Another between season la with us and always as before we are prepaied to meet the demand for 'the regular necessary atopies and novelties that find a place at this time in your needs. It isn't to late to buy winter clothes, nor mnch to early to be thinking of spring apparel and to the women who does. her own sewing we offer our LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERN DEPARTMENT. The January styles are in and readyfor you. The New Years number i now here, Begin the year right by the use of this excellent magazine and their Superior paper Patterns The Store of High Quality 4 flecond elasfi mail matter. FP NUTTING- The Democrat. The Dailv Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one vear. 4.0! By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end ot year sj.du. . The Weekiv Advance oer year $1.25. At end of year $1.60. After 3 years at $2 ; OUR WANTS GIRL WAN I'ED.-To do general house work. Call or phone the Democrat office. WOOD FOR SALE.-30 cords' of bod 2E fir wood, in a lump, from the roai side, one mile north of Albany in Benton county. Phone C. K. Wid mer, Home 2801, about it. FOUND. A pair of slippers, by Mrs. Achcnbach, 806 E. 2nd st. LOST.-2 halters and 2 hack curtains. Mondny evening in the edge of town. Return to Albany Feed Shed for C, Carlson. BARGAIN IN PIANO. A new piano for sale cheap, only been used a few weeks. Inquire 342 1st St. Drug store. ?2t RARE BARGAINS. A ten room house and two lots for sale. Everything in Sood repair. Inquire 842 First St. irug Store. 22t Order vour slab wood $2.50 a cord from Ola Snltweit. Phone Black 167. tl-1 WOOD FOR SALE, Oak, ash and maple. Claud LogBden. Home phone 1145. BUFF ORPINGTON i9.if ( Cockerels for sale from SI to $2.60 each. W. L. ' JANUARY J?.? OXTi Cobb, R. D. 4. Home Phone 2305. 14t keep this departmcdt clean and unsel APPLES. -Baldwins, Jonathans and , fish. Though the club is a private in iwuiurn pp.. WANTED.-Chickens and turkeys at ! the highest etish price, at Brown Roth's murkol, Lyon street. 12t FOR SALE.-Barred Plymoth Rock Cockerels. Phono Farmers 29 Bell. to. NAPOLEON JEAN, Architect, con tractor and builder, 116 Forry St. TEAM WORK done by Ola Saltveit 1010 E. Water. Homo Blnck 167. tl-1 FOR 3ALE. 100 acres foot hil's 12 miles west of Junction, good house, barn; 3 springs; fruit on it. $15 an acre or will trade lor Albany prop-1 erty. J. R. Mctzgar 3rd and R. R. 29t FOR SAI.E.-38 acres, all in cultiva tion, with houso and barn, 4 miles enst of Albany. AIbo two corner lots between 1st and Water StreetH, 'y . Ola Saltveit, 1010 E Water St. Home Phone black 107. FOR SALE. -Pure bred White Leg horn roosters, Blnck Minorca roost ers. Plymouth Rock roosters, and puro broil Tulouso geese. Mrs. J. C. Porter, R. D. 2, Box 15. Home phono 3G51. tfl. WOOD FOR SALE. -Somo good dry wood. Phono E. M. Perfect, 201 Bell, 204 Home. MUSIC I.EKSONS.-Piano and organ. Phono black 071. Helen Elkins. FIRE 1NSURANCV!. Benver Stntc Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera Houso lilclg. SODA WATER. Cascndia water from the Geisendorfer springs, may bo had at Tomlinson & llolman's and nt the Peacock stables, at 1.50 a dozen, lit AEKMOTERrsnsoline pump, air coated with iiumn jack, ready to hitch to pump for only $45. Crawford the Aermolor man will be glad to show you. FIRE INSURANCE. O. F. R. A. ol McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C.C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Hunk Bldg. Both phones. FOR SALE.-Modol N Ford runabout with top, only run one season in finf crndition. Apply to W. W.JCraw ford. agt. Ford .Motor Cars. J. H. RU1TER, WOODSAWING Phcae red 942. Home 1111. We Die Kuoline aid doa't bar;'y.a- 1 1 iwwer. ' Hamilton's Bazaar L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON It Is an Important Move. The paving of the streets of Albany has been begun, that is, the first for mal steps have been taken. This is one of the most important undertak ings that have occurred in. Albany. There have been others, but this one will mean much for Albany us a city. Once started it will mean that pave- ii -i u ta,;,,..- ment will prevail here as an institution. gradually reaching out over the city. As in all things the city should be tem- ! perate in this, not going to extremes, . with any wild desire of being the most i paved city of its size in the world, but pegging away, a little each year, ac cording to the means of the city and I our citizens, in such a way as not to cause any hardship upon either. Financially it is a big thing, also, for t is said that it always increases the value of property much more than the cost. The Democrat hopes to see Albany proceed sensibly in thrs as in other affairs, along clean lines, without any taint, and free from charges of graft, so common in the advancement of the improvements of a city. This will un doubtedly be the program. Altogether Albany is having a good reputation. A Little Athletic Talk. The Alco Club of this city is promot ing athletics along liboral lines and m what appears to be a sane way. There is sane and insane athletics, by the way. Sane athletics are a splendid thing, . doing much good. Insane athletics, ' the going to extremes, does more harm than good, me aico system seems 10 be all right, and promises to do a gooa thing. The elfort is going to be to 'atitution and it costs a regular fee to fnjoy to privileges the management is permitting classes of students to joy the privileges of the splendid gym nasium, by paying only the fee for in struction, a very low price for so much, giving the studonta of the city a gym nasium as much as it a part of the school system of the city, with an ex perienced and careful instructor in charge of the work. The Democrat takes pleasure in commending the prcs- ent piun Vte the Gnilows. The gallows down at the stato prni- tentiary needa to be used. It has been idle too much. Two hangings are re ported out of ninety-six cases. That is a poor example of a protection against erime. ' Murder should be punished. If the law provides for hanging, then hang; if for life imprisonment, then imprison for life; but do something. The public is weary of guilty men go-! ing free over technicalities and puerile ' ... .... sympathy for sonic one interested. uot tne gauows to uroppmg wncre it is needed. It is not a personal tnntter, it is one of example in the interest of bettei conditions and justice. bUSINtSi. Try n Patrick Gordon Cigar. Fresh Chinook salmon from Bay nt the Metropolitan. 5c. Yaquina If you want to buy or rent a tyoc writer, seo Rawlings. He handles ui makes and keeps supplies for any ma chine. See his window of Remingtons Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in lbany. Skilfully set if desire1. Electric Fixtures Electric Fixturta Electric Fixtures All Pi ices All Pricea All Price. Ralston Electric Supply Co, A Library limp tnte a long evening hort. We baf them. Ralston Elsctuc Supply Co. Messaline Silks In all the new shades of Greens, Blue. Browns. Pinks White, and black. There is really no pret tier silks made for evening and party gowns tnan these. By the use of a Journal pattern your evening gown will bear an exclusive and iestinct- -ive stamp of style. The widths are 19 inches wide. Per yard 85c and $1.00 The Store Up-to-Date In and Around Albany, There was a good crowd last night at the presentation of Arizona, which was well presented. Regular meeting of the Albany Corn- merciai uuo tonignt, wmcn memuers should attend. The Silverton teams went to Juncton tbis afternoon, accompanied by their Btar referee. The boys ought to win every game they play Linn county cities have made their tax levies as follows: Albany 8 mills, Lebanon 10 mills, Harrisburg 5 mills, bcio mills. Sweet Home t mills. On New Years day beginning at 12:15 E. m. tne members of the United fres yterian church will have their annual dinner, with toasts, in the basement of the church, to which all members and those in the habit of attending the church will be welcome. F. G. WILL, for Watches. Library Lamps Library Lamps Library Lamps Ralston Electric Supply Co. . . .. New Year Postals at Meisers. Burkhart, photographer, makes child ren's photos a specialty. i "Baby" red ink pencils at Rawlings for $1.00 just the thing for Xmas. . - Still more barrells at the Albany Butter and Produce Go's at a barrel. i Hemstiching done to order. Get your Christmas orders in early. 824 Cala pooia street. t25 We sell Aldon's Famous Chocolates Try a box tor X'mas. None better. The Vienna Bakery. The finest brand of scissors in the city at Baltimores, every pair guar anted. Money back in ten days if.not periecuy satunaccory. Letter List I The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for ' Dec. 30, 1908. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: I G. F. Allison Mrs E. Barker, Mrs. S. A. Cooper, J. P. Davis, Fred Fisher, W. F. Garrell, Mrs. M. L Hutchins, W. J. Mysner, Nora Magwin, Amy Morris, A. I. Spalding (2), W. S. Smith, Herren Theodore Voge, John Woods. , J. s. Van Winkle, P. M. 1910 Calendars. Rawlings will h(.ve, the last of this week, a sample line of the swellest' hand painted and embossed calenders I ever placed on the market. Don't buy a cheap calender. See me before plac ing your order for 1910. , The Weather. Range of temperature 46 31. The river has been rising and is 8.08 feet, This brought the Pomona up the ,f ,. Prediction: ,jBy rjn Fair tonight and Thurs- I Mission Art Glass Library Lamps ! Ralston Electric Supply co. I Go to Ellis & Sons for; flour. White River Five cans of Blanche bnW-ir powder for $2, at Ellis & Sons, liom now until Jan. 1st, Newest and -IN Diningroom Domes, Electroliers, Library Lamps.' A large assortment to choose from. .Prices to suit anyone. Ralston Electric Supply Co. 306 West Se( ond Street. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL' Ben Clelan returned last night from Arizona. Father Butler came over from Cor vallis this noon. Mrs, W. A. McCuljmigh returned this noon from a visit in Benton county. Mrs. Geo. Washburn, of Portland, is visiting at Mr. Ed Washburn's. W. R. Hoover, of the Hoover Mills, came up from Portland this forenoon. Mrs. Nevin McCormick, of Shedd, ie visiting her sister. Miss Anna Yantis. iss Maud Durbin. of Salem, arrived this noon on a visit with Mias Zona tiaignt. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. A. Geisendorfer, ui uih uemenuuner apnnga, rei.uriieu cms noon from a Portland visit. Mrs. C. Germansen left for home last evening . after a brief visit with her daughter, M i, J, C. Kennedy. W. D. Mixter returned last night from a trip down tne biusiaw, accomp- anied b; ing, Co! iv Dr. William Greig, of Sterl- Mr. J H. Maine, of Newoort. has been visiting 'his son Henry for a few weeks. He is a. former resident of Albany, once justice of the peace here. Now 82 ' years of age, his health is rather poor. A pleasant social event was a ban quet given by the Ladies ot the Eastern , Star, at the St. John's temple, with 1 I about one hundred fifty present, an an-' nual event. Some bright toasts were (.presented. Miss Mar; Morgan, of Eugene, teach er ot music in the University of Ore gon, returned home this afternoon af ter a visit with Miss Sue Brecken ridge. Miss Morgan is a sister of Mrs. H C. Watson, l Mr. Ed Hughes and wife, of near 1 Forest Grove, are visiting Albany rela-1 fives, arriving last night. Mr. Hughes docs a general farming business, but ' has six cows, whose milk he sends to ! the condensed milk plant at Forest Grove, it being collected at his door every morning. The cows averaged $108 the past year. From $L30to$L65 per hundred is paid for milk. Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Ralston Eleeirir. Suppy Co. Lots of tires at Baltimore's, opo site the Democrat office. FOR SALE. Block wood and Blab , wood, W. D. Elkins. Home Phone 1213. t25 FARMING LANDS FOR SALE 100 acres, all in cultivation, best of soil, good improvements. Price. $6500. '66 acres. 50 acre9 in cultivation, rml- ance good timber, fair house, bam and other improvements. Price, $5,100.00. 73 acres. 65 acres in cultivation: fair Duuoings. . mce, $4?80.oo. .353 acres, 100 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; fair buildings. Price, $7500.00. 30 acres, 28 acres in cultivation; 5 room house, good barn. Price, $2250.00 43 1-2 acres, all in cultivation, 12 acres orchard; fine buildings. Price, $7000.00. 75 acres. 65 acres in cultivation, fair improvements. Price, $5625.00. ' 38 acres, 12 acres orchard, 30 acres cultivated; small buildings. Price, $4500.00. 40 acres, 25 acres cultivated; fair im provements. , Price, $2500.00. Full particulars as co. location, term?, etc. given on callimr tit mv office of anv of the above properties. If you are looking for a location do not buy until you have investigated my list of bar gains. Uiy property of every description for sale at prices that will net you a fair rate ui interest un tne investment. C. G. BURKHART, 102 E. First St., Albany, Or. Manufactured by IE SENDERS' FEED STORE. Sole Agents. Best Designs ik.. mm THE NEXT n In "Why Girls Leave Home" which will be seen at Albany, Jan. 6, is prom ised play of exceptional merit The story is purely -wholesome one, con sistent and coherent, and in this alone Uaa .'t It. - ..nn. Tho Btory is of a wilful girl, beguiled into qnesuonaDie pleasures oy a man or tne world. A hot headed older brother, a sweetheart, a fiBter and mother, who do not understand the girl, take part and complicate the sitution by misun derstandings. There is a great deal of emotional work as well as many excit ing scenes -while the comedy intersper- -a n. i . .u .j fitting sort. The play is mounted on an elaborate scale and an admirable cast has been selected to interpret the several Cnaraclers. IT'S LIKE THIS-Jobnson's Best Flour is the best becouse it is milled from the best wheat in scrupuously ciean mills. Its use insures delicious bread, cake and pastry. Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Ralston Electric Supply Co. I i p r iirii j , K U. Will tOT WAtCHeS. ! Five cans of Blanche baking powder for $2, at Ellis & Sons, from now until Jan. 1st. . ' Burkhart, photographer, successor to McKinstry. Store open evenings. Chambers & McCune, "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helDecr me until I used Doan's Ointment, me per manently." Hon. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. It cured John.R. The Woodworth Drug Co, ' ALBANY OPERA HOUSE I. H. SHULTZ, Manager. Wednesday, Jan. 6th E. J. CARPENTER'S GREAT SCENIC COMEDY DRAMA, "Why Girls Leave Home" Clean, Wholesome, Interesting, Instructive. The Best Educator of One of the Greatest Problems Our Country has to Deal With. '.- Strictly MORAL and UPLIFTING. OPEN UNTIL 9. Pi M. Fortmiller Furniture Co's Store A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CoJabout it. CLOSING OUT SALE. Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Phonographs and Records, safe and show cases,1 must be sold by Jan. 1. '09. All at cost except contract goods. Your last chance for the Cream of Columbia Records. Don't miss it. A. SCHMIDT, Albany, Or., 122 Ferry St. Plumbing and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First - class work guaranteed. " : FARM FIR SALE. 156 acres fine level land, all cleared and in cultivation ; almost new 9-room house, splendid barn and out buildings, or chard, fruits and berries; ongoodcoun y road, 4 miles from Lebanon, 8 miles from Albany, half mile to R. R. sta tion; water on place. Is way below market value ac $72,00 per acre. You should Bee this. Inquire of owner, Mrs. Aurilla Burk hart, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 39. Lebanoi, Oregon. - t25 BANRUPT NOTICE. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Albany Farmers Co., a corporation, bankrupt. Case No. 1334, in bankruptcy. To the creditors of Albany Farmers Company of Albany, Or., in the county of Linn and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 2nd day of November A. D. 1908, the afore said Albany Farmers Company was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held in Albany, Oregon, in the office of the undersigned referee in the Cusick Bank Building, on Saturday the Second day of Jan., A. D., 1909, at 10"1-o'clock in the forenoon, at which time' tne said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other bus iness as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Albanv, Linn County, Ore gon, this December 22, 1908. C. C. BRYANT, Referee in Bankruptcy. PRICES 25e, 35c 50c, and 75c. Go to EASTBDRN'S GROCERY for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS n Crockery and Glasbwarp as we in tend to close out that department. Come and get our prices and see our' clean up-to-date store. Both phones Main F6.