Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 01, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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h. s. won:
A fast and very intereoting game o f
basket ball was played at the Alco gym
Saturday evenirg between the high
school boys and the alumni, of the
school, the first half ended with the
"kids" far ahead, but in the second
half the veterans picked up and did
business and the score1 was 16 to 16
when time was called." This was played
off and George Dooley threw a basket
for the high school team. Scure high
Bchool 18, alumni 16.
George Dooley did the star playing
for the high school team, and Eugere
Dooley, now a member of the Columbia
University team for the alumni.
The lineuns were: High school -Stal
naker arid Dooley forwards, Ingstrom
ce ntcr, Bigbee und McDonald forwards.
Alumni RtRlnnker und : Huston for
wards, Dooley center, Beeson and
Horsky guards. Officials W. L. Mark3
referee, Roy Ellis umpire.
Mr. Walter Bowen' a Portland
yer, came up this noon.
Miss Sadie Cohen ha returned from
a Christmas visit in Portland.
Mrs. Geo. W. Caldwell, of Portland,
jomea ner nusuu.iu i.ero ..uu-y.
Mrs. W. C. Gildow and son returned ,
this noon from Silverton. j
J. J. Graham, now a resident of Port-'
land, ha3 been in the city.
Ex-Superintendent of Ihe prriten-
tiary G. S. Downing, is in tee cu;. .
Any girl is eligible to the new order
of Lemons who has oean iuei-.:ad.
Rabbit driyes'ara. the order in: Ci-.oU
county. 352 were killed in Sne 6!f the! -.
Mr. Will C. Farley returned tlj, .
noon from a Portland visit of a weei
or two.
Mr. Frank Jones, with Holt Again,
has returned from Independence, where
he had a visit with friends.
The condition of Isaac McClung, con
tinues seriously and he is not expected
to IjYdmajre.tbani.a few days.
Mr. and Mrs'. Neil Murry, of Portland,
are visiting Albany friends, tl.s guests
of H. K. Lugger and family.1-
ateVefaTtntlerfaife hawing' pretty toood i.
siaeu levies; rt.sui.tiiu, uiy lmns, I
meuiuiu wev:j,Huiiiio,maovuiBi iu W'ftHlBO;, WlttUtne tllCKe Ham-
mills. r. - 46H.t .... i''4wte;di3cJPoraland, ieturned north-;
Mr. VhB MrsfPlaB'ter, efLebannn wnixh u'mmow N -W 1
aftourawigtt .-with their - oouo,-,Ir JtFimthe minr.jwent jKM Sa
Al. Savlorpthig'sfternoon wentitoi Got,-lem;:i j i ,;i V ." I
tage Grove on a visit. W. C. Breckenridgp and daughter ,
Mr. Jesse- Midhaelr with HaytfffoO!
Bras . of Portland, is m the city' ' dn a
visit Avlth" relatives and friends; . He- is
-a former Alpany young man. 1
Miss Hattie Olson, of Portland, re
turned home yesterday after an Albany
visit, while here being.-tha guest ot her . J
mother.-MifirWHlanUViv'S 1
- Mrs. -Gross, of Independence, return
ed home this afternoon after a visit- at
the home of Mrs. P. Cohen.
Labor Comir.issipner :,ig. M. Huff
went to Shedd this afternoon to lecture,
tonight in the U.P. church, in thef'reg-
ular course of the winter.
t,....,. -,, . ,j -u c njl
ivum uison, a 14 year uiu ouu .crunu
Cisco gin, nas jusi written sou woros;
snort hand, in five minutes, all strange
copy, said to be a new record.
W. D. Morris went to Corvallis this
Afternoon, called there by the death of
his brother's wife.'Mrs. Ji J. Morris.
The funeral will take. .pkee, tomorrow.
Mr. Robin Nelson is down from Eu
gene for a holidey visit home. Leader of
the mandolin club ard prominent so
cially he is making good as a student,
Jeffries is wise in deciding not to
fight Johnson. He would be whipped.
He is not the Jeffries of fighting days.
Fat, from a lazy life, he has lost his
fighting activity.
PnnpvilU JnuDitaUEd Parker, fcannh;
er and stockman, of Crook, is flown on
business. Mr. Driver. loBt a valuable
driving horse while over at Sisters this
week.- . MtV..,i- .. ;.,!'
Many. friends wiU,be' sorry, to' learn
that famyffltei!m$
Tabor hospital io,-tloirtUiia..rUictt;
mursday. wnena-sne-rere nereirsne'
seemed to be in the best of health,
Mrs. Harriett Cooley and Mrs. W. W
Bailey, of Brownsville, mother and sis
ter respectively, of Mrs. G. W. Wright
came down today for a visit with Mrs.
Wright and family.
H. M. Thompson, who is working near
White Salmon, Wash., was in the city
on his way back after a holiday visit
with his folks at Boston Mills, a pleas
ing event while there being the mar
riage of his brother.
At the home of David Downing, of
Halsey, a brother of Mr. Downing was
officiating as Santa Claus. when his
. flowing beard caught fire from a candle
on the tree and his face was badly
Medford Mail; O. V.Myers returned
yesterday from a stay ot Borne two
weeks in Linn county. Mr. Myers owns
some land east of Albany, near wnere
there is prospect work being done for
oil. He feels certain it will be found.
He has refused a good figure for his
- According to a long haired prophet
back at Nyack, N. Y.. the world was
to come to an end yesterday, he had it
all down to a certainty. Several fol
' lowers got in long robes ready for the
transition. But it didn'n end, and un
doubtedly will not for a long time.
On account of illness Rev. W. P.
White was unable to preach yesterday.
In the morning the pulpit was well
filled by Rev. Mr. Norton, assisted by
Mrs, Norton, and in the evening 'by
ReV. Mrs. Norton," who gave a delight
ful talk on early missionary experiences
in Dakota assisted by Mr. Norton.
The Oregoman.
Order the New Year's number, at the
Amercan cie;ar store: 5 , cents' openj
6 cents wrapped, 10 cents if Bent Irom
. the Portland office. Payable in'advadco.
r . , , ,
Electric Fixtures '
Elect'ic Fixtures
Electric Fixtures
All Prices
All Prices
All Prices
Ralstoi Electric Supply Co.
Judge J. J. Whitney and Hon. P. R.
Kelley nave returned from Portland,
where they represented the defendant
in the case of Luella C. Parrish agt.
E. E. Parrish, her husband, brought to
recover $100 a month, for maintenance,
tried last week and submitted to the
courf, . .
While there, they themselves become
defendants in a couple of ' somewhat
sensational suite for damages, Mrs.
Parrish, the phintilf in the other case
3uing each ot them tor $10,000 damages
on the charge of iieif;imation of char
acter, on account of certain statements
made by them in Albany.
A suit has been trouijnt by Mrs. f ar
riiih against her husband for' divorce,
the complaint heiny; filed at Portland
Saturday night.
Another chanter in a series of leal
contests, starting with the suit of Mr.
Parrish for divorce, 'tried, resulting in
a verdict for the defendant, followed by
appeal and numerous contentions of
different characters. ''
a'banv's Six EaHv
'ews ?rom K.Dany s ,3ix cany
. 'Trains. '
. ' r
Professors Withycomhp, Bradley and
Shudder, of the O. A. C.,- went to Sub
limity to conduct a farmers' institute.
These institutes have done an immense
sight of good in the development of
better furmmg conditions through the
! valley, being ot inestimable value.
M. V. Bilyeu of Scio, and Jake Bilyeu
of Albany, went to Portland. i
Mr. Archie Ries returned to Portland.
Leland Gilbert, of the Wadhams store,
returned to Portland, accompanied by
his father, -one of the valley's best
j It.' B. Mirier rq'tuvnesj to Scio, after
a visit witb his 'daughte-, - Mrs. Omer
MVIiteiu'll. ii !- f.-.-f
W. W. Pollock left on the 4:18 train
for Eugono. " "
Henry Brodirsweato Portland' on a
dav s trin m - I
Missisue returnea irom a visit aiDtan-
lav Stewart's. Lebanon.
. E. S. Robe returned from Lebanon.
J . B. Cougill and wife returned from
a Lebanon visit with their daughter,
H. U. colton, wire, ana two cniidrn.
of Portjlandi:returned4hpme after a vis- i
it at Mrs. -Georges; ',:(? iii -u
1 Lawyer -W;'S.'Risley-went4:o' Sal'ern
on ar business trip, : - -
Gapt. C. B. Winn and family left for
Portland on a few days visit. - I I
- Misses Anna and Kate Mcore went to
Sklem for a visit with their aunt. '
" CV E. Fox and jdaughter returned
irom a naisey vism
'VI Stolen Property Found.
Yesterday evening in a shed oS his
barn Ben Rozelle, residing at the cor
ner of '.Third street and the canal, found
a'eard';ase-'ittfvs8nie cards of Miss
Ima Redfield, and a pocket book, which
liana Kaon tAanUGart in narh nf ho
several thinga stolen from the residence L
of Recorder P. M. Redfield about a'
1. i 4. aa:
k ,u ;'.i 1 j ,u
(1C1U O IMA bile uwao,
including a small amount of money.
The probability is that the thief slept
i. ,.i.ri f it,. ;hf i
during the remainder of the night in
the shed, in the morning skipping out.
The books were among some trees Mr.
Kozeile is saving to taue witn mm to
his place in Wrightsaddition.
.G.;A. R. Offjcers.:
fiowmHartfWtJiers tf 'McPher-
'oh Pbst'G. Al- R. elected Saturday
afternoon: ( 'r.
Commander Jasner Rolfe.
Senior Vice W. H. Hiott.
Junior Vice L. l. McCauley.
Chaplam-'Cyrus H. Walker.
Ufficer of the Day. W. C. Risley.
Officer of the Guard C. M. West-
Surgeon Martin Gray.
Quarter Master -E. Washourn.
Delegates to Department Encamp-,
ment: Cyrus H. Walker, A. Doore, L.'
D. Vidito: alternates M. Farlev. Thos.
Glaze, W. H. Hiatt.
At the Hotels.
. , '
John H. Hogg. Mill .City.
Harry Dunlap, Detroit.
J. B. Bond, Portland.
W. A. Sherman, jr., Oregon City.
Thos. G Greene, Portland ,
J. R. Horning and wife, Medford. :
Fred Goodfellow, Eugene. . ,
H. W. Garrett, Moulton, Ia, and R.
G. Loftus, Omaha, all this week at the
lugo Brash, Portland.
F. E. Ware, Eugene.
Chas. Mac L. Snow, Portland.
R. W. Scott, Corvallis.
Chas. Mayhey, Eugene.
: The Times: j r.r ", y j
The meeting of "the' Commercial Club
Tuesday night was a lively one. The
most important matter discussed was
that of raising funds with which to ad
vertise this city and community and
th Calapooia Valley. . ; i
Fred Crowley, who has conducted a
junk shop in this city for several months,
has left the city. Crowley is the man
who came herewith the intention of con
ducting a "near beer" joint, but found
the people would not stand for it so
went into the junk business. It is said
he left an empty keg or two.
. Miss Birdie Day, of Electron', is vis
iting Albany friends.
E. E. Parrish returned this noon
from Portland.
Slocum Sailing Alone Around the
Stockton Buccaneers-and Pirates
of Our Coasts. i
Williams The Romance of Modern
Explointion. .
VVhitmarsh '- The World's Rough
Hand. ' : 1 ' "
Meriweather A Tramp Trip.
Dodd Cathedral D.ays. ! . . ;. , ;
Johnson Among English Hedgerows.
Dawson German Lite in' Town and
Johnson Aloni French Byways.
Smith Gondola days. ..-,.
Higgin Spanish Life in Town and
Country. , .,
Hapgood Cussian Rambles.
Palmer Russian Life in Towu and
Country. " ' !
Du Chaillu -The Land of the Mid
night Sun.
Putman A Norwegian Ramble.
Heidenstati: Swedish Life in Town
and Country.
Amicis Holland and Its People.
Hough Dutch
Town and
Boulger Belgian Life in Town and
Story Swiss Life in Town and Coun
try. Allen Across Asia on a Bicycle.
Scidmore China.
Smith-Village Life in China.
Bacon -Japanese Girls and Women.
Knox Japanese Life in Town and
Compton Indian Life in Town and
Two Years in the Jungle,
White -The forest,
Duncan Dr. Glenfell's Parish.
Wallace The Lure oi the Labrador
Smith A White Umbrella in Mexico.
Earle Home Life in Colonial days.
Lummis Some Strange Corners of
Our'Country.. ......
Muir Our Mationai parks.
Anon Three Years in Chili. n -;.
Nicholas- Arqiind the Caribbean and
Across Panama' 1 ''' '; '". vii
McClintock In the Artie Seas.
Nansen Farthest North... ij vj
feary my Arctic, j ournai., -f. . ..
': ): ... Dramatisto. . ,.,'.'' . '"
Fluids Authors and Friend's. ' ' .'. ,f.-
Fields Yesterday.'.s With Authors., '
Historiana and Essayists. .
. McCarthy British Political Portraits.
Warner Classics Novelists.
Philosophers and Scientists.
Plutarch -Lives of Illustrious Men. ,
Sparks Men Who .Made the Nation; i
Statesmen, t ' S 1
Fletcher Gustavus Adolphu's. ;' i. .
Cheney Lpuiaa May rAlcott. r
Wheeler Alexander the Great.
Talbot Samuel Chapman Armstrong
Headlamf-Bismarck. , . , .,. .
Fowler Julius Caesars ,, f 1
Waliszewski Romance of .an . Em-
preSS. ' :i: .ii--'; f. :-t 1 ' '
: Goodricbr-Lifa of Grover Qleveland. I
Custer-r-.Boo s and Saddles.
Lircom A New England Girlhood.
Trent Robert E. Lee. .'j
Nicolay Short Life of Abraham, Lin
coln. ,
Hughes Lavid Livingstone.
Foirnetr-r.Napoleon the First.t .
Hanatord-Life of George Peabody.
Martyn Wendell Phillips.
f h .Mnkinc of ca American.
HobartPrffe,i- Etpa.nuel.weden'
Waddington Up from Slavery.
Robirisim'-HiBtdryof Westerii Europe
Scott Tales of. a . Grandfather.
MFCa.rto.r-Irelandd.per Story,
Green-jA Short History of t ie Eng
liKh Ppnnlrf.' l' ( '' ",J
I Mncnulav Historv of Entrlana.
1 - - ,T" ' , . " - . n .
McCarthy-Story of the People of
1 England in the il9tH Century
I Wheeler Sketches fror
from. English
q vn
11, f.Vir
Henderson Short History. ,bf' Germ-
v,.gi of ot.w--ii.tii'O
HislfoV flf ti& iRlimari'' Em-
.v'lli .(ll . Ob I) :v.:'
SteeiPBrief jfrfstoiybf Rome. V
w auace-f-Kussia. . , t-- ;
Gein jravo Liltle.Hnlland. ' '
TinayenftHlftSlirt olf Gretel ;
Vincent Outline History of Greece. ,
Leroy-Beaulien Awakening of the
East. , . i
Chsnutt Frederick Douglas. !
Evans -A Sailors Log. j
Ford Many-Sided Franklin. 1 ,
Franklin Autibiography. i .
Reddaway Frederick the Great. : ;
Balch Life of James A. Garfield.
Conwell Life of James A. Garfield.
Bryce William Ewart Gladstone, i
Poore Life of U. S. Grant. !
Macaulay Warren Hastings.
Life of Empress Josephine
Bulletin :-
John Wassom died at the home of his
sister-in-law, Mrs William Wassom,
at the age of 66 years and four days.
His death came suddenly. , .
W. Lynch completed the sala of his
264 acre farm five miles east of Harrisr
burg last Saturday to Frank Haba, of
Clay county, Neb., the consideration ber,
ing in the neighborhood of $8,000. i
Jim Monday has built another launch.
The first one he made didn't augerate
just right to suit him.
Death of L. D. Knighton.
. Mr. L. D. Knif-hton, a member bf
a prominent pioneer family, a native of
Oregon, died yesterday at his home near
1 Peoria. ; He was a man ,o excellent
character, a life long resident of the
valley. He leaves a wife and several
children, and many others to mourn his
death. Mrs. Knighton is a daughter of
j Mr. and Mrs. Maj. Johnson, a sister of
James Johnson of this city.
I Powder and Stumps.
They are having a blasting time in
Bryant Park. Mr. Bryant is trans
forming the upper' end into a farm,
blasting out ail tbt stumps in a very
rich section of. land, equal to the valley
of the NHe. He has invested $500 in
powder alone, which explains numerous
noises heard from that direction.
On Christmas day. at the home of the
bride's parents, near Albany, Mr. Q.
W. Hershberger, of Hubbard, and Miss
Rachel Burck, of Albany, were united
in marriage The pretty ceremony
was performed in neat surroundings,
the room being decorated with ivy,
mistletoe and chrysanthemums, the
happy couple standing undpr a hand
some bell. H. T. Burck was best man
and Miss Katie Widmer bride's maid.
After the ceremony a well decorated
table with many good things to eat
awaited the party, forty-four in all sit
ting down.
Mr. and Mrs. Hershberger were the
recipients of many beautiful and valua
ble presents. After a visit, of a week
or two here they will goto Hubbard to
make their home.
At the residence of Mrs. P. King and
tie home of the bride's sister, 389 Har-
nson street, Portland, Oregon, a very
pretty wedding took place, Thursday
evening, December 24, '08, when Mr.
Jesse A. Liggett and Miss Pearl M.
LaMar were united in marriage, the
ceremony performed by Rev. E. H.
Mowre of Portland.
The parlors were tastefully decorated
with smilax and cut flowers. The bride
was gowned in a cream mouselino silk
and carried a bouquet of white carna
tions. The., bridal party entered the
parlors to the strains Lohengrin Wed
ding March. Following the ring cer-
emony a sumptuous dinner was served.
after which an automobile called taking
the bridal party to the., Portland Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Liggtt left next morn
ing for the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. LaMar, where a
delicious dinner was waiting them and
many relatives and friendj to welcome
the happy couple home. M.
' 'In The Mail.
A copy of Nobidy, Eugene's booster
magazine, with a reproduction of rhe
Diotures in the eierht nrevious issues, a
simple announcement sighed by Eugene
tiartog, nee jonn n. tie says:v .--.
merry Christmas and a happy new year
to you all, -my eastern -friends. How
much merrier the Christmas and. how'
much happier 'the 'new year, if you
were only here among the roses, instead
of where you are, raising icycies.
A holiday numberoCthe Pacific Homer
stead, of Salem, a paper that has filled
a splendid field well. This number is
very creditable. j
' . i ' .... i: i'i
The Christmas number of Los Angeles
Herald addressed to Fred Nutting Esq.
Wonder who sent it, and what for.
A Fraud Suit.
. Portland, Or.,; Dec. 28-Another al
leged scheme to defraud the govern
I ment out ot over 7001) acres of timber
' land has just come to light by' a suit in
equity to cancel patents to lands in Hep
pner and Umatilla counties filed by
John McCourt, Federal attorney.
, Among me aeienaants is uenerson w.
Scriber, arrested a tew weeks ago for
wrecking the. .Farmers' and Traders'
Among the defendants is Jefferson W
Bank at , La Grande.
It is understood
that Scriber's first downward step was
taken when he forged the name of Asa
B. Thompson tp a note of ?6,000, put-!
ting the money in land involved in the
present suit, in which Thompson is
also a defendant. I
f'taTGun cedent, tj
mrfc.'' s i:; Morfris, residing near Cor- pie of that, city are happy., The future
vallis, died Sunday from the effects of m of the citytj .brl?h$. ,., ;1)., .
a gunshot wound. Her nine year old I Mr-Harfiman.jyjl.l confer gret .
son was handling a gun he thougnt was . vor on Albany paouleif h wilh ex, 4no
not loaded, when it was discharged and -the CorvaliBi and E xtern. ., Also,, on
severed the arterjr "pt her rjght - leg. the entire Willamette Valley. ,nor.-,j ; .
Mr'Morrls on retdrnirtc',frdn1a huntinir Dr. and Mrs. Curl returned -this noon
l . 3 i
trip had left the gun oh a tauieWhore
the boy picked it up.
brother of Wm. T.
Mr. Morris Is" a
Morris, the bladk-
'17 ' ", w
Bmith,- of this city
lip, 0 i
Germain the wizard, is to perform af
thfe Opera itionBeon Jan.,5 in the regulaf;.,
college cburse:;'; ' '' ' 1
He will be. assisted by Miss Ida'
Germain at the piano', and Mr. and Mrs.
Shi'ley Birthwaite, English society en-
tertainers in a comedy interlude entitled
"On the Thames" One paper says
uermain is tne cieveresi oi ine ciever.
Ahother that ho gives a marvellous dis
play of magio. ' '.:'. .i
. :: fi . ,, u. ,
.. Card of Appreciation.
. The undersigned wishes to express
his appreciation of a Christmas present
from the court house people as follows:
Hugh Fisher, D. S. Smith, Grant, Fro
man, J. W. Miller, D. B. McKnightand
Payne and Rudd, each SI; D. C. Smith,
W. A.Kimsey, W. W. Francis, W. U
L. Marks, J. N. Du. can and W. L.
Jacksdrthet ft 50c. Total a.
- "2lk. E. BILYEU, Janitor.
Special Notice tb Farmers.
MuBt have 20 representatives in this
community to furnish all I.ind3 of pro
duce the year round, pork, veal, poul
try, eggs, etc. Will pay you to invest-!
igate. Call at the Real Estate office of first postal clerk trip, going from Port
J. V. Pipe and as for the Produce land to San Francisco and return, a
uan Dciore jan. j.
Died at mill . ity.
The two year old son of Mr. lie. t
Jewell, died at the home of its parents
at Mill City, last evening of pneumonia knowledge's an inviut on to be prc-i
after a short illness. Tho parents have! signed by the comi-iilt-V: Gej. Huhl.
the sympathy of many Albany frienos.L. P. Hubba, A M. Reeves, W. E
in their loss. . I Wymer and Ben Millpop.
Warren Construction Co. Attend
ing to Preliminary WorK.
A couple representatives of the War
ren Construction Co., of Portland, ar
rived last evening, and are making ar
rangements to begin work, on the A'-
bany pavement beforq January 1, as
provided by the contract. They will be
here several Jays,' securing a place for
their rock crusher and material, and
formally starting thework. -The actual
work of paving, though. will, not beg n
until the weather settles sutiicier.tly in
the spring, when it will be bustled, and
the seven blbcki completed by' the 1st
of July, as provided by the contract.
J. G. Smart ami A. B. Fassett, who
have charge of the preliminary woik,
will go up the C. & E. tomorrow to in
vestigate the rock proposition, and
make arrangements far that part of
paving. -. .
There is a general sentiment in fuvor
of considerable more pavement, within
reasonable bounds, for instance, Second
street and Lyon street to the depot.
At the Hotels.
A. M. Cannon, clerk U. S. court at
W. H. WeeB, Portland.
R. F. Shier, Gates.
C A. Bevior, Gates. .
W. L. Bishop. Walla Walla. ,
J. W. Markesbury, Halsey. 'l'! i:'
L. E. Miller and wife, Scio.
R. R. Myers. Halsev. aown on Dro-
bate business. ., ..
J. W. Thompson, Portland,
Hugh Freelnnd, the miner, Vif Gates.
L. J. Howard, Roseburg. I; 'i ''
H. F. Hollis, Brownsville.
F. J. Eby, Ordway, Colo. ,
Osmund Rankin, Eugene, .
Paul Van Scoy,' Eugene:' '
Fred L. Hooper, Independence.
W. F. Chase and wife, Stayton.
W. F. Greer. Fall City.
Whose. Purses Are These.
With the pocket books of Miss Ima
Redfield found in the Bhed of Ben Rozelle,
there was also found two purses, one a
small leather affair, the other metal. In
the latter'are three couDons for the re
cent college entertainment, sec. C. row
6, numbers 14, 16 and 18, and some whist
rules. The owner will please report to
Chief of Police Ries.
' Constable Chas, Johnson, of Salem,
came up this afternoon.
' Miss Letha McCuilough went, to Hal-
oojr u.yr,,.,.,,,.
Mr. and Mrs. ,, Elmer Conn, returned
from a holiday Visit at'the Summitt.' ' J
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fox, of Portland,
retnrned this noon from the Bay,
I J. B. Eddy, right of way man, of the
' S. P. was in the city this afternoon.
I George Willert went to Tangent this
I afternoon o do some plumbing.
I L. B. Smith has sold his block in Eu
gene, a story building covering it lor
, $15,000,
Mrs. Claire Baker and son are ' visit
ing relatives in Cottage Grove for
month or two.
D. S. McDonald, the Dallas tanner,
was in ihe uly this week: stopp:ng at
the Russ.
Bill Hayward of Eugene
through the city for Seattle to atcend
an athletic council.
Capt. John Baker, a well known Ore
gon pioneer, died at Salem yesterday
at the uge of 92 years
Mis5iBeha'Snelling;of,'Lat?Qview, and
mother, of s;fh,itj cii.Jiuve, ; returned
from, a visit with Dallas jelatives. !
The Oregon Eledlrlc's road has bein",
comnieieu 10 roresi uove. ana meDei.-
irom Portland, jwherethev had been to
attend the marriage of their son Irvr
and . iss Ethel CrowJer.
Ellert" WarforJ, ' who waa subbing
during the Christinas (u nsi n asi news
byjiaflietur(i,ed hnman He mwde'jone
trip east as far as HuntjjgUn. - '
, Mrs. Will Merrill of Portland is spend-
in tUr. l I f I
father.' Robert iVurphy.vMr, iMerri 1.
M who was here,hs tBCurpe.iftpP.psijana.J
Mr. Unas WtDSeivbf : Hortlandi ' has
been visiting Albany friends, the gufca.
of W. C. Farley. He is a son of the
late Jcs. WebDerund spent his boyhood,
days in Albany; ' I
i Corval lis Gazette: Mr. and Mrs F.
O. Gray and niece, Miss Brown, took an
auto trip to Albany to bid farewell to
J. S. Prime and family, who havd de-
viuuu lu lucaw at onerwoou. .,i-vi,- '
Linn County Councib Pt- of'-H.. will
-IJ 1 , i L Clt-"' ,
meet on next Saturday, Jan. 2; with
Grange N. 10, when the annual election
of officers will be held, - hence
a larirti
aitenoance is uesireo
Thousands have been killed in Sicily
and Calabria by earthquakes, Beveral
towns being devastated, putting south
ern Italy in a bad shape.
William M. Rasmus and Miss Minnie
Bode were married in Portland last
night. Rasmus is well known in Albany,
were he once put on a play, under the
auspices of the Knights of Pythias.
$3,214.63 was the pavement assess
mentbaid by one property owner alone
in Eugene, Hudlestori. The total
amount of work done by the Warren
Construction Co. in Eugene is $220,320.
Walter Gorro has returned from his
week s trip, naving charge of the reg-
istered packages. He will soon have u
permanent run.
The Lebanon Business Men's League
will give an open meeting and banquet
at the Odd Fellows Hall in that c,i
morrow evt-ning. ine uemocr
By Terrible Itching Eczema Faca
, and Head a Coiitl Sore Spread
to His Hand and Logs Would
j. Scratch Until Ho Bled Tiny Suf
ferer Immediately Relieved and
" AYhon iiifson TnJtr wac fchroo woelca
(K1( oecnui txjarvsi oti hu fau. Wo did
iui Know voai
il Yiix tm wit
ti a doctor who
tmitod hun for
three months.
Then, liu Mnj. so
bad thai his face
und hwxd vmn
noLliing but una
boi nud hia oars
lookod (13 If their
Vfvro goiDR to fall
off, i we tried
enothor doctor.
Ho caid he oould
euro him and we
dooUrctf (hno four months, the baby
nvT ftWtintf any iKitlor. Uia hand
find tliwi luiil BOi'ea on them
and ;u for his Bleopiin;, wo txuld no
think of if., tho poor hLilo fellow auf- ,
fcixhl t torrihly. Kirfc I tied his hands
to tU crib to hoop him i'rom scratching;
but when it. pot bo bad l itd him in a
ehiiwl or v would kit ate' i himself all
bloody. Whoa ho vim aeven montlia old
v triwl a t:o(. of tho Cutioura ltemediea.
'I Ivi liit , app icsition of Cuticura let
hhn pUTptmiit,titi(t wol!, in one week
hii BOW;4fvii,y nno but it fltayed red
wid nnotiuvi it would itch bo wo
tirTiKl Cuiicum for'two months, then ho
hnd a olom und wluto.fnce. . Now he ia
two yoarii.nnd eovon months old and
Itiis luivrti'-bfid brtaorita again. I hop
this lrttor wilt help oome who are BufTer
inpt from skin, i.-;csa. . Evory mother
who has a baby "'suffering with skin
(lfaoaso nhotild juafc try Cuticura; there-.;
ii nothing IxfUeiY ,l,Un. Lonis Bcqlc, JX..
V.l).3,Hixi Antonio, Tox Apr. 1C, 'oi". "
A ninKlo sot of Cuticura Remedies Is
oftPii sulTieiimfc to euro torturing, dis
flis'nng, itching, burning, and scaly
(mmoii, (H!zcman, rashes, and initatipno,
from infancy to age, when oil other
remedies fail.. sU , i ;., ; ,
mip,',to IiUrnt! nd Intcmit-Trcatmpnt lor
V-vcry ihi'iujr ec:ilr:(i of -Oitlctira Softp, (26c. to
iv,J tliotjkln, (.iitinirnDimmcnt (Clio.) U HoaV
;i ., mm i-iinntni nvsoivrni (tiuc.;, (or in ino
(. rm oi I'liocoiiiiccuitca ruin ant;, per vial oi go
1-t Prilfv tho IJUkvI. iiiilil thrtniKliout tlie world.
off-Mailed Frco. C:'
L on Bto Dlscaao
Indignant' at a Recent . Chicago
The following has been passed try the
Albany Socialist Club:
Socialism sttnds for justice and lib
erty. The socialist party is the political ex
pression of 'booialism, thereby. i ex-,
pounding the rights and liberties of op- '
pressed humanity regardless ot race,
creed, color or sex..
Therefore, be it Resolved: that Al
bany, Oreg., Socialist Local condemns
the notorious decision of Commissioner
Foote of Chicago in the Christian Ru
dowitz case.
Rudowitz is a political, refugee and
has sought protection under this gov-
J ernment from that black hearted,
bloody, butcher of humans, the cz ir of
tjpssia. !.
The Urt!tec(Sta&!s"i8 ha'p out t ' the
world as ari'Ssyltiff m 'M 'piltiWally
opprassodpAndiif .MiUtlgliKpi'OiJtede
llvers, ItudpwZiia,(oihe banda.ofJ the
Czar tojbe murdered, this government
will then bo the blood hound of that in
humani.wreleh .whose'Strtu. clu hold ia
kop thethfpatoj.milliopa ,ot bians, and
lljtt KU.Oi w,ii) loaivu a picve-sub wiiurts-
by thouSandB of exiles who have sought
'liherty in- thl cotttttpy del vured
into th' Be dis i ha-iis of autocrats and
Rudowitz fs a-pafiiot "of the same
class as wh,. wrote the Dec ara
ion of Independence. !., I .
Therefore, be it Resolved: that we
call o.i ivery liberty loving American
tn help k.e(i this,int'usUuiRd by
the blOodiuf putri(ks murdert'tl ay, fiend
ish autocrats und dcspOii, by defeating
Ihla Hpfwiim in whiph i' ia al-:ifrl. ('In
hthiif Case we must act under' the Rus
Iwiln law rather than under the Ameri
1 '!' f.
from Albany's Six
i . Trains.
Pete..Ruettnet1!ad he trolley ttaek
blocked with t!ie first half of the depot
hotel, after taking a rest of a wi-ek,
and wlllTiou keep goini; until the other
half ia ?n,the-,fpundation. This makes
the terminpus of tne street car track at
Ninth street for a short time.
The Southern Pacific pond near the
freight depot is attracting attention.
Tho Democrat man heard Mr. O'Brien
order this drained. Itought to bedone.
George Small, the brakeman, ret'irn
ed from a trip to theParner fat in, wnere
he had, hunting, galore yeturjiv, kill
ing ten geese,' '"'"
C. C. Snyder returned from a ll.ownj
ville trip. ..,.
Mrs. Dr. Foley came don from
Miss Bessie B ch. . Lebanon, went
to Portland tor m" K sson.
Prof. Orville Dinwiddie, of the Port
land schools, returned home after a
Linn county holiday visit. '
O. D. Austin and daughter Miss
Marcicl, went to Portland, the bitter to
stop at Oregon City, with relatives.
Rev. W. A. Martin and family re
turned to their homo near Jefferson.
Mr. klvin CrutcKlitld, of North Ya
kima, left fO." l.iillli; W I, sllirfc ,.
oany visit.; Hi- v ... r. urprised at the
hiingo five or six in . made in