Dont't Fail to Attend Our Great January Sale 8 Bui come early bargains. We You'll regret Astonishing Embroidery Values Surprising Muslin Underwear Values Most Pleasing Suit Prices In fact it is all EXTHAOKDINARY. It will pay you' well to investigate for yourself. We are looking for you. Come. Come early, 8 o'clock is a splendid time. We will be ready. The Store that Does Things fijiitarttd tk iu poaioUiUb. AiLmuy, Or 4 4 necoDd cIbbb mail matter. F P NUTTING The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.0?. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.60. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 8 years at $2. OUR WANTS LOST. -Gold cud link, with monogram D. L. P. Please return to Hamilton's Bazaar. Mission Art Glaus Library Lamps Ralston Electric Supply co. WANTED. For four to six months three furnished rooms for light house keeping. Address communications to P. O. Box 892 Albany. FOR SALE. Block wood and slab wood, W. D. Elkina. Home Phone 1213. t25 FOR SALE. A fresh milk cow. rich milk. AddreBS A. O. Watrous, 939 E. First street. 30t FOUND. -In the city of Albany, a lady's fur at the Democrat otlice. 4t. GIRL WAN 1'ED -To do general house work. Call or phono the Democrat office. WOOD FOR SALE.-30 cords of body fir wood, in a lump, from the road side, one mile north of Albany in Benton county. Phone C. K. Wid mcr, Home 2801, about it. BARGAIN IN PIANO. A new piano for sale cheap, only been used a few weoks. Inquire 342 1st St. Drug atoro. ?2t if AHR RARGAINS. Atenroom house' and two lots for sale Everything in frnnd renair. Inuuiro 312 First St. Drug Store. Order your Blub wood $2.50 a cord from Ola baltweit. Phone Black 167. WOOD FOR SALE, Oak, ash and O .-r nil. maple. Claud Logsden. Home pnonu 1145. 1218t , BUFF ORPINGTON Cockerels 'for oi f.-nn, SI tn 12. RO each. W. U Cobb, R. D. 4. Home Phone 2305. 14t WANTED. Chickons and turkoys nt the highest cash price, at Brown & Roth's murkot, Lyon street. 12t NAPOLEON JEAN, Architect, con tractor and buildor, 116 Ferry St. TEAM WORK dono by Ola Snltvoit WUIVIV uunu uv win ""'"""Ij YH 11. .mn I31,.lr 1117 11.1 . TOR SALE. 180 acres foot hilts 12 mil west of Junction, good house, barn; 3 springs; fruit on it. $15 an acre or will trade lor Albany prop erty. J. R. Motzgnr 3rd and R. R. 29 1 FOR SA1.H- 38 acros. nil in cultiva tion, with houao and burn, 4 miles east of Albany. Also two cornor lota between 1st and Water Streets, by Ola Snltveit, 1016 E Wator St. Home I'hono bliu'kl67. , WOOD FOR SALE. Somo good dry, wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201 Bell, 204 Home. MUSIC LESSONS.-Pinno nnd organ. Phono black 971. Helen Elkina. FIRE INSURANCE. Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire nt Opera Houso lililg. SODA WATER. CbscbiIib water from the Gcisendorfer springs, mny bo had ami at the nt Tom hnson 4t llolnmn 8 Peacock Btables, at $1.60 a ARRMDTER'irasolinc pump, with pump jack, ready to hitch to for onlv $46. Crawford tho Aerinotor imin will be glud to show you. FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ot McMinnvillo. Oregon's greatest rau tual company. C.C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Uldg. Both phones. i FOR SALE. -Model N Ford runabout with top, only run one season in fine cendition. Apply to W. W.JCraw ford. agt. Ford Motor Cars. j J. H. RUITER, WO0DSAW1NG Phone red 942, Home 1211. We use aolie ai t Jtr itpwor. I MORE DAYS or you will miss some want you all to get it if you don't lor Hamilton's Bazaar L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON About the Snow A little winter weather is nothing to look savage about. During the past! twenty years the Willamette Valley has hardly had enough of the stuff to speak about. Many winters there has a large audience was delighted with been none at all to step upon. Gene-: the wonderful doings of Germain, the rally there has been only a very little, wizard, at the opera house last night, passing off in an hour or two. With it j He was remarkably good, doing many there has been little cold weather. mysterfying things so easily as to made Altogether the weather of this valley; all wonder, closing with the cabinet i ui a in tj i' , scene, with an open front, the best ever is remarkable, and will stand inspec.igiven'here. Of course all were tricks lion. The Democrat is no false boos-,and easily enough understood when ter. It seeks to give the facts. Some ( explained. one said: "You won't mention about ! The famous Jacob Riis, of New ... . ... . York, will be the third number uf the tainly it wijl be mentioned like other news. As a matter of fact the snow is probably a good thing for the country. Healthiest City 11 the World. It is always considered a big item in i the assets of a town when the death rate is low. It is doubtful if any place in the world offers a lower rate. As carefully kept by Dr. W. H. Davis, the health officer, that of Albany is less than Ave in one thousand for 1908. There are numerous things conduc ing to this: The water here is untaint ed; the city has a splendid sewer sys tem; the location is healthy, cleanliness is the order in the city, we have a splendid corps of physicians to look after our ills and drunkenness and ca rousing do not prevail here. The record is one we may well send broadcast. Electric Lines. i The Eugene papers are doing some boosting for securing an electric road up the valley as far as that city. It is certainly a good thing to boost. It is being learned more and more that these roads are splendid developers, and that , they mean much for a section of coun- j try, hence the general desire to secure them. Along an olectric lino one al-1 ways sees fine homes erected, pretty garden spots, good farms, and they! bring business to a town, offering com. munication ten or fifteen times a day. Albany wants a line up the valley, and is anxiously waiting its coming. Eugene is now laboring with the npnnnDilinn fi hnvinir n fniinln of tala. ! .... - -w-,. .... . All UI1U1IO BVESLVIllo. fllUUMV MHO I1UU fcYTU for some time and is thiiving. An exchange says President Roose velt might have done somothing for the improvement of the morals of Wash ington; but did not. Albany would like a packing house for the many hogs and other meat products of the valley, suggested sev- oral times. Emotion alone is not conversion. Letter List The following letters remain in the ah . 11 i e. Jan. 6. 1909. Persons desiring any of thicu, SJ: trule Hicks. Kate Hollev. J. D- Iver. son, J. R. Jones. Frank McCoy, Mrs. 11. McVey, W. M. Moore, J. J. Miller. Noliie Monteith. W. M. Miller, Mrs. S. P. Owen, Mildred Pratt, Frnns Svens ion, Mrs. M. Taylor. Mrs. 11, C. Wil liams. J. s. Van Winkle, P. M. Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Ralston Electric Supply Co "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Dean's Ointmtnt, It cured me per manently." Hon. John.R. Garrett, Mayor, Uirard, Ala. i i ."- A Liinrmry lamp miin ions btchiuk hori. We hive them. Ralston Blbctuo surrLT.LO. 8 of the best your snare. there are Albany, Ore. First Street TRIC 1V3 That Eas'iy footed People. ! college course, and will speak on the I Slums of New Yrk at the U. P. church on next Monday night. I President Crooks, upon getting an expression from the audience stated I that either Governor Folk or Gov. H an- ley . two or tne Dig men ot -tne cou ntry will be secured for Albany in Feb. if Hanley, May if Folk. Bring them on. New Year Resolutions are apt to go up in smoke, but yno want to be care ful to keep this resolution that you wil use no flour but JOHNSON'S BEST. This will mean a year of complete sat isfaction to you. Call No. 4. Albany, Or., Dec. 31, 1908. Notice is hereby given that I have funds in h md to pay warrants of the city of Albany, No.'s 400 to 434 issue of 1906. Interest on these warrants will cease with this date. E. D. CUSICK, City Treasurer. FINE RUBBER GOODS.' We are show ing now the finest line of Rubber Goods made. Rubber Gloves, Hot Water Bot tles, Combination Bottle and f ountain Syringes, Atomizers, Complexion urusnea ect. races ane correct. a,,.,,m sl , AJuiviwirtm . .f.cj. F. G. Will for watches. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, opo site the Democrat office. Burkhart, photographer, successor to McKinstry. Reduction Home Telephone Company ) Makes reduction in Toll rate from Alb any to Portland. Effective Jan. 1st, '09. 1-2 111111 UtC 20CJ 3-4 nm for each additional minute. GEO. E. SANDERS, Asst. Manager. Newest and Diningroom Domes, Electroliers, Library Lamps.. A large assortment to choose from. Prices to suit anyone. Ralston Electric Supply Co. 306 Wet Second Street. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL J. S. Cooper came over from Inde pendence today on Albany business. Mrs. 0. A. Beam is lying seriously ill at the home of her son Owen Beam. Mrs. Griswold. of Portland, is in Al bany on a visit with her many friends. J. T. Apperson, O. A. C. regent, went to Corvallis this afternoon on College business. This will be ladies' right at the Alco Club, and the wives, daughters and sis- ters of the members of the club will oe welcome. ! i v. trom,; .m. noon from Toledo on legal business. Mr. Hawkins is the new mayor of Tol edo. Rev. I. G. Knotts left this noon for the Lower Siuslaw. by way of Eugene, taking the stage at Eugene, expecting to be gone a month, looking after the missionary worK ot nis cnurcn. i Editor Williamson of Portland, and ' C. A. Park, of Salem, prominent in horticultural development, returned this noon from Corvallis, wnere they have been in the O, A. U. short course work, , r- .. t.ltV (..OUnCII. " J The old council closed up its business wiui we aijuuai icpuito u. mo ana treasurer, wnicn snow a nut in debtedness of $112,684.36. The receipts were as follows: Cash..... $ 473 17 Taxes...;.. 19253 75 Street fund 2568 30 General license 1141 35 Dog tax 220 00 Recorder's fees 240 00 Police fines 415 00 Sundries....: 107 00 Total $24418 57 Paid out. City officers $ 3946 15 Lights .' 1704 00 Sewers 373 62 Fire Department 3051 60 Streets 2778 08 Sundries 969 41 Bond interest 5700 00 Total $18522 96 Gain over expenditures $5,422.54. less interest paid $1,681.94, Net gain $3, 740.60. The report of Chief of Police Ries Bhowed arrests as follows: drunkenness 18, runaway boys 8. begging 2, burg lary 1, larceny 5, misdemeanor 2 viola tion ordinances 8, crazy 1, escaped con vict 1, peddling without a license I, es caped Indian boys 4, locked up over night 1222. Meals 148. The report of the street superintend ent since Oct. 15, shows: Bridges fixed: Baker. Pennywinkle. 6th & Vine, 3rd & Thurston, Water Street. Graveling: 1st street Thurston to Lafayette, 104 loads gravel for chuck holes, 4 catch basins fixed, 14 sewers flushed, 4 latter al sewers, 131 cross walks repaired, 10 cross walks built, 7 new drains, 69 cleaned out. The report of the Chief Engineer showed 10 alarms. Total loss $16,726. There were two big fires: the Albany Iron Works July 31; Will, Stark and Brenner Aug. 23, The new council met, adopted the usual rules of order, when the mayor appointed the following committees, and the council adjourned until next Tuesday night, for regular business: Ways and means Wilmot, Miller and Taylor. Ordinances Knell Chambers and Marshall. Accounts and current expenses Chambers, Marshall, . Miller. Streets and public property Taylor, Miller, Wilmot. Fire and water Marshall, Snell, Chambers. Health and police Miller, Taylor, Snell. Licenses Miller, Wilmot, Marshall. Printing and supplies Taylor, Snell, Chambers. Try a cup of coffee and a sandwich at r ronk s near tne depot. R.eal Estate in Portland, to exchange for Albany property, con. sisting of a nice new modern two flat residence, cement basement, hot air furnace, casss and electric light fixtures. toilets, baths, stationary wash tubs: good location. Price $5000, rents for $40 per month. For information call and see J. V. Pipe at his Real Estate office 203 West 2nd St., Albany, Or. in Rates. 1111111116 35c; 1 minute Best Designs -IN- TO-NIGHT Why Girls Leave Home. It is said to have many features that other productions of melodrama have not, notably, not a revolver from one end of the book to the other, will be presented tonight. Mr. Summerfleld, the author, is said to be congratulated in going beyond the beaten paths and fashioning a melo drama that was one of the few sua cesses of last season. The drama points a moral which could be drawn in uuiueruua instances in moaern me. ic i 18 a story of evil associates and a long- me for gay life, yet it has a heroine with innocent intentions. Many excit ing nits ot experiences, make the slory , extremely fascinating. c to rruit I mnnr.nt Nnir An imponani Notice I Growers, Answer. An article headed an Important Not- ice to Fruit Growers appearing in this ' paper of Dec 31 having been brought to our notice by our agents Lasselle Bros, of your city, we wish to say that i Lasselle Bros, are not selling or offering I To- -ola or,,, on nll,) ,;,,,.. f f .ima I 1UI BUIU UK T WW bUIILU O UL 1 111 O - imitation ot 8?& j pendaoie Brand Lime and Sulphur Sou tion which we manufacture and on each and every barrel of which a written guarantee that it is strictly pure or one undred dollars ($100.00) forfeit. j Lasselle Bros, carry our Dependable ! Brand L,ime ana bulpnur solution in Rfnolc nt. thoif nnlrino hnnaa in A Ihanw ana wm he nleased to auote voh our lowest price at Albany or your nearest railroad station. We consider the article mentioned above as a malicious attack by a com-1 netitor who has been HiatiinceH in n ! race when quality and price is the goal and must need use some unfair means to maintain his standing. Gideon 1 . StolzCo., Salem Or., manufacturers of Dependable Brand pure Lime and outpnur solution. Notice to Fruit Growers. l chard, fruits and berries; on good coun. Wo ahdi k n, m,i, . -;i. y road, 4 miles from Lebanon, 8 miles We shall he in the market for fruit fom A',bany half mi,e t0 R K- 8ta. during the season of 1909. For inform- tion; water on place. Is way below ation as to what varieties to plant etc, market value at $72.00 per acre. You call Home Phone 4052, or address Al- should see this bany Preserving Co. Albany Ore. 1 5 , inquire of owner, Mrs. Aurilla Burk . . -"' . , . , hart, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 39, Lebanon, rive i:tiua ui diuiiwb UalLlllK puwuur for $2, at Ellis & Sons, from now until Jan. 1st. Try a Patrick Gordan Cigar. 5 cent For your candies and Fronk's near the depot. fruits call at! DEPENDABLE Brand LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION The only spray factory in the Willamette Valley. I We guarantee you a 30-degree test and full 60-gallon barrels of lime and sulphur solution at a price lower than ever. One hundred dollars forfeit will be paid to any one who will find in an original barrel of DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SO LUTION anything other than the chemicals produced by the combination of pure lime and sulphur. Manufactured by Gideon Stolz Company, Salem, Oregon LASSELLE BROS., Agents, Albany, Oregon ALBANY OPERA R. SHULTZ, Manager. Wednesday, Jan. 6th E. J. CARPENTER'S GREAT SCENIC COMEDY DRAMA, "Why Girls Leave Home" Clean, Wholesome, Interesting, Instructive. The Best Educator of One of the Greatest Problems Our Country has to Deal With. Strictly MORAL and UPLIFTING. A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it. FARMING LANDS FOR SALE 100 acres, all in cultivation, best of soil, good improvements. Price, $6500 166 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, bul' ance good timber, fair house, bam and other improvements. Price, $5,100.00. 73 acres, 65 acres in cultivation; fair buildings. Price, $4380.00. 353 acres, 100 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; fair buildings. Price, w. 30 acres, 28 acres in cultivation; 5 twin uuubc, guyuiMiu. in, ' a i-z acres. all in cultivation, 12 acres orchard; fine buildings. Puce, 75 acres. 65 acres in cultivation, fair improvements. Price, $5625.00. I 38 acres, 12 acres orchard, 30 acres cultivated; small buildings. Price, $4500.00. 40 acres, 25 acres cultivated; fairim nrnvementn. Price. $2500.00. r,nii o,.Hnnla-H on rn lniaHnn tnrma etc. given on calling at my office of any of the above properties. If you are looking for a location do not buy until ' vou nave investigated my use oi oar- gains. Ciiy property of every description for sale at prices that will net you a fair , , , -, , C. G. 102 E. First St., Albany, Or. Plumbing and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First-class work ' ruara,llt66Cl p FARM FIR SALE. 156 acres fine level land.all cleared and j in cultivation; almost new 9-room house splendia barn and out buildings, or. Oregon. t0 R. A.LEINLNGER. Duntist Orwford Block. HOUSE PRICES 25c, 35c 50c, and 75c. Go to EASTBDRH S GROCERY for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city, Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS n Crockery and Glassware as we in tend to close out that department. Come and get out prices and see our clean up-to-date store. ' Both phones Main 56.