( ' 4 Albany r V ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY ? i !) VOL XLIV NO 2:: ft I HARRISBURO. P'NCH TO j TRUSTEE WHISTON & LONGMAN, Evangelists of note, will be at the Christian Church during January, in a GREAT REVIVAL Plan to heai them. SHINGLES. We make the BEST. Every bunch branded with our name. Look for it Our No.' I's are the only first-class shingles in this market. We make three grades, pack them closely and use no dry kiln. A shingJe full of life THOMPSON & CRAMER Albany. Oregon. Bulletin :- Mr. and Mrs. C. P. White came up from Albany Sunday for a few days visit. Mrs. M. K. Boyle died at her home in this city Wednesday mornine at about 8:30 o'clock, after an illness of about three weeks. The tax levy for Harrisburg will be 22 mills this coming year. It is divided, 5 mills for city purposes, 2 mills for Bchool, and 12 mills for the county. This is the heaviest tax to which this town has ever been subjected. W. W Francis, county treasurer, was in town yesterday shaking hands with old friends. He has a warm spot in his heart for Harrisburg as he spent ' many a day in sight of its church towers. ! Mrs. Carter Allingham probably has the distinction of receiving a Christmas present from the longest distance o f any arriving in this county. It came ' all the way from Ireland and was sent ly a friend. The present consisted of .50 yards of fine linen and two doilies. I The big booster meeting next Mon- ' day will be addressed by the biggest i booster in the Willamette Valley, John H. Hartog, of Eugene. We are not forgetful either of the good work of Rrnthar Dasent and the triad hand Al bany extends. They are all glad old Harrisburg is going to do something. Funnygraphs by Tip Humphrey. The Review: Albany, our old home town, is getting too swell for us. Had it not been for our friend Fred Nutting, of the Demo crat, we would sure have gone to Leb anon, but Fred didn't say a word about it, With sfcven.or eight passenger trains at the fine new union depot Al bany has a metropolitan appearance. I The Review editor owns a fine Shep herd dog that we want ,to give to a party looking tor a wnoie iocoi trouoie. We nave only had him a few months, but he's cost J3 license, two subscribers. a scrap, and more piecincts to hear from. Apply lor me Deasi wnen rars. Review is not at home, and thereby avoid more trouble. HANG FEB. 5. Portland. Jan. 2-Judge Bronaughj sentenced Jas A. Finch to be hanged on February 5th. Finch personally inter- j posed a long series of technical object-' ions to the passing of sentence. The iudee aonointed R. L. Phillips death watch over Finch in his solitary cell where he will be kept until taken to Salem for execution. Finch stood with hands clasped and displayed no more emotion than his attorneys. Five days was granted in which to file a motion for a new trial. ELECTED. At a meeting of the creditors of the Albany Farmers Co. today in the office of C. C. Bryant, L. M. Curl was elect ed trustee of the important estate in oantcrupicy. The reports showed debts: wages $401.60, secured claims $2722.70, unse cured claims $23,976.55. Total $27, 099. 85. Assets: cash $1917.20, bills, promisory notes, etc., $11,259.43, personal proper ty $4,409.26, debts and open accounts $10,684.07. Total $28,405.96. Official Dimissed. Pekin. Jan. 2 Yuan Shi Kai was dismissed from'office as grand council or and commander in chief of the forces today. It has caused much con-1 sternation among diplomats of other I powers. CHRISTIAN CHURCH lis Annual Meeting and Banquet. , 1 '.Lim.!g A New YEAR'S ARGUMENT in favor of home happiness and embel lishment is strongly made by our beau tiful stock of china and crockery. The 1 ove of fine tableware is born in every t rue woman, and most housekeepers like to refill or replenish their china closet on New Year's. Our assortment of new pattcrrs and shapes is so varied and complete that you cannot fail to find what you want whether a set or odd pieces. And our prices are such that you can furnish your New Year's table with new dishes at an absurdly small cost, COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. To Be Raised. The members of the Christian church met in their annual business session New Year's eve. Officers were elected, Five cans ofBlanche baking powder for $2, at Ellis & Sons, from now until Jan. 1st, SOME GRANITE WARE Worrth Your Attention 8 inch Sauce Pans V. . . 12c I 11 incch Wash Bowl 12c 10 inch Fry Pan 12c 9 inch Milk Pan 10c Pails, so called 10 qt 32c Bread Pans, 6x9 inches 12c Settles, 11 inches across 20c These pnees are fir a limited time only. HEISER & MEISER Buby Blend Coffee Pleases All n . . .... T O Tn1 nmmwit ftf ' , ' . ' , ... , , .. reports made and general business revenue to be raised by the thirty-four e , , " . ,. . counties for the year ending December transacted. The reports indicate a sol oi ' '1 of.. Jni m-mnrieH id growth in all the lines during the for special tax du.y is 1,27dToOO, as year, giving a net membership of 376. :Ti.... 1:11 mS f.. The different organizations in the Nineteen Hundred Nine. By W. S. G. 1909! ; That looks fine! Little MissNew Yearis surely mine. You gay young thing. With a restless wing, What is the message that you bring? The olJ year smiled At the laughing child With naught of the taint of time de filed, But he heard his knell. And Baid farewell As into the grave of the years he fell. 1910 What then? Will it be but a wail "It might have been?" Let's catch and hold The filtered gold. From the stream of Time, e'er the knell is toll'd. Garrett and Loftus At the Empire A Musical Novelty. Last nignt of the popular Garrett' & Loftus at ihe Empire. See them. The Empire Male Quartet will be an &dded attraction to .the many other good features. As osual the moving pictures will be first-class. organizations in the church showed that there had been much activity in every direction. A young ladies missionary society was organized early in the year and made a splendid showing. The financial com mittee for the year reported an increase to be raised durinu 1909. The past suc cess and spirit of liberality warrants puHsiuuuy ul greuivr euurw. ieib pastor's salary was increased $300. A greater church for the New Year was the prevailing sentiment. The following Bible school officers were elected: F. M. Powell, superin tendent, J. J. Evans, assistant, M. L. Sanders, secretary, Ross Douglas, treasurer, Misc Susie Tapper, librarian, Miss Louise Leathorman, organist New Year's evening a great banquet was enjoyed by themembers and friends of the church. About 250 were present. F. M. Powell and RalDh McKechnie acted as toastmasters with great credit to themselves and the pleasure ot all, I Toasts were made by evangelists Whis n and Longman. Winifred Royce, W. A. Eastburn, J. A. Nimmo, and the naafni J -T plvanq Tn thtu flf lAt nrn. I gram Miss Ethel Swank sang a solo Willi eiiei:uveiieio.,-.EjvtuiKciim. i. , u. Olson of Eugene gat an inspiring talk on revival work. 0. D. Cornett from the Central church said this church should be a good one for he started many ot tnem right in nis aunaay scnooi class several years ago. Prof. Ken dall. Albany's favorite entertainer. gave a few selections, in his inimitable way to the delight Jjt all. Longman sang as only Longman can. The height of the enthusiasm was reached when Evangelist Whiston was introduced and in turn introduced his team mates to the audience. His enthusiasm knows no bounds. Whiston and wife and Long man are a great tram. Hot. A. M. HoltH-as No. 23 of lust ers' licenses, this agternoon. Gilbert Bros. We wish to extend to all the compliments of the season and wish eveyrbody a prosperous and Happy New Year, we wish to thank our patrons for their liberal . trade throughout 1908 and by keeping a good stock and giving a quare deal to every man we hope to merit your trade through 1909. Respectfully, GILBERT BROS. 310 W. First St., Albany, Or. Holt Again It has been noiwed about that Holt ingoing away; but it is a mistake. BUT HE IS HERETO STAY F FOUR DAVS SPECIAL WAIST SALE Beginning Wednes spe:ial SWEATER SALE day December 30th v FOUR DAYS Silk Waists in Black, White and Colored, fancy, and plain, tailored effects. Special 4.95 Special for waists selling regularly $7.50, 8,50 and 9.50 Just 36 waists in the lot. Ladies W hite Coat Sweat ers, fitted waist effects in all wool yarns. Special $2.45 Special There are fifty of these sweater coats which sold regularly at 83.00. Four days special, each $2.45. Albany now has inrHi-dpiivrv wagon syj'ems: Eactbum & Bart Neeley and - lee and Ben uaybury. Art Glass Domes Art Glass Domes ' Art Glass Domes Ralston Electric Supply Co. jffl 'Mre , I I Money Chambers & McCune The Store of Quality Stettcr's Cash Store ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dialer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags,wrapping paper and twine. 4l2 WEST FIRST STREET. Opposile the Hetel R.ver., rir c ia 1 atttau.n U ll twwrlel went. Greaterproductiveness of trees larger, cleaner, and finer fruit more money. Isn't that fruit growers' reasoning? Nothing will contribute to this end more than effective spraying. And Effective Spraying can best be attained with Bean Magic Spray Pumps Effective spraying means High Pressure Spraying and till the advent of the Bean Magics a high pressure could not be maintained with a hand pump for any length of time, on account of the body-racking effort needed to operate it. ' The Bean patent spring divides the work between the two strokes of the handle and works against only one-half the pressure shown on the gauge and saves exactly one-third the labor. , i We lavs tie., pumps in stock and will be pleased to show them. Wacaoaot rec ess, too strongly. 0HLING & TAYLOR STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer anil'. Baker m WEST fr'IRBT Hl'KKItT..ALT ORBUON First class goods in their season Phone Maln'fie. We carry insurance against Burglary and Hold up. We are members of the American Bankers Association. If we were robbed the Pinkertons would he employed to hunt the criminals injefinitely. And then we have invested $100,000.00 all to protect our depositors against loss. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. M. MHIDUmtLL, Osteopathic Physxian, J 226 Broadalbin Street, Albany. I Phone IflacK 482. 'henvFTbroders, ; DEALE't IN CHOICE MEATS OF A uL KINDS, Se-;m I Vi I Mt i-t'i ?-roVi : J Ifc "J.- O it X . Burs tie ? 1 " Tin Kind ImHmUmjt BougB