1 This will be the Busiest, Jolliest Week of All Everybody is happy, and wants to show every one else by some small gift perhaps, we all like to give but.it sometimes seems expensive. Now we have an excellent stock of little dainty things that any one will appreciate and they will cost you little. Among them are: House Slippers for Men, Women and Children A most excellent line in a great var iety of styles in all colors. Always so comfortable that the receivers will al ways lemember you happily. The prices from 85c in Childrens to 2.00 in Men's and Womens. The Store will Be Open Next Week Until 9 P, m. jtittiruJ 4b tut) podi uttitJti. Aiuttuy, Or n second oIbbb mail matter. FP NUTTING- The Democrat. ' , The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.0C By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $8.60. The Weekly Advance per year $1.26. At end of year $1.50. After 8 years at OUR WANTS BARGAIN IN PIANO. A new piano for sale cheap, only been used a few weeks. Inquire 342 1st St. Drug store. ?2t LOST. A knit glove, brown color. Please return to the Democrat office. WANTED. Information regarding Farm or Business for sale; not par ticular nbouU location; wish to hear from owner only, who will sell I direct to buyer: give price, description, and Btato when possession can be had. Address L. Darbyshire, Box 2030, Rochester, N. Y. UARE BARGAINS. A ten rbom house and two lots for sale. Everything in good repair. Inquire 342 First St. Drug Store. 22t FOR SALE. One New Perfection Oil stove, one tub, one wash boiler and two irons. Call at 333 East Second St. J. Morgan. t-25 Order your slab wood $2.50 a cord from!01a Saltweit. Phone Black 167. tl-1 WOOD FOR SALE, Oak, ash and mnplo. Claud Logsdcn, Home phono ' 1145. 1218t ! BUFF ORPINGTON Cockerels for i sa e from $1 to $2.50 each. W. L. Cobb, R. D. 4. Home Phone 2305. 14t APPLES.-Baldwins, Jonathans and Northern Spies. J. G. GinsoN, Home phone 4054. lot WANTED. Chickens .and turkeys at i tjio highest casn price, at Brown as . Roth's market, Lyon street. ; 12t FOR SALE.-Barred Plymoth Rock Cockerels. Phone Farmers 29 Bell, tfl. HOLT AGAIN.-MincemeatbyMotho Phillips. NAPOLEON JEAN, Architect, con tractor and builder, 116 Ferry St. TEAM WORK done by Ola Snltveit ,1016 E. Water. Home Black 167. tl-1 FOR SALE. ICO acres foot hills 12 miles west of Junction, good house, tiarn; a springs; iruic on it. io un acre or will trade lor Albany prop- orty, J. R. Metzgar 3rd and It. K. 29t 1 FOR SALE. 38 acres, all in cultiva tion, with house and barn, 4 miles oast of Albany. Also two corner lots between 1st and Water Streets, by Ola Snltveit, 1016 E Water St. Home Phono blackl67. FOR SALE.-ruro bred White Leg- hum roosters, Black Minorca roost-' ers, Plymouth Rock roosters, and pure bred Tulousc geese. Mrs. J. C. i Porter, R. D. 2, Box 15. Homo, phono 3651. tfl. WOOD FOR SALE. Some good dry' wood. Phone E. M. Perfect, 201 Bell. 201 Homo. I MUSIC LESSCNS.-Pinno:nnd organ.1 Phone black 971. HvlenElkins. FIRE INSURANCE.-Boavcr State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Hldg. j SODA WATElt. unsciuna water irotn the Gciacndorfer springs, may be had nt Tomlmson iiominn s ami nt the Peacock stables, at $1.60 a dozen. 2t AERMOTEKIirasohno pump, air coated with pump jack, ready to hitch to pump for only $15. Crawford tho Aermotor man will be glud to show you. FIRE INSUKANCE. O, F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C.C. Bryant, Albany, CuBick Bank Bldg. Both phonos. FOR SALE.-Model N Ford runabout with top, only run one season in fine crndition. Apply to W. W.aSraw ford. agt. Ford Motor Curs. J. H. RU1TER, W00DSAWING Phone red 942, Home 1211.; We use gasoline and don't buinjyeur wood power. Ribbons Are in great demand at persent and we show a large and beautiful line in some new effects for collars ties, and. biws. A special lot of excellent flowered ribbon, wide at 20 and 25c per yard. Store Open each evening this week un-il 9 p. m. Hamilton's Bazaar L. E. & H.' J. HAMILTON Other People's Editorials. A subscriber has furnished the fol lowing for this column for one day. Perhaps some one elfle would like to try editorial writing for the experi ment of it. If so pitch in, but make your articles short, and take the re sponsibility yourselves: In 1853 the Turks took Constantnople, became Mohamedans and have made that city their headquarters to the present time. Missionaries tell us that civilization without Christ lowers the natives to depths that heathenism has not reached. R. L. Burkheart, of near this city, is well pleased with the kale propos i tion. He has tried it this year on sev eral acres. It is fine for milk cows. It was said to a class and in our pres ence by a college professor here that of the two the country students'are the most intelligent, a surprise to the writer. There is a fine writeup and pictur e in the Christian Herald of Chas. Wes ley. He was born two hundred years ago the tenth of this month, the next to the last of nineteen children. Was it not a good thing that he was born '"r- 'b -B ' over seven thousand hymns. I I An author has said that the kind of man jruu auiiuia 10 iuo tkiiiu ui iiiuii yuu are. n is said there has been thirty-one ., . .. . . , . Sultana Slnce th Turks took Posession of Constantnople in 1413. There is good evidence to indicate that chepres ent one is the last, the one to declare the Holy War, the last and greatest of nll war, ln tha history of the world, according to tho writings of Miles Grant, of California who was in Allbany sev eral years ago, while here lecturing at the W. C. T. U. hall. Some ladies in this city wonder where 1 their liberty comes in, when dogs are allowed to tramp over their linens and curtains placed on their lawns to bleach The writer would rather hava a burglar nronnd than be bothered with dirty dogs. Albany's Prospects Salem Statesman: Thoro nro exceedingly bright pros I pects ahead for Albany, the county seat of Linn county, which was found ed over a half century ago. Its first ! electric railway began operations yes terday, which marks the beginning of a I progressive movement that will look to ; tho bottermont and rapid growth of the city. The contract has been let for the modem improvement of the streets in front of seven of its leading business blocks, and it is a certainty that when this is completed more streets will be given attention in this respect. Albany is destined to become one of the leadinir ciues and railroad centers in Oregon, and the person who secures business or residence property there now will have acted wisely. The Crest. I have a very choice line of X'mas b"n bon boxes. Come early and get I. I. priTTtf your pick. L. L. Mission Art Glass Library Lamps Ralston Elkctric Supply co. Missall &Knapp's "Main Street Gro- icery is a good place to get yourXmas nuts and candies. Both Phones No. 64 Burkhart, McKinstry. photographer, successor to A Library lamp makes a long evening short. We have them. Ralston Electric Supply Co. I Fancy Linens. Doiilies, Center Pieces, Scarfs, Lunch Clothes, Handkerchiefs All a'great pleasing variety in the finest of hand work. Some imported, but all dainty thinks that 'please all women. The can be secured from 5c to $5.00. The Real Christmas Store. Come In. A NOVELTY IN ARIZONA. One agreeably novel feature of the production of "Arizona" is the ar- rangement of the program wherein the list of characters is presented in the order in which thev first nnnpnr nntho ' tno. rivi kva;; . wittincrlv no j wnicn serves ine oouoie purpose " ' "T.jP "7 tTt LT precluding any dispute that micht arise difficulty of deciding who shall be first in so well a wrought plav. where the merest bit is to be coveted, may be imagined. Deafness Cannot be Cured bv local applications, as thev cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, ana mat is Dy tne constitutional rem edies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is mnamed you have a rumbling sound oi imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, ueatness is the result. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed torevei ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which isnothing duc an lnnamea condition oi tne mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundwd Dollars for anv case of Deafness Icansn hv I rtnfairM fhat- nnnnnt- ha I... tlll'l uatarrn uure. send tor circulars, free, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Drugftists, 75c. J?ke Hall's Fami'y pills for con3ti- Something Appropriate, A box of homemade cigars or a pipe, . in one of the latest novelties, just the thing for a gentleman who smokes, for a Christman present. Call at William I Eagle's. Electric Toasters Electric Toasters Electric Tojsters Ralston Electric Supply Co. IT'S LIKE THIS-Johnson's Best Flour is the best because it is milled from tho best wheat in scrupuouslr ciean mills. Its use insures delicious bread, cake and pastry. HOFLICH'S for your oys ters properly erved, according to taste . BurkhartPhotographer. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, open site the Democrat office. A BICYCLE. -Belonging to Chas. Cleek, was taken from in front of the Toggery Thursday night, a Ra cycle. No. 19827, 22 inch block frame, Corbin brake, wide handle bars. Please report to Mr. Cleek. GIRL WAN I'ED.-To do general house work. Call or phone the Democrat office. ' WOOD FOR SALE.-80 cords of body fir wood, in a lump, from the road side, one mile north of Albany in Benton county. Phone C. D. Wid mer, Home 2801, about it. OPEN UNTIL 9 P. 31. Fortmiller Furniture Newest and - IN Diningroom Libmry Lamps. A large assortment to choose from. Prices to suit anyone. Ralston Electric Supply Co. 306 West Second Street. C. H. NEWS. Tax Levy Will Be about II Mills, The county court held an informal session today ard talked about the com ing tax levy, which will be made later. It will be approximately 11 mills, 2 more than last year, properly so. 'Ihe figures are not agreed upon yet. The high school may be counted at 6 mills and roads 1.6 mills, last year being 9 mills. Marriage licenses: C. A. Lucas aged 21, and Dessa Lee, aged 18, both of Scio: O. A. Kniffhton. acred 39. of Baird, Wash., and Susie Green, nged ?5, of Holley. Probate: In estate of M. W. Miller, Alice M. Miller apoointed administra trix. Appraisers G. M. Bilyeu, Geo. A. Griffin and Jos. H. Poindexter. Deeds recorded: Seth W. Mitchell to IChas. Hiatt. I 2 lots Lyons 10 H. E. Allingham to J. F. Kelley, 448 66 acres 100 Geo. F. Coffey to Alva M. Bowen, I blocK Scio 1000 ! Thos. Iorns to Jacob Bailey, 80 acres 1800 Arthur Beaver to Mary E. Upder- I graff, 80 acres , 1 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Colpitts returned thin nonn from Uaar. . , :Fred Thompson, Willamette medical student, came home this noon, 1 Detective Reilley has been here look- lnK lnto the Tangent robbery. T onrl M,a Ram r.nnn want- tlia : D ;r. ,.K:r.v .r - ; Baj for a Christmas visit. Mis3 Graca payn8i of Paci slty came borne this noon j;,L Q T.n!no nf Mawnnch off-n a week's stay in Portland, went home for the holidays . Mrs. Fleener, of Blodgett arrived this , noon on a visit with her daughter, Mrs. I. A. Munkers. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Couey went to i Portland mis afternoon to spend Christ- I mas at ueo. Atcneson s. Miss Gertrude Jewell arrived from Independence this noon to spend the holidays at the home of her folks. Mr. Dick Williams, of Page, Wash., i mess as may properly come before said has joined Mrs. Williams here for a,neetine. holiday visit, with headquarters at the ! Dated at Albany, Linn County, Ore home of M. French. I Kon Whs December 22, 1908 Mr. and Mrs. Quattlebaum, of Port land, and Mrs. Lulu Egan Hallyer, of Woodburn, are visiting at John Egan's being home for the holidays. Miss Fannie Brenner, who has been in California the past year, who ex pected to return home duriner the holi days, has been unable to come on ac count of a fire in her uncle's hotel. Another crowd ot O. A. C. students came over from Lorvallis this noon. bound for their homes for the holidays. among them being Scott Hart and Stowell Dawson, of this city, and Ray tioDercs ot L,eoanon. Christmas at St. Mary's. Christmas services will be held at St. Mary's church at 8 and 10:30 a. m. and evening service at 7:30. A beautiful musical program will be presented in the morning by an augmented choir, as follows: Processional, Adeste Fideles. Kyrie and Gloria, Rosewig's Mass. Offertory, Pastores. Verri Creator, Werner. Recessional, Organs Go to Ellis & Sons for White River flour. FARM FOR SALE. 156 acres fine level land, nil cleared and in cultivation: almost new 9-room house. splendid barn and out buildings, or chard, fruits and berries; on good coun ty road, 4 miles from Lebanon, 8 miles from Albany, half mile to R. R. sta tion; water on place. Is way below market value at $72.00 per acre. You should see this. Inquire of owner, Mrs. Arrilla Burk hart, R. F, D. No. 1, Box 39. Lebanon; Oregon. t25 LOST.-2 halters and 2 hack curtains. Monday evening in the edge of town. Return to Albany Feed Shed for C, Carlson. Co's Store Best Designs - Domes, Electroliers, A SUIT i ror ine caramon or me Large nackleman estate. A suit was brought last evening of a good deal of importance, affecting the suburban interests of Albany in a ma I tenal manner. The title is as follows: I Winona Josephine Williams and hui , band, A. M. Williams agt. ' Pauline : Price and husband, T. P. Hackleman , and wife, Denver D. Hackleman and .wife and f rank 11. Hackleman and wife. The object is the partition of the large estates or A. Hackleman and wife, involving 12 full blocks and 41 lots in Albany, 150 acres in the suburbs of Albanv. 400 acres two miles from the city and 240 acres at Fry Station, over uu acres in an. oi tne value of orer J $100,000. Each of the five heirs will i therefore receive at least$20,000 worth ' of property. The plaintiff Mrs. Nona Williams is the only daughter of a de ceased daughter of A. Hackleman and ! wife, representing her mother's full 1 Bhare to the estate. I Hewitt ar.d Sox are attorneys for the 1 plaintiff. The case is exciting wide in terest nere on account of the interests involved, and perhaps what cutting up uie properly may mean to ine city. Electric Fixtures Electric Fixturts Electric Fixtures All Pi ices All Prices All Prices Ralston Electric Supply Co. F. Q. Will for watches. BANKUPT NOTICE In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Albany Farmers Co., a corporation, bankrupt. Case No. 1334, ' i-.T, T 1 in an.?Prev: . I iu lno creditors oi Aioany farmers' ffiiSHK? Sf-sji bankrupt NOtlCO IS herebv ClVftn t.hftfc Ml fTiA OnA dav, of November A. D. 1908, theafore- said Albany Farmers Company was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the. first meeting of its creditors will be I neiu in AlDany, Oregon, in the office of the undersigned referee in the Cusick ! Bank Builain?. day of Jan.. A. D..1909. at 10 I in the forenoon, at whiirh t!m. tha ' said creditors may attend, prove their I claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other bus- U C. BRYANT, Referee in Bankruptcy. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE I. R. SHULTZ, Manager. Tuesday, Dec. 29th HOLLIS E. COOLEY, Presents America's Greatest Play v by Augustus Thomas ARIZONA Same Great Conpany One Year Each New York, Chicago, London, Eng Grand Production- Complete. PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. ' Tamalies ! Tamalies ! We make and serve the only genuine Mexican boneless chicken Tamales. Nothing but the best of everthfns used in mn, them. try one. At The Crest. L. L. POTTS Both Phones, A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. AsklWM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it. We carry insurance against Burglary and Hold up. We are members of the American Bankers Association. If we were robbed the Pinkertons would be employed to hunt the criminals indefinitely. And then we have invested $100,000.00 all to protect our depositors against loss. J. W. CUSICK & CO. BANKERS. Established 1892. CLOSING OUT SALE. Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Phonographs and Records, safe and show cases, must be sold by Jan. 1, '09. All atcost except contract goods. Your last chance for the Cream of Columbia Records. Don't miss it. A. SCHMIDT, Albany, Or., 122 Ferry St. Plumbing and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First-class work guaranteed. rT If i Tir If 1 nniT J T T DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, 226 BroadalbinlStreet, Albany. Phone Black 482. HENRY BRODERS, DEALER IN CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS, ' Second and Ellsworth Streets i : . Mban CHRISTMAS PRESENTS F. M. FRENCH, the JEWELER. 310, W. 2nd St. Go to EASTBURN'S 6&0CEBT for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. Allen aryl Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a specialty. B ARGAINS n Crockery and Glassware as we in tend to close out that department. Come and get out price and see our clean up-to-date store. Both phones Main 56.