THIS MORNING CITY COUNCIL C. H. NEWS. Cotton Blankets New process of finish that gives a wool appearance with .out Hnt.'rjo cotton waste used in these blankets. Large size 1.06,12$, and $1.50. Umbrellas. Special .value in ladies 26 inch Umbrellas. $1.25, for $1.00. Mens' .Umbrellas -from 1.00 to $5.00. P v:.- .-7- Outing Flannels 1 Everything in Outing 12 1-ao per. yard. ' The 5c glade is the' best offered wy for that price 5c. Y Twmea piam Muxmg Japanese Brass and Bronze Vases, Statuary, Framed Pictures, Toilet and Dressing Cases, Comb & Brush Sets, Manicure Sets, Tiaveling Cases, Fine line of Triplicate and Hand Mirrors, Picture Frames, Ebony and Fox Wood, Military Brushes Fancy Stationary, Fancy Package of Perfume, Per-' fume Pumps and Atomizers and many other useful articles. You are invited to come and inspect the line. Prices are right. Burkhart & Lee. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us.. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us. Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First St LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made tQ look just as good as made to .ook just as new. Waists and dresses of delicate colors and roa tetial we renovate to the delight of Uie owner. We also dye sny garmnnt de sired in beautiful shsdes and colorings. THE CLEANER, i C. E. SHELLEY, Prep. CO Wllst St. Bell Phoae black 27J V . .Home phone 196 Infants, 50c. use S3.50aad $4.00. i 50c from 5c to New Dress ITVT H- ! , J Some especial values at 50c. ax iuc anu Come to our store and see the elegant line ofa Holiday Goods now on display. Many new novel elties. our f u; i h hew ing of Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand painted China, Cutlery Novelties, Silverware, etc. We otfer foryour inspection the most cmplo e showing of dis tinctively artistic and beautiful stocks we ever carried. YOU are cordially invitedy to drop in and inspect wnetner you buy or not. . F. G. WILL Jeweler. SEE Shoes .Choice new soft sole Shoes for ! .Lames ran boots lor winter iNew Button Patent Boots. Dress Goods Goods in "White ard iis. SPRAYING Made Perfect, Profitable . Easy. . . and We are just in receipt of a carload of Niagara Lime and Sulphur Solution, for spraying trees, prepared by the '.Hood Kiver spray Mfg. Co., Hood River, Oregon. After several years ex per ience this solution is being used by a large majority of the horticulturists cf the state for nearly all the diseases that truit trees are; subject to. if you are interested in tne destruction ot these pests and the making of Oretron the leading fruit growing state of the Union, please call at our store and we will give you printed instructions as to the use of of the above spray. we are prepared to sell in anv auan i tities at factory prices. STEWART & SOX H'DW. CO. The Oliver Typewriter. Best on the market. First National Bank people have five. Albany College nas ten. inirty-nve used in ADiany. See the new tabulator and ruling de vice. fit casn, tnen vc per day, pay able monthly. See one at Steward & Sox Hardware Cci I . ; Phone 218. Home Phone.- The Eclipse Washer. The best, does work equal to hand I work, under the mangel system. Re sults ana construction guaranteed. A fine thing. Call at the Albany Hard ware Co'8 store and see one. HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly erved, accordi ng to taste.' FREMCH, the Jeweler, for Christmas presents. Burkhart guarantees his photos. DR. W. D..IIUNTINGTON Dentist I At former office of Dr. A. J. Hodges, Odd Fellows Temple. I To Exchange j Some good hriti land lor city prop erty. , Call on Jj V. l'ipe, 203 Wj Second St. I DR. W. R.BILYEU, Dentist Orr WcodworUTs Drag Ztort. hanes. Bkth I News from Albany's Trains. Six Early ' The Southern Pacific is doing some good work draining ihe big pond near the freight warehouse, an eye-sore for some time to the depot surroundings. Pete Ruetner has crossed the track and reached the foundation with the first half of the depot hotel. ... . " . . . j . t . rruit cannery, for a track by tho Al- Editor TipHumprrey returned to Jef- bany Pre8erJing Co- after amendment, eWOIE Rodgers went up to Berry to , Pussed v viir ! IV Hall's v , The matter of a sewer to ihe proper- Rev.T;'p. Hay'nescame down from ty of C. A.Gray and others was dis iJhannn i cussed, reconsidered and referred to Miss Preston, of Seattle, left for the comitteenealth.and police. k, 0our a y,M nt anveral weeks at 1 The Drouertvx) Stephen Fieerksen. n, hnma nf her uncle Mr; J. M. Rals- i ton. Harry B , Cusick left on a Portland Carlos Marsters, of Portland, a form er Albany college student, lef f for home after a visit at Brownsville. Rev. J. J. Evans returned from Leb anon. H. A. Hinshaw. the treignt man 01 the S. P., returned trom a ts-ownsviue trip. ' 1 , R. F. Shier, of tne uiacK tagie mines returned to the mines accompanied by Tamvof W s. Rialev Mr. i. W. Lianaon. oi uremmiu. whd and two nieces, left for home, after a visit with their friends at the home of A. K. Curtis. i Mrs. J. T. Wentworth left for Salem on a visit. Mrs. Guy Thompson went to lanrl nn n viaif. with her Slater. n l Pmf T, A. Wilsv. of the Portland schools, and wife, i-eturned home after a Christmas visitat Lebanon. Morns Winter went up to Mill City with his samples. Miss Mary Bryant left for on a visit. Some Changes. When the new Elks building is occu pied at the corner of First and Lyon there will be several changes in that section. D. O. Woodwjrth will take the room occupied by Chambers & Mc- Cune for his pamt ana paper apart ment, enlarging his stock; the Willam-1 ette Valley Co will move its head office into the room to be vacated by Eagles cigar store, which will be in the new building, everyining mere ueiug occu pied. Who will go into the present office of the Willamette Valley Co. Purses Identitied. The purses found in the shed of Ben Rozelle, mentioned in the Democrat last evening, were identified last evening as belonging to Miss Preston, who has been visiting at the home of J. M. Ral ston. They were taken from the hall of the residence of J. M. Ralston, on t! e 18th. One purse contained $3 or $4, which was what the thief was after, for he did not Beom to want the purses. For your candieb and Frank's near tho depot. fruits call at Burkhart Photographer. For 5 Weeks; 30 Business Month of January Clearance Sale Will The business year of 1908 behind us. It has been a successful year, too, as hundreds of satisfied customers testify. We propose to begin the Spring season 1909, with a ; brand newf stock, nifty, clean, and good, the best we can buy. Therefore, we are off ering the Suits and Overcoats, now in stockat sacrificing prices. Not asking or seeking profits, but naming , prices that will cause them to change ownership. Ve must have the room for the clothing now being made to our special order for the needs of this particular community. This is not "junk," shipped in for the purpose of mak ing a sale, but our regular stock, purchased this year. Made up by such houses as MartSchaffner and Marx, Kuppen heimer, Alder, StrumMayer, Peck, MichaelSterm and others. The best weIlknown makers of Mens clothing in America. Do you need clothing, or anything a man wears, and desire, .o make money on the purchase? we are here to serve you. THE Alt any, BLAJN Near Beet Ordinance Passed, with Emergency Clause. Adjourned session Tuesday evening. i Dec. 29. I Present: Mayor, Recorder, Chief of i Police and Councilman Tomlinson, Mil I ler, Dawson and Hand. Petition of W. A. Sharp and others for a sewar was granted. .' 1 The ordinance providing for a right I of wav across Jackson street, near the block 61, wosVirdered connected with the sewer, A new ordinance prohibiting the sale na ft or erivine awuy of pear beer, spirituous wines or malt liquors not intoxicating, was read tht-ee times and passed un- animosly. Tne penalty is $50 to $100 or 25 to 50 daya imprisonment. Each sale constitutes U separate offense. Mr. Miller in voting stated that he was in- formed by trie officers that such an ordinance is necessary for the better enforcement of the liquor nuisance ordinance, hence hiB vote. ! A proposition was submitted by R. U Burkhart for a park, offering the "firs'' lake" property, consisting of 10 to 15 acres, to the city upon its expending $1500 a year for five years, when the city will be granted a perpetual interest " continued expenditure per annum of ill uie Ull ill uie uiuiieiky uuiiiuiKvui uuuu luo the above amount, otherwise to revert ' to the original owner. The committee recommended the acceptance of this. Other property adjoining may also be secured. It was also reported 11 acres d fion of the Hackleman property offered for rortianu ?4000 Continued under present com- , . mittee. The ordinance permitting Barrett Bros, to erect a corrugated iron build ing adjoining their warehouse and store, passed at the last session of the coun cil, was reconsidered, amended so as to provide for the removal of the buildings at the end of two years, and passed. Special on Ra;sins, Large cluster Raisins, per lb lflc 20 lb. box of same, only $1.60 uirec( irum growers in iuuiuruiu. OWEN BEAM CO, Phone Main 51. At the Vienna Bakery. Best hot tamalesin town. Hot coffee and lunches, a'choice af fair. Happyland hag Dolls at Meisers', WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. Everything for Men CLOTHING , - - In the trial of the validityof the will of V. H. Caldwell today Geo. W. Cald. well was on thi stand most of the day. Probate: Final hearings set: D. W. Myers and I, D. Driver, Feb. 1. Deeds Recorded: Maggie Wygand to Geo. Gansle 127.91 acres $ 10 J. A. Vanness trustee to J as. S. Cooper 125 acres between Al bany and Coryallis 1 Linn County to Eber H. Rhodes lot 4 bl 23 Albany 1 Mrs. C. M. Monteith to E. H. Rhodes same 1 A. E. Zeising to G, T. & M. E. Collins 45.95 acres 2609 Mortgage for $1025. FOR SALE. A fresh milk cow. rich milk. Address A. O. Watrous, 939 E. First street, i j i : 30c ' hi. Toys I Dolls! Doll Carriages ! Prices Just Right - i -AT- Charles Knecht's It Joke is no That the ELITE has the Largest and most complete stock of Fine Candy boxes and Candies in ALBANY Don't Forget. Days, All the Our Continue COMPANY - Oregon