MISFITS. A Fixture of Things and Thought! At The Hotels. Mr Farrc.'J as Cait. Denton, at December Electric Fixtures Electric Fixtures Electric Fixtures All Prices All Prices All Prices Ralston Electric Supply Co. Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Ration Electrir. Suppy Co. Art GlaaB Domes Art Glass Domes Art GIssb Domes ' Ralston Electric Supply Co. Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have inn best to be secured, the fat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea Bon. Call when you. want the best, neat and clorn. The V ocdworth Drug Co. LBeware ot Detective Titles Have an Abstract of Title ) repared by the LINN COUNTY, ABSTRACT CO, 7. H. Rl'OD. Maoajrer Of the real property you intend. to mnnov lfiilll(ii. '' 1 p.tihlished in 1892, our patrons roc Office corner of 3rd ar i uroadaUr streets, Aioany. w. Qrailuates laduatei WHICH SCHOOLS, and DISTRICT SCHOOLS jiv Linn coo, .d eisewhe: , c0pleU Ration. ALHANY COLLEGE Offerayou large-advantages; can carry you forward from any point above thS e,ghth'Krai0't0 "Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teacliers Course or , , A Four-Year College Course Albany College Albany, Oregon ;Tlie Riverside Farm ED. SCHOl'L. Pronrleior Breeder and I mporter of O. I. C. Hogs Si C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Rocks. Liht Brahmas, K. C. 1 Rhode Island Kctls. V. into Cochin Bantams. Turkeys, Wnu den Gccse, i ' Ducks, i e i Guinc-i"" Wmnnr f 17 liri.os and 22 tl. on Poultry j at the Lewis a:, mint riur. Kggs in Season - Stook for Sale Phone. Farmers 95 - - K 1) No'3 Want's Ycur Patronage L Telephone Hod 671 ii ' 1 " " the Opera Honse, Tuesday Evening; 9, in Arizona. A Stove bargain. I A good18 inch air .tight stove for only $1.75, at the- store of the Albstay Hardware Co. Good as Cold. Are the candies at the Mission Par-1 lors. the best and la-rarest line in the i city. Pocket Cutlery. Fine pocket knives at Baltimore's, ! guaranteed,, "' Lihrary Lamps Library Lamps Library Lamps Ralston Electric Supply Co. Use WHITE RIVER flour, the best is always the cheapest. Ellis & Sona just received 65 b'. Try a Patrick Gordan Cigar. 5 cent purchavi. w accept as security far - " . 1 etvtoti ue Deneruoi our expeneoco. Address H. M, Crooks Pres J. fla RALSTON INSURANCE. LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. havn monev to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortgagsb bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-residents COLIXS & DEVIVE Real Estate and Insuran Buy and sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. 12 W. FIRSTS I. ALBANY. OR CHINESE DOCTOR J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese meiiicinos, successor of the late Hong Wo long, Is now prepared to lurnish Chinese medicines to all. Theuader signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second St., Albany. Or Jm Wei tfalu 6- ; New Years next. 364 days to Christmas. More holiday goods than ever. A few toys left for next year. Santa Claus hole. will now get. into his Those First street basement c walks are terrors. Well, why shouldn't a darkey be champion prize fighter. the Blind pigs might do well to swear off on New Years, in fact now. Portland has more muddy streets than Albany and that is pretty tough. This is a good time to begin arrange ments for the extension of the C. & E. Portland's drop curtain at the Heilig, with its whiskey ads, knocks Albany's swy. According to a drspatch Mr. Harri- man plans manT new railroads. That sounds good. AGENOBiB Old people stcop?d wit, suflerrng. Middle age, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable tj explain;. All in misery from their kidneys. Only a' little backache first,. Comes when you catch cold.. Or when you strain the back: Many complications follow. Urinarv disorders, diabetes. RKtrhe'n disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure backavbe' Cure every form of kidney ills; J. C. Walling, retired, of 4241 91 I uenver si., Aioany, vre., says: lxr ircvco, Ycaia M. vnuuimj mure ur USH '"ffaring from kidney complaint; the W0r8'. troubhsbeing aretentin of th? secretions and painful passages. Ii found temporary relief at times but! Inn s Kidney Pills, which I Drocundi at Foshay & Mason's drug store, proved to re tne bear, remenv i nan ever iiaerii tor the trouble, bunging prompt amJij ratifying relief und fulfilling every laim mane totr .them, some or my neighbors have oond equally good re sults from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills and I hear a great deal, ,o praise for this remedy." i .m viiiW-- For sale by all dealers, i i Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co.; Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There i only one way to cure deafness, and that is by the constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.- When this tube is inSuned you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing,' and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be take out and this tube restored to its normal, condition, hearing will be de stroyed' torevei ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing Dut an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.' ' j; We will give 1 One Hundred Dollars foe any case of Deafness (cause by catmn) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular, free. F. J. CHENEY & DO., Toledo, U. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Tak Bull's Family Pills for consti pation. , IT'S LIKE THIS Johnson's Best Flour is the best becouse it is milled from the best wheat in scrupuousi; ciean mills. Its use insures delicious bread, cake and pastry. GIRLS TAKE NOTICE- Lnristmas is com ins. Buv vo'ir Dresents early. What is nicer tor your sweetheart, boother or father than a GHIelt salty Kazor. or The New "Ever Ready" Bottle. Keeps contents hot 24 hours or cold 72 hoars. Fine Ebony, Military Brushes. Cnmt and see the line. Burkhart & Lee. Art Glass Domes e Art Glass Domes Art Glass Domes Ralston Electric Supply Co. Try a cup of coffee and a sandwich at Fronk s near the depot. Harsh physics react, weaken Ihi bawcls, cause chronic constipation Doan's Regulets operate easily, torn the stomach, enre constipation. 23c Ask your druggist for them ti. A.LELN1NGER Dentist Crawford Block, - - Aban) , , i .' . : , .. M. B. Miller, Brownsville. H. F. Pennebacker, Mehama. W. J. Virgin, Central Point. C. A Bevier, Gates. Hurry D. Hobson, Lyons. R. E. Peery, Elkhorn. E. L Keezel, Myrtle Creek. . J. C. Fowler. Shaniko. Judge C. E. Wolverton, Portland, np to spend Christn.as at the Price home. ' Marie Scheldt, Portland, on a visit with her brother Emil, at the Revere. S. J. Newsom, Corvallis. J. B. Lister. Nashville. Will Yantis, Fossill. Tom Robinson on North Yakima. Mr. Tom Robinson and family, resi-' dents of Harrisburg and Halsey for 1 many years, have just returned from the North Yakima country, and were , in the city today. Mr. Robinson says he wouldn't give ten acres here for the whole country. The principal things there are high winds and boosters. By spraying a good many times a season thiy raise a good many apples, but even . then have more scale and wormy apples than we have here, and not near- ; ly as good not comparing with ours in flavor. Willamette for him. Important to farmers. All farmers having produce of any ! kind, in any season, please call at the office of J. V. Pipe, Real Estate ami ask for the p: oduce man. Call before January 2. tl The ( regoman. Order the New Year's number at tl e Amer'can cigar store: 5 cents open. 6 cents wrapped, 10 cents if sent frrm the Portland office. Payable in advadce. Burkhart Photographer. $1,675,000 will have to be raised next year to run Oregon. F. Q. Will for w atches ! "Suffered dav and nirfit the mrmsnt of itching piles. Nothing' helbed me until I used Doan's Ointment, It cured me Der manentlv." Hon. John R Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. i Library Lamps ' WDrary Lamps Library Lamps Ralston Electric Supply1 Coi Happyland hag Dolls at JBDeisers'. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's. site the Democrat office. IMPORTANT. Get some thing good to eatiXmas anil youiwonfc worry about presents. ELLIS eVSO'NS have just the things-you. wntt to fill out voor Xmas dinner.. A fresh. supply of candies, nuts, figsr datea and! ' ' - , - . - " . , apples winch are always aponeciatedi as ; ti seasoa. I FEED STORE, West First 5t, Albany,. Or. Headquarters for '"SMBenU and Pyramid" fortlana Cement,. "Boach Harbor". . Lime, j Ruberoidi, Roofing. Wood Fibre Plaster. Sulphur, Spray, Posttrj,-supplies, Dalles Diamond and Liberty1 Bell hard wheat wmr.i Hay, Grain. Mill Feea and Salt : Now is ' the time to' .visit'1' California When summer ha passed in these northern! states, the run is only mitti under , the bright ' blue skies of Southern California. This is- one of nature's happy provisions' eternal sum mer for those who cannot endure a more sorer cli mate. -' Galifornia-has htm called tiie "Mecca of the winter touri'ts." Its hotels and . stopping . places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities. Visitors can always fhnd suitable accommodation, t congen ial companions, and var ied, pleasing recreation. SMHEffl PACIFIC 0. Will be glad) to supply some very attractive literature, de scribing in detail the many de lights of winter in Caii'ornia. Very low round trip excursion tickats are on sale to California. The rate from Albany to. Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Limit six months, allowing stop overs in either direction. Simi lar excursion rates are in effect to all California points. For full infermation, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write C. K. FRONK, Agent Albanv. or WM. McMURRY. Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. Excursion Rates. Account Christmas and New Years, he C. & E. R. R. Co. will sell tickets o all points at one fare for the round np. Dec. 23 24 25 and sgan on Dec. list and Jan. 1st. Good to rr turn Jan. 4th, 1909. C. K. FRONK, agt. . ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVegetabtelVeparafmSrAs ilmilafmg iteRMtfaufltegufe fingUieSiOfradBawiiWfeif FramoresKgwttonjaKnfiirl nessanaiest-umtamsnaw-i jfirtLi'llI Opium.Morptar iwrMaHaL NOT H ARC OTIC. mft aOld CtSSWUTIUtlA flaptut Srtd- ' JLlSbim I JkMleMs- GoriMSugori Anerfect Remedy for ConM rum . aour ainmarii.uioiuu WoniisX;orwulsioiisJeveri nessandLoss OF sLEQt ' Facsimile Signature of '" ' r &0Z- . NEW YORK. j Exact Copy of Wrapper. Businessmen it? If yon are not , satisfied with your ; ystem of keeping books, phone or all on Kawlings and let him show you he most completn up-to-date safety, ! ub-series, self-Inaexing loose leaf ; edger and safety loose leaf self index- , ng invoice and purchasing record there I ,s on: the market. Are you from Mis sour i, lei me snuw yuu. Dotn pnones Land in Small Tracts For thirty days we h ave five 5-acre tracts and! four 10-acre tracts, wiithin a mile and a balf of Albany. Fine land at tha right price and on easy terms. Get busy before it advances in price. Inquire cf the Linn and Benton Real Estate Co,, temporary offices over the IT'S WORTH KNOWING - A l U T . J T, iVJT 11 UVll you start out to purchase a Kazor or uri pu whe Pocket Ksnife where to no to cet the I best the kind that rears a personal guarantee you get just this from us ! prices ai alright. See our window. Burkhart & Lee. W the pint orfquart, at Hoflich's. i A healtby man is a kimr in his own. , right; an.iunhealthy mania an unhappy "i slave. ' Bardock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well.. .,, , t The Wood worth Drug Co.' I Accidents will happen, but the best t regulatedJIf amilies keep Dr. ' Thomas' ! Electric Oil for such emergencies. It subdues the. pain and heals the hurts. LODGE rJMBLEMS'.for all lodges. 1 f. ) F. M. French, Jeweler. Mr. Chas. 0. Harraye, OF CHICAGO, ILL. Graduate of William H. - Sl.enwood's School of Music, will give private in structions in Pianj at. the Private Par lors Hotel Revere on Saturdays. Hours 6 to & j Annual Meeting. I Nbtice is hereby given that the An nual meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Creamery Associations, will be heM at the creamery in Albany on the- l-nn or January, tally, at the hour of uoe o ciock, ror the election of five directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come aefore the meeting. Dated Dec. 8th, 1908. C. L. SHAW, Pres. ED LOGSDON, Sec. notice: Commencing Monday, Dec. 14th, all Corvallis and Eastern Passenger trains will arrive and depart from the "Union Depot," where tickets may be procured for all point on that line. C. K. FRONK. FISHfV POULTRY, AND OYSTERS. At the old Scliubel stand, cleaned up, BROWN & ROTH The highest market price paid for chickens, geese, ducks, etc. Tot Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought TWK OKNTAUd BOMMNT, MIW VOH OITV. Lodge Meetings. The K. O. M. every Saturday , even ing Chas. Scboel commander. The Voodmen of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, Hilka Warford G. N. Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. F. M. Powell V. C. Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd Wednes- ! Havs. Carrie Runnnrd Ornnle: The Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic meet every 1st and 3rd Tues- ; day afternoons in the G. A. R. hall. Strangers belonging to this order will rsceive a royal welceme. Mrs. Jennie M. Brown, Secretary. . Fairdale Plant harm. I have for sale a choice lot of plants for fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white currants, loganberries; V dewberries, rhubarb, hedge plant and sage. . ! IVER C. DUEDALL. Home Phone 7IB2. V R. F. D. Wo. 5. 1 . Milk Notice. Beginning Oct.' 1st our charges for milk will be as follows: Bottled per qt. 7 cent 8, per month $2.10 " " pt. 4 " , " " $1.20 In can tots 20 cents per gallon. Cream per gallon $1.00. quart 25. cents, pint 15 cents, pt. 10 cents. ' H. M. Palmer, , : Prop, Golden Rule. Dairy. A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SbttHRON Alharu DR. J. I. HILL. ?iysicUD and arvnos rilll Block Aikaav- ' Jersey Dairy Fresh milk and cream. Oor wagons, cover the city twice a day. j Phone Bell' Main 5; Home Main 144. . ( ' FRST K4TIUNAL BAK B-A-XiAJST-Y- OBBaON. OSTIUMS DlRltCTOBH B Li.-iciOON S E Ygann ' ' Prttident Pa. Uoodwin BE YOUNG O J Schmilt AesoiIjIITT -. ACf'hmlu CAshler Transacts a general bankii, business.. Accounta kept subject to check. . Sight exchange audi telegraphic trans fer sold on New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Portland, Cjnect"m niBJe on favorable tenns icon's Sanial-Pepsm. Capsules, A POSITIVE CURE ForInflmtntIon orCtUrrhot th Bladder and Diseased Kid poj: VOCtntBHOrAT. Curat, inickly and uemiatipntly thi and (Bleefc, no mattvr of bow 'ong taddiDf . Abtolately brirml98. Sold by draggitta. Price Jl .00. or by mall, poct ld, tlX, S boxea, L7&. THE SANTAL-PEFSIN Ct BdWnnUlns, Ohio. For sale bt Burkhart ft Le M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats selected stock. of all kinds., from CII4S. I, B0.4O, SURVEYOR City and farm surveying a specialty. 21S West Srd St., . Albany, Or IH Krarl Kw Ian Him uaiar. 1 .Bears the Ay At Signature Ayf ' ft JtV In mj Use )X For Over Thirty Years CASTORlA MM