At The Hotels. 1 HARRISBURG "Willi im Tuer, Portland. Mrs. Mary C. Spencer, Portl .nd. 0. A. Stiteman, Eugene. J. C. Morris, Cottige Grove. W. L. Bishop and wife, Cottage Grove. Alias Wilcox. Eugene. H. A. Hampton, Portland. Mrs. N. L Ball, Walla Walla. E. R. Lay ton, Cambridge, IJaho. W. H. Buoy, Portland, a former Al bany operator. Leon Fault. Mill City, who returned horn a this morning. Pnil Flood, Portland. D.'. Hutchinson, fornur health olfi jur, Portland, The Oliver Typewriter. The Bulletin devotes two columns to. the licking the Harriaburg boys gave Cottage Grove at basket ball, 14 to 7. Jake Marguth is the new consul of I the Modern Woodmen; Dennie Dale ' worthy matron of the Eastern Star; W. i A. Murdock N. U. of the Odd Fellows; I Dr. W, H. Dale W. M. of the Masons, J Mai ion Hawk is at the head of the j United Artis ins, and Grace Cunning- ham is chief of honor of the Degree of ' Honor. From the Bulletin :- I DeMosi Lyric Bards here Saturday 'evening. J. . R. Cartwright has sold 33,500 pounds of hops during the present week. J. G. Whitney, our magnetic healer, sold his residence at Crawfordsville and is figuring on bringing his family to v 4. xi -Harrisburg. He hopes to make his res- l'irjt I.ational idence here permanently. Albany College The Harrisburg Gun Club will give used in Ablany. its annual shoot on Wednesday. Dec. ana ruling do 24. on the Rnhertn tiIkpo. C.aah And pay bird pusses will be up and the contest the whole day from 9 In and Around Albany, Beat on the market. 'Bank people have five has ten. Thirty-five See the new tauulator vice. $15 cash, then l7c per day. able monthly. See one at Steward & will take up Phone 218. Homo Phone, Harsh physics react, weaken bawels, cause chronic constipation Doan s Reguiets operate easily, tone the slomach, cnrc constipation. Ask your druggist for them o'c!o:k David Eby, one of the old settlers of .u I Harrisburg, having come here in the soring of 1853, left for Oregon City last Friday to visit a son for a few duys wiicn iie Kuen iruin mere to oau wgiut em" Cal , where he will spend the winter with his daughter. Out Way of Selling Paint is to make you satisfied, by giving you material that does what you . want it to do. If it's a floor, woodwork, a table, bath-tub, or the whole house you're about to paint or vamish, enamel or stain we can supply exactly the article that will 'do it best. You can be sure of this be cause we sell the perfect ACME QUAUTV kind of paints, enamels, stains, varnishes, all carrying the guar antee mark. With every purchase of the "Acme Quality" kind we give you free "The Selection and Use of Paints and Finishes, ' ' the only com plete paint book ever published, Ohliag & Taylor i a MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts i Cold weather doesn't fit in this valley. Oregon is an up-to-date state, it that way. Keep F. G. WILL, for Watches. Christmas Postals at Meisers. See Santa Claus in Meiser's window. Christmas Cuckoo Clocks 75c, French's Jowelery Stare. Burkhart, photographer, makes child ren's photos a specialty. "Baby" red ink pencils at Rawlings for 1.00 just the thing forXmas. For that chilly feeling try a cup of hot chocolate at the Mission parlors. A nice line of Signet and Emblem Rings at French's Jewelry Store. Si ill more barrells at the Albany Butter and Produce Co's at a barrel. Buy the boy a printing outfit for X'mas. 35, 60, 75 and $1.00 at Raw lings. Hemstiching done to order. Get your Christmas orders in early. 824 Cala pooia street. t25 The best cup of coffee, home baked doughnuts, 10 cents, at the Mission Parlors. We sell Aldon's Famous Chocolates Try a box tor X'mas. None better. The Vitnna Bakery. A choice selection of Bon Bon boxes. Make your selection early. At the Vienna Bakery. You can get a nice box of candv for a X'mas gift at a reasonable prrice. 1 one from Roseburg. jan auu oca buciii. vicuna wnncij. Watch Rawlings' windows for hand painted college and high school posters. Just tne.tning tor a Amas. present. Sunt. Jackson has begun arrange ments for an institute and entertain ment at Tanerent the last Saturday of i January, with about ten schools in it. The finest brand of scissors in the A. dispatch from Salem says the city at Baltimores, every pair guar- judges in the Salem-Lebanon debate anted. Money Back in ten days ifnot were Attorney General Crawford, Judge perfectly satisfactory. Eakin and Judge J. C. Moreland, none Those "Hull" detachable handle urn- of them balem men. As a matter of brellas have been imitated but never Iact a" f them are practically the same equalled. They make very appropriate as Salem men. Christmas gifts. F. M. FRENCH the Jeweler, sells them. A Eugene paper is trying to knock Senator Fulton has gotten it in the neck pretty well. A good warm rain is good enough for the average Willamette Valleyite. Turkey with an actual parliment in real session. The world iB moving. In the interest of political decency Pat McArthur should be beaten for speaker. Philander C. Knox, a former well known trust lawyer, is to be secretary of Btate. The man who thinks he can- nuke the winter without an overcoat is- having the struggle of his life. The decision in the high school debate was two to one in favor of Eugene, and two or tne judges were ttugene men, The Jefferson Review wants a man elected marshal of Jefferson who will clean out a noted hobo roost at that city. Why not send for John Catlin. That's his forte. OS UQO. ' ' I - ' -Graduates- raduates fnn. I11GIJ SCHOOLS and DlSTLiCV SCHOOLS in Linn coo aiid.olaewhore : ... . Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. ( ALBANY COLLEGE Offers you large advantages; can carry you forward from any point above the eighth jgradojto a . ' JCommercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A' Four-Year College Course A.bany College H Oregon. Pres Beware ct Selective Titles Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager -Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for money loaned. mitrons receiving the benefit of our experience. WSJ Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. Infected Orchards. From the Corvallis Times: Many thanks to the Times for the way it helps others "speak out in meet ing" Harold Rumbaugh is right,- and more than one here can say "amen" to what he said of infected orchards. I, too, am trying to raise a young orchard near Albany, in Linn county, surround ed with old infected orchards, that never as yet have had any spray on them. This makes it up-hill work. It's enough to make one feel sore. The vaersmmaimammamtaaBMs&axisir, 1 Albany beeause the Portland, Eugene and Eastern Ky. Co. sent one of its cars that had been used in Eugene to Albany for use here. A car made for Albany and labeled Albans has been in use at Vancouver sometime, not be ing needed here as soon as expected, hut having pot used .to the Vannnnvar ways is being kept there. But what's Notice of Special School Meeting, the odds. i r a ALCOHOL 3 PER flENT AVcgelablerVeparallonKrAs' (lie Siomadis aMBowds of PromolesDigesttonflieeriTir ness ana Hstxontainsneunr Opiuni.Morphine norMitmaLl NOT NARCOTIC. JbtgifM!kSBtlH,mWtit AcMltSdts- I jtmtSttd t HmSttd- uanumst Apofecl Remedy forConsM WornBorMtensJfevHisfr ness aedLOSS OF SLEEP, lie Simile Signature sf STEW YOBK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears -the Signature of x . iir 1 .r Exact Copy of: Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE OINTftUR COItMHY.'IrlWVOM CITY. The Woodworth Drug Co. Lodge Meetings. Bro. Nutting, an Albany editor, and Governor Chamberlain have just re turned from Eastern trips. Strange to say they saw, on their travels, none of those "nonpartisans" that constitute. " mi 1111c uao irecu a. annul licit; uic iiioiuulv ui cito iminuia u. vicuuu. . e t . tIT , . lie schoofe of said district for the- com- Roral Neiffh ,m-m luwa ciaewiteru arts not su easily M :,i . ' . . . fooled.-Oregonian. All of which is of ""f uy!fh!f.'le.rau" ueainess vannoi DC turea course hot air. The Oregonian doesn't cannot know anytmng about what the Gov, lee-all every oraioraay even- Jrr i'lg Chas. Schoel commander. Linn The Woodmen of the World hooalw tr, !.. laoll The K. O. M 1WUH.E 10 HWWJ B'!EU U.S. . . . c 1 1 .):.,.:... XT r lureinmstuuui uisinti io-. o,. ijuui' The woodmen 01 the World every county, Oregon, that a special meeting; Friday evening. L. L, Swan clerk. of said district will be held at the- Cen- Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, tral BtrHding Wednesday, December 23; HiJka Warford G. N. 1908, at 7:30 p m., for the purpose of Modern Woodmen 2nd and 4th r tax for the suonortof the nub- Wednesdays. F. M. Powell V. C. lie schools of said district for the- com- Royal Neighbors 1st and ' 3rd Wednes- of days. Carrie Bussard Oracle. such other business as may be brought The Ladies of the Grand- Army of the and the Dem. man saw. The Democrat yesterday in referring to the squabble over the U. of O. med ical department;, located in Portland. remarked that it helped to spend money. So it does; but it is- the money of the by local applications, as they reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by the constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound 01 imperfect hearing, and when it is students, being a private institution entirely ciosea, ueatness is tne result, doing business under the name of it and unless the inflammation can be state institution. A student of the de taken out and this tube restored to its partment in Albany today, says the normal condition, hearing will be de- criticism is from Portland physicians, stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten and without reasem are caused by Catarrh, which isnothing out an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. I We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafnebs (cause by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's tjatarrn vote, aena tor circular.,, tree. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. 1 Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. to the attention of the meetimr. Dated this 10th day of Dec, I908-. John-Foshay, Chairmam J. L. Tomlinson, Clerta Land in Small Tracts For thirty days we have five 5acrei tracts and four 10-acre tracts, within' a mile and' a- half of Albany. Fine- land at the right price and on easy terms. (jet cusy netore it advances in price, Republic meet every 1st and 3rd Tues day afternoons in the GA A. R. hall. Strangers belonging to this order will rsceive a royal welceme. Mrs. Jennie M. Brjwn, Secretary. Pairdale Plant harm. I have for sale a choice lot of plants for fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red ano white currants, loganberries, dewberriesv rhubarb, hedge plant and sage. 1VUK U. UUlttJJALLi. The Riverside Farm .). sr.llt'i I.. l'rP rxeio r B-ecdcrnn.i Importer of O. I. HUs S C White and Hull Leghorns, W. 'p. Rocks. LiRht Hrahmaa.R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantam - 1.. Turkeys, Wlu den Geese, 1 . 11 Ducks, lei Guineas Winncr-ot 17 pvwos '' 22 " . 1 'ouUr at the Lewis i.Clark r air. Pn- iii Season oiui- Pnone, Farmers l5 - J. M, RALSTON INSURANCE. LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortgage bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-'esulenw i'OMXS & OKVIXE Real Estate aid lnsuran R u No J I "jjiiiai "JANY oRICON $ Now is the time to visit California Good as' Gold. Are the candies ai the Mission lnrs, the best and largest line in city. Pocket Cutlery. Par- the Inquire the Linn and Benton, Keal Hom( Phone 7102. R. F. D. No'. 5. Estate G!b P.O. temporary offices over the Christmas Trees for Fine pocket knives guaranteed. at Baltimore's, j .Want's Your Patronage l Telephone Red 671 Buy and sell realty. Insure prop erly and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. 132 W. 1-1R51 ST. ALBANY, OR CH1NKSE DOCTOR J. Mini Fou, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, ii now prepared to furnish Chinese melicines to all. Theunder signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. 110 West Second St., Albany. Or Jm Wes ipulu 6- When summer ha passed in these northern states, the run is onlv mild under the bright blue kie of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer for those who cannot endure a more severe cli mate. California has been called the "Mecca of the winter touriMs." Its hotels and stopping places are as varied as those of all well regulated cities. Visitors can always find suitable accommodation's, congen -ial companions, and var ied, pleasing recreation. SOUTflEl PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply some very attractive literature, de scribing in dotail the many de lights of winter in Caii'ornia. Very low round trip excursion tickats are on sale to California. The rate from Albany to Los Angeles and return is $55.00 Limit six months, allowing stop overs in either direction. Simi lar excur.'ion rates are in effect to all California points. For full infermation, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write C. K. FRONK. Agent Albany, or WM. McMURRY. Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. Excursion Rates. Account Christmas and New Years, the C. & E. R. Ri Co. will sell tickets to all points at one fare for the round trip, Dec. 23-24 25 and again on Dec. i 31st and Jan. 1st. Good to return Jan. 1 4th, 1909. C. K. FRONK, agt. CHRISTMAS COMING- What is nicer for your sweetheart, mother or sister, than a nice bottle of sweet perfume. We carry only the highest grade per fumery, sweet and lasting. Fancy packages, plain and eut. glass bottles, 25c to $5. Yon are invited to call and inspect our Holiday line. Prices right. CUHM1M1 SI IiEiEi. ! Milk Notic. I Beginning Oct. 1st our charges 1 none will be as follows: I Bottled per qt. 7 cents, per month $2.10 We hawe the prettiest fir tree tint! " " pt. 4 " ' " $1.20 grow, eweolj branched, any height de- In can lots 20 cents per gallon. mJ.. . -7 JL q-J Cream per gallon SEfflft quart 25 1-iSffliLS ' R 'uST y I Pint 15 cents, K:p 10 cents. deliver anywhere in city. LONE PINE TREE FAHcM. . Home-2806. Prop. H. M. Palmer. Golden Rule. Dairy. IT'S WORTH KNOWING;-When you start out to purchase a Razor or , Pocket Knife where to go to get the best the kind that Dears a personal guarantee you get just this front us prices aiejiight. See our window. .. xsURKHART'cc UiES. A healthy man is a kino- in. Ms own right;: n unhealthy man is an uithappy slave. Bnrdock Blood Bitteraauilds np sound health keeps you welli. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing hemed me until I used Doan's Ointment, It cured me permanently." Hon. John.R.. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. The Woodworth Drug Co., On next Tuesday evening there wB4 be student's musical at the dormitory, which will he open for the public, cord ally invited to pe present. NOTICE. Commencing Monday, Oscu 14th, all Corvallis and Eastern Passenger trains will arrive and depart from the "Union Depot," where tickets may be procured or ail points on that line. C. K. FRONK. A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SbRURON y k Bids, Albany Physician and Kortreioi Hill Bloat f.lhxn Happyland hag Dolls at Meisers. The Woodworth Drug Co. Accidents will hanpen, but the best regulated (families keep Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for such emergencies. It subdues thejpain and heals the hurts K. A.LEIN1NGER, Dentist Orawford Block. - - - - Albany, Annual Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the An nual meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Creamery Associations, will be held at the creamery in Albany on the 14th of January, 1909. at the hour of One o'clock, for the election of five direct ra and the transaction of such other business as may properly com" before thi meeting. Dated Dec. 8th. 1908. C. L. SHAW. Trea. I ED LOG SOON, Sec, FISH, POULTRY, AND OYSTERS... At the old Sclnbel stand, cleaned up, BROWN & ROTH The highest market nrice paid for chickens, geese, ducks, etc. C. and E. 1ime Table. Effective Thursday, October 1st, new time card will go into effect on the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, as fol lows: Through trains 6:45 a. m. leave Ya luina; arrive at Albany 11:58 a. m. L.?ave Albany 12:38 p. m., arrive Ya- luina 6:15. Corvallis Local 6:30 a. m. leave Cor- .-allis daily; 2:lo p m. daily, except iu.iday; 6 00 p. m. daily. 7:55 a. ra. leave Albany daily; 3:35 j. m. daily, except Sunday; 7:o0 p, m. laiiy. mu. j, sh&a. Agent Phona Red 71, Home phone & Jersey Dairy. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twioa- a day. Phone Bel): Main 54 ; Home Main 144. FlrtST NATIilNAL BAlt B-A-L-AJSTT- OREia-ON: urricBRt uikxctou E W LAN'GDON , 8 K Younar President P a Uoodwin S E TOUNO O J Schmilt Viee-Presldeilt E W Langdon &CSCHMITT ACP-hmltt Transacts a general banking business. Accounts kept subject to check. . Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans-. iersoiaon new lorn, han rranaisco, Chicago and Portland. CuiiectKiii mnaeon iavorable terms Scoff's Sanfai-Fepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation, orCiturrhof th Blaullornd Dtseutxl Etd ueye. HO CURE SO FAT. Cnraa , liuicklj- and twinu neatly th wont cmci 01 CoDorrliMa and ob mattor nf how Jong itaodine. Absolvtel; barmleM. Sold by dxnggljU. Price 11. on. ar hi mall. Doat. paid, l.oo,l tvoxtw, rji.7. THE SAKTAL-PEPSIN CC BU4ontl!, Ohio. For sale br Borkhirt & Leu M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany First-class meats selected stock.; of all kinds' from UAS. 4. II0.1G, SURVEYOR City an I farm surveying a specialty,. 213 West 3rd St., Albany, Or 1