Albany Democrat VOL U1Y ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 15 ivO NO Jt RIIS. A RemarKable Lecture. Few men ever held a great audience closer than did Jacob Rii- at the First M. E. Church last night, when he told the storv, vivid in spite of its plainness, of his own "Battle with the Slum" of New York. , All in all, it was one of the moat ' remarkable lectures ever heard in Jackson, in spite of the tact that it was hut the plain story of a very plain and unassuming man, who was enobled by the consciousness of his great mission. i The OutlooK circle of King's Daughters deserves special credit for assuming the responsibility of bring ing him here. -Jackson (Mich.) Morn, ing Patriot . ,' . At the U. P. church Monday night. Funeral Notice. The funeral service of Mrs. Fratie Beam will take place tomorrow after noon at 2 p. m., at the residence of her bid, Mr. Owen Beam, and will be con ducted by Rev. Geselbracht, of the Presbyterian church. Burial at the Masonic cemetery. WHISTON & LONGMAN, Evangelists of note, will be at the Christian Church 'during January, in a GREAT REVIVAL Plan to hear them. Home and 6 HANGINGS I BURNED OUT Abroad j On Account of Night Riding. ! The Western Union in Trouble. SHNGLES. We make the BEST. Every buncn branded with our name. Look for it Our No. I's are the only first-class shingles in this market. We make three grades, pack them -closely and use no dry kiln. A shingle full of life THOMPSON & CRAMER Albany. Oregon. The total receipts of the Roseburg post office during 1908 were $13,213.87. Up in the lovely Alberta country the thermometer reached over 50 below zero. J as. A. Jeffrey, who used to run for Congress occasionally has been engaged to defend J. A. Finch, To be in the swim a Vancouver man hitched a horse to a galvanized iron bath tub and had a sleigh ride. The receipts of the Oorvallis post of fice have increased to $13,416.63 tor 1908, a splendid showing. 0. A. C. has signed with Multnomah for the next big Thanksgiving game, heretofore always played with U. of O. A Multnomah county suit just started is: Kathryn P. Bridgeford agt. Luella C. Parrish, to recover $254.44. Evans & Coan attorneys. H. R. Kincaid of the, Eugene Jour nal has just begun his 46th year in the newspaper business, running the same paper all the time. Sheriff Russell of Grants Pass is wearing an Elks' charm, in which the tooth was taken from a live elk. Rus all onncrht thn elk. and with a oair of pinchers jpuuea me teem ana lei me elk go.. This reads fast anyway. At the meeting of the Retail Grocers and Merchants Association in Portland S. L. Kline was reelected president and Chaa. B. Merrick secretary. A. M. Reeves, of Lebanon, is one of the new directors. Prof. Sawver.' of the Oakland, Or. schools, when he left for a holiday va cation, seems to have gone tor good, and it is thought for foreign parts. He had $2000 with him and left his wife $125 for a present. It is thought he has a wife in the east. H. was a good teacher and prominent in Sunday school aid church work. Eigle Point Cor. Mail: On the? night of January .1, Glen Ferris and his lovely bride, who had just been married in Medford that day, spent the night at Sunnyside. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ferris' brother Ray Spencer. Mrs. Ferris has spent the most of the time for the last two years as sales lady in a store in Albany. Saturday morning they all started for Mr. Fer ris' homestead on "The Crest" (the old unsurveyed) . . Union City, Tenn. Jan. 9-Death sentence wos pronounced oh six night riders this morning and lifel imprison ment for two as a result of the out rages and murder of Cape. Rankin at Reelfoot lake. Appeal will be taken to the supreme court. If it refuses to in terfere the men are to he hanged Feb ruary 19ih. The Weather" in Portland. Portland, Jan. 9. Weather condi tions show no signs of abating. The forecast for tonight is cold north to east winds, minimum temperature was 8 above. Girl's Debating League. ' A meeting is to be held at the dormi tory this afternoon for the purpose of organizing a girl's college league. Rei presentatives were present from Al bany. Monmouth and McMinnville, the inclement weather keeping others away; but the organization will be per tec tea anyway ana arrangements roaue for debates. Newberg, McMinnville, Monmouth, O. A C. Dallas and Albany will be in it, perhaps the U. 0. Death of Dr. John R. Smith. Ti4 'itimiflT'inlTi'rr f "ilV-il I SOME GRANITE WARE ! Worrth Your Attention I 8 inch Sauce Pans 12c "11 incch Wash Bowl 12c- 10 inch Fry Pan 12c 9 inch Milk Pan ....10c Pails, so called 10 qt 32c Bread Pans, 6x9 inches 12c Kettles, 11 inches across 20c These prices are f-jr a limited time only. riEISER & MEISER Buby Blend Coffee Pleases Dr. John R. Smith, .father of Mrs. Ed. Mendenhall, of this city, died at Vancouver, Wash., on Jan. 7. at the age of 64 years. He was admitted to practice by Willamette University in 1878, residing at Vancouver from that time. He organized the first cavalry company in Oregon and was a leader in many important enterprises, and was mayor of Vancouver several times. ; Dreamland. . : . ". The Corvallis ele:tric light cable dur ing last night somewhere between Al bany and Corvallis crossed the Western Union wire, and there was something 1 doing in the Western Union offices at v Albany and Corvallis. Here every thing was burned out, the switchboard ruined and the office put out of commis sion, so that nothing has been doing during the day. An expert was sent for at Portland and came up this noon to look after fixing things up so busi ness can be attended to. The damage is at least $500. There was also a disturbance at the Home office, with numerous flashes of wires, causing the young ladies in cha-ge to think a fire was taking place. This resulted in an alarm being sound ed, by mistake some one running down to No. 56. A Costly" Brdge. Linn county being a half owner of the bridge referred to the following from the Statesman is of interest: "Some immediate stens must be taken to either reconstruct or bolster up the $19,000 bridge across the Santiam river at Stavton. The bridge has been in a risky condition, it is reported, for the past two years and there is danger of iw lauiiiK ftwuv u tsuuiu uiiiueuiuia aieus afe not taken to reconstruct the bridge. As a reason for tho unsafe condition nf tho. ,1,11.111,. if to atataA (haf f-i a spreading out of the channel in the Santiam at this point has allowed the water to droD some three feet he ow 'the natural level and a new permanent level nas been established, uonse- quently the bridge piers which stand on piles have rotted away and the bridge is now said to be exceedingly dangr ous. A NcW YEAR'S ARGUMENT in favor of home happiness and embel lishment is strongly made by our beau tiful stock of china and crockery. The love of fine tableware is born in every true woman, and most housekeepers like to refill or replenish their china closet on New Year's. Our assortment of new patterrs and shapes is so varied and complete that you cannot fail to find what you want whether a set or odd pieces. And our prices are such that you can furnish your New Year's table with new dishes at an absurdly small cost, COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. All Has installed a large heating stoye, making this popular play house very comfortable and warm. An exception ally good picture program tonight. If you fail to come out tonight you will to come out tonight you will regret it, as the program will be only tonight. Admission only 10c. The finest brand of scissors in the city at Baltimores, every pairguar anted. Money back in ten days lfnot perfectly satisfactory. . , To-nip'ht AT THE EMPIRE See the mot wonderful new colored film ever presented, showing Christ mas from the birth of Christ to the present century, a beautiful thing. Last chance to see the Traviolas, something fine. Also fine moving pictures. Matinee every afternoon. Admission only 10 cents. , Gilbert Bros. , We wish to extend to all the compliments of the season and wish eveyr body a prosperous and Happy New Year, we wish to thank our patrons for their liberal trade , throughout 1908 and by keeping a good stock and giving a quare deal to every man we hope to merit your trade through 1909. Respectfully, GILBERT BROS. V New Bridge at Brownsville. Times: ,..!''' The county will build a new and modern bridge over the Calapooia river in the city just as soon as weather con ditions will permit and this new bridge win nave a zu root driveway and win also be equipped with a sidewalk for Eedestrians This much was promised y the county court to the committees from the Commercial club and City Council which interviewed the Court on the matter Wednesday and presented the petitions signed by practically every taxpayer in this city and ur rounding country, . , ,, .,, 310 W. First St., Albany, Or. gam v Died at Divide, Or, At Divide, Or., Dec&Tlbe'r' fid, iMi Mrs. W. B. Gould, aged 68 yeafB, tii tt complication of diseases. Mrs. Gould was the widow of the late H. B. Gould of Lebanon. She leaves the following children: Mrs. Anna Berkett of Divide, Mrs. Lila Houseworth of Albany. Mrs. Gille Sylvester of Lebanon, and Sam Gould of Eastern Oregon. Marion couctv has had some exper ience in building a crushed rock road be one! Jefferson. 4.800 feet hoi cose $4,036.37 for the rock alone, $1,678 for labor, and $320 incidentals, which would be at the rate of over $6,010 a mile. What county could stand much of that. SI ill more barrells at the Albany Butter and Produce Co's at a barrel. JUST HALF PRICE. EXfK SPECIAL Wednesday, Thursday, and , , -,, i; January 6th, 7th and 8th Infants, i hildrens and Friday Misses For Just II;lf Price Infants Coats, Ages I to 6 years; Childrens 6 to 14; Misses 14 to 20. COATS One-fourth off on all LONG AND SHORT KIMONAS Chambers & McCune Albanys Leading Cloak and Suit Store. 3SXS Jv 1 Stutter's' AJiM.ii store ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale d.aler in fruit, pro duce, paper bags.jwrapping paper and twine. 442 WEST FIRST STREET. B TJ E & ANDEtSOi, Opposite- thr Hvtoi Kemro, give c JM attention to all Material nuta. Greaterprodu tiveness of trees larger, cleaner, and finer fruit . more money. Isn't that fruit growers' reasoning? Nothing will contribute to this-end more than effective spraying And Effective Spraying can best be attained with Bean Magic Spray Pomps Effective spraying means High Pressure Spraying and till the advent of the P.ban Magics a high pressure couidWt be maintained with a hand pump for any length of time.on account of the body-racking effort needed to operate it. TheUcan patent spring divides the work between the two strokes of the handle and works against only one-half tho pressure shown on the gaiiife and saves exactly one-thirj the labor. , We have these pumps in stock and will be pleased to show tbem. We cannot rec- them too stroogh. j Jfij .More ili' Money ill ' For 1 0H LING i & TAYLOR It has been noised about tha t Ilolt is going ayay; but it is a mistake, BUT HE IS HERE TO STAY , . , ' 'i star bakery; C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits, 6tC. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and'. Baker m WEST KIR8T 8TKKT..AL,MVV tjKKOON First class goods in their season Phone Main 58. We carry insurance against Burglary and Hold up. We are members of the American Bankers Association. If we were robbed thePinkertons would be employed to hunt tho criminals Indefinitely. And then we have Invested $100,000.00 all to protect our . depositors against Iosj, , J.W. CUSICK&CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. ! V M.ilIyMA'iS!l.lLL, usteopathic Prys cian, 226 Broadalbin Street, Albany. Phone Mack 182. HEN !Y B80DERP, pFALSn ! IV CHOICE MEATS i ; .' t AIjIi 1UMJ3, t . ; . : - Second an 1 Ellsworth 3:ren!s. Albin j." ', i .O m t o iiiaT i Bstnthe yylto Kaid m Hw Umjt Bougfit