DEI. M. 11. ULLlS, Physician and Surgeon Albany, Oregon Call9 made in city and country. Main 38. Phone ADMIHIsTRATOR'S NOTICE N-.ti e is hereby iiiven that tin- under siuneu adminiairator uf tbn estate 'l Ltviut 8. Cbilds. decence', will par bumii 'O ttis oruer '! th Oouut Court o( Lino County, Oreon, mant led eu'erod io tbe matter of the estate of esid ileceaesd in tbe 2nd dy of November, 1908, eell ut pmte pale, lot cash io band,lrom md alter the 28tb aay of Deceube', 191)8; all the foilovmr deaciibed real property belonging to aid eetate, io-it : Lot8,4,5 6. 13. J4. 16 '16. 17 an I, 18 in Block 7 in diil'a adoui nto tbe town of Bodaville, in Linn County, Ore gon, a the saae appear upon tbe maps and Plata of "aid addition now on fila and of record in tbe office of tbe Coaoty Recorder of said county. Lota numbered 5. 6, 7 fcnd 8 in Block S in Hill's Addition to 'he town ol Bodavlile, in Linn Cou tv, Oreiioo, ae tbe earns apuear up m the rwnrleit pl-t ol BtJ addition in the office of tbe County Recorder of said county. Slid sale to made subject to confirm alio by said Ootiritv Court . UEO. i. CBILD3, ii HEWITT & SOX, Admiattrator. Attorneys for Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is herby given tb' tbe under Biftned was by order ol the County Court oi tbe Stare of Oreuoo l.iuu Duuutv. duiy appointed execatir the last will anJ te turnout of Mary J. Auoepauirh. deoeis d. all persoon iiar.Qj ulairati agaiont the estate ol deceased arx hereby re juired t p tmetic tba same, with tbe prop3r voucdeia, to the nnJr Bignea, athisoffl e, i t thB Firet Ni tional Bank Buiiiing, in the City of Albany, in Linn County, Oregon, with in six m nths from the date ot thii notke. Dated tbla 25:h day ot Decemeber, 1908. ' ' ' H. H. HEWITT, Exeoutor. HEWlrT&SOX, A' tow eye for Executor. i: notic e of final settlemen r N itke ip hereby given tbat Geo. W. W right, the executor of tbe Im-iwiU ani testament of Grorge Knox, uectmeed, has tiled bis final account as men ex ecutor with tbe Oouuty Clerk o! Linn County, Oregon; and that Hon. J. N. Duncan, Oouuty Judge of caid county, has fixed Monday, Jan. 18, 1909, at 1 o'clock p. ai. as tbe time, and tbe Couuty Court Room as tbe place for hearing said final account, and all ob jertioas il ahr thera be, to Bald accout t and to tbe settlement of alrl a'ute. Dated this December 16. 1908. . GEO. W. WRIGHT, Ex-cutor. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NotntH is .'leteiy pjivan rtm' ,t,B un deivtEC'i d has heretofore by rmtVr of the Conury Oourt of Linn Oouuty, Ore gon, botn duly Bppoimerl administra trix of the eaiate of John F. 8ut -tl. deceased, ill per son a Witviog cUlms against he eet-t'e of eaid deceased are fcdreny n tifiV d to preset t the' ame.with the proper vmq. he e within six month b from tbe ate of this noticn. to the no derBiuned a th office of Hewitt & Sox. Id Albanv. in Linn liounty, Oregon, Dated 0 . 3J, 190. D. M. sUKRELL, HEWITT & SOX, Admin Htmt x. Attornt-v tor Admioiair ix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Noiice ia r e ery given that thu rnderewipd have beu du-v aiit-o'nted joinr Hdnii'ii'traiora ol tit es a e nt Anna Bi.mwcn-. deceaced, by th Hon. J. N. Miiiican, C nitit.v Judue 01 Li ..i Couutv. Mate ol 0'on. All pr Bons arn ite.-etiv no'inl t" iiernt Ihetr i lit.iis agatni init'ep'a' "' mil dt03aed. i; any there be. to .'i uuder 8iined adm ni-'raiora at their residence near Crabtree, Oreiion, or to their at torney Geo. W. Wrigh", at bis law cilice in Albanv, Oregon, .. itbin six months from tbe date heieof duly ver ified as required bv law. Di-d 'hi Nov. 28, 1908. RUDOLPH R. BOR'VICKS, R BOROVIOKi, Adoiinistatnre. GEO. W. WRIGHT, , Attorney lor Administrator. N'JTlC: OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby giveu tba tho "nder BiiEiied t-xccuior ol tbe lest will and teBtau.ent and eeiate of Miles K. LewiB. deceased, ban this day fiied bis final ac count as ich execrror i h the Cnont) Cleiko L'r.n O mnty Own. and ibe Conntv ' Court .uf; rani Linu Coun ty, Oreuoii. ' iii'"a6p'rln,bd indav, tbe4tndat rf Jariuarry A, JJMl.19'9. ai the Lour . i ib Vlnc'tt ,i - rh-ieof, as the 'in.e for ..earing iff o,'j'noin to sucd B acvunur. and ti.e oet lement th-te I, Dat-il this 28'.b,da of Novemb.-r. A D., 1908. HIRAM M. ?ALV1ER. Executor tl ttie Lit vVill and Tejt BmeDtand Eatate of Miles K. lewis, deceased , PESOY It. KELLY, Attorney lor Exentur. AQMINISTAATRIX NOTICE Notice is heieby given tbat tbe nnder ei 'nr-d was.hv order of theConnty Court oi'itae State of Oregon for Lino Ountj, on tbe 9tb day o1 Noverobei, 1908, iloiv appninted admitiisriatrix ijf tbe eetate ol Sirauder Frnmnn, decelBeoL. All pern oh having claimB anaint the estote of the said deceased are hereby notified i, present tneir bairns with tbe proper vouchers to the ourieitigSed at ber res idence in Albany, LlnnCoaoty;Oregon, within t x months frcm the date ot tbla "ViaT.' l Noemb-MJth. 1908. OPBEUA f ROMAN, ihEWlTTiiSOI. A4mibitrsitix. ttotoeji ior AitolaUtrix. THURSDAY. BUSY AT THE P. O. About the busiest place in Albany recently has been the post office. The clerks have been loaded down. Not only have there been thomands of Christmas packages, but tnuro have been many more letters than usual, and more Christmas postal cards than were ever seen before in Albany; sack af :er aack of mail matter of all kinds piled high, enough to frighten ihe aver age person; but several of the boys have been through numerous campaigns, and the matter "as been cleaned up fast. It has taken many extra trips also for the carriers, and the R. F. D. men have gone out loaded down. But Christmas comes but once a year. News from Albany's Six Early '"" - -' Trains.- - - Another biff metropolitan crowd, many coming in on the Springfield, Cor vallis and Lebanon trains for different points north, taking the local, making a live appearance for half an hour. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Porter, of Cor vallis, returned on the early train from an extensive trip through California and Mexico, being gone two or three months. They report a fine experience through the sunny south, but are glad to be in the Willamette again. Mrs. Porter is a former Albany "girl." a sister of Mr.' Dan Rumbaugh. Mr. John Macneal left for Hoquiam on a visit with his daughter during the holiday season. Hugh Grey went to Portland to spend Christmas with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. .. Pomeroy and Miss Frankie Pomeroy left for Port land to spend Christmas at the home of Mr. Pomeroy'B daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walsh, of the C. & E. left on a trip to Astoria, on a Christmas visit at the home of Mr. Walsh's son, Mr. Fred Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Colpitts left for Gates up the C. & E. Miss Mathews, the milliner, left on an eastern trip and will study millinery at Chicago, New York and other cities. Upon her return she will be employed in Chambers and McCune's, in charge of the millinery department to le es tablished in the new store Dr. Wallace went to Jefferso.i on a morning professional trip. , . Keep a Boosting. In a little note from Portland Chas. Pfeiffer says: "And now push the pav ing movement with vigor. Nothing will help the progress of Albany more than paved streets. Property owners along Second street from Ferry to Lyon street, and also along Lyon street from First street to the depot should work in harmony and push the paving proposi tion. Money thus invested is well spent. Second street will in the near future become an important business street." Some remarks worth considering. An Old Picture. , ,., . . Henry Suesens reports having a picture of the first horse car leaving the Sf. Charles Hotel, nearly twenty years ago. F. M. Westfall was in front hold of the lines and several were help ing boost the then important enterprise. The old street, car, with its horses, one t me its steam motor, played its part well. But are now in the electric age . ' Frdm Albany N.-Y, Mr. Cook, o-derly inthecapitol build at Albany N. Y., but of Webster, Monroe county, near Rochester, arrived last night on a visit with his nephew Mr. Fred W. Cook, of the S. Pi Co. " He is out here on a trip during : the holiday season, but has to he home the first of the year. I'he Democrat man appre ciates a pleasant visit with him and talk about mutual friends. No Democrat tomorrow. ; It is one or the four holidays on which the Demo crat takes a rest. Chester G. Long, of Independence, has been in town today. S. S. Bailey returned last evening from a two weeks trip north. 570 common every day arrests made in Salem during 1908, and 570 hobos given beds. Mrs. T. S. Alexander and children will leave in the morning for Olympia, on a visit at Tom's. Miss Gladys Brow . of Walla Walla, arrived last night on a holiday visit at the home of her uncle. Dr. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Marl:-, went to Lebanon this morninz to attend the funeral of William Marks. President Crooks and family and four or five other college professors will go to Newport Saturday for a week's house party. Mrs. Mary Wood, after a visit Vith her dauzhter in Portland. aVrived last night on a visit with ri4t daughter. Mrs J. C. Hammel. She is from Michigan. Paof. J. B. Horner, of Corvallis, is in the city assisting in the preparations for the Christmas exercises at Masonic temp tomorrow morning at 8:30, for ivhicn a fine program has been pre pared. Lebanon Criterion: J. W. Mitchell has sold his Sodaville store to Mr. Horn ing, of Corvallis, and has resigned as postmaster at Sodaville. A petition is nut asking for the appointment of Ida M. Horning as postmistress, , S. H. McElmurry, of Independence) is here, called to Albany by the illness of his mother. Mr. McElmurry recent ly returned from Spokane,.: where he ittended the big apple fair, leaving there with several inches of snow on tbe ground. No east of the mountains tor him aiier living in this valley. WANT A HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING. The special school meeting for the levying of the annual tax for the sup port of the schools of the city was held at the central building last night with a good attendance for such meetings, about twenty-five. In the absence of the chairman John Foshay, E. W. Langdon presided. J. L. Tomlinson, the clerk, read the recommendations and report of the board, signed bv all the members. Dur ing the year two new rooms were added to the Maple street building and an other one has to be rented. 23 teacheri are now employed, and anotherone will be added. The report showed the following bud get for the coming year: Teachers' salaries $11,892 Wood 600 Janitors 950 Water and lights 250 Interest 900 Insurance 250 Borrowed money 2,000 Total $17,072 Cash on hand $ 500 From county fund 7,700 State fund 1,850 Tuition 250 Total $10,300 Deficit, 26.782.50. To meet this a 2 1-2 mill tax was rec ommended; also a 2 1-2 mill tax for securing a site for a hew high school building, and it was also recommended that arrangements be begun for the bonding of the district for a high school tutlding. This was adopted, a 6 mill tax being ordered, and upon motion the board was au thorized to purchase additional groun'i for a high school, and call a specin I election to vote on bonding the district for a new building, passed with out a dissenting vote. There is a general sentiment in the city in favor of taking this progressive step and giving the city a nigh school building in keeping with its growing needs. Holiday Corning and Going. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Conn, of Salem, went to Summitt this afternoon for a Christmas visit. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Keith came up from Portland for Christmas at the home of their daughter, Mrs. G. T. Hockonsmith. Hon. and Mrs. Jeff Myers, of Port land, went to the Bay for a Christmas visit. i . John Chance came up . from Portland I this noon for a chance at an Albany lurKey. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Montague are at Mrs. Montague's father, Wm. Dunn's. Roy Wood, of the U. of O. has a big stocking ready for tonight. Mr. and Mrs. J. O.. Carter for Eu gene for Christmas at Dave Link's, Mr. Carter's first Eugene visit. Mrs. Snelling left for Polk county, this noon, for a holiday visit with rel atives. J. M. V. Bilveu and wife left for Newberg to spend Christmas. Floyd and wife, will also be there. Mary Walker returned from forest Grove for Christmas at home. Mrs. W. A. McCullough left for Sum mitt for a holiday visit. Miss Lenore Powell of the Portland schools, and sister, Mrs. Ross, went to Brownsville this afternoon for the hol idays. Mrs. George Lewis came up thi noon for a visit with Katherine O'Brien. Wesley Wire, passed through on his way to Eugene foi the family dinner. Mrs. Elva Austin, of Portland, is at her sister's Mrs. A. Austin's. Lhristmas at St Mary's. The services on ChristmaB day will be at 8, 8:30 and 10:30 a. m. The first service taking the place of the former midnight service. A beautiful program of Christmas carols will be sung at the early com munion service and at the late Mass an augmented choir will render Rosewig'a Mass in F. Father Lane will occupy his pulpit and Father Moran will conduct the services at Lebanon. The program follows. Gloria, Rosewig. : s , Credo, Rosewig. Offertory, Pastores. Processional, Adeste Fideles. Recessional, Organ. The public will be welcome at these services. Miss Mathews Accepts Position With Chambers & McCune. Miss Mathews for several years head trimmer for L. E. &. H. J. Hamilton, has accepted a position with Chambers It. McCune and will have charge of their new Millinery Dept. Miss Mathews will visit the Spring Openings in New York and Chicago in the interest of her now pmployers and at the same time purchase a complete Spring stock of millinery for the store. Returned Married. Mr. and Mrs. Claus R. Vehrs, of Leb anon, arrived laBt night from Monee, 111., and left at 9:30 for their home near Lebanon. Mr. Vehrs, a prominent stock buyer, and virs. Bertha Person were married at Monee, on Thanksgiv ing day, and have since been visiting through the middle east. Excellent people, they have the bejt wishes of the many Oregon friends of Mr. Vehrs. ' The sheriff and police of Portland have two "Sets ot train robbers on hand, each claiming to have the right men. The sheriff just oow ig on the inside trcK and probably fas the right men. mm ' . j i 1 CABBGES. For sale, some fine one by E. B. Davidson. GOLDEN " 1 ' WEDDING . and Mrs. G. F. Simpsom Mar ried 50 Years. Yesterday was the fiftieth anniver sary of the marriage of Mr. and IS rs. G. F. Simpson, among Albany's best pioneer citizens. Their children made the event one to be remembered by giv ing them a surprise, and last evening a tine family dinner was had. The happy couple received 1 many valuable presents, expressions, of the love in which they are held by their children. Mr. Simnson wua born in Kentucky and crossed the plains ' in 1850, Mrs. Simpson, then Miss Mary Nanney. in laws. They were married Uec. 82rd, ; 1858. Ten children were born, of whom four are living, G. ,W. Simpson, of I rortiand, Mrs. Ada KODson, oi Albany, Frank E. Simnson. Snokane. and Miss 1 Eva Simpson, of Chicago, all being ' present nut miss uva. MM ;. : : mnmkaH of the Mason and Odd Fellow orders, 1 both ' identified with the M. E. church splendid people, who deserve many more . years of happiness and prosperity. j Ira Phelps to be Telephone Man- ' ager. ' ' - I Criterion: ,' 1 W. H. Burns, of North Lebanon, has traded his 60 acres for 160 in Alberta, Canada. The fruit growers in this part of the county have numerously signed a peti-, tion to the County Court asking thatC. L.; Watters, of North Lebanon, be ap pointed fruit inspector for Linn county. Wm. Bayne, of Colorado, was in Leb anon a few weeks ago looking for a lo cation to atart a bank, has puichased the Vance corner across the street north of Revere Hotel in Albany and will erect a building on it for a banking house. -- ' I Lebanon is to have a new man at the local office of the Pacific States Tele-! phone Co., and to satisfy the patrons the changn cannot come too soon. The service has been most inefficient of late, to a degree that it seems it could not' possibly be worBe and'have any service at ... The new man will be Ira Phelps, a former newspaper man and a .man who understands the service and the needs of the patrons, , ' ...At the Hotels. R. R. Copley and wife, Dathan. R. L. Buchanan, Stevensviile, Mon AVpha Donaca, Lebanon. i. A. Smith, Lebanon. Otto Banson, Salem. 2 Web Campbell, Portland. G. J. Eaton and wife, McMitinville. William Giebeler, Clifton. J. P. Giebeler, Ga es. Or. W. N. Pintlerthe live Stayton mer chant, who runs big ads. -; R. B. Berry, Portland. U. G. Berry, the Peoria merchant recently robbed; also H. L. Wilson, of Peoria. ' Paul Martindale, Portland. D, Robb, Salem.' L B. Genr, Salem. C. C. Geer, Corvallis. W. J. Sewell, Lebanon. Dr. W. H. Booth, Lebanon. Big Log Contract. ' Criterion: "''" W. If. Hobson has completed ar rangements by which he takes over all the t:mher lodging contracts of the Jefferson Mill Co. in the Santiam dis-, trict and on Hamilton Creek. In addi tion to the crew now on Hamilton Creek he will put a large force on the river near Sweet Home. His present contracts call for nearly 5,000,000 feet of logs which represents about $30,000, most of which will: be spent in this .nmmnniiu fnr Inhnr and nrovisions. This is an important event in the in- ourtriai movement, oi ucuauuu. The Condenser. Not having sufficient stock to organ ize the condensed milk factory promo ters adjourned last evening to a future date, and are securing stock subscrip tions to make up the necessary amount. Already '"ver half has been secured. All subscriptions will now be put on the book, the required month's notice will be given as provided by law, withodt wavers, and when the next meeting is held the company will be ready for per manent organization. North Albany The North Albany school this after noon was holding its Christmas exer cises, with a fine program arranged for the occasion, rt pretty tree contained a large number of presents, immensely appreciated by the children of the dis trict. Prof. Patterson, the principal of the school hasba n d li 't; splendid w.irk, and the school is in a flourishing condi tion. 1 , r ''. To Be Married in Portland. Mr. Jesse A. Liggett and Miss Pearl Lamar, daughter of R. M.ILamar, some splendid young people of Halsey, went to Portland this afternoon, and will be married tonight, returning to Halsey tomorrow. Youne people deserving the best blessings of life. Good riddance to Castro, the inter loper. The people have stood him a long time. He is now gettingwhat he deser;es. Mr. Elvin Crutchfield, now a promi nent North laKimu merchant, came home last evening for 'a holiday visit, and is the guest o' W. B. Stevens and family. Chester SttVeneeo, one of his partners, wnu io w w, laniAiDw', . I business with his brother-in-law Chas. I Cieek, will co-re about the first of Jan , uary..-- f ! I T AlfllTsi The only baking powder made from iSi Rnvnl f.rano rom nf Tlo. MM MADE FROM WV Ut greatest healthfulnets and MaWMJ tjfckv usefulness. iif tvwiit3 J CHRISTMAS EVE. Tonight the usual festivities will oc cur under the direction of the , Sabbath Schools of the city, as far as reported about like this: Baptist church: Tree)! a pretty can tata by the primaries and other exer cises. M. E. church: There will be a novel ty, each member taking a potato, as an entrance fee. While receiving the members of the school w.ll also give, taking presents for the Boys and Girls Home ot Portland, and any one else may help. Presbyterian: Beginning at .7.30 sharp. After hard work by the com mittees the church is tastefully decora ted in the spirit of the season. The children and young people will give a program, .Santa Claus, scattering joy and cheei, with a present for everv one, young and old. Every friend of tne cnurcn is cordially invited and urged to be there. Christian church: A couple fine trees, fireplace and pretty-;decorations. A pleasing program will be given by tho cnuaren. Grace Presbyterian church: There will be a tree and an excellent urogram. begirning at 7:30 o'clock, with a wel come to all attending. United Presbyterian: A tree and some neat decorativus. with some ex ercises, with novelties, then the pres ents, pernaps ea anta uiaus, and candy bags for everybody. PERSONAL ANDSOCIAL A. L. Ramsey, nnd wife, of Corvallis, have been spending Christmas with Albany friends. Miss Corbin, of the Oregon Electric Co. Portland,' .is visiting Miss Oroh Harkness for a few days. , , , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaw went up to Mill City. Mr. Shaw returning from Astoria Thursday evening. Mrs. Ernest Gilstrap, ot Eugene, ar rived yesterday on aisit at tho homo of her father, E. A. Johnson. Mr. George Archie Ries, of Portland, is in Albanv for a holiday visit, the guest of Chief of Police Ries. Mr. Bert Stevens arrived home last night from the Culver viiiitary School, where he has been for tour months, and will probably remain here, the best place in the world. 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McClung, of Cot tage Grove have been in the city, called here by the serious illness of Mr. Mc Clung's father, Isaac McClung. Lawyer Geo. W. Caldwell, of Port land, is in the city, preparatory to loooking after the matter d the estate of his lather, next Monday, in the pro bate court. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Love all, of Lb anon, and Mr. Clyde Rciiley and fam ily, of Thomas, spent Christmas at W. A. Cox's where a big turkey graced the family dinner und a tine time was had. While fn Portland the Democrat man met Mr. Harry Hogue, now a commer cial traveler and n bachelor.. His brother Ed. is in Los Angeles, repre senting the Associated Press. The family of W. A. Eastburn yes terday were presented with nine large winesap apples from North Yakima, re ceived by I. N. Hewes, one for each member of the family. lromirtly oUaltn-d, or FEl SCTUPN1" IO YEARS' IXrtmCHCE. Ol 1a- l A THE LOWEST. Send modvl, phuto .r wuteli fof xpflrt March nd free report on piuefiUMIltjr. IMrftUKaKMMT .Ul(f eorxtnetod before (til courts. Ittenta obtained thrtrajrh tin, AOVEKt- TISEOfUld SOLD, free. TMADEMARKE, HN iom ana oofthiqhts qnieciy ouuudm. Oppotrte U. Patent OfTlo, WAIHINQTON, D. O. ntwm-rm 1 1 GRAPES J M ffl No alum or auui mr Absolutely MARRED ' Areharr-Aldrich. On Wednesday evening, Djc. 23 at the home of the brtde near Lebanon, Mr. Ernest M. Arehart, a hi 'if .1. W Arehurt, a successful youn ti .eier, and wiss Pearl Aldrich, a numjer of the fumous hiurh school team, were united in marriage, Rev. Lacey olli dial ing. One of lust vear's Albanv team has also gotten married since the debate, a pointer tor young ladies. tJUSINtiSb. Try r Patrick Gordon Cigar. 5c. l'ieshChiiiiiek fc.ilin::ii from Yaquina B:tynttlv.- MelropWitan, ' If you wont t.i buy or1 rent a type writer, soc U:nvlin:;ii. Ho handles ah makes and Uciji a supplies f'ir any ma chine. Sao hij window oHHomirijtons Glnnn, nil ii?rs unci kinds, for sale at the Albany P'nni.-iff Mill, chcupor than anywhere fix- in Alkmy. Skilfully set if ueitivi"1 Five cans of Blanche baking powder for $2, at Ellis & tions, from now until Jan. 1st. Missall & Knapp's "Main Street Gro cery" is a good place to get yourXmas nuts and candies. Bnth Phones No. 64 INSTANT RELIEF OF . Limbs Below the Kne'Ss Were Raw . Feet Too Swollen, to Get Shoes On Sleep Completely Broken by Intense Itching and Burning Well in Two Days and Says That CUTICURA IS AMONG HIS HOUSEHOLD GODS "God bless the man who first com pounded Cuticura. Some two months ago I had a humor break out on my limbs below my knees. They came to look like raw beefsteak, all red, and no one knows how they itched and burned. They were so swollen that I had to split my drawers open to got them oa and could not get my shoes on for a week or more. I used five or six dif ferent remedies and got no help, only when applying them the burning waa worseand tho itching less. One morning I remembered that I had a bit of Cuti cura and tried it. From the moment It touched me the Itching was gone and I have not felt a bit of it since. The swelling wentdown and in two days I had mv flhoes on and was about as umiak I only wish I had used the Cuticura Jtemedies n tho Hrst or my troubles, a Thoy would have saved mo two, throe weeks of intense suffering. DuF J ITCHING HUMOR n time, but was un annlvinins'fltrVhfl 2 a' ! a O " .1! ' T fuJ ' Tr ' ' "f-A.fl fcf "1 K 1C E " ft f. 5T ruiiiBUHW an i nuu. noiiwi rrrnT wit-. tesp 9 Cuticura Hornedies will be vnoijg r$y " 5 fl 3 B. Farley, 50 South State &.3$DriL Sj N. H., May 14, 1907." Eczemas andflTrrlifeCtfr&ar sS-S S la Worth Ito i Vrf - f I I4h Mnrnnfo hnvn lti1rtjQ fGo a Otlnntii countless homes aSpnoideA' terlh and scalp. Infanffle a hu gcalled head, 'chaflngs, and "Tgr'Bpor hair, are sflej ynu eamomicajiy w ulr3h T'rfil nrl TnlfrMl, SlS'wSlfflSf Vat S. ? oi5ini. loiton! &S4'& assssiaB?;. .sis .4 H o a 4 .' ft 4 " S R . O rl H S5 TlZo 5 ap - ' im. I mT 0 W t - sSi-ftSS V S SIS ir p r - a 5 a o s3 - a " 2 2 3 n. n 9 a 3 fr J " H'HiC SRSliSS'S' . tt T p tfl Q.& a a - s c w s