMOTER'gasoline pump, air coated
with pump juck, ready to hitch to
punip-for only $-15. Crawford the
Aormolor man will be glad to show
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
FOR SALE. Modol N Ford runabout
with top, only run one aeasoa in fine
ctndition. Apply to W. W."JCraw
ford. agt. Ford Motor Cars.
Pbm. red t4t. Iu lflL ,
We im kmm m4 oa t mti
od pwc.
Should Be Hanged.
Some night riders back in Tennessee
are to be hanged, which will serve them
right. Sometimes it is thought a band
of men may combine and do as they
please in a community, overriding the
rights of other people, taking law into
their own hands, murdering right and
left according to their own code. Every
man has a right to trial by jury of his
peers, and it ib time courts of justice
do as the Tennesee court has done,
- b ... i ,
imn.. , uu, ...on oi uiu mw. it is ,
possible that there are cases of lynch-
ing where one feels like doing a little
winking; but these night riders and .
....k .- f ,i!ii. t,:j ;
such men are of a different kind of i
lawless character not to be tolerated
And lynching is not to be
anywhere. And lynching is not lo be
justified in argument. . ;
Not Playing r"tlr.
A low lived game is being played
down at Salem to defeat Gov. Cham-
berlain for U S. .enator. The opposi-,
tion Ib not fighting on the fair, but is j
using all manner of underhanded meth-
ods. briberv etcetera, modern Dolitica 1
that are disgracing the country. A
willing champion is found in the Ore
Ionian, whoso arguments are so child
ish and unreasonable a school boy
would not be willing to father them.
The people are back of Governor Cham
berlain in a fight which means much
more than his election as U. 3. senator,
but something which establishes a prin
ciple of justice and right in the matter
. of government by and for the people. .
' Different Kinds of Cold.
Cold weather Is bad enough of any
. , , . tj ,
n'"u - our " vauey com,
with hardly enough of a breeze to
move smoke, is tame compared with
that of the middle east, where blizzards
, an(J with much colder
.. . . . . . , ,
weather there is enough wind to blow
the hair loose from an animal. And
then how it stays on, month after
month, a great contrast to our few
days of mild windless cold. The trouble
that here we are used to flowers
and such things in January, and are
entiroly unprepared for anything under
20 degrees above zero.
A Back Scrntchliiu Affair.
The state legislature haB started out
's old path, a back scratching affair,
The plan seems to be from the jump !
clorkahips, committees etc., to trade,
regular jobbery. The result Is an un
certain service and poor laws, and it is
no wonder the people invoke the refer
endum. Two years ago they did it in
nineteen cases and generally won out,
and they will do it again if the occasion
demands it.
Cold weather has made business for
plumbers and sleigh and cutter rnnners.
Something has to move anyway.
Some legislators think they are mak
ing a reputation by jumping up and
making all tho motions.
Getting clerkships is often a matter
of luck.
WANTED. Plain sewing, at homes of
the people. Phone Red 2271 Bel), t
FOR SALE. Brown's gasoline wood
sawing outfit. This outfit includes 3
saws, a 60-gal. gasoline tank, good
top and a Ant-class leather belt.
Good reason for selling. Price very
reasonable if taken now. Machine 1
mile from town on Route 4. Geo. F.
LOST Somewhere between the depot
and down town, probably on Lyon
atreer, a purse containing $6 or $7, a
bank book, and one or two other
things. Return to Anna E. Baker or
Democrat office.
WANTED. A load af good bay. Ad
drew box 344, Albany.
Clara Bell Penland was born October
28. 1861 in Linn Count. Orecon two
mil., ...) nt tk ..,.t ,,'. tri
luiiua av kmu uAjatiH dud ui liar
., cu ,,, ., :,, ,k
7 .i. a'Z 'l T j "
Methodist Episcopal church when about
ten years of age and was an
e?rni? St
working Christian all the rest - of her
She was married to H. C. Davis,
October 5, 1881, and to them was born
two children, Carl H. and Elsie, besides
she was a foster mother to her cousin,
a t.i.
Tf IeMed wha(. WM known gs
the Penlarid farm until the fall of 1899
when they moved to Eugene to give
" children better school advantages,
and to her great joy she lived to see
them aduBate t' the Universitv.
ln the winter of 1902 and '03 she con
in tne winter oi ano ud sne con.
tracted lung trouble and after a valiant
tracted lung trouble and after a val
I struggle to overcome it, sne passed to
" w 4 Sm .3 ,
her rest January 7, 1909. aged 47,
months and 14 days, she leaves to
mourn, her husband, a. J. Davis, son,
Carl H., who is in Rush Medical col
Ipita. Chicava. Hauirhtir RIria. fnatAi
daughter, Amy Standish, mother, Mrs.
M. J. Quick of Halsey. two brothers,
p it gtarr . Corvallis.
A Bhort funeral service was conducted
at her home in Eugene by Rev. Trim'
1. I . - . aL- 1 . CT 1 I- T
ble of the M. E. church on January 8th
1909 at 10:30 a. m. The remains were
then taken to Halsey where on Jan
uary 9th the regular funeral service
was preached by Rev. Trimble assisted
by Rev. Stratford, paster of the
M. E. church and Rev. Van Winkle, a
life long friend. She conducted the
junior league for years and was conoid-
ered the best junior superintendent
the state. Her life was devoted to
others more than herself, and her work
is continued in the lives of the girls and
boys she has trained in the Sunday
school and League.
"We live for those who Iovs us
For those who know us true,
For the Heaven whi.h shines above
And awaits our Spirits too".
New Year Resolutions are apt to go
up in, but vu want to be care-
, i ; i . . . : , . : i.
use no flour but JOHNSON'S BEST.
xui w Keep inm ren'MULiuu inaiyuu wii
huh win intiMii m yenr vi ciiiiijieku new
istaction to you.
A Library Ibmb makes a long evening
akort. We have them.
Ralston BLECTRic,SurrLY Co.
Reduction in Rates.
Home Telephone Company
Makes reduction in Toll rate from Ail
any to Portland. Effective Jan. 1st, '09.
1-2 minute 25c: 3-4
40c and 10c for each additional minute.
GEO. E. SANDERS, Asst. Manager.
Newest and
Diningroom Domes, Electroliers,
Library Lamps.
A large assortment to choose from.
Trices to suit anyone.
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
30i WtfcSxod Street.
Miss Tressa Acheson, of Portland is
visiting at her grandfather s, m.
Mr. Horace Jones, speical govern
ment inspector, went to Toledo to-day
on official business.
T. J. Ancle-son. of Harrisburcr. is in
the town on probate bisiness, and also
as D. D. G. M. to initiate the officers
of Albany Lodge No. 24 I. U. 0, F.
Judge H. H. Hewitc returned this
noon from McMmnville. where he had
been to attend the annual meeting of
the Oregon Fire Relief Association.
The old board was reelected. 1'he show
ing of the past year was a fine one.
At The Hotels.
W. D. Wade, Manitou.
Glen Acker, Gates,
H. J. and H. S. Cook. Rockford, 111
Hugh M. Guthrie, Grants Pass.
M. Adeline Dunlap, Tangent.
J. W. Mayo, Portland.
Aug. Souci, Westhope, N. Dak.
E. B. and Fidelia Fairchild, Iowa.
M. W. Cross, Northfieid, Vt.
Geo. V. Nelson, Portland.
Timt, to Wake Up.
M. O. Lownesdale, the valley's lead
ing fruit man, will Co at Albany on
I Friday, Jan. 22, and perhaps other
Drominent men. to promote the pro-
nosed conntv organization, to act with
; , ... ,, . ,. . .
Ln V'ley organization, in running the
fruit business here m a business way,
with a frult brand that 8nall count
something, and regulations, which have
succeeded elsewhere
Get a move on,
It is a big thing.
'" A Free 96-Page Diary.
We take pleasure in announcing tha
any of our readers can secure a fine 96-
paee diary for 1909, by sending 2 cents
postage to D. SWIFT & Co., Patent
Lawyers. Washington. D. C. This
Hiarv is worth 25 cents andcontninR 9n
the crop production of 1938, by states.
Brief but valuable points of every-day
law and patent laws. Business forms,
and population of all cities and Btates,
etc., and 75 pages memorandum.
Library Lamps
Library Lamps
Library Lamps
Ralston Electric Supply Co.
Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, opc
site the Democrat office.
For your candies and
Fronk s near the depot.
fruits call at
Go to Ellis & Sons for
White River
F. G; Will for watches.
Burkhart, photCgrupher, successor to
Five cans of Blanche baking powder
for $2, at Ellis & Sons, from now until
Jan. 1st.
Try a Patrick (Jordan Cigar. 5 cent
LOST. A belt, with valuable gold
Return to the Democrat
Sole Agents.
minute 35c: 1 minute
Best Designs
Ulli li
: V- RA1B MASK ',
H- -- -! p
FOR 1909.
The county court this morning com
plete I the appointment of supervisors
for the coming year. Districts 26 and
27 were omsolidated and district"12
divided, the new district being num
bered 26. 19 old supervisors were re
appointed and 11 new ones Following
are the appointments:
1 W. C. Stellmacher. 2 Heike Ohling,
30. A Pugh,4John Miller, 6 D.H Pierce
6 Grant Cummings, 7 J. w. won, a r.
G.Smith, 9 F W. Johnston, 10 u. L.
Forster. 11 3. A. Asche, 12 R. E.
Houston, 13 Thos. Perdy, 14 W. H.
Hull. 15 J. A. Wallace, 16 T. M. Holt,
17 Eli Ramer. 18 W. L. Wallace, 19 E.
E. Taylor, 20 W. H. Ingram, 21 J. M.
Rice, 22 W B. Thompson, 23 t,. L.
Gilbert. 24 W. W. Sanders. 25 S. B.
Cole, 26 F. vi. Mitchell, 27 J. E. Welch
28 J. H. Reinhart, 29 A. E. Ziesing, 30
G. id. Harold.
A BUSV Gvm. particulars as co location, termp,
3 3 etc. given on calling at my office of any
: of the above properties. If you are
One of tne busieBt places in Albany i00(jng for a location do not buy until
evenings is the gym. of .the.Alco Club, you have investigated my list of bar
There are all kinds of classes, a small gains.
boy's class, a high school class, a girl's I C'i y property of every description for
clayss, the regular Alco. Class and a j that . net you a falr
woman's class, making it a very useful
place, generally appreciated. Tonight
Mies Blackwell, -of the College will
start with a class of ladies, wnich will
be worth attending.- j
The Weather.
Tne range of temperaturefrom 8 a.
m. yesterday to 8 a. mr today was only
13-11, a remarkable 24 hours for the
Willamette Valley.
A Minnesota paper, just received
tells of 27 to 30 below zero, and the
wind blowing a blizzard.
The river is down to ieet.
Prediction: Snow tonigbt and Thurs
day, continued cold.
Letter List
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice -uncalled for
Jan. 13, 1909. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Mrs. W. A. Brown, Mrs. Lydia Davis,
Mr. C. M. Howison. Mrs. Edward Han-
scon, Mr. Neut Lewis, Allers Martin,
Mr. T. Prince (Z), mrs. raary muey,
Miss Alta Shank, Mrs. Lizzie Welters.
J. 5. VAN WINKLB, f. JU.
Wp orp flhnw-
ing now the finest line of Rubber Goods
made. Rubber Gloves, Hot Water Bot
Hoa rVmhinntion Bottle and fountain
Syringes, Atomizers, Complexion
crushes ect. rrices au wutoi.
Burkhart & Lee.
No remedy that does not entirely remove the cause of Catarrh (rom the
blood will ever make a permanent cure of the trouble. Just as long as the
circulation remains contaminated with the imparities and catarrhal matters
which produce the trouble, the mucous membranes or Inner linings ot jtne
body will be kept in a state of irritation and cisease. Sprays, lotions and
other local applications will sometimes temporarily relieve the tight, lull
feeling in the head, buzzing noises in the ears, uncomfortable'. "stuny feeling
of the nostrils, and help to loosen the mucus in the throat: but Catarrh Is a
constitutional blood disorder and until it has been entirely driven from the
system there can be no permanent cure. S S S. cures Catarrh by removing
the cause from the blood. It attacks the disease at its bead and by thor
oughly purifying and cleansing the circulation, and ridding It of every par
ticle OI impurity, ana at tne same
inflamed and irritated membranes to
stops every disagreeable symptom. S S. S reaches down to the very
bottom and leaves no trace of the disease in the system. Book on Catarrh
and anv medical advice free to. all who write. v .'.. ''-.
The only spray factory in the Willamette Valley.
We guarantee you a 30-degree test and full 50-gallon barrels of lime
and sulphur solution at a price lower than ever.
One hundred dollars forfeit will be paid to any one who will find in
LUTION anything other than the chemicals produced by the combination
of pure lime and sulphur.
I Manufactured by
Gideon Stolz Company, Salem, Oregon
LASSELLE BROS., Agents, Albany, Oregon
Beware of Defective Titles
Havaan Abstract of Title Prepared by the
Z.B. BUDD, Nxiajrer
.7illir"rtT T" " -OTky far
100 acres, all in cultivation, best of
soil, good improvements. Price. $6500
166 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, bhl'
ance good timber, fair house, ba n and
other improvements. Price, $5 .00 00.
73 acres, 65 acres in cultivation; fair
buildings. Price, $4?80.00.
353 acres, 100 acres in cultivation,
balance pasture; fair buildings. Price,
$7500.00. ,
30 acres, 28 acres in cultivation; 5
room house, good barn. Price, $2250.00
43 1-2 acres, all in cultivation, 12
acres orchard; fine buildings. Pi ice,
; 75 acres. 65 acres in cultivation, fair
improvements. Price, $5625.00.
i 3g acre3i 12 acres orchard, 30 acres
cultivated; small buildings. Price,
40 acres, 25 acres cultivated; fair im
provements. Price, $2500.00.
102 E. First St., Albany, Or.
and Tinning;
Bell Red 2401. Home 246.
First - class work
156 acres fine level land,all cleared and
in cultivation ; almost new 9-room house
splendid barn and out buildings, or,
chard, fruits and berries; ongoodcoun
y road, 4 miles from Lebanon, 8 miles
from Albany, half mile to R. R. sta
tion; water on place. Is way below
market value at $72.00 per acre. You
should Bee this.
Inquire of owner, Mrs. Aurilla Burk
hart, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 39, Lebanon,
Oregon. t26
Real Estate in Portland,
to exchange for Albany property, con
sisting of a nice new modern two flat
residence, cement basement, hot air
furnace, gasss and electric light fixtures,
toilets, baths, stationary wash tubs;
good location. Price $5000, rents for
$40 per month. For information call
and see J. V. Pipe at his Real Estate
ffiee 203 West 2nd St., Albany, Or.
time enncmng me ujuuu. anuws
heal, improves the general health, and
Go to
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stoc is as fresh and complete
as any in the' city.
Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned goods a specialty. B ARGAINS
n Crockery and Glassware as we in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get out prices and see our
clean up-to-date store.
Both phones Main 56.