THE SAfi has made contracts with , THREE. MINES ONLY To receive their ore, alone, for the Smelt ing Furnace100 tons daily capacity. These THREE MINES are owned re spe; lively by HIE COLD CREEK MININGS MILLING CO. THE ELECTRIC MINING & MILLING CO and THE FREELAND C0NS0L1DA I ED MINING CO Sales of treasury sock of these ll.ree Mines aro now being made iin Albany by the undersigned, risen! agents, for tho purpose of get ting these mines in shaoo to eelwer thj contracted tonago to th Smelter. We believe that th.-se three mine.;, picked out by the Smelter people as being, in their ju Igmint, at present MOST cer tain of a large tonage, are much nearer the divi lend buying period "than any other mine in tiio district. Thero are very many other ex cellent mineral bodies along the Santiam. Citizens of Linn and ( adjacent counties snould make certain the SPEEDY and IMMED IATE erection of the SMELTER by purchasing stock and sharing in 'the future profits of theso thrco mines, and thus the many other mines will ultimately prove valuable alBO. Because of the necessity of raising funds immediately, stock in these mines is being sold at 15 cents and per share, a fraction of their par value, which $1 00. Call or write to In Sender's Store, Ibany, Or Beware of Selective Titles Have m Abstract of Title Prepared by the J. INN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manajrer t)f the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for 'money loaned. ...... Fstablishcd in 1892, our patrt'roi receiving the benefit of our experience. Office corner of 3rd or j BroaUalbin streets, Albany, Or. raduates from HIGH SCHOOLS and DISTJt 2T SCHOOLS in Linn cou Dd,elsewhere: ... , , .. Make up your minds to secure i plete preparation. ALBANY CO iXEGE Offera you large'advsntageB;" can carry' you forward from any point above the eighthjrrade.,toa . 'Commercial Coarse or A Musical A Teacncrs Course or A Four-Year College Course Albany College Albany, Oregon. The Riverside Farm EI. SCIIOF.L. Proprietor I Breoder and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff LeghornB, W. P. Rocks, Light Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin, ' . 11. Turkeys, Whil 'i den GeeBe, I ' i Ducks, I'c i Guinea" Winner ot x7 and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in Season - Stock for Sale Phone, Farmers OS R D no Want's Your Patronage Telephone Red B71 Noticed First Meeting of Sub scribers, Notico is hereby given that tho first meeting of subscribers of tho capital Stock of The Altmnv Condensed Milk Company will be held in tho Circuit t'ourt Koom, in thnCounty Court House, in the city of Albany, Oregon, on the 2Gih day of January, 1909, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing diractors of said company, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before tho mooting. Dated at Albany, Oregon, December 2A, 1908." H. G. 'Fisher, Hkkky Lyons, U. M. l'ALMKR, Incorporators. MELTER ARTHUR LANGGUTH, or R. H. GREEN, Fiscal Agents. Course or I Address H. M. Crooks Pres Now is the time to visit California When Bummer hat passed in those northern states, the run is only mild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer for those who cannot endure a more severe cli mate. California has been called the "Mecca of tho winter tourists." Its hotels and stopping places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accommodation's, (congen ial companions, and var ied, pleasing recreation. ii PACIFIC CO Will bo glad to supply some very attractive literature, do scribing in dotail the many de lights of winter in Cali'ornia. Very low round trip excursion tickats are on sale to California. The rate from Albany to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Limit six months, allowing stop overs in either direction. Simi lar excur.-ion rates nro in effect to all California points. For full information, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write C. K. FRONK. Agent Albany, or WM. MpMURRY. Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon, : MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts Figures may be facts, but they often fool. And Teddy, the great lion hunter went forth. Every person ought to do the best he knows how any way. 1908 was a splendid year for Albany. We will make 1909 a better one. Have you made your new year's re solutions. If so put a spike into them. Congress will now do some grinding, in a tame way, after a holiday rest. When any one calls the Willamette Valley Webfoot whack him with the iigures 23. New Yeirs came on smoothly in A! banv. Soarj helped it along, and the bells failed to jingle. The average boy will wade through mud six inches deep rather than go a block to the crossing. Wil congress awaken to the great need of river protection at Albany.Ore- gon, that s the question. This year will see the beginning of the reign of the heaviest president the United States has ever had. The Democrat has received a copy of the News Letter of San Francisco. which asks: "How wags the old world?" All right up this way, thank you, and without any quakes. Any wiggle waggles down that way lately. Neyer can tell from the papers, tor there seems to be a trust formed to keep the wags out of the papers. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to core deafness, and that is by the constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness- is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed tnrevei ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which' is nothing Dut an inflamed condition o the mucous surfaces. We will giye One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness- (uiaass by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cirouiar, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills fwr oonetii pation. BUSINtSV Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar: FreBh Chinook salmon f romi Bay at the Metropolitan. . 5c . Yaquina If you want to buy or rent a- tyoe writer, see Rawlings. He handles- al makes and keeps supplies for any ma chine. See his-window of Remingtons Glass, all Bizet and kinds, fox sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set If desire1 - Notice of Annual Meeting-. Notice is hereby given that the- regu lar annual meeting of the Oregon Fire Relief Association will be- Held in Burn's Hall at McMinnville. Oregon,. Jan. 12th, 1909, at 10 o'clock at. m.,. for the purposo of electing throe- -Krectors and the transaction of any other busi ness that may regularly come before it. W. C. HAGEHOTf. Secretary. Harsh physic react, weaken the bawels, cause chronic: constipation. Dean's Regulets operate easily, tone the stomach, enre constipation. 25c Ask your druggist for them Go to Ellis & Sons for flour. White River IMPORTANT. Get some thing good to- eat Xmas and you wont worry about presents. ELLIS & SONS have lust the things you want to till out your Amns dinner. A tresn suddIv of candies, nuts, tigs, dates and apples which are always appreciated at this season. J. M. RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. have money t3 loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortgar;s bought, i will Dona you. rropert handled for non-resirleiU Couvs & Meyivi: Real Estate and Insuran Buy and sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. 12 V. FIRSTST. ALItANY, OR. CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon'roy, experienced compounder of Chinest medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him aad guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Secc-nd j". , Albany. Or Jim Wes tflu 6- In and Around Albany, Articles have been filled incorporat ing the Albany Land Co. with Gale S. Hill, G. W. Wright and Chas. Welch as incorporators Capital s'ock $30,000. G. W. Waddle, who has been living three miles from town, has sold his place of 53 acres to Carl Miller, recent ly from Iowa, for $5,000. Temple Commandery No 3. of this city on Tuesday evening, Jan. 6 will hold an installation service and banquet. The instillation will be conducted by Past Grand Commander F. J. Miller and L. C. Marshall, and the Eminent Commander John Butternorth will be the toastmaster. F. G. WILU for Watches. Library Lamps Library Lamps Library Lamps Ralston Electric Supply Co. Burkhart, photographer, makesehild ren's photos a specialty. "Baby" red ink pencils at Rawlings for $1.00 just the thing forXmas. Si ill more barrells at the Albany Butter and Produce Co's at a barrel. Hemstiching done to order. Get your Uhristmas orders m early. 824 Calat pooia street t2o- We sell Aldon's Famous Chocolates Try a box tor . X'maB. None better. The Vienna Bakery. The finest brand of scissors in the city at Baltimores, every pair guar anted. Money back in ten days if.not perfectly satisfactory. Obituary. L. D. Knighten died at his home near Peoria, Bee. 27, 1908 aged 46 years, 11 months and 24 days. He was born at Tangent, Oregon. Be was married to Emma C. Johnson Dec. 19, 1838. This union was blest with four children. j Mr. Knighten had been a consistent ' member of the Methodist Episcopal church, SoutH, at Peoria for eleven years. He hod been supt of the Fine Grove Sundav School for three years. and conducted' the school as usual only two weeks previous to hm death. He was a member' of the Halsey Camp 246 Woodmen of the World! for eleven years. Mr. Knighten had! suffered for nearly two years- from cancer of the bowels, but was- confined to his bed only one day previous to. his death. The end came very unexpected to all. The funeral was-conducted from the Peoria M. E. chuwh. South, on Tues day at 10 a. m. by- Rev. J. A. Ellision of Grants Pass, assisted by the pastor, Rev. J. E. olbeok and by Rev. Gil christ of the U. P. church of Oakville. The remains were laid to rest at Al bany cemetery beside those-of his only daughter Mary Graae, who died two years ago. He leaves a wife,, three- sens, Major L. Archie L. and Ji Russell, besides an aged mother, four brothers1 and one sister to mourn his lbss. I 1 9 99 Calendars. Rawlings will have;. Che' last of this week, a sample . lino of the- swellest band painted and embossed calenders ever placed orothe-mavket. Dbn't buy a cheap calender. See me before plac ing your order for 1911)1 Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season' has- opened, and from now on th-MetrowoHtja Market Broadalbin street!, will! have- tan best to be secured, the-fat' artuaiet good meas ure. Just from tUe bedBi Also all the fiemdelicaaies- of the sea son. Call where youi want Use best, neat and clean. Pocfct CBttety. Fine pocket knives aid Baltimore's, guaranteed. . F.G.Wiffifor watches Try a cup of eotEee and a sandwich at Pronk's near the depot. Use WHITE R3W3ffloor. the best is always the cheapest. Ellis & Sonsii just received 55 b'. Try a Patrick Gordan Cigar. 5 cent KtoMFACTURED BY ; Mlffitffi Main xi" '"iiffti SENDERS' FEED STORE, Sole Agents. Senders' FEED SIORE, 435 West First 5t., Albany, Or. Headquarters for "AlsenT and pyramid" Portland Cement, "Roachf larbor" Lime. Ruberoid Kootina. Vood Fibre Piaster. Sulphur, Spray, 'oultry supplies. Dalles Diamond and .liberty Bell hard wheat flour,. Hay, irain, Mill Feed and Salt ; WWKTC- La mm ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT. AVegelabtePreparationforAs-similalingihcFootfaiufRcgiila-ting (lie Swmachs andBowlsof Promotes DigpslionJCkerfiil-i ness and Itestontalns neilhtr Opium.Mornh.ine norNiicraL! NOT NARCOTIC. srctcimitssmLnmm ftnptir Setd" . JbLSaaa-t' jtaiuSttd I uspea Rant. Aperfecr.Remedy forConsflpa-'j Hon , Sour StoracluDlantaaj mi WornisoimilsiollSJ'tVCTHB- ness andLoss OP sleek Exact Copy of Wrapper. got 'aS lacSimfc Signature of The Woodworth Drug Co. Business Men j If yew are not satisfied with' your system of keeping books, phone- or all on Rawlings and let him show you he most complete up-to-date safety,. ! ub-seiesv self-lnaexing loose leaf edgerandi safety loose leaf self iiidex : ng invoice and purchasing record there j e on tie-marker Are you from' M4b- . sour v et me show you.i Both pkones Land in Small Tracts For thirty day we have five oacre- tractS4and four 10-acre tracts, within-a. mile and. a half oi Albany. Fine land at the night price-and on easy terms. Get busy before it advances in price. Inquine of the liao and Benton Reali EstatttCbi, temporary offices oves the: r. u. ICS WORTH KNOWING When, you stoat out to- purchase a Kazan or Pocket Knife where to go to get the best the-kind that bears a personal! guarantee yoa get just this front us prices an ejright See our window- i BOBKHART & LiSE- O SKIERS, serves, in all styles,, andi Dy am pint or quart, at Homch's, Ai healthy man is a kin? in his- own right; anunhealthy man is an unhappy slaue-. Bnrdoek Blood Bitters buiftisup sownx neaun ceeps you well. f be Woodworth DrugCa. Accidents w3l happen, but tha- best imuutedlfanulies keep Dr. Thomas' Slectrie Oil for such emergences. It subdues thejyara and heals tha-iinrts. Mr. Chas. 0. Hargiave, OP CHICAGO, ILL Graduate of William H. Slbenraod's School of Music, will give private in structions in Pianj at the Private Par lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours 5 to 6. Annual Meeting, Notice is hereby given that the An nual meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Creamery Associations, will be held at tne creamery in AJbany on the 14th of January, 1909, atr the hour of One o'clock, for the election of five directors and the transaction of such other business as mav groperly come oerore ine meeung. Dated Dec. 8th, 1908. C. L. SHAW. Pres. ED LOGSDON, Sec, notice; Commencing Moaday, Dec. 14th, all Cnrvallis and Eastern Passenger trains will arrive and depart from the "Union Depot," where tickets maybe procured for all point! on, that line. C. K. FRONK. FISH, POULTRY, AND OYSTERS... ' At the old Scliubel stand, cleaned up, BROWN & ROTH ; - The highest market price paid, for chickens, geese, ducks, etc. CUSTOM For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TME Of HTAUH eOMfUMT, MEW YORK OITT. Lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday even inp Chas. Schoel commander. The Woodmen of th World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st arsd 3rd Mondays, Biifca Warford G. N. Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. F. M. Powell V. C. Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes days. Carrie Bussard Oracle. The Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic meet every Is and 3rd Tues day afternoons in the- G. A. R. hall. Stnangers belonging to this order will receive a royal welcema Mrs. Jennie ML Brown, Secretary. Fairdale Plant farm. I iave for sale a choice lot of plants foe-fall planting at reasonable nrices. , Gooseberries, red and white currants, loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, hedge plant and sage. 1 VJJJrt (J. UHMLUAL.Lt. Hkuae Phone 7102. B. F. D. No. 5. Milk Notice. Beginning Oct. 1st oar charges for nulk will be as follows?; Bottled per qt. 7centsjper month $2.10i " " pt. 4 " " " $1.20: Id can lots 20 cents per gallon. Cream per gallon $1.00. quart 25i easts, pint 15 cents, pt. 10 cents. Hi M. Palmer, Prop. GoltSen Rule.Dairy. A. STARK, M. D PIIYSIOIAN &NrSbKEON i- K Bide, .Vlhaov UK. J.L. HILL. '-'nvinclfin an1 unreot Hill Blocs . Aibavrv. Jersey Dairy. Fresh milk and creairl. Oor wagrons cover the city twice a day. Phone- Bell Main 54; Home Main 144. FIHST NATIONAL BAK BA.L.ISr-Sr OBHGK)N OrFio. DmcToii E W LAKUDON 8 E Younn Prbsidont p a Qoodwin 8 E YOUKO O J SchmiH VU-0-President E W Lanelon ACSOII.MITTT ACS'hmitl Cahtr Transacts a general bankit. business, Accounts kept subject to check. Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans fer sold on New York, San Francisco, onicago anu rortiano, Ci'lect'in mnele on favorable terms Scoti's Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Porloflkminftllon or Catarrh of the Blartilorftnd DtseMed Kid tioyi. HO OCJtE HO PAT. CiKM imckly and vermftnentlr th worst ctffvft of Uonorriiutn and Glee, no in it tor of bow Ks diuuuuik. n VIUIIIEI7 , armlesa. Sold by draggisU. Price fl.Ot, or by mi), port ptld, f 1.0ft, 1 boxet, 12.75. THEMHTAL-PEPSINGL BdlclooUlne, Ohio. For cale br Barkhtrt & Le AL B. CRAFr, 242 West Second St., Albany First-cla3s meats of all kinds from selected stock. J CHAS. A, U0AG, SURVEYOR City and farm surveying ijspceialty, YTtt3rd St., Albany, 1 V.- 4 i HkJift. P