Air. Fulton's iay Po The following from a republican pa per at Washington that believes in de cency even in politics, is refreshing: At this distance it certainly looks as if ex-Senator Fultor, of Washington, has not made a very .-strong case in favor of. upsetting the. decision of the I people of . his state .as to a Senator. i Fulton was a candidate before the re- publican primaries. for .re-election, but was defeated by Henry M. Cake. Cake then went before .the people as the . republican nominee, with Gov. George ... Chamberlain as rithe democratic cani- . date. The people, while giving Taft . an overwhelming, majority, expressed , themselves quite as strongly in favor of Chamberlain for Senator. Now , Fulton is trying to overset this decision He sayB that it is evident that people ' who voted so strongly tor Taft do not want to be represented by a Domo cratic Senator, which is begging the .. question to Bay the least. Fulton .. claims that the democrats masqueraded as republicans in the primaries in order . to defeat him and nominate Cake, who "was a much weaker man" and there, fore easier for Chamberlain to defeat, . Again, Mr. Fuluon is asking us to take a great deal on his mere say so. Mr. i' Fulton is in Washington trying to get . the support of the administration, bu t.not meeting with marked success. Dowj at Panama, Judge Taft and Mr. Pulitzer are to oe down at Panama investigating con ditions at the same time. They should do it as fairly on one siJe as on the other, though having apparently differ ent objects in view. Men should be manly enough to admit their mistakes if they have made them. And this is to be hoped Judge Taft and Mr. Pulit- zer will do giving the people of the United States the actual facts. The building of this canal is a colossal task costing millions upon millions of the money of the people, for they are the ones who put up in the long run, and they have a right to know that the money is being honestly and judiciously expended. A Good Example. Doings. C. H. NEWS Deeds recorded: Eva Myers Ewing to Laura B. Myers 40 a ..$1200 Mary A. Groshone toDist. 106 20 acres . . . i Mortgages for $130 and $375. Pr cits ' ite: In estate of V. H. Caldwell n for sale of real estate ordered, ' Special prices on Christmas box can dies. The largestiand finest in the city. At the Mission Parlors. Don't forget a large $5 box of candy given away on Christmas Eve at the Mission Parlors. Deeds recorded: Isaac Whealdon to F, 150 a Mr. Frank Hudson, recently af North-Turner J. Miller to L. em iuiuurnia, nan oueneu u cleaning and pressing establishment In the city. New crop Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts and Brazil nuts ai Missall & Knapp's "Main Street Grocery." We deliver everywhere. Both Phones No. 64. 1 . E. Church, south, corner Mont Marriace l'cense: Chas. B. Thompson aged 20, and Caddie J. Carlton, aged 20, both of snedd.; Probate: Final account approved in estate of J. H. Roberts. In estate of Geo. Knox final hearing set for Jan. 2s. Marriage licenses: J. A. Liggett, aged 25, of Halsey, and Pearl Lamar, aged 21, of Shedd. Lawrence Jensen, aged 25, of Eugene, ar.d Minnie Mae Uick, son, aged 18, of Albany. R. Duncan . m Zimbrick 100 a 3000" Millard N Bass to PhebeE. Stur- tovant 10 a 119 John J. Vernon to F. P. Nelson 10 a 1 gomery and 3rd. Key. W. H. Martin of $100, $2000. Mortgages for $2300, $2000. $185, $800, . Ex. Mr. Taft at Hot Springs turned dow his wine glass. "Yes," said he. "and it is going to stay turned down. I am not going to drink anything again." Taft has undertaken a tremendous job, and he needs all his nerve and cool consciousness. An Atlas burden has 'been laid upon his shoulders. He girds himself to his great task. Wine is for the light-hearted for t-thosu who don't care. Dulce far niente .and vlve la bagatelle such are the words of wine songs. Men drink to escape from realty. He Isn't fooling. He cares. So he turn down his glass. It is a cheerful omen. 'Ml - Passing uf (he Engine. Examiner. The monster fire engine in passing through thestreets, tearing furiously away towaid the seat of danger, is always a thrilling spectacle. But it is to go to.lthe scrap-heap. In a little while fire-fighters will not need the engine. . This sras demonstratad the other night at a. tiro in New York. Twenty engines wereipommnhed, but not one was.utiliz . ,. i he high pressure salt doing the ne cessiiry or!i . So satisfied was the fire chief with, the mains that many engines beforestationed dawn town have been sent to-remoter parts of the city, their . presence among the skyscrapers no longeibcing a necessity. Albany has now reached the electric street car age. Nu one can now pomi. Satisfactions for $400. OREGON. Portland. ' December 21st. Fiftv school children from Chicago are to be Jefferson will preace Sunday 27th at 11 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. ' Order vour New Year's Oreeonian early, at the American Cigar Store, Ben Cblan agent. 6c cents wrapped, 5 cents open. Payable in advance, leave A pretty Christmas offering is a neat brought to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific plate calender, with all the months of exposition next year if the plan sug- rjtra on it, oeing nresenteu oy unung B. , ...... -- & Taylor, to their friends. the Oregon Deyetepment League is ., a. i , r, ,, . 4.U. carried out. They will also visit Port Mr. Stewart, of Dreamland, savs the , j , .J i u.- -. giving away of a rea live baby or iNew whe ey return' hne will write let Years eve., Dec. 31. is no fake, but a t mi ' f the tri and wbat ey genuine business. Some people have , .u , r thought It a lake, but it is not, TANGENT HAS ROBBERY $60 Stolen From the S. P. Depot. While Agent Dibel, of the Tangent S. P. office, was at heme to supper last evening, sometime between 5 and 6.30 o'clock, the office of the S. P. was brok en into and $60 taken from the drawer of the Company. The burglar secured an ax at the school Rouse, and, evident ly watching his chance, pried open a window at the depot, and helped himsen to the money on hand. Upon his return at 6:30 Mr. Dibef found what had been done. No clue to the thief could be found: but it was un doubtedly a hobo passing through the town, me valley is lull or tnem. "EXTRA" At the Empire this;Week. Blossom, the smallest horse in the world. Beginning THIS evenins IHarry Holmes, the burnt cork comedian, in troducing his famous bone solw, with Mrs. Holmes at the piano. And the usual splendid seriesof mov ing pictures and songs. And only 10 cents too. .; , MISFITS. Christina is coming a jumping. I Will faft'3 cabinet be a heavy one. The giving not the gift Is the Christ mas idea. Sam is doing these days. an Immense business TELEGRAPH. LABOR Pavement next, then more. First street first. Pulitzer will also- visit ditch' and see for himself. the Panama It is our own trolley anyway, it rsns !fne and is filling a long felt want. Fulton will hold up Postmaster Young. Considerable of a bold up these- days. The man who gets a pair of suspend ders, so he wont have to change sus penders is lucky. LEADERS Sentenced to Imprisonment. WjUBlNGTONlDec 23- Justice Wright of the aupreme court. District Colum bia today decided the contempt case of the Buck's range company against Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison. Gompers was sentenced to twelve, Mitchell to Bine and Morrison six months imprisonment They were released on bail pending appeal of the case. Neigler III fitec. 21. Fire raging in the Leiter coal mines may cause the closing down of mines for many months. Joe Leiter and young wife are on the scene. The wife lending every aid to the fire fighters, binding up bums, and tarnishing hot meals. Uioon City, Teim., Dec. 2L The secrets of the night riders was exposed today when a former member turned Some day the trolleys wilPte buzzing states- evidence. He told how masked saw of the trip: Some neat little purses sent out by Y.. en i. w. the First National bank to their pa- :""r.T" ."3:. :.'J tr?v.aP?reC,aie5IhT.Tfr considerable time-in Oregon conxnri of the Christmas buymg indicates that ,. Bt,lrtvin the. Buhiicft method of there is plenty of money their use. in town tor Condenser Meeting. The meeting for the permanent or ganization of the Albany Condenser was being held this afternoon, at the courthouse, with an attendance of twenty. Henry Lyons presided, with E. W. Cooper as secretary. J. B. Cou gill was reported elected director in place of A. M Hammer, and B. M. Pal mer in place of D. S. Smith, those men not being able to serve. $2Z,bUU Btock was reported subscribed $2,400 less than a majority required to organize permanently, and an effort was being made to secure this. IZasttrn Star Officers. the various commercial bodies. I The Northwest Blectrie Light JiPtwr er Association, embracing Oregon, I Washington, Idaho and Montana, held i a two days, session in1 the Convention ! hall of the Portland Commercial: Club i last weekv Poultry raisers are- taking lots of in terest in the coming- show of the Lane County Poultry Assoaiation at bUissne Dncember23st to- 2th. Dr. Stephen S. Wisei. Rabbr of the Free Svnacrosrue of New York Citv re- tains an ardent affection fos the Pfcciiie At The Hotels. S. S. Lewis, CorvallU. Wm Goerg, Sterling, Colo. H. A. Hmsbaw. Portland. 6 0. Haigrave, Portland. J'. T. King. Gates. & O. Rice. Shedd. Ei F. Purely, Kingston. d E. Hawkins, Mayor-elect of Tole-do;- Banker George Wilhelm, Harrisburg. M.- Rector, a prominent Halsey mam, CosTtniBBioneirO1. H. Rusaell, Sweett Home. A. Heast,, Philomath. G.; C; Nelsonv Shelkiirn. G. C. Slate,, Merrill. L- Rt Hicks,. Ashland. IsraeliEddv, Baskina. Aug. W. Fischer; Hour null man, Cor vallis DavidiC Lewis, Scio. E. W;.-Tillson, Salenv J. W. Whitney, Halsey. Rev, . &. Gardner.,. Tangent. clear throoirh the vallev. and Albany will be a trojley center. It is coming. Carnegie has caused consternation by declarincihat the oteelmakersneed no protectiom The standpatters are wild. Just a slight illness on the port of menntnder various captains had visited man; men and whipped- or otherwise maltreated them for various reasons. The witness was guarded by soldiers- in the coastnwm. , HFLUfaaMC, Li., Dee. 2S-Mr3. Annia today testified that T. Jenkins Haines- threatened to kill her the day her hus band was murdered, when she attempt- (100, an unlucky day when Harnnran is ill. According? to the Statesman1 the Chemawa feat ball team played a wta- ' ning game aMi the season. Not when in Albany. Salem has began arrangements' t Mr. Harrinran depressed stock $iaW,-- d t0 reasoh Ber hnsband after' he was shot bv Uap.t. feter Haines. PltTSBUBOj Dec. 22. Pittsburg is. stirred by-municipal graft and scandal which bids fair to outrival' the San Francisco caae. Seven councilmen and', two bankers-are nnder arrest! released' on $178,000 'baiil. Other arrests are ex pec ted. Caracas, Dee. 22. It is sumored! Becure some pure water from the Gas- that Gomez narrowly escaped1 assassi- cades. By the way that's where the Dation as a resaflt of frustrating a plot Willamette and: Sanliam come from'.'. ,n wW(,h CagtrQ gaid to haTO. beeni , concerned, to cause Gomez' death. The Examiner grves a prophetic pio- This has caused Gomez to assume con tore of 1909 events, according to whicHi "' of the government in the name of there aro going! to be numerous things! new cabinet, doing: a king wiil be assassinated,. others in danger; a meteor will strike t Russia, Russia will invade Turkey,. i Russia and England will nearly come to j war, there will be a rebellion in Fin-1 : land, numerous brarible mine exDlosions. 1 , an epidemic of ohotera in Florida, a big Eu.-,,nJv , Athanv pilo western city will be burnt, a volcanic: EVeryDOOV in Aiaany is Cllg AGE 10 BAR of i again. life, etc. ... , .. r T" nil- eruption with great loss f IfSt ffli. L . GlUtlstava Entertain-j Wouldn't that jaryouai . ment. i j " Home and Abroad. Tomorrow, evennrg: at tite First M. E. ehurchjanmnusually good Christmas pre- j gram willi be give. Besides the Christ- s mas tree- and. program of music and ? readings, there will' be some entirely s r nnfl 7. Mrs. Reena Seeley, Worthy Matron, Mr. t lyde C. Bryant, Worthy Matron Vrs. Huella Turner, Associate Patron, Mrs. Lida B. Van Winkle, Conductress, Mrs. Edith Leatherman, Associate Con ductress, MrB. Elizrbeth Shaw Traas- . . j ui- ". I 'urn Bowers, secretary, mra. finger ot derision at its old fashioiutd Annctla t,angdon, Mrs. Annetta Weath a faithful servant of the erford. Mrs. Mary J. Kelly, Mr. F. M. people for many years, doing a good work. Now a different era dawns. With the electric car will come other things of a metropolitan character, and this railroad center will go ahead with the stridos its importance as a commer cial center demand. While. Albany is oroing ahead the other cities of the valley will also do likewise, for prosperity is going to Albany has don't was.e- them1 on European- won- archs. but eat them-Sato thesystents of ipu- f..n (Kon hn oioM-' Oregonians- who lie- and' treasure .. ii.., ed Lv liarzillia Chapter No. 16 O E Sv Northwest, Wb residence- for sererali J new features-to-make-the evening one years. In- commenting on the- priae apples recen-ly sent to European raiurs and exhibited' in New York, he writes: "Why is this fruit sent to auch 5dW ferent Oregonians aa Bdwari Wilhelm', Nicholas andi Mr; Fallieres?.' lif yova really want Hft-egon apples, to count. everythine Oregonianv from, little Maunt Mood r bigrMixia Kiver apples. Redfield, Trustees. A Play s Origin. strike the entire valley. no desire to build itself up on the bones gentler' a nam I.' Cap?, of its neighbors, but it does wish ' wtts an old Bchoolmate of H. R. progress along sane hnea and amount to something as a city. An interesting thing in connection with the presentation of the play, of j Arizona in Albany is the fact that the , play is founded on the experience of i Capt. Dentler, a former O. A. C. pro-1 fesaor of tactics, - who married Miss Gellatly, a young ladyi well known in Albany. In the play the hero is given ! the name of Denton, Deing part or , uenuer Schultz Tljing Machine fur the JSInrket. The flvinff machine business has reached that state, whore Wright Bros, .propose to furnish aeroplanos for the market. Just niw it boks as and has a good many friends in Albany Christmas Tree at the Academy. At the Hftds. Not many drummers nowadays, mer chants bebae too bua during the holi day season to- attend to buying. Groe- ery drummers though always eome and go. i John G. Townaead. Salem, j ' J. C. Goodale, in charge of the Cur tis Lumber Co's business at Salt. Lake. H. H. Snackleford, Franklin, Ga, J. S. Swank, Talliuan. A. M. Langguth, Portland. , C. H. Cannon, Salem. O. M. Shelton, Scio. W. Crews, Toppenish, Wash. G. T. Cree. Lyons. Hugh Freeland, Gates. A. M. Duffv and wife, Portland. S. T. Hedges, Portland. E. C. Buchanan, Drain. C. G. Gillette. Grants Pass. J. M. Davis, S'llem. A. A. Seldon, Portland W. H. Schrader. Seattle. Archie Horner. Corvallis. D. M. Brooks, Waldport. Library Lamps Library Lamps Library Lamps Ralston Electric-Supply Co. A gambling dea at Corvallis was Old people stooped with suffering,'. Middle age, csuirageously fighting, . Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable t explain; All in misery from their kidneys. Only a little backache first, Comes when you'catch cold. Or when you strain the back Many complication follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright '3 : disease. Boan's Kidney P:H cure backache Cure every form of kidney ills. S. C. Walling, retired, of 424 Si Denver St., Albany, ore., says: "For several years I endured more or .less suffering from kidney complaint, the nf interest. The members-ot the sefcoof will bring j individual or olass gifts, which will be d aanf ,n f ha. Rnua. o.,l I ft'irka. A.iitl Knc.iptV j nf PortlawL t raiueo ana tnree rawi arreit-u. awu W . - . ... c-..J...T HnaA 40K nnA Ida aDio, K9rt scwisn' TOf?s mzTk- sw:r thf rr&bs pxtRto!&e ci, gHSSSS "l? J fi"..n5?,5f? "S A$2Z :, ts are placed at .$60,725. $1500 each .SfmSe fcS ttem Somf of my i w is me noun. h vnmted for the lephants, Joo tor the 1 neighbors have ounieaually good re price. Christmas at Atesonic Temple. A very pleasing program will bo ren derej at the Christmas tree exercises. this afternoon at the Academy. The exercises will bo held in the new audi t.i.ium unrl n Inriro number of children if tho man who will buy one ot the ' comprising the several Sunday scnooi machines for actual use is a chump. Men. Past. Present and Future." This Men may want them for adventure; but hnnt UK) children will receive gifts, will be the second lectura in the course Shedd. The Hon. O. P. Hoff, State Labor Commissioner will speak in the United Pa9bvterian church. Monday evening. Dec. 28, on "The Church and Working for a mini to get one for practical pur-1 Father Lano will also award prizes for given under the auspices of the u. . . ... , i 1 .1.. u:..Un, in nnrlv ai-hnol phlirch. poses is almost ooyonu one s c,nre.n n- ---v - , ch for aami33ion to, holidays to reopen on January 4. s on. It IS possioio mui aumu uay cortnin class of people may use Hying machines for business purposes, but the number will always be limited. It is true that wo nio doing things now which would have been said to have been impossible years ago; but this flying arragement is a littlo off tho ordinary, . and diziiness is constitutional. these lectures, but a free-will offering nr th close for exoenses I .Itor I id The churches of Shedd will observe tho week of prayer by holding union, meetings to be conuueteu Dy me inia Tho following letters remain in the tors. Albnnv.- Oro.. postofhee uncalled for Dec. 23, 1908. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving tho date: H. F. Bevier. Mrs. Charles Crampton, Wm G. Gilman. Miss Juiia Helen, Mr. Over a Dot. I S. C Hale. Mr. J. M. Kyle, Clarence l.ihv. Mr. Claud Morean. Mr. J. M. The papers are having some fun over ! "jj'ji Cc.BHehSlL elne I ne story of a Boston woman who was rollocki Mr. Hlirrv Senders. Mr. Solor much put out because after tho death j Spending, simoson & Christenson, Mr. of her beloved dog, only ino friend Ausun lute. Mr. Wm F. Wymer. - .... . 1.,.., nf nnn.lnlnn. W-an'l I J- s- VN INKLE, P. M. nt:ili nvi i." . " ; t!iatwful. Think of the cold hearted noss'of nfriend who wilt not sympa thize in the death of a favorito do. We pause to still our indignation at those Boston people. Soriously the dog is a faithful animal, and has its place in the world; but humani'y i first, and the dealh of any dog thouirn it may cause regrot, ia not an occasion .fur demonstration. Business Men lf you are m tBsatisfied with your vBtom of keeping books, phor.e or cnii '" Rawl ngs and let him show you ihe mist compl.'i" up-to-date safety, su -scries, solf lnaoxing loose leaf ec'ger and safety loose leaf self index ing invoice aim pji chasing record there is i.n iho market. A re you from Mis souri, let me show you. Both phone Promise of a Hummer. Since the announcement last evening that a gymnarium class for Albany boys over nine years ot age is to oe orgam nt th Alco Club rvm.. on the day before Christmas, many youths have expressed their anxiety for entering thn class, and naients in general ar expressing their approval for this good work. , ' Thoan wishinor to cret in may do so by applying now for membership. Receipts at woodworm oriii; mure. i 3939 in, the County. Superintendent Jackson has just com pleted the enumeration of those be tween 4 and 20 drawing school monpv, in the county. The number is 6939. which ia an increase over last year of 306. Of this increase an even 100 is in Albany. Following is thn- nroeram for then Christmas exercise of Temple Com mander! Mb. 3;. at &30- a. m. Christmas day, at the Masonic: temple: , Past Srand Master E. P. Mason, con- Hnctnr. The Hbly City, by the Corvallis Oi- chestra. Max Mititer, Mr. ana Mrs. Har old Woodcock aoA Edwin Woodcock. Piane.sslo by Prof . Wm. Boone, ua r. Wmni. Hark tlte-Herald, by Knightu! chestra of Malta Quartet Messrs, Fulton, Do- belle, tates ana icaoer, uorvaius. Scrmtural reeding by Sir Knight J Jt I Evans. Vocallsolo, "Lok a Star, Ye Hoary.". by Pmf. Fulton. Lio-miogy Dy n.DJgDEs oi inaai uu-tet. Leeture by D. r Mason. Pnwer bs Key. D. H. Leach, Comal- lis Toasts. Mfemori&V services Hymn by Mafta Qunrcot- benediction by Rev. Leach; piano solo-, by Prof. Boone; musiffi by Atzvn orchestra; reiresnmenis. r trick mule and $11)0 f or the hyena. The ; Morris Brothers hrst came to Albany ' with a few dogs,, showing in the old ( theater, at the Stettei corner, grand- , sally enlarging it into a dog ana pony show and then aicircus, disastrously. Dancing Party. Last night tho- Whirl Wind Staff, Wilson Peery editor in chief, gave a dancing party at Bussard hall, a cy clonic affair, enjoyed by about forty couples of live-young people. The hall was beautifnlly decorated, and fine music was furnished by the Coon or- sults from the use of boan's Kidney Pins and I hear a great deal of praise -fd this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. FosterMilburn Co., Buffalo,. New York, sole agents for the United , States. Remember the name Dean's and talte. no other. Miss. Burkhart Testified), Miss Verna Burkhart, of this city, testified yesterday afternoon ab to'olock in the Finch case, telling a plain, con vincing story. She saw Finch enter and saw all the shootincr. beiur in the door at the time, havinir ODened it -for f inch, who Bald "Hello, Kanwi, ana pulled his gun and shot in cold blood. She told the truth. Ontgpn's BanKs. Salem, Dab 22.. State Bank Examtr iner James Steel yesterday completed statement of the condition of .the 132z state and private banks in Oregon at m the date ot the last call, November 21, daily. 1908. The statement shows total re sources, $S3v02,213.25, of which $5,54ir 579.75 is cash on hand, and $8,396,432.21 due from. banks and bankers. The deposits subject to check amount to $39,674.3.18.82. The loans and discounts aggregate $25,983,246 46. C. and E. Time Table. Effective Thursday, October 1st, & new time card will go- into effect on the." Corvallis ft Eastern.. Railroad, as fol lows: Through trains 6:45 a. m. leave Yar onina; arrive at Albany 11:68 a. mi. Leave Albany 12:38 p. m.. arrive Ya qoina 6:15. Corvallis Local 6E30 a. m. leavo Cor, vallis daily; 2:15 p. in. daily, except. bojaay; t uu p. m, daily. TJk a. m. leave Albany aaiiy; iiKo. daily, except aunday; 7:5U p. m.. jnu. J, shea, Agent. Ovrfers at the Metropolitan. Thdoyster season has opened,, and from.aow on the Metrowolitan Market Broacialbin street, will have the best to be secured, the fat article, good, meas ure. Just trom the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of. the sea- son.. Cull when you want tie best, neat and clean. Phone Red 71,. Home phone 8. The Oliver- Typewriter.. Best on the market. First National Bank people hone five. Albany College has ten. Thirty-five used in Ablany. See the new tabulator and ruling de vice. $15 cash, then l7c per day, pay able monthly. See one at Steward & Sox Hardware. Co. Phone 218. Home Phone. The Weather. A Free 96-Page Diary. We take pleasure in announcing that. any of our readers can, secure a fine 96 page diary for 1909, by sending 2 cents postage to D. SWIFT & Co.. Patent Lawyers, Waihingtan, D. C. This diary is worth 25 cents, and contains 20 pages of valuable information, such as tha crop production of 1908, by states. Brief but valuabVe points of every-day law and patent laws.. Business forms, and population of all cities and states, etc., and 75 pages memorandum. Supt. Jackson has begun arrange moni a fnr mi institute and entertain ment at Tangent tiie last Saturday of January, with nlwnt tin schools in it tanttto -Sgutvs i.t una iuu nun Arnavs s EXECUTOR'S NOT.Cc Nai'ce ii herby aivc-n thA 'ne uodfr signed was by order oi meCua.iiy Court oi the Stale of Uranoa l.r i.iuu Cnuaiv. UUiy appuiuiuu executor oi me ,asi uit. n.i ie t-aimit of Mary AuuvpAUtih. dre-c d. all parsons havinj c!im.. againot the estate oi aid drcl arr hereby re in-red ti p esen: th- sa-ni, with the propir Toucne.8, co ihe noJ-r-igned, at his office, i-i tha Fi-. Si lioaal Uaok Bai'il nu, la iheCityol Albany, In Lino , Oroo. wi n io n in uins from ths dttt ot l-iii not! r. Dated thli 25; k day of Decemeber. 19J8. ' H. H. HEWITT, Executor. HEWITT i SOX. A'tornevs for Executor. 3 TOT1TA. Baugtu The Kind You Haw Hlmrs B!lil Range of temperature 4&40i. Rainfall was .36 inch. The river has beeun risine and is 2.2 feet, with prospects of plenty for the boats. Art Glass Domes Art Glass Domes Art Gloss Domes Ralston Electric Supply Co. CHRISTMAs"cOMING What is nicer for your sweetheart, mother or sister, than a nice bottle of sweet perfume. We carry only the highest grade per fumery, sweet and lasting. Fancy packages, plain and cut glass bottles, 25c to $5. You are invited to call and inspect our Holiday line. Prices right. BURKHART & LEE. OASTOIIIA. Bean tie 1,8 Ha" ;ars BongH