lustration is confronts th who seeks Furs Nothing more useful and comfortable than a Collarette of Coney, Oppossum or Mink. $1.00 to $30.00 Fancy Collars Lace and Ruching combinations .... 40c to $1.00 Silk with tassle ends , .35c to $1.00 New stocks of Ruchings. JJmbrellas A Special at $1.00 Umbrellas at $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 to $6.00 Very tasty handles. Japanese Brass and Bronze Vases, Statuary, Framed Pictures, Toilet and Dressing Cases, Comb & Brush Sets, Manicure Sets. Tiaveling. Cases, Fine line of Triplicate and Hand Mirrors, Picture Frames, Ebony and Fox. Wood, Military Brushes Fancy Stationary, Fancy Package of Perfume, Per fume Pumps and Atomizers and many other useful articles. You are invited to come and inspect the line. Prices are right, Burkhart & Lee. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ine vou any place you wiBh to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us. Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made tu look just as good as made to .ook just as new. Waists and dresses of delicate colors and ma terial we renovate to the delight of the owner. We also dye ny garmnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELLEY. Prep. 4J) Wlit St. Bell Phone black 27S i Home phone 1B6 For "HER" most i nen the problem suggested by this il more perplexing than any task which em during the year. But the man our aid can say Be-gone to gift proolems! For "the Lady of your choice, "or for her mother for your own mother or sister- -no matter what (heir age, you will find here countless "gifts" things ot special attractiveness to the feminine heart and eye. And remember this: We Don't Tax our Purse to Gratify Your Taste. Handkerchiefs Extra values m Embroidered at. ...15c Childrens initial 25c box Barred linens at 25c to 50c Embroidered at 50c and 75c Kid Gloves Fownes' make, that means tne best .. $1.50 Gloves at $1.00 Silk Scarfs The soft filing kind of beautiful pattern texture.. $1.25 to $4.50 Comedo our'store and see the elegant line of Holiday Goods now on display. Many new novel elties. 333 Wost First St The Suitable Christmas Gift The one you are racking your brains f ir you'll find in our superb show ing of Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand painted China, Cutlery Novelties, Silverware, etc. We orfer foryour inspection the most complete showing of dis tinctively artistic and beautiful stocks we ever carried. YOU are cordially invitedy to drop in and inspectjwhether you buy r not. F. G. WILL Jeweler. 5 Blankets White fleeev wool . . ist ii'kn urey cuiion oianeets. ....... ioc to i.ou Bugs Room size $7.00 to $25.00 Small ruSs. a lot to choose from t ii kk tr. sk an Slippers For the boudoir $1.15 Felt house slippers $1.00 to $1.75 Patent kid, 2 strap $2.00 SPRAYING Made Perfect, Profitable and . Easy. -i We are just in receipt of a carload of j Niagara Lime and Sulphur Solution, for j spraying trees, prepared by the Hood River Spray Mfg. Co., Hood River, j Oregon. After several years exper ience this solution is being used by a ' large majority of the horticulturists cf the state for nearly all the diseases that. , It x I ' . . I iriub trees urtj ttuujeui. tu. il jruu are interested in the destruction of these pests andtthe making of Oregon the leading fruit growing state of the Union, please call at our Btore and we will give you printed instructions as to the use of of the above spray. We are prepared to sell in any quan titiesat factory prices. STEWART & SOX H'DW. CO. BUSINESS Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar Fresh Chinook salmon from Bayjat the Metropolitan. 6c. Yaquina If you want to buy or rent a type writer, see Rawlings. He handles a 1 makes and keeps supplies for any m a chine. See his window of Remingtons Glass, all sizes, and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set if desire'' - The Eclipse Washer. The best, does work equal to hand work, under the mangel system. Re sults and construction guaranteed. A fine thing. Call at the Albany Hard ware Co s store and see one. - i FREMCH, the Jeweler, for Christmas presents. Burkhart guarantees his photos. DR. W.-D. HUHTINCTON Dentist At former office of Dr. A. J. Hodges, Odd Fellows Temple. To Exchange. Some good farm land lor city prop erty. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 W. SeconJ St. DR. W..R. BILYEU, Dentist Over Wcodworth'i Drug Store. Both phones. THIS MORNING News from Albany's Six Trains. Early' "Looks like Portland, "said some one at the depot this morning, after a big crowd of 0. A. C. students and others had gotten off the train from that live town up the river, Corvallis. filling the depot and covering the platform. Bat there was plenty of room. At least a dozen bunches of mistletoe gave the crowd a Christmas aspect. i Mr. and Mrs. Tip .Humphrey, of Jef ferson, returned home after an Albany visit. Mr. Humphrey owns four lota in Goltra Park, which he is keeping for his old age, a long ways off, for Tip is about as voung as twenty years ago. The lots have over doubled in price the lust year or two; out tney are not ior Bale. Mrs. Frank Reeves, popular Jef ferson lady, returned home after look ing over Albany's fine shopping dis trict. A couole of ministers in the crowd. Rev. M. C. Wire, district superintend (. uisirici euircriuiuuu- ent oi the M. rj. church, formerly caned . church, formerly called presiding elder, on his way home from a trip up the Springfield road; and Rev. E. B. Jones, of Corvallis. formerly lo cated at Tangent. The Immense ponds on the S. P. ) grounds around the depot, suggest the wep's ago; but it will come. Then too that e ament walk frnm tha damt past the terrainous of the new lightning express, is sadly needed. Mighty poor walking along the mixture of mud and iirants Pass sand. . . ..... .. ., Ben Clelan, with his genial smile, is always at the six morning trams selling Portland. Ho has done Bplendld work for the Oregonian, and runs the busi ness in a business way. A Washington Parmer. I Mr. O. A Knighton, of Baird. Wash., arrived last night on a visit with Linn county relatives. He and his partner Mr. swanK, also a former iinn county man, the past year raised between five and six thousand sacks of wheat, over ten thousand bushels, and next year will have about nine hundred acres to wheat. The crop the past year was rather small; but theirs was about the best around Baird. Special on Ra'sins. Large cluster Raisins,- per lb. . 10c 20 lb. box of same, only $1.60 r-i i : r iirecb iruill gruweru in iuiiiuriuu. OWEN BEAM CO. Phone Main 51. j You can get anything you need for your Xmas dinner at Missall &Knapp's "Main Street Grocery" Both Phones .' No. 61. I For your candies and Fronk's near the depot. fruitB call at Store open evenings. Chambers & McCune. Let Us Suggest How You Can Make i I ' g A Merry Christmas The come to our vm. tlii: k that USINESS or DRESS SUIT, OVERCOAT, or CRAVENETTE, . REST IN THEJV.AKKtT BAM ROBES, NIGHT ROBES, HOUSE COATS. F iNCY VEST.5, and NECKTIES In endles variety. Don't forget the store that catcru lo iien'r" 'ants . THE BLAIN CLOTHING CITY COUNCIL. Presant Mayor, recorder, street su perintendent and all councilmen. Bills allowed: H. C. Harkness, $28.00; o. G, Rawlings, $3.00; C. B. Miller. $1.75; St. Charles, $1.26; W. W. Rowell, $2.50; Albany Lumber Co., $33.55! G. M. Knox, $1.20; Fred Lvke, $1.20; D. S. Smith, $1.20; Ohling & Taylor, 80e. Chas. Wagner; $8.35; Port. Fl. M. Co. $15.00; O. P. Uannals, $48.90; J. A. Whitesides, $24.00; F. L. Ries. $6.76; F. M. Redfield, $5.00; J. D. Creel $1.60; C. W. McKay, $1.50; G. L. Thompson, $1.60. Committee on health and police rec-OTi-n-.ided a sewer through blocks 17, 2u. IS, H's 2nd addition. Adopted, oids ordered for sewers across streets. The matter of a corrugated iron building, with glass front, adjoining the store of Barrett Bros, was referred back to the council and discussed by Councilmen Miller and Hand. I A letter was read ftom A. Welch in ; reference to hydrant service offering to give figures for a contract upon in formation as to member of cisterns hy drants and time of contract. I The Park committee reported several sites in view, one oi ten or twelve i acres owned dv me nacKieman estate. , t , , u.: ,K ni,i,-t n ;n, r..,m.n., cellent privileges. A survey is being made. Continued. Petition of W. A. Sharp et nl, asked for a sewer through block H's 2nd ad- dition. Referred. Ordinance bill 506, granting Barrett Bros, the privilege of erecting a cor- times and passed. Aye, Dawson, Mar shall, Miller, tomhnson; no nana, Wilmot. An ordinance granting the Albany Preserving Co., the privilege of running a track across Jackson street was read and referred. An ordinance was read prohibiting the sale of near beer in Albany, with a fine bf $50 to $100, and imprisonment of 25 to 50 days. Referred to committee on licenses. ; Application of John Catlln for pos : ition of poundmaBter. Continued. I The matter of a park was disc ussed ' and Councilman Miller was appointed to confer with the Commercial Club on the subject. ' Electric Fixtures Electric Fixtures Electric Fixtures All Prices . All Prices All Prices Ralston Electric Supply Co. We are closing all of our Hand Paint ed China, also our line of purses and card cases, French, The Jeweler. One-third china. off on all hand painted Woodworth Drug Co. Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Ralston Electric Suppy Co. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALB1N STREET. T or the male mc niters of the family. Are you in doubt please fa' her, Sen or Brother best? All Men's Store, and allow us to assist wiill please him best. Among flings SUIT CASE?, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, SILK SOCKS, FANCY SOCKS, MARRIED Jenscn-Dickson. The marriage of Miss Mamie M. Dickson to Mr, Lawrence F. Jensen took place at the heme of the bride's mother, Mrs. H. P. Philippi, near Mil ler's Station, this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The bride is an acomplished young lady and has many friends here and at Eugene. The groom is one of the proprietors of the mill of the Eu gene Planing Mill Co at Eugene and is an enterprising young business man. He is second lieutenant of Co. C, Fourth regiment, O N G., at Eugene. High School Students. At a meeting of the high school board at the court house today it was learned that there are about 550 high school . students in the county, and the cost per capita will be about $30. It is pro posed to work into the new law gradu ally, giving students the advantage of ' any high school in the county at the -expense of the county. Toys! Dolls! Doll Carriages! Prices Just Right -AT- Charles Knecht's It is no Joke That the ELITE has the Largest and most complete stock of Fine Candy boxes and Candies in ALBANY Don't Forget. as to what would you in 2u;sonqo for men, w mention SHOE.-, HATS. HANDKERCHIEFS. MUFFLERS SHHU'.s:C0LLARS, SUSPENDED, SWEATEI I'iO A TS x:lu 1 ely COMPANY