i Democrat vor uiv ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. JANTARY 1 19 NO 2i Albany A Real Live Baby i ' Y '' . ' To be Given Away y'. 'at - i Dreamland New Years Eve, Dec. 81st. 1908. Come often. Your mopeys worth and a good program assured. ' ' Hnine and Abroad. GOOD FOR The Eugene Register accuses the city council of that city of being ex travagant and wasteful. It certainly is putting a heavy burden on the peo ple. Jack Johnson, of Texas, yesterday in Australia, whipped Tom Burns, the champion, knocked him all too pieces, and is now champion, the first negro .champion. , . Miss Margaret Freerksen entertained a number of her friends in Portland at the home her sister, Mrs. F.E.Jackson, on East 44 and Belmont street, in honor of MUs Ethel Crowder and Mr. Irwin Curl, who were married on Dec. 22. The house was beautifully decorated with choice crysanthemums, carnations and smilax, V The evening was very pleasantly spent with music and 500 and a choice lunch was served. CARNEGIE. SCIO Will Have Good Road Convention nicipal air of the city. He is doing the same as Speckels did in San i rancisco. Pittsburg, Dec. 26. Andrew ;Carn- egie is said to be backing the pros- j News: ecution in the bribery cases. It is said ; a nartv of S P survevors ware In he advanced $150,000 to puriffy the mu-: Sci0iP 0ta ZZl ul the ma ter or building a spur switdh track into Scio. I The next meeting of the Linn county I Good Roads League, will be held in Scio ' On TllPaHnv. .lnnnnru K fnmmaniinv Aberdeen, Wn., Dec.-Moclips sum-' LWL1 .E.v:erybody , ' u i. eated in good roads building especially mer resort at North Beach is threaten-1 invited to be present and hear and par ed witn destruction by the sea. Huge ; ticpate in the discussions relating to waves yesterday tore away five hun- this subject. All supervisors are urged dred feet of bulk head and damaged the to be present. I The paging Ocean. WHISTON & LONGMAN, Evangelists of note, will be at the Christian Church during January, in a . GREAT REVIVAL Plan to heai them. SHINGLES. We-niake the BEST. Every buncn branded with our name. Look for it Our No. I's are the only first-class shingles in this market. We make three graaes, pack them closely and use no dry kiln. A shingle full of life THOMPSON & CRAMER : Albany, Oregon. THE EMPIRE. Big crowds have been greeting Holmes and Holmes, the popular come dians, this week. Be sure and hear and see them tonight; also the little horse, the rmallest yet and the fine moving ! pictures. Next week Gariett & Loftle, begin . ninj Monday the messenger boy and : the Dianist, in some musical nonsense, ; will be the attraction, with some up-to- . date moving pictures besides. Died in Portland. ) D. S. McDougall, the tailor, died in , Portland yescerday after an illness of sometime, at the home of his brother, Rev. J. W . McDougall. He came to Oregon a few years ago for the benefit ol nis neaun, wnicn was wonuenuny imnrnved after beincr at Sodaville for sometime. He resideu at Albany for while, nd then went to Eugene. bic hotel and other narts of the town Manv residents are fleeing to higher ground. The Haines Case. Flushing, Dec. 26.-jThe defense in the case of Thornton j Haines outlined its plan today. The ' testimony will commence Monday. On Tuesday, Dec. 29, the school di rectors and Datrons of school districts adjoining Scio are invited to meet in Scio at 1 p. m. to discuss was and means of providing a high school de- Kartment to provide, for all pupils who ave completed the eighth grade who ! may wish to attend. Died at Jefferson. Mr. Jesse Looney, a prominent resi dent of Jefferson, died of typhoid fever yesterday afternoon at the age of 69 years. He was one of five brothers, sonB of one of the valley's first pioneer's a man of worth. Seven or eight others of Jefferoon are also reported ill with typhoid fever, among others- Mrs. Jones, mother of Prof. Jones. The deceased was a brother-in-law of Mrs. J. R. Metzgar, of this city. The funeral service will - be held at the M. E. church at Jefferson at . 12:30 Sunday. In and Around Albany, New Year Postals at Meisers. Miss Maud Henderson went to Eu- i gene today on a visit. uavid JE. Young, of Summit, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. William Myer returned this noon from a Sulem visit. Judge and Mrs. Wolverton went to Monmouth this afternoon. Mr. O. H. Mitchell 640 E. 2nd at. got mo vox oi canay at tne Mission rariors. Hereafter at the Alco Club there will be bowling of cocked hat before supper, ten pins after supper. There was a tire alarm Christmas There will be a basnet ball game at ! V? - without a box number. Nothing FOR SALE. Block wood and slab wood, W. D. Elkins. Home Phone 1213. . t25 The Best 25c Coffee! Why Ruby Blend at HEISER & MEISER LrM JLY4,k 11 t,W M;Jl the Alco gym tonight between the High school and alumni. The game will start at 8 o'clock and club members and public school si.udents are, invited to attend. Admission free. m m , Munsey's for January, 'just received, has a fine picture of three progressive senators to be in the next Congress, of whom Gov. Chamberlain is one, the others being from Washington and South Dakota. llllVliririinrK DV mm 11., -4fi'i'?i-frT Vo-.tli.: J.-: .h,,-, J-'goV Agents'., !i '''.'I I'M'. 1 Merry Christmas ; and a Happy New Year to All Chambers & McCune dome. Another one this forenoon from oox 5b, caused by a flue burning out at nuey wancr s next mo a. cnurcn south. ' The Juvenile o-vin .l&sn. of tha Alr.n Club, has been organized and is growing rapidly. It will meet every Monday and Friday at 4 to 0:30, under Prof. Luck, a fine thing for the boys of the city, costing only $1 a month. President and Mrs. Crooks, Profess ors Flo and Kimball, Misses Irvine and Anderson, of the College faculty. tV iss Hileman, of Portland, and Rev. H. L. Hopkins, of Eugene, went to the Bay this afternon for a week's house party at the Cliff House. f. G. WILL, for Watches. Library Lamps ,: Library Lamps ' j. Library Lamps ' Ralston Electric Supply Co. . , Burkhart,, photographer, makes child ren' photos a specialty. '., "' ' ' :iBaby" red link pencjla at RaWlings for $1.00 just the thing for Xmas. ,, ;' SI ill more barrells at the Albany Butter and Produce Go's at a barrel., Hemstiching done to order. Get your Christmas orders in early. 824 Gala pooia street - t25 , We sell Aldon's Famous Chocolates Try . box tor X'mas. None better. The Vienna Bakery. The finest brand of scissors in the city ac Baltimores, every pair guar antee!. Money back in ten days ll.not perfectly satisfactory. , , , Stertcr's Gush Store ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale daler in fruit, pro . , duce, paper bags,;wrapping paper and twine. 42 WEST FIRST.STREET. i - mm & MUMKgQjf, Opposite the Htl RTr, riv. arj I nl aueritita to all-'tMrial waUr - More i.'i Money For You Grcaterproductivenessoftree. larger, cleaner, and finer fruit more money. Isn't that fruit growers' reasoning? Nothing will contribute to this end more than effective spraying. And Effective Spraying can best be attained with Bean Magic Spray Pumps Effective spraying means High Pressure Spraying and till tho advent of the Bean Magics- a high pressure could not be maintained with a hand pump forany length of time, on account of the body-racking effort needed to operate it. Tne Bean potent spring divides the work between the two strokes of tha fcandle and works against only one-half tho pressure shown on the gauge and aaves exactly one-third tho labor. We' hs?e tbeM pompi in lock ud will be pleited to how tbem. We cannot rec- them too strong!. 0HLING & TAYLOR Going at a Sacrifice Tin balance of the $10,000 stock of Crockery, Cut Glass, Hand Paint ed China, Haviland China, Dolls, Bric-a-Brac, Silver Plated Ware 1847 Rogers and Community Sil ver, Lamps, Dinner Sets, Salad Sets Chocolate Sets, "W ater Sets, Tea Sets, Etc. Remember there are only a few days left to purchase your X'mas presents. Don't fail to see the large Doll that will be given Free. Tell Lverybody COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. Gilbert Bros. 310 W. First St., Albany; Or. i ' i. : ' i . Hill iigain It has been noisbd about that Ilolt is going;'away; but it is a mistake. BU T 1 1 E 1 S H ERE TO STAY STAR BAKERY, ? C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, CtC, Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, O rpct r Baker iit WE-JT t'lRsT T fi K K r M A L 'i A S Y ,RB(:-V.2 First class goo .is '-In thetr'sea (h..t- Malr 58. "''