Neckwear New four-in-hands of very rioh and tasty silks 60c Bow tips, Windsors 25c 'Shirts The famous Monarch and Cluett shirts $1.00 to $1.60 Mufflers The reefer shape and the square 50c to $1.75 Japanese Brass anl Bronze Vases, Statuary, Framed Pictures, Toilet and Dressing Cases, Comb & Brush Sets, Manicure Sets, Traveling Cases, Fine line of Triplicate and Hand Mirrnrs, Picture Frames, Ebony and Fox Wood, Military Brushes Fancy Stationary, Fancy Package of Perfume, Per fume Pumps and Atomizers and many other useful articles. You are invited to come and inspect the line. Prices, are right. Burkhart & Lee. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buvine see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us. Our offices are temporarily over the Po3t Office. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, when cleaned by our methods of dry cleaning, are made to lock just as good as made to .ook just as new. Waists and dresses of delicste colors and ma terial we renovate to the delight ot tne owner. We also dye any e"mnnt de sired in beautiful shades and colorings. THE CLEANER, C. E. SHEt.i-EY, Prop. 40.Wll.tSt. H.!. For "HIM" Just What, will "He" Like Best? ' . , ! How many, many women and girls are asking themselves this question, we don't know. But WE DO KNOW that the women and girls who come to this store tor a solution of these gift problems will find a ready answer for each of them. Never have we had more inviting an array of fifts things for you to give "Him" as are laid out ere for your choosing. . Whether it is for your brother, or for "some other girl's brother' you will surely find here, at the most resonable prjce Just What "He" Will Like Best. ' , Suspenders 1116 very be8t Bnd freshest goods 60c to $1.00 Umbrellas Silk and gloria with attractive handles $1.00 to $6.00 Kid Gloves There is no better glove made than "Fownes" $1.50 Tne Kingsbury, all shapes $3.00 The king all shapes $2. s0 Come to ourjstore and see the elegant line of Holiday Goods now on display. ; Many new novel elties. 333 West First St The Suitable Christmas Gift The one you are racking your brains for you'll find in our superb show ing of Jewelry, Cut Glass, Hand painted China, Cutlery Novelties, Silverware, etc. We orfer foryour inspection the most complete showing of dis tinctively artistic and beautiful stocks we ever carried. YOU are cordially invitcdy to drop in and inspectjwhether you buy or not. F. G. WILL Jeweler. ! Suit Cases The best values now offered in a leather suit case at $5.00 Cheaper and better ones too. Socks By the box or separate in cotton and lisle good patterns 25c and 60c ' Slippers ' Of leather, the confortable kind, fit guaranteed 75c to $2.25 SPRAYING Made Perfect, Profitable and Easy. We are just in receipt of a carload of Niagara Lime and Sulphur Solution, for epraying trees, "prepared by the Hood River Spray Mfg. Co., Hood River, Oregon. After several years exper ience this solution is being used by a large majority of the horticulturists cf the state for nearly all the diseases that fruit trees are subject to. If you are interested in the destruction of these pests and the making of Oregon the leading fruit growing state of the Union, please call at our store and we will give you printed instructions as to the use of of the above spray. We are prepared to sell in any quan titiesat factory prices. STEWART & SOX H'DW. CO BUSINESS. Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 6c. Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina Bayjat the Metropolitan. If you want to buy or rent a type writer, see Kawlings. tie handles al makes and keeps supplies for any m a chine. See his window of Remingtons Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set if desiri1- The Eclipse Washer. ' . The best, does work equal to hand work, under the mangel system. Re sults and construction guaranteed. ' A fine thing. Call at the Albany Hard ware Co's store and see one. FREMCH, the Jeweler, for Christmas presents. Burkhart guarantees his photos. DR. W.D. HUNTINGTON Dentist At former office of Dr. A. J. Hodges, Odd Fellows Temple. Exchange: ome good farm land lor city prop erty. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 Y. S.econJ St. DR. W. R. BILYEU, Demisi C v.r Wod worth's Drug Stor. Both phones. THIS MORNING News from Albany's Six Early Trams. L. D. CurtiB. a resident of Albany for a number of years, prominent in roof gainting, left this morning for Iowa, Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia, to iook alter some property be owns in Iowa, and to visit, and perhaps locate, just where he has not yet decided. Mr. Alex Power, of Halsey, and W. B. Giison, of Salem, returned from Leb anon, where they had been to attend' the funeral of their brother-in-law, C. R. Butler, a popular resident of that city, which occurred yesterday after noon. Mrs. B. I. Dasent went to Portland on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard, went to Salem for a short visit. They nave re- turnel from east of the mountains. where they have been several months, Mr. Leonard doing bridge worn lor Mr. Hrriman. -j i Joe Welckman returned from a Brownsville trip, and went to Salem. Mrs. Nixon and Mrs. unggs returned from Lebanon, and are the guests of Mrs. Fred Fortmiller. Cammander J. T. Apperson, returned to Oregon City. Rev. Douglas went to Stayton to as sist in evangelistic meetings, the pas tor being ill. Will O. Farley went to Portland. Mrs. S. H. Goin returned to her home near Jefferson after a visit at the home of her father, W. W. Francis. Alco Goings. The biflr evm class laBt nicrht was mifc through a wand drill, at the Alco Club, by Prof. Luck, a fine thing, and the different apparatuses were used in sec- tlOnS. An indoor base ball court has been layed out and the boys and men are having any amount of fun with bat and Dail. Durinc the last month about twenty new members have joined the club, at- traded by the splendid advantages of ot tne pastor, under way, una many the gymnasium, one of the best equipped others. A limited number of adver in the valley. tisements will be taken. Regular hours have been Bet aside for basket ball practice, which are strictly adhered to. From 4 to 6 and 7 to lOor 11 the Alco Club rooms are live places, a big con trast to the ante-annex days. Peculiar Coincidence. In the A. O. U. W. Reporter, just received, in the list of deaths during November appear the two names of Dr. H. J. Boughton and Henry Ewert, the latter following the former. The two men joined the lodge within two months of each other, in 1879, the former first, and he was the examiner of the latter. Special on Ra'sins. Large cluster Raisins, per lb 10c 23 lb. box of same; only . $1.50 Direct from 'growers in California :OWEN BEAM CO. Phone Main 61. , Let Us Suggest How You Can Make -"" o? Kuppenheimer USINESS-r DitESS u 1 r. OVERC04''. or CRAVE SETTE, 'h" BEST IN HE MAKnr.T BAM ROUES, NIGHT ROBES. HOJSE COATS, SWEATER COITJ, FANCY VrfSTS, and NECKTIE3 in endleji variety Djn't forest the store that cat r to Men' want) exclusl rely. THE BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY FINED $100 The Result of the Peacock Case, The case of the city of Albany against Al. Peacock , charged with maintaining a nuisance by keeping a place with liquor, was tried before Recorder Red field this afternoon. W. R. Bilyeu ap pearing for the city and P. R. Kelley and J. K. Wyatt for the defendent. For the city, Sheriff Smith testified to finding a barrel and part of another in a room at Mr. Peacock's stableB, which the defendant's attorney admitted was beer; G. M. Knox to hauling two or l,iu barrels of beer to the place on three or four occasions, one add ressed to P. Durenberger, aud Mr. Like, a former employee, to there being beer in the room and on two occasions, upqn Mr. Peacock saying it was alright, tak ing two or three men to the room, who drank and put some money on a shelf. A government internal revenue tax re ceipt for Oct. 1, 1908, to July 1, 1909, to ''Al. Peacock, liquor dealer," was offered in evidence. The defense offer ed no evidence, and the court ordered a fine of $100. Bail was fixed at $150 pending ap peal, notice of which the attorneys for the defendant gave. A Sweet Day. There was something doing yesterday down at the Churchill Candy factory. After 11 o'clock Mr. Churchill and his force of candy makers, manufactured 6 miles and 3,280 feet of mixed candies, about a million pieces mail. That was stretching things some, but the story is not stretcned st all This candv is to meet a large holiday trade here and elsewhere. The Year BooK. Father Lane ha8 begUn getting up the , n , - , . i . u:-u iraim it sou u on couru, wuhi promises to be a fine affair. BeaideB the literary part, with historical and bio- grapmcai stcetcnes, mere win du bvuib fine illustrations, including those of the enlarged school building.Jthe new home A Greek Student. A new student in the Albany schhools is a Greek boy, a fine fellow, Angel Mallios, aged 15. He waj born in Athens, and is a son of a railroad em nlnva hara. Ha in in f.h fourth crflrla. a eoo.5 student and a wonderful athlete. The boys all like the little fellow and i 9 8ty here Promises to be a pleasant one- We are closing all of our Hand Paint ed China, alsi our line of purses and card cases. French, The Jeweler. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 113 BR0ADALBIN STREET. erry Christmas For the male members of the family. Are you in doubt as to ' what would please Father, Son or Brother best? Tl cr. nne to our All Men's Store, and allow us to affi.t you in choosing sMndliiig tliut wiiU please him best. Among things for men, vf mention SUIT CSE5, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, SILK SOCKS, KANCY SUCKS, THE SMELTER MEETING. Notwithstanding many other attract ions there was a good attendance at the Smelter meeting ac Bussard hall last night. Blue Drints of the Dronosed smelter and maps of the Gold Creek minim? re gion were Bhown, giving a splendid idea of the situation there. Besides there was a good display of coDner and cold ore from the mines, indicating the rich ness of the proposition, which were examined by those present. Mr. Gadsden, of the smelter company gave a talk, comprehensive and to the point showing what is proposed, follow ing what has already been done, indi cating what the development of the mines and a smelter there will mean for Albany and thiB part of the valley. It was a satisfactory meeting, a booster for the important project. F. Q. Will for watches. "HULL" UMBRELLAS. FRENCH. the Jeweler. Toys! Dolls! Doll Carriages ! Prices Just Right -AT Charles Knecht's SEE THE BIG Candy Cane to be given away to one of our customers- X'mas Eve: at thel 17 I I T V "Chocolate Hi Li I 1 Hi Shop." SHOE, HATS, HANDKERCHIEFS, MUFFLERS. S.nKTS COLLARS," S'JSI'ENDERS,