Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER iff "-08 VOL HIV NO '11 WHISTON & LONGMAN, Evan?eli3ts of note, will be at the Christian Church daring t January, in a GREAT REVIVAL Plan to heat them. , Dreamland Kissing the Wrong Girl Home and ! A NEW DEAL Abroad.! A blizzard has been raging in Penn; Dallas beat Ellensburg 57 to 3 at basket ball last night. The wholesale quotations of mistletoe by the Portland houses is $2.75 a barrel. The mercury was S degrees below zero over the other side of the hills yes terday at Prineville. Aeronaut Wright yesterday in France remained in the air about two hours with his aeroplane, a new record. Mrs. Phile who died at Corvallis this week, was a member of the German TO-NIGHT First appearance in Albany of F. P. Setwart. Mrs. By Taft in His Cabinet. Cincinnati, Dec. 19. A message to a paper here says Taft has selected his cabinet and will submit the list to Knox when the latterjarrives from Augusta in a few days. The list practically elimates the supporters of Roosevelt, in the late campaign, from the cabinet. Oregon P. M's. Washinton, Dec. 19.-The President Lutheran church, instead of the Catho-1 l"e 5"""" 7""B. w. lie church, as the Democrat reported, j " grown, Lebanon; J . E Beezley , i Six jurymen secured the first day in i pan city. The aerate will adjourn to- tne it men iriai. imo irouoie 10 s-jcuro ; ,jBy Hnt,i jan- 4. twelve men wuu win uu justice m o case. 1 At Salem last night, the Salem high school team defeated Lebanon on the first round. Last year Lebanon deeat- 1 ed all comers. 1 836 votes were recently cast in the Mrs. Philip Phil. CorvallisTime8: , Mrs. Philip Phile, age.'. 74 years, taaaA an.u mi hpr, unexnectedlv Ashland election, showing, a healthy , . . ... About a vear airo this plection ana: J " . ' growth, but it ws a live everybody voted Our picture program is away above the average. The Blue Bird Hand Col ored Blood will tell Dramatic Wheather Changes at the Smith's Comedy. All for 10c admission. We strive to please at the HOUSE OF QUALITY. lofo Bnffoi-ed n nnralvtic stroke that E2LT- r.m, JpaVtiallydis-abledrher,-but it did not , "X. .' Ila. rrh-iL... nn .i break her spirit. A week or so ago sne and the score" given was & to u in ravor - . , f to atricken of Corvallis.' gall. The Times says that was the! Since that time she had been ailing mi 1 TU Dkilna ova aturr.V nnmnna mhn hflVH YifOTX 111 thlS CIW LEBANON (Several New Buildings Projected I TheE. A.: Mr. E. L. Gilbert and Miss Josephine j McKinnev were united in mni-riMo-A nf: ! the Methodist Episcopal parsonage in 1 this city Monday evening by the pastor, RV. F. Lacv. Mr. Gilhert in thn iiininr 1 member of the firm of Gilbert Brothers, I merchants of Berlin, and is an excel lent young man. - The bride is a popular young lady of the same neighborhood. 1 Miss Ora Harkness, a popular young lady of Albany, was in Lebanon two days this week soliciting subscriptions tothe Sunset Magazine. If she succeeds in getting 250 subscribers to the mag- ', azino she with a party of other young ladies will be given a free trip through I me ouuui ana aaac, curing next F eb ruary and March. She secured thirteen subscribers in this place, which is thir teen miles from Albany, but we hope this number will give her good luck in stead of bad luck, as some would think. J. .C. Devine is having one of his buildings near theHotel Lebanon moved back and will have a new concrete building erected on the site. One of the rooms in the buildino- will h w. cupied by D. A. Reeves and Wayne Green, who will open a new clothing atnni n.t.nn 1 U . . . I . ! 1 . i ij. iase, who owns the adioineine SHINGLES. Christmas tree lestivai 10- bv neighbors The funeral service over morrow. The Bisters ot the Acaaemy i tj;e remajns of Mrs. Phile will be hew will have charge of the exercises and Sunday at 2 o'clock, J. R. N. Bell offic Father Lane will distribute the several jatinir , at the Academy will be held on Dec. 23. ASiove Bargain. A good18 inch air Jtight stove tor Every bunch only $1.75, at the store of the Albany Store open evenings. Chambers & McCune. Look. ' ; . A $5 box of Aldon's best and finest. candy, given away Christmas Dome ana see us at tne mission, a eve. 9 W branded with our name. Look for it Hardware Co Our No. i s are tne oniy nrst ciass , v, ..... j j;. n " shingles in this market. to The Crest L L POTTS, I street. Wlmakethree grades, pack hem to The Crest. - MtodV J A nice X'mas present: Abox of Me closely ana use no ury sun. aB.B. Donald Chocolates. None better. At 1U1I Ul 1UO Thr..) THOMPSON & UKAMUK "HULL" UMBRELLAS, FRENCH, ' - AiDany. uregou. the jeweier . L. L. POTTS. m.jjWMu.i'iy''giTM,iin inunmim-vm naf; OF CHRISTMAS SALE DINNERWARE 20 per cent discoun t on all English and American Dinnerwares until after Christmas. Haviland plate Ransom pattern per set now ... Cup and Saucer same, pattern per set now . . 56 piece set Ransom wnite Haviland was $20.55, now sells at . $17.65 HEISER & MEISER OYSTERS, served in all styles, and by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's. LODGE EMBLEMS, for all lodges. F. M. French, Jeweler. $1.71 $1.71 I 11 IJ AT THE Bargain Store. everything at uosi ana iesB than cost. Sale startB Dec. 17th and continues till Dec. 25th BARGAIN SI ORE. 418 W. First Sti set. , T. lot, is thinking of putting up a two- story concrete building, and N. D. Kufhaver is also contemplating the erection of a one-story two-room con crete building. A Distributing Center. ' Brownsville Times: Uncle Sam has also been struck with a streak or chunk ef economy, judging by the fact that the services uf a mail clerk on this line of the Southern Paci- nc nas neen lispensed with. The new order of things went into effect Tues day, since which time the exDress mes senger is entrusted with the duty of kicking off a sack of mail at this station labeled "Brownsville." All letter mail now goes direct to the Albany post of nee where it is sorted and then sent out, very iiKely causing at least one day 8 delay m transmission of the mail. At the Empire. ." Tonight and tomorrow there will be a fine program at the Empire, with good music. Everything Is working in fine shape. Next week there will be ah extra at traction shown on the new stage, the smallest Miee in the world, which will be at the theater all the week. A Wagon Accident Mr. Fred Bergman, with Barrett Bros., met with a small accident yes terday afternoon. He was at work putting up a heavy wagon, when the props slipped; letting the wagon down upon him, mashing him some, so that he will be laid up for a few days. Beautiful CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES Arts and Craft Novelties, Hand Bags and Purses, Tne New i3niall Ones. Back Combs and Bairettes, Fancy Rtichings and Collars, Silk and Fancy Hosiery, Kid Crloves, Furs Silk and Lace waists House Slrp-oers Silk Petticoats, Handkerchiefs Belts and Buckles. Oregon Rose Hat Pins Chambers & McCune Albanys Leading Cloak and Suit Store. Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have thn best to be secured, the fat article, good meas ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want the best, neat and clean. Something Appropriate, A box of homemade cigars or a pipe, in one of the latest novelties, just the thing for a gentleman who smokes, for a Christman present. Call at William eagle a. The Crest. I have a vary choice line of X'mas twn bon boxes. your pick. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholejale dialer in fruit, nrn. duce, paper bags.jwrapping paper sua (wine. 443 WEST FIR5T STREET. Steftcr's Cash Store BitO.iiU ANDiiKSOtf 1 . Opposite th Hotel Revere, give care ful aittatMB t all tensrlal want s. Come early and get I I. PflTTO Special Sale. One third off on all imported hand painted china. WOOD WORTH DRUG liO, Burkhart Photographer. GIRLS TAKE NOTICE- Chnstmas is com ing. Buy yo'ir presents early. What is nicer tor your sweetheart, boother or father than a Gillett Safty Razor, or The New "Ever Ready" Bottle. Keens contents not 24 hours or cold i hours. Fine Ebony. Military Brushes. Come and see the line. Dukkhart & LEE. Trv a cun of coffee and a sandwich at Fronn'8 near the depot. F.Q. Will for watches. ELK CHARM, and pins, a large and fi le selection ai FRENCH'S. 1 Senders' Il-EDSIORE, 435 West First 5 1 , Albany, Or. Headquarters f r "Alsenl and t'yrami.l" Portland ement, "Roache iarbor" Lime. Ruberoid Roofing, N toi Fibre Plas'.er. Su'phur, Spray, 'e.ltry supplies, Dulles Diamond and Jbarty Mel' fcrd heat flour,; Hay, urain. Mill futi aid Salt . t g at a Sacrifice Th3 balance of the 10,000 stock of Crockery, Cut Glass, Hand Paint ed China, Haviland China, Dolls, Bric-a-Brac, Silver Plated Ware 1847 Rogers and Community Sil ver, Lamps, Dinner Sets, Salad Sets Chocolate Sets, W ater Sets, Tea Sets, Etc. Remember there are only a few days left to purchase your X'mas presents. Don't fail to see the large Doll that will be given Free. ill Lverybody COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. Christmas Will soon be here and Gilbert Bros, have the largest stock of Candies. Nuts, Oranges and Lemons in the city, alpo nice clean Hotnemade Mince Meat, and a full and complete line of Groceries and Provisions,also a fine line of Razors and cutlery,, cissors, ' Shears, arid Silverware at as low as the lowest,. Gall and be convinced,at sign of the Big PadLock 310 W. First St., Albany, Or. Holt Again It has been noised about that Holt is going away; but it is a mistake. BUT II E IS HERE TO STAY STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce, fruits , etC. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and. Baker . i19 WR-1T k''.lt,'T T t-'l l V 'IH.!' ? t t:irst class ;rc.-Js ip their si&s-r,