Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 01, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Popular Election Idea
Editor Democrat: .-
Attached are the, compliments- of
Harvey Scott in the "Oregon Bible" of
uec. lytn muo, uuiionai page; , j
Bro. Nutting, an Albany editor, and
Governor Chamberlain have Just..aj
rurneu jroin .aau.rii rips. ; otrange w
gay they saw, on their travels, none 'of
those "nonpaUisans"'that constitute
the majority of the pa ti iota of Oregon'.
.It must have been a revelation to them
that folks elsewhere are not so easily
fooled, i
Tho following may be a suitable re
tort to this leading resident in ha. nest
of exconvicta, we call Portland.!,,,. '
ik iu iroin me iiauonai 4Tluune,
Washington, D. C, of Dec8d,.l908. P
1, Col. 7, bottom. (Politics. IUpubli
can). - ,w
"When the extra session of Congress
convenes next Spring a class of 81 Sen
ators, entering upon six-year terms will
be escortod to the presideng -fofficer
desk to take the oath. All except nine
of these 31 will ove their designation
and election to some form of primary
law approaching a popular choice. The
figures illustrate tho rapid advance of
the popular election idea."
A Live Cuininet
The Editor of the Brownsville Times
speaks out in a manner to bo under
-stood, and to the point, making' readn-
bio matter for Albanv doobIo: 1'4
"The fellow who danceB must pay
the fiddler" end the fellow who at
tempts or succeeds in sellig hooze in a
dry town will get all that's coming to
him sooner or later. It is only a mat
ter of Mmo until he will get in the
meshes of the law, and, although he
may make a few dollars at the illegal
gamo, before the better element gets
through with him he will come to the
conc'usion that his path is not strewn
with roses. The Times has in mind
certain fellows in Brownsville who will
bear watching, and we want to say to
them that you can fool the people a
part of the time, but don't think for
minute that your little game is not
known and will be dotected in due
course of human events may be when
tho grand jury meets. By tho drinking
among young boys, one of whom was
up bofore Recorder Anderson last week
and was fined, and the further fact
that a certain place in tho third ward
was broken into recently and ' a kog i
noarly full of whiskey taken, it is not
tho truth to say that Brownsville is
entirely dry.
""" Cottage'tirovo people are planning to
have a new county with Cottage Grove
as tho county Beat, which suggests tho
reason for the change. Lane is a long
county. If there shall bo any division
the proper thing will be to divide the
county from north to Bouth. Most of
these county divisions are -for the pur
pose of socuring tho advantages offered
a county soat. i W hen that is the only
roason they should always be opposeil.
Thnt in nnt what, countv seats are for.
and there should be higher ni&tfves
than this. The Democrat knowa noth
ing about this proposition, but is sim
ply speakingon genorul principles In
oDDoaition U granting now counties
every time some section gets 'disgrun
tled and want!a torbe th ntetropoliik of
a new county, with tho many attendant
advantages. The legislature should
always go to the bottom of those new
county btusand not be governed by
UiAlr-anratfthino- mnthada.' ''.'' Wv 9
J.. ? s-ijri
Good and Bad Men ,
Are thero any honest men, men who
'-'tod absolutely.' " When one
' 'I side of life it
' not
; The Whiskey Jui.
J jhn Black of Sumas, vVaoh., was
given $2 for a Christmas present, which
lie spent on whiskey, got drunk, and
was burned to death in his house. A
very good sample of what the stuff will
do if it has a chance, and it gets it
right along. More people are burned
out on the inside than are burned to
death on the outside; for it is a scien-
tilic fact that-it burns ones stomach
out when used to any extent, and it
doesn't take so very long either. But
the peisonal damage it does is a small
part of it. It injures, as a rule, every
body, who comes in contact with it,
. ur.. I f .1 1,;
ted, the mothers, creditors, in fact the
whole of society and business are affec
ted directly and indirectly. Jhe evil
inllucncs of the whiskey .jug is wide
and' persistent, and there Is not a thing
ih its fqvor. v '.A
All over the country the inclination
of the day is to make it. an outlaw.
Claus Spreckles, the sugar king
just died leaving a colossal fortune
hjnd him. The only part of it
took' with him wss what he spent
the benefit of his fellow-men. . In short
a nitin takes only xhat he gives away,
. There is a great dual of rot about
this microbe business, which is being
used over the country in the interest of
graft. '
A Christmas tree on the evening of
the 24th at the U. P. church. A well
filled tree, many nrcsenls for old and
youne and a full house. We were the
recipients of n suck of candy and nuts.
Mr. D. A. Wade of Sweet Home was
hero the fore part of the week.
The funeral of Mr. A. Nanlyke was
well attended. ;
tin the 25th the Smith family and the
Hawk family accepted an invitation to
dine with the Uarey laminei at me
home of C. A. Carey. Stories of the
past were indulged in.
Mrs. Sarah CamDbell of Portland is
visiting with her brotner wait iviciiree
anu siitor Mrs. Alice ceil.
The U. S. engineers have notified the
Benton countv trravel hauler to taice
no more eravel from near the' old re
vetment works or where there' is dan
ger of the river cutting through-in time
of high water.
An earthquake shock might awaken
the Deoole of Peoria, but a blast that
blew a heavy safe door off its hingesi
ami was heard a half mile was- not
enough to rouse the people.
Little Rose Ban.
The bishop Bros. '
Salens Journal:
A 'en lloton dispatch announces- trie-purchnse-
of the Pendleton Woolen null's
machines by the Bfahop Bros., of Sa
lem, ntii.000, and the probable estab
lishment f the industry there . in the
near futmra.'- The deuOiisnot yet closed,,
nnd in;? .ueslioua of location, powerv
and I hm! capital have not been settled.
The rVridletnn paper says the Bishop
will invest 5,00O and $30,000 of bonds
on the ulant will be sold.
Mr. C. P. Bishop was, seen by a tie
porter this morning and confirmed the
nua nf I ie deaK He said he and his
Sons tried two yars to get a foothold'
at kileni .and offered . Ladd . & Bstsb.
fffi.OOO' for the North Mill Creek watenri
power but could gel no encouragement,
Another Barber Shop.
'Mr1. Ilouis VieVechr, who, firat beeert.
shaving in Albari'' over twenty yew
ago, will again have a shop of his own.
ne nas ieasea tne room now uecupieuj
byJth'.T?Kger 't0 8 tJrm f ' yf?? I
and will leave in a few days for M)r.t-I
land to -secure an up-to-date seL oi
Hvtnrn. for It. mkih,r 'it one of the
nnathht in the valley. , .The situation, is .
a good one, and: VI r. Viereck knows, we
business thoroughly.
Important Meeting.
The arinunl meeting of the Linrncoun
ty Horticultural Society will beheldi in
the court houso tomorrow afternoon at
' o'clock, when the annual election of
:,i he held.
' matter, though,
' matter
The trial in Hie contest of the will of
the late V H. Caldwell, involving an
estate valued at about $75,000, was be
gun this afternoon, Caldwell & Reeder,
of Portland and G. S. Hill, of Albany,
appearing for the executor, Geo. Cald-
weu, anu weameriora 6c wyatc lor
the heirs. It will last Bevoral days, be
fore Judcre Duncan.
Superintendent Jacksonis home from
Portland, where he attended the super
intendent's legislative committee, which
favored tne lalitornn law, providing
tor szou Tor eacn room and be tier aw-
dent on daily attendance, in the ap
Dortionment ot lunus. Also tor t
grided high school law, providing for
$40 per capita for schoolq with less than
ten high school students. $30 ten Vo
thirty and S20 over that.
Inventory filed in the estate of J. F,
Nixon.- Real property $330, personal
Suit for divorce: Jas. Traveraet. La
vina Trayer. Marriage 1890 in Indiana.
Charges cruel and inhuman treatment,
false charges.- Desertion since lSUa
Marriage license: -Wm. I. Bradley,
Des Lois, N. Dak., aged 29, and Hattie
L. Sommers, Sweet Hime, age 24.
Deeds recorded:
Danniol Donohue to J. M. Meik-
liiohn 3i4 acres
$ 18001 1
Susan M.' Goodman to Clyde
Thomas 120 acres
O. M. . Thompson to Hadley Bow
ser 10 acres; . . .
'Sarah E. Prrnnm to Francis' M.
' Johnson 160 acres..
t v ; . ' , .
Will of Wm, Marks filed., All
erty left to widow during life.
equally to t-e eight children or
nciro. YBiue uxiiruiiLjr..iiu
personal $-i500. Mrs. Rachel Marks
Id estate of Ti, W.
for final, hearing; '
Myers Feb. I set
Deeds recorded,! .
L. A. Bruckmaq to .T. W. Sellers
and wife 1 lot bl.Hrs 2nd ad,
to correct error $
Ed Holloway to W,, Tripp. lot
Al. A. Miller and J; C. Mayer to
Angle J. Gilbert lot l.Horoe ad
Lebanon .'......
Mortgages for $3000" and- $1300. ;
A ltnrur nl ThininrlThatl0hili
-. . 1
365tli day of the yeaand aiwAbcr one
cumins;. ,r .i-: :i .
Better practice on 9. . It
di this week.
Tlu'tik of leaving a lcSrof money; to be
quarrelled wver.' .. j .
Ajiy contest loses its-merit when nn
fsnnesa. enteis into it.
Uhero aro different kinds of stealing.
Wionine a one unfairly ia one kind.
Italy hoe certainly been.wcUlshooi; up.
California, earthquakes, are tame affairs.
. Lawyer Lord was lbng-winded and
unceaaooable. The jury nuisthave been
tined. i i n-
.IjIM.i' ' 'ii,.
High sehool baakfc ball will be a fail-
until a system fa, arraaiged for se-
curing an impartial referee.
Corvallis propertyis assessed at only
mnnft . . f. . . .
i" .
bany- The Timesthinks there is some-
WjK he matter
n-frj Wants' a. condenser.
0MJ1 , nM,U, .i.J... , ;
Eugene is tbmkinbout'htondensef
milk plant, a rules an inducement tll
Guard sayn. While. in Chehaus, Waahw.
the other day the' writer was shown,
tnrougn a cuut-uia mux lacuiry, wihsb
an average ef HKl persona are e npk.jied.
in the manufaclure of "Curiia'-iou
Cream." 'Ine fac'ory payre'.l, how
ever, isn small iicm ctin.iiaic.l witlktha
- her bene'its derived Iron. the indu'iti-y.
na'd to the farmers of Lew-
car Si'jt'.UiW fir milk.
hred ui at. th
loir own wagons. Ail
ners aro highly yrospor
inilustiy is only iu its in
!t.,rv exot ctinc t. tloubh
inilustiy is only iu its in- ;-Cl,ttuge Grtlvt" Lend.-::-Bert West
itory expecting t,i aouble - Wv, known uael)llrB hotel
htn a couple of years more.
The Hotels.
Leonard, Brownsville,
hayer, Kingston.
Hoover, the saw mill
Jooper, the Independence bank
Albany h-p man.
irtram, Mill Lity.
Zoe'lner an-1 wife, Mehama.
E. F. Edmistoii, Carlton.
. Prazior, the Portland horse
3. Hoadman. U'sebutg.
M. Jensen. Watertown, S. Dak.
D Gnbrielsoii. isalem.
.M. Gnwer, EtigcnL1.
. M. Fanning, Shori.lan.
. C. Schilling, Heppner.
. A. Malbcauf, an able represents
i of tho S. P.
an tut ltinl1 HaiC Almrs BOOjtt
Ita Kind You Bars Almrs I
Portland, Dec. 30. The Finch jury
brought in verdict of guilty of murder
in Hie lirst legree.
Portland. Dec 28. -The greatest hol
iday trade ever enjoyed . by Portland'
and the other towns of Oregon closed
on the evening of December 24th.
19J9 will be tho travoi year for the
Pacific Northwest. The mosi advan
tageous rates aro in this direction. All
of the great railroads of the country are
Koinit to oenu uieir eirori tow ra pre- I
sentmg the resources of mis portion of I
me united estates, enrougnout tlieiiist,
Canada and Europe.
The Pacific Monthly-has organised a
Progress Department;, to begin with
tne January number
county will hoid a bier f roxrressivo con
vention under the auapicea of the Gil
liam county improvement association.
Don't forget that it "id- the doty of
every reauer of this paper to write to
s me friend at a distance and tell him
ol tne advantages ot Oregon both as to
climate and production, .
President Jacob Gould Schurmnn, of
Cornell university, unaenairman ot tne
2800 :fii"st Philippine Commissioni one of
America's noted oducaV'i'ri, is malting a
10'i tuur of the country,- liuiue1' bntertained
I byrhe commercial and educational or-
gamzationa. He was a guest of the
I Portland ceatinereal club at luncheon
Siiturday, vviis given a dinner at the
University elab Saturday evening.
31eP ?,T!"ii!iC,Ufb'' &tt-
dedicate their new club mom nntTnm.
aay, dan. tztn. xnere will be repre-
, aentatives present from various, sec-
tions of the state..
Albany and fi!verioR. P,ahK. Ict-
e;'cs Work Mai's the Garm:,
A.good sizd auditvice last night saw
wo games o basl;et ball, one between
(he Is of Albany high school andiSil.
verton high-scluiol, the other between.
thA,lbmfy won, t!ie girls' game 9 to- 6,'
after ttie first luilf ha 1 ended a tie 4, to
4. Tnereteree,asuveiro!iman, tnoiii;n.
; partiah aid tossn wovit. . raws Anioe;
Mari manai'oV.ici star, pmyj l or Albany,,
wiOl n ;;-,ir,L I iv. Misses Bending, Bain,
Mp.M.. nn.l ni..i,i,tilil 'i-no .ilvi-tnn.
team. otm:d -tod , o Misses HcGmnis,.
.adfoid, (i:, Hibbardand JerUoai.
with Miiis Ltatvcsy as tub.
In the-bavR ttanie'Alliuii.v clearlv.out
.. playct. their o, ouents.- but the gaitie
as niverttho iilvert-in todm by; tii
itil&WiU-U. lo referee, a fell,w
itvu i. m. .. ..... . ..
.... I-1; ....... ....11,4 1U fn.. o nn A hnif
NCX ONJi! on. Silvottun, a fa.t which.,
: oii-aitB fi,r i.-reir. tliu rankest work ewer
I oeen.ih AlBimSisfIro)? the game... The
Democrat aiTesrt'uotioe, tbatrthjongh. wie ganieritfwm-ignurw- uucuusb
I ball entirely;. unltres-an-Bpgemeots,., can.
' b niiultf f0L' h0Ee6t'and"inH)artiaU.,rjf-
crecs, wlio practically.runohe.. game.
A g,obd game it is ruined., by., onesided.
' Ofikihlff.' ' ' ' .i ..
' T.lifi AJIiuh.v hovs all did irood-..wocK.
particularly OcoTty and tha-
neJUi " AS- dCTicer ine muter was. lauariy
outuluycd'bv tde-Silvevtoa man. Stair
nake's aaofandiguve forward, and
BigiiMNMid. ibi-Eooaldidid good work at
guard, . but wete tricked several tiraau.
Boooks.. Walcoit, Uiisoo, Steelhararaer.
' Raynolds.Dd Wnij-5 with Smith aa,sui
composea. tne buvertoa team., t
Willard L. Marks officiated as- urn-
pwe,. calling, two double touls anOitnree
atngles oa tM 'verton men, of. course
ftotnavang 14W cnancp on iiuau u
'tf)fff fcjStnt pffitkoinj'. -t
Home and
I.,!,..-.- I
-m : r -" f
AshWl has sold $77,500 of city light
bonds at 4)4 per ceiltj.s lti& tidings
says ti.a bond ouyors .madt! S40OO on
the deal.
There'ar0'4iy malej-'and 2feniates in
the insane asylum from Lino-county out
of liifcn is sevtiith. in. the state,
a Ue wiiii Vasc,i.
Tne o..e sided roforeo fwra Silverton,
took out a V ok to prove point fnm
tha rules, when after lnukimi through
voral pages it was discovered that he
had a t..ot null ruie uouk. somewnat
anpirestivo. . j. ..'. I,.'.-
keeper, was looking after business mat
ters in this city Moiuiiy. lie is one ot
the best hotel managers in the state.
I The supre ne court bus decide,! that
! the state cainijt collect the $100,000
fees collected by Secretary Duntiar.
The supreme court has certainly a
peculiar view of the cuse. What's the
use of having laws anyway.
Corvallis Times: Corvallis people
have received invitations to a New
Year's ball given by the Alco Club at
A'bany. Mrs. Geo E. Chamberlain
other ladies of state prominence, the
swells" of Albany society and Mrs.
Iame3 Withycombe, of this city, aro
named as patronesses. The cost per
cabita is $l.f J.
,SNews, Ro8eburg: The httb 5 year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. t'.
Humphrey took from a shelf at the
family home today noon a bottle of car
Iwlie acid and before her lurents not
iced what she had possession of, the
little one had extracted the cork nnd
applied part of the cmltcoti-of the hot ;
ue to her feee, burning I or severely.
A phjsician wa immediately called and, '
..Ithough her injuries are -xttemely
painful, it is not thought any serious i
r suits wi'l follow.
864th day of the year.
! i
Kiep up the good willjpart.
T" -
Ifew Years resolutions are hatching.
CI arance sales for a few weeks '
Taking annual Invoices for the
uary reckoning.
Albany's stieet car is1 a popular in
stitution. Just as many prize fights as ever
knock out affairs. '
The future of all the Willamette Val-
towna In ln-ln-hf
W Might.
The-forests are beinpf torn down three
times as ias as they are growing.
A newspeciesof flea has iieer. discov
ered, one with six teeth and a high
jumper. Please keep him ouBof Oregon.
Twon' Alhmr-' .Hnrf
1909 anyway -i .tnned fruit and canned
condensed n:-.k ..There., .should
others.',, ,( . , ir ..' " , -, .
llJ. ' Yl -.., ..-.y;
Linn countywas completely knocked
out in thelfirst oand,.in the higirschool
debating ,'leagae.i' ftctwiil be om-deck
apun next yean . ' .. :
. . , ; t -t,,.o, ..." . w'
T;' - tff jrt In ihiich case to- rm-
P-ea''i, the teEfcmony of Misa Tenia
Burkhart, was a. complete failure. A
trumiui young iaay,,sne torn tne train,
and everybody Umw9 it.;, . ., ,
According to a. dispatch Mr. HftOTi
man i3 going to build, a road across the
state of Oregon, or something of th
character. .Of course the C. & E. will
be on the map id ttie bailding. Butwiili
A delegation c? Harrisburg mem.
Mayor Barney May, Editor Morgan, Dt
H. Pierce and Merchant W. L. Wright
went to Eugene Saturday to interview
Hartog the booster,: and make ' Harris-
8 like EuK"e'
The Democrat office appreciates a
copy of the new congressional dire-
tory. sent oy Hon. m. U. Uiltrey. 16
gives everytnirg. big and little, and is
of great value to an? one wishing
iv-JT -i e .u 6
know about any semnee of the govern-
mant- ....... ...
' t
.The complete cleaaiog of Bryant's!
V-aik. across the ffialapooia will un-.
inno. r.mQ nonia .
persist in calling it an. island that it j3,
really a peninsula. Mr. Bryant's farm,.
1. :n . , .1
wujuj i. win uecuine, reacnes to tISB;
farm of Geo,
W. Cline.
Of the Linn County Horticultural
The annual meeting of the Linn coun -
ty horticultural Society was held this
afternoon at , tiie.Durt house, II. Bry
ant in the chair, P. M. Mitchell secre
tary. Upon motion these officers were
unanimously elected for the .coming
year; with tho fotHewing vice presidents:
T. E. Grimes, Ed Ilelloway, Z. T. Tay
lor, John i'utrh. M. C. Jenks, John Mat
noil, D. W. Utnabaagh.
The matter ;of fruits for the cannery
was discussed; and H. J. Moore and
son Homer; .of' the cannery reported the
following WDntedt.i , .. . .,, n,,. ,l. u ; j
Peaches. Uuir, Lovell Tuscan clings j
pears. Bartlett, and lots of them.
Plums. Greengage, Black Uanrson,
not hiany'of theiu. !
Strawbernes. Wilson's,. ' Clark's
Seedlings, -l i
Uaspbernes. Cuthbert, red;; Gregg,
DlaCK. , . .... . i
Cherries. Royal Aiins, Bings," Lami
l.erts, Watsrhouse and Late .'ilokes. '
",'iA few.caab apples, quinces and blacki
The msiter of an inspector was dis
cusse.1, a universal expression in
favor of the appointment of one who
will enfwrcothc law strictly, against dis
eased ftait in the market.
Notice of Annual Meeting.
Nttice is hereby eivea that the regu
lar annual meeting ,.f tlic Oregon Fire
Relief Association will be held in
liurn'e Hall at McMinnvillc. Oregon,
Jan. 12th, 1909. at l'J o'clock a. m., for
the purpose of electing three directors
and the transaction of any other bus:
noss that may reenlarly come Lefore it,
W. C. LAOE'lTV, !
Cccrutary. 1
Oysters at the Metropolitan.
The oyster searon has opened, and
iron now on the Metrowo'i"m Market
DroudaMiiu street, will have the best to
oo oeourco. tne lat article, good meas
ure. J u Jt from the beds. ;
A'iO aM the fish delicacip? of the sea
son. Call when you want the best,
neit aal clean. ' j
Library Lamps
Library Lamps
' Library Lamps
Ralston filectric Supply Co..
Ate the Reports of the Big Earth
j quake'sDamage.
RoKF, Dec. 30 lleager reports show'
that the immensity of tho earthquake
calamity ean hardly bo grasped. The
dead will range from one hundred to
one hun-IrU'l and fifty thousand, while
some estiiftotoK place it U3 high as two
hundred tliousand. At lonst thirty-five
towns and v.l,a0es are destroyed:
Sevres of towns are not lioard from.
Aid is being rurhed from all places as
rapidly as jx-pnible. Thousands of
wounded are pinned under Jiuildings,
and many are humeri, others sever will
be rescued. Relief is being raised in
forge sums'over the entire world.
Rome Dec. 28 Southern Italy suf
fered much damage by a teirific earth
quaue today. Sicily has suffered the'
most of manv towns reported badly
shaken . Buildings were demolished and
scores were dead or injured. Troops
have been se it to their aid.
' Pomslahd, Dec. 28. Munfenr"
Finch's case will probably reach the
jury late today. The State finished the
rebuttal! argument this morning, and
! padly named the defendants story.
I f Rome. Dee. 9. The latest reports,
though meagr-r, show awful conditions-
in bicilyond Calabria, where the earth
quake has- destroyed .many towns and
villages. Fire and tidal wave, added too
jthe horror.
It i e.-slimal- d not less than seventy
five thou3(inJ are dead, and thousands
injured. The death list may run higtv-
At Mesw'na it is belicTed fifty thous
and were killed. v hole villages have'
Mount Aetna is again in eruption
sending forth great columns of smoke.
Soldiers have hurried to .the , scene to
render aid. '' '
Portlanui. Dec. 29. -The case of J
A. Finch, is in progress, the day being
spent in argument and the charge to
the jury. It will he late- this afternoon
before it goe the jury-
oth ) bis Kind Vou 1ae Always t
Notice is hereby given ' bat the under-
; iluoed adminls'imirix i.f the estate ol
vrt,i, , h ; ","
i suaut to hu ordej of Bale duly made nd
"""" r" .-. k.
entered oy tne uounty tlioort ox Lino
County. Or on, in tbemat'erof the
e!'"'e of ,"a"i '!?'?. " th.B 9lh d"7
! Oecember, 1908; sen . at private sale.
lor oasn in naaawrom and. ai er. tne lt
dvol February. 1909. the following de
! vnr.hAfl real nrn.r.v halnan.nn tn ai,l
scribed real property belonging to eaid
eaia, to wit :
Beginniog a. tbj Sonto. West corner
of tbe Dooatlon Land OIii ol Geo. H.
Hughei and wife e.maiwmi Ni . So.
1781 and Claim iSj. 73 in Towuthio 11
8outh of Range 4l West Q the Willaa- -ette
Meridian. Oreffon. and running-
! thence Enet 80.00 chains to the Soutn
East corner o( 8at 0 aim, thence North
25.00 "hainn. the West SWJOO chains to.
West b-uidtrv line ol said Claln,,.
theDO Soutti 2&00chiii" io tDo place
ol buinning, containing 300 acre, more
or less, in Linn Countv. Creano.
Hum sale to be made suo)-ct to con-
1 flrao by a.idOonnty Court
HEWITT & BOX. Admtrtiitiauix.
Attorneys lor Aduiiaistratrix.
Notice ia hereby eiven that the nnder
sUaed txma'or ol tbe last win awY
testammn ol Jftn Wheeler, deceaeeft,
wi i. paronant to bu order of pa'e daly
inttin and mereri by the Oonnty Court
uf Lior Oonmy, Orngno, ia the matter
of thA estate of f aid dpcesad. on tbe
29jb dav ul Decvmber, 1908, eU, an
private pal, for ufh in hand, from and
after the 1ft day nf February, 1909 tbe
following Heticriiwd ral property de
bfioDK'nt; to e6idtrttate, to-wit:t
All of L a four t4) in Block 1i;tteea
H8) in he city ot Albany, in Lion
C'Hitttv, Chfpjfon, aa the eame appear
uptitrtl'H recorded plat of aid city on
fi n and ot rncord lu tbn office nf the
Ountv Keeiderof eaid Lino bounty.
Slid salt to be made subject to con
fir.-utttiou by B'd Cointy Oourt..
HEWITT & SOX, Executor.
Atiorueye for Executor.
NotSceis hereby given tha. thenadar
tifined ezecatrix ol tne last will and tea
tamsot of I. D. Driver, deceased, r.a
Sled io the County Conn of L no Cuun
ty, Oregon, bar Boil acouut as such
executrix, snd thai Slid C'lQrt has ap
uoinled MoaJay, the let 1t.y o' Fehra
ary, 19.9 at tbe honr ol i ) o'el cS in
the afimnnun, a me lim.4 f-ir me i.rai
ina n-.i'tiotra to Pi a mc nun , hii i
tbe tet'lstnent ther-of. '
HEWITT & SOX Exe.Mii,u.
Ai.'orm.y to: Executrix.
Notice is herehv giv.i ihat -ho imdr.
liBoeci adminittraior of 1 1 fa s h 0I T.
W.ilyers, deceaied. h ftl-d bi Hn4i
accoarl in said es ta be 0 juniy
Clerk of Linn O.anty, Orenon, i IDa
County Jnde hai nt iba -i ,,v . I
rebrnsryj. 1900. at tne ,i O i
o'clock p.. ro. at tha c maty to in roo.u
of said county aa th lime .- i ,, nM jr
herin objections .i d & .' cmi'.
and thsietilemsot ih-r-.n.
.' H.h. MYEK'J,
L. L. SV7AN,' Admin.-. ri'or
Attorney for Adanmelr'. ; .