January 4th to January 9th Inclusive. Special reduction on new and beautiful Embroideries. Lots at 10c, 16c, 23c and 50c Displayed on the center tables for ease in s 3lection, Muslin Underwear already low priced receives an additional cut Corset Covers ?5c grades for 15c; 50c grades for 25 etc. Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, all reduced. Cotton Batts-Bleached Muslin-Shirtings. As low for this week as you will see them for a loiig time Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads, received a material reduction. Table Linens-bought in the Belfast linen market and import ed by us. Prices always a little better than usual run. Now cut for this sale purpose. The prices range now from 36c to $1.70 per yard. Framed Pictures at Cost For this week only we are offering all our Fancy Framed Pictures at actual cost; See our window. Burkhart & Lee. F. G. WILL, THE JEWELER. The best to Watches and Jewelry. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in Bhow ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Aek the bankers about us. Our offices are temporarily over the Po3t Office. 333 West First St LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS. when cleaned by nor methods of dry cleaning, are made to look just as good as made to ,00k just as new. Waists and dresses of delicate colors and ma terial we renovate to tr e delight of the owner. We also dye ary garmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY, Prp. 4 JO WlUt St. BeJi Phoit black 27S :Hem 196 e Certain portunities ments in worthy and beautiful white goods will not be offered for a 1-ona time to come. Bargains in white goods at this season are thirsty, months are be secured all kinds . . in of Electric Fixtures Electric Fix'.ures Klectrie Fixtuies All Prices All Prices All 'rices Ralston Electric Supply Co. Library Lamps Library Lninu-" Library L.imp-t Ralston Electric Supply Co. Art Glass Domes Art Glass Dome- Art Glass Di.ii.hs Ralston Electric supply Co. iDK. W.-D. HUNTINGTON Dentist At former office of Dr. A. J. Hodge?, Oad Fellows Temola. DR. W. R. BILYEU, uentist it is that better op-1 lor profitable invest like drink to the ; NfArle frr tho mYiircr -LltjeUB 1U1 VILV LUlIllUii coming many and gieat. SPRAYING Made Perfect, Profitable Easy. and We are just in receipt of a carload of Niagara Lime and Sulphur Solution, for spraying trees, prepared by the Hood Kiver Spray Mrg. Co., Hood River, Uregon. Alter several years exper ience this solution is beinsr used bv 1 large majority of the horticulturists cf the state for nearly all the diseases that fruit trees are subject to. If you are interested in tne destruction ot these pests and the making of Oregon the leading fruit growing state of the Union, please call at our store and we will give you printed instructions as to the use of of the above Bpray. we are prepared 10 sen in any quan tities at factory prices. STEWART & SOX H'DW. CO. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by the constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing out an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnebs (cause by catirrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. The Oliver Typewriter. Best on the market. First National Bank people have five. Albanv College I has ten. Thirty-five used in Ablany. : See the new tabulator and ruling de j vice. $15 cash, then l7e per day, pay- able monthly. See one at Steward & ! Sox Hardware Co. i Phone 218. Home Phone. Pocket Cutlery. ! Fine pocket ; guaranteed. knives at Baltimore's, F.G. Will for watches1 Library Lamps Library Lamps ; Lim-ary Lamps I Ralston Electric Supply Co. I HOFLICH'Sfoi jour oysters proper'yj erved, according to taste. j FKEMCH, the Jeweler, for Christmas presents. . THIS MORNING News From Albany's Trains. Six Early Hon. P. J. Miller went to Salem to ,cr'?K 'n; 'prominent bills that will lead in the 'eomincr legislator will hn thnnnnr witt er code bill and Johnson's road load. Johnson's law has been materially changed, leaving the state road through tne valley out and giving more rights To to county courts: but it provides for a commissioner and engineer be paid ior Dy me state. Prominent Brownsville people coming down were Lawyer Tussing, W. A. Templeton, Ed Holloway Jos. Hume. Rev. M. C. Wire, arrived on his way to the wesr side. He reported only an inch of snow at Eugene, and that was what there was at Brownsville. Dr. Ellis returned from a professional trip to Shedd. Mrs. J. C. Lowe came over from Cor vallis N. D. Conn went to Salem on a visit, Mlaa Aink:n irinin t n.n Finley, of Crawfordsville, returned to Monmouth to resume her studies. MARRIED Glaze-Critcherson. On Tuesday evening, Jan. 6, 1908, at the home of the bride, in Albany, b y Rev. J. J. Evans, M. Thos. Glaze, of Benton county, and Mrs. Louisa Critch erson, of Albany. The groom is a well known resident of North Albany for a number of vears, and the bride a dress maker of this city, both worthy people, who will have the best wishes of their man; friends. Rex-Woodmanse. On Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1909, at the residence of and by Rev. J. J. Evans in Albany, Mr. Ernest J? . Kex and Miss Leita Woodmanse, two well known young people of Scio. They have the best wishes of raany friends. Jones-Snyder. Mr. Arthur W. Jones, of Portland, and Miss Blanche Snyder, of Albany, at the court house, by Judge J. N. Dun can, on Jan, 6. Kircher-Ehart. On Jan. 5, 1909. at 6 p. m., at th? court house, by Judge J. N. Duncan, Mr. F. C. Kircher and Miss Emma Ehart, of near Brownsville. Burkhart Photographer. For 5 Weeks; 30 Business Month of January Clearance Sale Will The business year of 1908 behind us. It has been a successful year, too, as hundreds of satisfied customers testify. We propose to begin the Spring season 1909, with a brand new stock, nifty, clean, and good, the best we can buy. Therefore, we are offering the Suits and Overcoats, now in stock, at sacrificing prices. Not asking or seeking profits, but naming prices that will cause them to change ownership. We must have the room for the clothing now being made to our special order for the needs of this particular community. This is not "junk," shipped in for the purpose of mak ing a sale, but our regular stock, purchased this year. Made up by such houses as HartSchaffner and Marx, Kuppen' heimer, Alder, StrumMayer, Peck, MichaelSterm and others. The best wellknown makers of Mens clothing in America. Do you need clothing, or anything a man wears, and desire iO make money on the purchase? we are here to serve you. THE BLAIN CLOTHING Albany, C. H. NEWS Circuit court: The trial of the Calapooia Lumber Co. agt Finley and Price was completed last evening, except the argument, which wil be heard later. It took two days for the trial. In Mary E. Spink agt P.W.Spink a di vorce was ordered granted. The grounds was desertion. Though occupying the same house the parties have not lived together for a good many years. Maggie Price agt W. N. Price. Di vorce granted. This case was only he gun at 5 in the evening, and at 7 was heard by the court, a demurrer over ruled and the decree ordered The Ki'ouud3 given were cruel and inhuman treatment, but there is said to be an other side to the matter not brought out in the court. County court: The regular January term was begun with a large amount of business ahead, supervisors accounts, the annual jury list, etc. This forenoon was given to the hear ing of Editor Brown, President Hollo way and others, of Brownsville, in ref erence to the improvementof the bridge at that city, which wns urged. Marriage licenses: Ernest E. Rex, aged 21, Leita M. Woodmanse, aged 16; Arthur W. Jones, aged 32, Blanche Snyder, aged 21; F. C. Kercher and Emma Ehart. Deeds recorded: B. M. Donaca to J. acres E. McClure, 20 20 Mortgages for $1850 and $1000. The Weather. We have been having some weather, a regular misfit affair, not the kind the Willamette Valley is accustomed to, in short winter weather. The range of temperature from 8 a. m. yesterday to that time this morn ing was 28-19. The river has continued to rise and is 10.5. Rainfall, mostly snow, of which ten inches makes one of rain, .20 inch. Born. On Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 5, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Torbet, a girl. All doing well. M. E. Church. South Cor. Mont gomery and 3rd street. Rev. Geo. M. Gardner, Pastor, will hold services at 11 A. M. Sunday Jan. 10th. CALENDARS. Call at French'B jewelry store and get a pretty calen dar. LOST A belt, with valuable gold DUCKie. Keturn to tne Democrat office. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. Everything for Men INSTALLATION AND BANQUET. Temple Commandory No. 3 Knights Templars, last night installed the fol lowing officers, with Past Commanders F. J. Miller and D, P. Mason as the installing officers: J. B. Horner eminent commander; T. J. Butler generalissimo, Geo. Tay lor captain general, C. E. Dobele senior warden, L. C. Marshall junior warden. D. P. Mason excellent prelate. E. W. Langdon treasurer. John Butterworth sword bearer, W. R. Bilyeu warder. mere were twenty-four applications for membership, an increase of 25 per cent of the membership of the ecro mandery. Following the installation a splendid banquet was served, with Johu Butter worth, the retiring eminent commander as a very bright toastmaster. Revs.. Evans, Douglas and Gesclbracht, Hon. J. K. Weatherford, F. M. Redfield and C. B. Winn were heard in responses along different lines according to taste. The banquet was enioved bv about one hundred twenty-five, including the wives and daughters of the members, the sentiment of the evening being "The influence of woman is greater than that of wine or kings." For your Oysters and ltlfllcllfS Go to the CREST. L. L. POTTS, 316 W. 2nd St. It is no Joke. That the ELITE- has the Largest and most complete stock of Fine Candy boxes, and Candies in ALBANY Don't Forget. Days, All the Our Continue COMPANY Oregon Over Wodwoxth'. lrf Star.. Both ' 8ant. hl Ptoto:. phases. j